Chapter 14

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  I turn around at the sound of his foot steps and I'm shocked to see his eyes bore right into mine. He doesn't blink and I refuse to see him see me become embarrassed by the intensity of his gaze.

  I let out a breath when he looks away for a moment. This gives me an ungodly amount of time to admire his body. I know it probably is strange to admire the body of your kidnapper, but how can I help it.

  He's changed into a t-shirt and that leaves little to the imagination. His muscles move dangerously as he moves the chair around to face me. He meets my gaze and I can see the corner of his lips go up.

  I remove my gaze from his lips and look at his face. I'm still pissed but it's seem to eased down slightly.

"First off my apologies about earlier, did I hurt you?" He said.

I'm taken back a moment about by how concerned he sounds. One moment he's vicious and the next the model of a gentleman.

"Yes you hurt me you dick head," I say. I'm not exactly mad no more, but I feel he deserves being called out. It makes me feel slightly more powerful to know he feels some kind of remorse.

He looks away from me for a moment and sighs. "My apologies again," he says and sounds like he mean it. "I'm going to ask you again who is your creater."

Not this bullshit again. "I will tell you again, I have no creater."

I hardly take that apology for sincere now. I'm a bit annoyed for him to ask me the same question for the third time. What do he expect for me to reply differently.

I wait from him to start strangling me and when he don't, I release a bit of the tension in my shoulders.

"No one bit you at all?" He asked. He sounds like he's the uncomfortable one now.

"No," I say. I lean back farther in the sofa and be raises an eyebrow at me. I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"Your telling me you always been like this."

"No," I said. Apparently my singular word replies isn't enough because he continues to stare at me. "Look here, I was a normal teenage girl up until last night. I don't know why and how this happened."

He shakes his head and looks at me with a look of disbelief, while his eyebrows furrow in thought. "There has to be more. Did your father tell you anything that could indicate what's happening to you."

I shake and then nod my head. He leans towards me and waits for me to speak. I clear my throat and try to ignore the uneasy feeling in my stomach at his proximity. Can he back the bell up for crying out loud.

He sighs and leans back in the chair. Is he bored of my silence?

"Two nights ago I heard my father discussing something on the phone about me. He said that I didn't transformed yet and that when I did he would deal with it," I shudder at the words. "When I confronted him he said something about me being a half breed or something."

I purposely leave out the part about my mother. I want to keep that to myself and it feels wrong to blubber about her to a stranger.

A flash of concern and fear flash across his face before he it goes away. Did I say something upsetting.

"Your dad is not a vampire," he says, I continue to stare at him. "That leaves your mother. Where is she?"

"How do you know my father isn't a vampire," I said. He avoids my eyes and looks uncomfortable again.

I feel my inside contract and I try to keep my voice calm as I speak. "Was you watching me that night I was on the balcony?"

When he doesn't immediately answer my question, I sit back and take deep breaths. He's been following me. The red eyes I saw staring at me that night was his.

He must have followed me home from school. I don't know which is worst that he was watching me sleep or that he knows where I live. I'm to shaken up to confront him so I remain silent.

"Where is your mother?" He said.

I'm unable to meet his gaze, "she's dead." My voice is barely above a whisper. Still he picks it up.

"I'm sorry for your lost," he touch's my hand I immediately feel warmth began to flood my cold body. He pulls his hand back as if he doesn't feel nothing.

"Thank you." That's all there is to say. I've heard the words countless times before.

"It's nearly impossible to kill a vampire though. The vampire government would have killed her," he said after being quiet for a moment. This is when he shifted his gaze to me. "They would have killed the off spring and the father too."

I stare back at him in shock. The fact that I could be dead to makes me squeeze my eyes shut for a moment. I shouldn't even exist.

  "Why did they leave me?"

   "I don't know." He says these words with such honesty that I sink back. This could mean nothing.
   Still something in his voice makes me worry. He doesn't look like he's easily troubled. What is it that he's not saying? Do I really want to know.

This is not normal. Nothing about this week is normal and it all seems to be happening fast.

  Unable to sit still no more, I stand up and began pacing wordlessly. He doesn't ask me why I'm pacing or what's wrong. He probably doesn't care and it suits me just right.

  I start walking toward the door and before my hand can touch the knob he stands in front on me and I step back.

  "Get out of the way." I speak calmly but my voice comes out sounding like a hiss.

  "Do you give me your word that you won't try to run off," he asks. I sigh. Of course he's concerned about that.

  "You have my keys remember," I said.

   He nods and steps out my way. The late summer air is cooler here and maybe it's because the trees form a sort of canopy to the sun ray's.

  I'm upset without realizing it and the familiar thirst comes back.  This time I'm not hungry. I only want to inflict my pain on to something else.

   At the right moment a bunny hops across my eye sight and I grab it before it can try to escape. I lessen my grip on it so that I don't crush it.

  It's little body begans yo shake in my hands as I absentmindedly stroke it's head. I lift the bunny up so I can get a better look at it. It's white with black round the eyes. Cute.

  "Luckily I already ate today," I say smiling. I flash my fangs and the money goes still like he's already accepted his fate. Not today little guy.

  I carefully sit it down on the ground and it stays looking at me for a moment. It looks like it's expecting me to lunge at it suddenly and when I don't it hops away.

  I watch it go for a moment. Part of me want to follow it like Alice in wonderland and fall through a rabbit hole. I want to wake up pretend that the last three days didn't happen.

  I want everything to be some long strange dream. I pinch myself. Nope, I'm actually awake and my week is already shitty.

  Something tells me it's not even began to get worst yet.

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