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As they walk down the long passage toward the studio and a man the size of a fucking house comes into view. His arms are the size of Austin's entire body and his face is all scared up. Austin would be lying if he said he did not shit his pants a little at the sight of him. He is standing directly outside the studio door that he knows Levi is in. "Hey, Timmy!" Grassy says climbing up the man's body as if he were a tree and hugging him. Timmy? That name does not suit this murderous giant. Austin has to strain his neck when he looks up at Timmy, he looks scarier up close. Austin is usually the tallest person in the room as he stands over six feet but Timmy towers above him. "How tall are you?" Austin asks. "Over seven foot," Timmy says peeling Grassy off him and placing him back down on the ground gently.

"Don't ask him how big his penis is, apparently that's rude. But, I bet he could beat us with it. Ain't that right, Timmy?"

"That's right, little man," Timmy says. Grassy looks like a toddler standing next to Timmy. "Not to be rude but who are you and why are you here?" Austin asks. "I protect Miss Levi," Timmy says taking off his trucker hat and holding it over his heart as if he is pledging something. "Uh...this is the bodyguard you hired?" Austin asks turning to look at Grassy.

"Yup! This big guy is a machine!"

"Where did you find him? In the depths of hell? Oh...no offence," Austin says quickly, taking a step back. "Yes. I found him in the underground world of street fighting. He was smashing his opponents, grinding their bones to powder. I knew he was perfect for the job!" Grassy says. "People fought you willingly?" Austin asks. "I always won," Timmy says. "I bet," Austin says then turns to Grassy, "what were you doing in the underground fighting scene? It's dangerous," Austin says as if he knows anything about that world then points at Timmy to drive home his point. "Oh, most of them may look scary but under all those mussels and terror is just a big squishy teddy bear who likes hugs, right Timmy?" Grassy says. "I do like hugs," Timmy confirms.

"Well...I suppose no one will go anywhere near Levi with you around. Is she not scared of you?"

"Miss Levi is my best friend," Timmy says, his smile going soft. Go figure, Levi has tamed a demon and made him soft for her. "Ok. May I get past please," Austin says pointing to the door. Timmy nods and steps aside. He opens the door and peeps in, freezing when he sees Levi is not alone. She is standing in a corner frantically signing with Stella who is trying to calm her down. It looks like a very private conversation so Austin avoids looking at her hands and flicks the lights to announce himself. Both women freeze and turn to stare at him. He expects a cold icey stare from Stella but is surprised when she smiles softly at him.

"Hi," he says and signs. "Hi," Stella says and signs back at him. Levi stays quiet and avoids eye contact with him. "I hope you don't mind that I came along to your session," Stella signs. "No. I understand Stella," Austin signs, his eyes flicking to Levi who is still refusing to look at him. "Good, because I wanted to make sure you knew that I am still waiting for you even if I ran off and got married to the love of my life," Stella says. Austin's eyes flick back to her, shocked. She is smiling at him still. "I...well you are my number one girl," he says then smiles too. What is happening? Why is she not stabbing him? "Don't you forget it," she says. "Never," Austin whispers. "Now..." Stella says walking to him and placing her hands on his shoulders, "I am going to need you to take this like a man. Brace yourself," she says then knees him hard, very hard, in the balls. It punches the air right out of him and pain shoots through his entire body. She holds him as his knees give way and he crumbles to the floor. He can't fucking breathe. Stella was vicious. "I am sorry, but it needed to be done," she says rubbing his back gently. "You're good...I deserved that," he groans out, he still can't breathe and the pain is searing. "Breath," Stalla says patting his back.

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