Chapter 17|

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I sat at my desk with the thick book clasped between my hands. Nothing it says alone exactly aligns with Myla.

A whole fucking book about vampires and nothing to specifically describe her. Useless crap I say. Despite wanting to throw it across the room, I place it gingerly on my desk.

I know she's an half breed which means she's stronger than a regular vampire or turned vampire. Who is her mother. She believes she dead and I highly doubt that. You can't just kill a vampire.

You can remove their head from their body or their heart. That doesn't exactly kill then though. It temporarily puts their body in a rest like state.

Still I'm not exactly sure she's a Half breed entirely. She's shown more self control than others. How did I not sense she was a vampire from the start?

I sit back in the chair with a deep sigh. The board would know what she is and could fix this. It might be safer to take her to my family first. The royal family has a lot of power they could grant her immunity if needed.

She's not my responsibility; I'm just abiding by the rules, but I still feel some responsibility for her well being.

She's my prisoner and theirs no easy way to lay that on nicely.

I don't understand why my instinct's lead me to her. There's only one reason vampires end drawn to a specific person. That can't be the reason I was drawn to her.

I should let her go.

If I let her go what's to say she won't become a rogue. The board and my family could really benefit from having her around. We know little about Half- Breed's.

I look at the clock, it's a little past noon. Time to feed. Usually I would feed at night, but between stalking her and going to school among humans, I've changed my habits.

It's odd since I came here there's been a number of killings. I find it odder that on the night she turned, one of the cheerleader girls turned up with two holes in the side of her mouth and dead.

I think doubt she did it and her body language spoke truth. I tried to probe her thoughts but lately it's like she's closed them off. That's unnerving to me, the more access I have to her mind, the easier it is on me.

Running my hand through my hair I let out another sigh and a low growl.

She think's I'm a pervert. My actions don't exactly speak other wise. First stalking, than following her home, then physically abusing her and now kidnapping.

If I'm going to go on with the next phase of my plan, I need to earn some of her trust.


I sit with my knees drawn up to my chest I'm in the couch. For the past hour I've been watching a spider and a fly battle against each other. Eventually the fly gives out or either it's limbs are to disabled to continue to fight.

What a fucking show, I'm starting to lose my mind here. He hasn't been around in hours. Just when I start to think he's left for the day I feel his presence.

I'm insanely thirsty, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to go hunt on his property. I don't want to kill anything else for the rest of my life.

"Hey," he says cooly.

I glance up, twirl my shirt around my hand. "Hey."

  He places a palm sized blood bag in my hands. I do not need to ask what it is, I immediately know. I can smell it, with out bothering to say thank you I drink greedily.

  I let out a sigh of relief. It isn't the same pleasurable feeling I got when I drank from something alive. But my thirst is sedated and my throat has stopped itching. I didn't notice that he is drinking one too.

He drinks his with elegance and makes me feel like a pig for chugging mine down. I look away from him and back at the spider web in the corner.

"I want to start off by properly introducing myself," he said.

I stare at him warily and manage a nod. Why is he acting so courteous now?

  "My name is Romeo Teodoro La Russo," he says calmly. He says each word calmly like he's afraid I'll run away screaming.

  Should I? This whole time he's been lying about his name. Should I care no?

  "Great so your a stalker, pervert, kidnapper and lier." I say this with so much sarcasm that any normal person would be offended.

  He just gives me a frustrated sigh and shakes his head. "I'm all of the above, except for a pervert."

  I glare at him. What does he call coming into my room in the middle of the night. He had to get onto my balcony.

  He seems to sense my accusations because he immediately gives me another apologetic look. "I only came into your room for you phone. I would never lay a finger on you in that way."

  I cross my arms and nod.

"I'm from Italy and I come from a very ancient and wealthy bloodline of vampires," he says. I can tell he's choosing each of his words carefully. "I'm the eldest child and I have one younger sister."

   I nod and tuck that away in my brain for later. Who knows maybe I might be able to use it against him for later.
   "I came to America in search of you."

    At them words, I feel my throat tighten. "Why? I don't even know you."

   He looks away from a moment and runs his hand through his hair again. "Honestly finding you wasn't my original plan, I just knew I had to come here. I followed my instincts and it led me to you."

   I'm flattered by what he said, but I'm no one's fool. "Why would your instincts lead you to me?"

  "I don't know," he said. He stares out the window for a moment.

   There's nothing left to say, so I don't say nothing. I let the silence engulf  is and think.

  Why would he take such a forceful approach with me in the first place? He doesn't seem violent, but I know I better to look at the surface of a person.

   I feel like I'm a whole world away from everything at the moment . I miss my old life and how normal and simple everything was. I might have been mom less but at least I was some what happy.

  Now I'm a blood sucking monster. I'm also a bad friend and a bad girlfriend. My fear of losing Dexter is painful to think about and I can feel my throat tightening up.

  Slowly I take deep breaths until I calm myself. I forgot I wasn't alone.

  "There's one more thing." I look up at him. "I arranged one way tickets for us to Italy."


Hey loves, how you feel about me adding a little surprise in there for you? Do you think I should have put Asher point of view earlier on in the novel?

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