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Feeling like death, Austin sits at the conference table with Dre, Grassy and a label promoter. They are all waiting on Levi so they can start their meeting. She is running late again and the hairs on the back of Austin's neck are standing on end. She might have run late for their writing sessions, but she would never be late for a meeting like this. Never. Ten minutes after their meeting should have started Dre shows Austin a text he just received on his phone from Levi. She says she is sick and can't make it to the meeting, suggesting they continue without her. That is not like her. That woman would climb out of her coffin if need be for her music. Something is wrong. So he stands and puts his Stetson on.

"Where are you going?" Dre asks. "To Levi's house," he mumbles walking out of the conference room. Dre and Grassy look at each other then run after him and throw themselves into the car just as he pulls out of the parking bay. "What are you doing, Austin?" Dre asks nervously as he grabs hold of the door handle when Austin takes a corner too sharply. "I told you," Austin mumbles. Grassy stays quiet. Dre on the other hand continues to try and convince Austin to slow down or better yet just go back to the studio but Austin ignores him and soon enough he pulls up in front of Levi's house.

He does not wait for Grassy or Dre as he climbs out, slamming the car door and stalking over to Levi's front door then rings the doorbell that makes the lights in her house flash. He does not stop until the door flies open and Levi appears. She is in her dressing gown and her hair is dishevelled. "Austin? What are you doing here? I sent Dre a text, I am sick and I can't come in," she signs. "Let me in. We need to talk," he signs. She pulls her dressing gown tighter around her body and shakes her head. "No. I am sick. Please go," she signs. She is so beautiful, even dishevelled like this. Her skin looks like velvet and his fingers itch just to touch her cheek.

"Let me in or we can stand out here. But, we are talking one way or another," he demands. She frowns at him and shakes her head in dismay. "Austin. You have no right to demand a conversation with me. I am not part of your life. You cut me off," she signs.

"I cut you off in the hopes you would move on because you deserve a good life."

"And I have a good life. Now please leave."

"You came and saw me on tour. We decided I was going to cut you off and you came and saw me on tour. You were worried and could not stay away. Now I am worried about you and can not stay away. I will not walk away even if it makes you hate me. We need to talk."

Levi's jaw clenches and she swallows thickly as she blinks her eyes to stop them from pooling. "There is nothing wrong. You do not need to worry," she signs. "Then let me in and convince me...please, baby," he says, his voice soft. She bites her lip then stands aside and gestures for him to step inside. His eyes scan her house as soon as he steps inside, but it all looks fine, the house still has that soft warm comfort to it. Right now he wishes they were tangled in her soft warm cloud-like bed. His eyes flick into the lounge as he follows her to the kitchen and he sees their couch. It's under a window that looks like it filters in the warm afternoon sun. She uses it a lot, he can tell by the song notebooks and pages piled high and scattered around it. On the coffee table next to it is a fresh cup of steaming tea, that and the soft fluffy blanket draped over the couch tells him she had been curled up on the couch when he came banging on her door.

"Alright, what do you want to say?" she signs when they get to the kitchen. Austin is just about to open his mouth but then he frowns. Her cheekbone looks swollen, only just. But, the longer he looks at it the more prominent it seems. Is he going crazy? She is also wearing heavy makeup. She has always worn makeup, but never this heavy, and why would she have heavy makeup on if she is sick and curled on the couch? She is still in her dressing gown for goodness sake.

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