Chapter 18

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"You did what!?" I demand. My claws come out and I'm ready to lunge at him.

"Before you over react just listen-" he starts.

"Are you mad? You expect me to travel to a whole continent with you. Your a stranger. I have a boyfriend and friends who care about me and a father. This is my last year of school, I can not just pack up leave." My voice echos I'm the room.

"If you stay here, you're not going to make it to dance school." He is calm and collected. "You don't know how to be thrive around people the way you are."

"I'm not packing up and leaving my life behind," I say. I'm boiling over at this point. He's prying on my weakness and I don't like it.

"Your father and boyfriend is not safe around you," he says. I pause for only a second.

"I would never hurt them." Still I don't entirely believe my words myself. I don't entirely trust my self yet and I almost killed my father that night.

"You wouldn't do it on purpose. You animal side can be stronger than your human side when your hungry," he said.

I collapse onto the couch. I can feel the anger and shock rolling through my body in fast waves. I dig my hands into the couch to keep them from  shaking.

"Come with me. We can teach you how to control yourself and about the history of vampires."

"Do I have a choice?" I'm whining and at this point it's my only resort.

"No." He looks sorry for me and I feel sorry for myself too.

I thought so. What do I do from here? Can I go home and collect some things. Will I get a chance to say goodbye to Dexter and Angel? I feel the panic start to set in and the tears burning my eyes.

Lord where are you?

Does his grace even extend to me after what I have become? My mother always said that God is a loving God who's love extends to all.

Maybe I'm the exception..


  For the past four nights she's been walking around like a zombie. Not exactly talking and I think barely listening. If she goes on any longer I will lose it. I got enough on my plate without her looking like a sounder animal.

I'm not hurting her and I've shown no interest in killing her. Why can't she relax at least a bit. I'm not making no indecent advancing on her, even though she's a walking beauty.

The whole scenario about her leaving the people she care about is a lot for her. Most Vampiric women never show much emotion except for lust. They only cry when their trying to manipulate and use you.

She's so raw with her emotions and I admire the way she fights to keep them in. She is feisty and I feel like her and my sister would get along good.

She's beautiful and I meant it when I said I would make no sexual advances on her. I have respect in regards to any decent female.

I know nothing I say or do will console her; cause either way she's not getting her freedom.

What choice does she have? I don't even have a choice, it's my duty as a royal prince. The board would eat me alive for not bringing her to them. My parents definitely would.

Royal vampires are stronger than regular vampires and pure bloods are stronger than regular vampires. They are not as strong as Royal vampires though and most of them don't get any special abilities.

    I have the ability to read minds and I try hard not too. People deserve their privacy and I only use it when I feel like I'm being lied too.

She's harder to read than most vampires and it must be a defensive mechanism for her. Even before she was what she was, she was harder to read. Most humans are an open book.

From the first time I walked into that school it was like I became aware of her presence. I could smell the lust of the other girls.

She was different than other females and she wasn't throwing herself at my feet.

If anything she seemed to despise me and yet I could smell her desire faintly. Still it was hard to get a wisp of it.

She would be valuable to the vampire world if her defensive mechanism worked on other vampires abilities.

One day it's almost to much for me to bare. I heard her crying in her room for the third night in a row. The next day I made a tough decision.

"I will allow you to see three people of your choice before we leave. You may also collect a few things from your house too," I said.

She paused and looked at me. I could see the affect my words had on her. For the first time in days her eyes brighten a bit and I released a bit of tension in my shoulders.

"Thank you," she said.

I nodded in response. This could just be the thing to keep her from moping around like a lost sheep for a day.

She clears her throat and I look up at her. "When?"

"Tomorrow," I said. A shadow passes over her face for a moment. We're both aware that she has little time left in her home country. Who knows if she'll ever see it again.

I feel bad for what I'm doing, but what else can I do.

I noticed she hasn't taken much attention to her physical appearance lately and I made a run in town. "I brought a few things in case you want to clean yourself up for tomorrow."

She nods and looks away from me and out the large window. Sooner or later she will adapt.

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