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"Jack! Fucking damit!" Austin hisses.

"I am sorry, they just-"

"Shhh, keep your voice down," Austin hisses looking over at Levi who is in a conversation with Grassy and Cecilia.

"Sorry," Jack whispers, "I am sorry, they just didn't have any in stock. They were sold out."

"What am I going to do for the rest of the day? It's common whiskey, how were they sold out?"

"Well, I got a different brand. They said it's exactly like the brand you usually drink. It's just for today and I will get your normal brand tomorrow."

Austin sighs. He has no other choice and it's just for one day. This will be the only time he will drink a different brand. Just this once. "Fine, I have a bag packed for tonight, slip it in there and don't let Levi see you," he hisses. Jack frowns, he looks a little shocked. "She...she doesn't know?" he asks. "She doesn't know what? There is nothing to know," Austin says, his voice rising a little so he peeps over his shoulder and sees Levi looking at him, concern on her face. She obviously didn't hear him, but he and Jack are whispering in the corner like drug dealers - they looked Shady.

"What about the other bottle?"

Austin snaps his head back to Jack and frowns. "Other bottle? Why did you get two bottles?" he asks. Jack frowns again. "You...you usually go through two bottles in 24 hours. A day bottle and a night-"

"Alright, thank you. I don't need a breakdown. Just fill my flask and keep the other bottle in the car," Austin hisses then turns and walks up to Levi, flopping down next to her. "Everything alright?" she signs. He smiles at her and winks, "Just planning for tonight, sweet," he signs. Levi bites her bottom lip and grins at him then kisses his cheek, blushing. "You are the sweetest," she signs. He winks at her again, slinging his arm around her shoulders and joining in on the conversation as Jack walks by and slips him his now full hip flask. But, his mind is not fully in the conversation - two bottles? He goes through two bottles of whiskey a day? That can't be right. Yes he is always sipping on the stuff and he is always mellow, but he doesn't get drunk except when he nurses a bottle and that's usually when he is on his own late at night. Jack must be incorrect. Maybe he buys two bottles a day for Austin but he doesn't drink both bottles. That's crazy, how would he function? Jack just has it wrong that's all. Besides, he is fine. He has a handle on his drinking and he will stop soon. But, he does have a busy day ahead so tomorrow. Tomorrow he will focus and slow down.


"The label is having a meltdown. Satan went running to them saying you are out of control," Dre says as he stamps onto the bus behind Austin after a long day of engagements. The man has looked stressed all day. "The only out-of-control person in this scenario is Satan and he dams well knows it," Austin says ignoring the grunt Grassy makes. What's his problem? "Yeah, well Satan has been around a long time and even if he is a dick the label says he has connections. They feel it's in your best interest to patch up your relationship with him," Dre says.

"I won't work with him."

"Austin, you need to think about this..."

"Would you? If he said what he said about Levi, to Cece?"

"I would want to kill him. There is no denying that...but...this industry is cutthroat..."

"My father once told me that all a man has once everything is said and done is the man that stares back at him in the mirror. Satan scares me to be frank, Dre. I don't think he is as harmless as we all think. I don't know about you but I don't want my girl around him...I would rather fuck my career in the ass."

"You refuse to look in the mirror, Austin," Grassy chirps. What the hell? Why is Grassy slapping him with that right now? "You want Satan back? Why don't we just open all the doors and have him stay on this bus with us?" Austin says staring Grassy down. "Toche, Young Post. I don't want him back...but we are going to talk about the man in the mirror later," Grassy says. "Can you just stop busting my balls for one second, Grassy?" Austin asks, he is tired of Grassy's incessant need to always bring the conversation back to his drinking. He does not have a drinking problem and they are having a conversation about a completely different topic.

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