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Austin hovers his hand near the door. Come on man, just do it, knock. Austin tries to hype himself up, but he chickens out again and walks back to the car for the third time.

"Tomorrow. I will come back tomorrow."

"Ok, buddy," Grassy says with a sigh.

"I mean we don't even know if she is busy."

"She is not busy."

"Well, she might not even be home."

"She is home."

"Oh, really? How do you know?" Austin snips sarcastically. He doesn't mean to be, he is just very stressed. Grassy sighs and flicks his head toward the side of the house so Austin looks up through the windscreen and sees Levi standing near a bush with clippers in her hand as she stares at him.

"She was there the whole time?"


"You didn't think to tell me?"

"I just did," Grassy says. Austin sighs and smoothes down his shirt then climbs out of the car. He smooths out his shirt again, and his hair then clutches the flowers in his hand and walks up to her. "Hi," he signs when he stops in front of her. "Hi," she signs back. They stare at each other awkwardly and Austin contemplates throwing the flowers at her and running away.

Be a man. Come on now!

"These...these are for you...I didn't...I wasn't sure...these are for you. Please take them," he says. He is fumbling now, he can't help it Levi has always turned his brain to mush. She smiles at him and puts her clippers down then takes the flowers. "Thank you. They are beautiful," she signs then smells them before she looks at Austin again. Is it possible that she has gotten even more beautiful? "You...you doing OK?" he signs. She smiles again and nods. "You doing OK?" she signs. "I am..." he starts signing but then stops. He had lied to her so much. So many cowardly lies, would she believe him now? But, he can't just stand and stare at her like this. "I am three months sober," he signs expecting her to frown and let her shoulders slump at what she will think is just another lie.

"I am proud of you," she signs, still smiling at him. Does she believe him? Of course she does, she always believed in him. "I have come to apologize. You deserve an apology," he signs. She bites her bottom lip as her chin wobbles slightly. He hates how much he hurt her. If she asked him to leave and never come back, he would respect that and honour her wishes. "You have every right to not accept my apology. I will understand. But, even if you don't want an apology from me, please let me explain...you deserve an explanation at the very least," he signs. Levi frowns softly and cocks her head. "Explication?" she signs.

"There were so many lies, baby, so much deception and I placed blame where it never should have been placed because I was a coward."

He realises he said baby. It was a slip-up but honestly, he has been calling her baby in his head all this time and he forgot. She does not point it out and he is grateful for that. But, she is not signing, she isn't moving either - she only stares at him while she clutches the flowers to her chest. He doesn't deserve any of her time and has ruined her day by coming here. He should go and leave her be. "I am sorry...for everything. Everything," he signs then takes a step back but her hand reaches out to him immediately so he stops. "I know you are sober. Grassy has phoned me with an update on you every day," she signs.

"Grassy? Everyday?" he signs then looks at Grassy over his shoulder before he looks back at Levi. "Please don't be mad at him. I was going crazy. I just needed to know you were OK," she signs.

"I am not angry. How could I be angry at that?"

"I would like to hear what you have to say."

"You can hear now?" Austin signs with a mock shocked face. Levi rolls her eyes and covers her mouth while she giggles silently. She is always so beautiful when she does that. "Come," she signs walking past him and signing for Grassy to get out of the car. Austin lets out a relieved sigh and then walks into the house behind her and Grassy. "Can I swim?" Grassy signs. "Sure," Levi signs. Excited, Grassy hugs her and then disappears into the backyard. Austin leans on the kitchen counter and watches Levi as she takes a vase out of her cupboard and then places the flowers in it. "Would you like something to drink?" she signs. "Water please, he signs then watches as the corners of her lips pull up when she opens her fridge and pulls out three bottles of water. She hands one to Austin and then he follows her out to the patio.

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