Chapter 25

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      The tiny act might have seemed small to him, but it was enormous. I still was unsure if he was being polite or what. It seems like that small gesture was far from polite. The warm feeling had returned.

   When he did that my face had went hot where he touched it and that fluttering feeling in my stomach returned. I'm not sure how to process what happened.

  The whole thing seemed too personal, too sentimental. I can't say I hated it, in fact I was flattered. As absurd as it sounded I was also scared by it too.

   I stood on the balcony, letting the night time air cool my face and body. I can never get hot unless I'm next to him and maybe that's why I like him around.

   I wonder how he felt when I just got up and left. I hope this won't create any complications between us and make things awkward. He is the closes thing to home I have at the moment.


   I can never exactly understand how this vampire thing works. Besides my unquenchable thirst, freezing body temperature and supernatural human abilities I feel human. Same emotions and feelings as before.

   I've grown to like some of the things that came with being a vampire. My hearing is better and my strength.  I don't have to worry about being my safety as much.

  The ability my body has to heal super fast now has been very beneficial. I can now dance to my hearts content and I only take short breaks.

   I don't feel as vulnerable as before. At least not in the human world.

  I'm aware that not all vampires are the same and I now know that the stereotypes in movies ain't the same. I can go in the sun without turning to dust or glowing like crystals. I can go into a chapel without my skin smoking or sizzling.

   That last one is a relief. I don't know what I would do if I had to compromise my faith for how I am. Before I found out what I was, I was oblivious to the existence of the supernatural.

   I wonder who I am? Could my grand parents really be vampires? That might explain how young they seemed. I just thought we had really good genetics. They we're right in front of my eyes, but I was to dumb to find it out.

  This whole month has been insane for me and I'm not sure about anything any more. Perhaps this could be my chance to start over.

  I couldn't start over in my hometown as I was. Eventually someone would find me out and what would I do? I'm not positive that I wouldn't be able to live happily with Dexter either.

  My mom tried to have a perfect life and look what that got her?


"Good Morning Myla, I hope you slept well?" Clemente looked concern and searched my face for any change.

    I gave a somewhat convincing smile and I could tell she could see right through me. In fact after last night I slept terrible. "I slept well last night, just went to bed a little late."

  She nodded and sipped from her cup of red. I stared pathetically at the lavish dishes the maids places in front of us. They smelled amazing to the human part of my brain. I knew my vampiric diet wouldn't agree.

   Asher seems to be late getting to breakfast and I'm stunned that we've started without him. Perhaps he has other obligations.

  This has become a perfect time to try and make friends with his sister. I don't have no social life since I've been here and I'm lonely as a widow.
   She seems kind enough and even polite. I smiled at her and she seem to feel my looking. She looked up and a smile slide upon her face.

  "You can eat the food, it's been altered a bit to accommodate your taste," she said welcoming.

  This made me smile even more and I eagerly began to load my plate. I was careful so I don't forget my table manners. If I focused hard enough I could taste the blood. But other tastes mingled with each other in my mouth.

  I closed my eyes and let out a sigh of contentment. Everyone seems so kind and it was beyond kind to have a special meal arranged for me. Should I thank them?

  "Mother, father, Alissa and Vandeli," he said cooly.

  I throw him an odd look, which he doesn't return. In fact he doesn't look at me at all. He sits next to me, but he seems calm. I can still notice the oddness surrounding him.

  I can't help but feel that it has something to do with me and apparently his sister notices to. She raises an eyebrow at him and ignores her, so she turns to me.

   I shrug and continue chewing the food, that no longer seems as appetizing as before.



   She cast me confused looks all throughout breakfast. I eat just to avoid talking and anymore questionable looks. The food has little taste  to me at the moment.

   Alissa attempts to engage me and her in meaningful conversations. We give two worded answers and avoid directly speaking to each other. After we both give her a pointed glare, she eventually gets the hint.

  "Son I would like a word with you in my study," said my father. He motions for the table to be cleared and I eagerly rise to follow him. Anything is better than here.

   Before leaving I grab Alissa arm and  pull her aside. "Take her out somewhere and show her around bits of the city. She needs to have a bit of fun."

  I follow behind my father and stare at the newly tailored suit. Expensive material the best of the best. He prefers red to match his eyes and to draw attention to him. Where as I prefer black.

  Black has always spoke volume and it does well with my personality. I learned that what you wear helps you gain respect. When you use it right you can get whatever you want.

  I prefer to stand when talking to my father, he takes that as defiance and that's why I do it. He sits up high in that ridiculously high chair like a ass on log.

"So son, I managed to get in contact with her grand parents," my father said.


  "They are purebred through and through. Slightly older than your mother and me by two hundred years. They are royalty of France," he said.

     He has that assessing look in his eyes and I can tell he's thought of something that would benefit him.

   "She has Royal blood in her veins, so what, big deal," I said dismissively.

   I have a bad feeling where this is going and I want no part of it.

  "This could be beneficial to our kingdom. She is Royal.  I theorize she is slightly weaker than a purebred Royal and stronger than a regular purebred," said my father  decisively. "If you were to marry each other, we would be in alliance with France."

   I stare at my father and listen to his genius plan. He has thought it out well. He didn't take into thought that I didn't have that thought in mind.

  "No." My one word reply causes his  eyes to glow red.

  I prepare myself for what he's about to do next, because I know it's coming.

  His eyes twinkled slightly and I could see the power hungry glint in his eyes.

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