Chapter 12

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         The man continues to struggle against me. Eventually, when he goes still I drop his body. His blood was more filling than animals blood.

   I want more. I need more. I hear the crunch of gravel underneath someone's foot; automatically I look towards the sound. My heart immediately skips a beat.

  Standing there staring at me is the last person I want to see. Without hesitation, I run, I'm turning down one alley and the next.

    I'm panicking.

    How does he always end up where I'm at? He saw me standing over the man's dead body. Earlier he accused me of killing Trixie and I would have a hard time convincing him I didn't now.

What really bothers me is whether he will tell anyone?  Of course, he would, but who would believe him? I glance behind me. Is he pursuing me?

  Just as I'm about to turn my head, I slam into something hard. All the air rushes from my lungs and I lay in a gasping heap.

I feel like I crashed into a wall. I look up at the figure and my heart drops. Asher stands over me and his eyes glow red.

How did he- I just saw him standing at the other end of the alley, how did he get here so fast?

   I'm about to spring up and flee again but he grabs clenches both of my wrist and yanks me up. There is gentleness in his movements and I Yelp in pain.

  "Let me go you creep!" I shout and start trying to wiggle my way out of his grasp. The only thing I managed was for his grasp to loosen momentarily.

His eyes burn a deep red and his jaws are clenched; he slams my head into a concrete wall. He grips my neck and I uselessly claw at his grip.

This is it I think bitterly. This is how I'm going to die. I blink back tears and I can feel the pain start to flow throughout my body.

What the hell is his problem? Why is he doing this?

  "Who is your creator?" He growls out the question and never looks away from my face.
  I keep struggling to get out of his grasp, but I fail. This is it, I think bitterly. This is how I will die. I stop struggling when I when his hand tightens more around my neck. His nails dig into my skin.

  "My what?" I rasp trying to loosen his grip on my neck. I can barely talk, my voice no more than a squeak.

  "Who made you what you are?"

  I stare at him in confusion before it finally clicks. "I don't know."

  He begins to tighten his iron grip on my neck some more. I begin to panic. He would kill me. He can kill me.

"I don't know who's my creator," I shout. Tears began to swell in my eyes and I gulp desperately for air. "Please."

  He loosens his grip on my neck and leans down to whisper something in my ear. "You're fast but I'm faster and if you run I will rip your head off."
   I crumple at his feet, a gasping mess. I gulp greedily at the air; never before have I appreciated it and now . As I slowly regain my strength, I rub at my neck.  He stares at me for a moment and starts to walk.

Unsure of what else to do I follow him. I don't know why I'm waiting for someone to stop him.

Through all of this, he has managed to keep a calm expression on his face. Psychopath. The sound of our footsteps echo throughout the alley.

  I keep a good distance from him and I consider running. I shake my head to rid myself of the thought. I don't want to die today.

We past the dead man that I just killed earlier and I felt a funny feeling start to swell in my chest. I'm not exactly sad, I feel remorseful. But maybe I saved that little girl's life or maybe I misjudged the whole situation.

But at what cost? Surely that's what landed me in this situation.

   He opens the door of my car and slides behind the wheel. I stare at him.

"What you think you doing?" I say my voice sounds deeper.

He stares at me and doesn't even blink. "Give me the keys?"

I stare at him. Did he do all this just to steal my car? At this point I wouldn't put it against him.

  Even though he could kill me at any moment, I stared at him definitely.

No one drives my car but me. His eyes began to glow again and I quickly retrieve the keys from my coat pocket. Grudgingly handing the keys over to him.

He closes the door and stars the engine. "Get in."

I slowly walk around the car and open the door. I huddle dar back against the door and stare at him.

He gets us out of the parking lot safely and that's where it stops. Next thing I know he's speeding down the road and taking sharp turns. At one point I thought he was about to crash into a truck and he manages to swerve around it.

   "Are you insane! You trying to get me a speeding ticket!!" I say. My fear has begun to ebb away into straight panic. My buckles are white from gripping the seatbelt.

  He doesn't reply but slows down enough so that he is at least following the speed limit. "It's not like you can die."

  "You don't know that," I shout. How many lives do he think we have?

  "Vampires don't die," he said.

  My mouth drops open. "I'm not a vampire."

  He stares at me like I'm the dumbest girl he ever met. "I guess you were just giving that guy a bear hug back there."

I can hear the sarcasm that has crept into his voice. In a different situation I would have snapped back, but currently
I collapse against my seat. Would he kill me if I slapped the dog shit out of him? I have been avoiding the word Vampire. Ever since my father's conversation with me. I have seen plenty of vampire movies and it doesn't line up.

I can go into sunlight and no one has bitten me. But I've changed the overnight almost. I am faster than normal and more agile than I ever have been. I'm stronger than usual and I thirst for blood.

  "I don't show any of the signs of being a vampire, besides thirst, and speed and I'm not as clumsy as I use to be," I said. "I don't burn in sunlight, I don't turn into a bat or have a phobia of churches."

  He laughs out loud and I look sharply at him. "Vandeli you should stop believing everything you see in movies."

"It's Myla," I restart.

  He was silent for a moment and I began to squirm. We've been driving for almost thirty minutes. He hasn't spoken another word and in fact, he appears to be calm. My body refuses to relax and I can feel the butterflies begin to swarm my stomach.

Where is he taking me? I can no longer be silent. "Where are we going?"

  "Somewhere we can talk."

  "We can talk here in the car. I don't know you and I do not trust you. Stop the damn car now," I shout.


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