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The rain was dripping on her head as she walked down the street, tears smudging her somewhat good make up.

Chaerin's breath was quick, filled with silent sobs. Her heart was heavy, burning with every step she stook towards her house.

Her pink shirt was soaked as she stepped into the giant hallway, her shoes leaving wet, brown-ish prints on the white carpet.

Just when Chaerin's purse plopped down on the floor, her mother came down the stairs. Her eyes grew big as she spotted her daughter.

A gasp left her mouth.

"What happened to you?" She asked while hurrying downstairs.

Chaerin's heart sank and she began crying again, reaching her arms out to her mother. To Chaerin's surprise, Sunhee just grabbed her arm and ushered her off the carpet.

"Good lord, look at the carpet." She whispered, not glancing once at her with tears covered daughter.

Chaerin didn't even notice the mess she made, she was too busy trying to catch her breath.

"Mom-" she started, but was quickly cut off by her mother.

"Chaerin, didn't you take off your shoes? And look at your clothes, you're going to catch a cold!" She pulled at the soak shirt.

Chaerin was shivering.

"Please, mom-"

"God, i hope this stain comes out. Do you know how expensive this carpet was?" Sunhee began scolding her, being to busy with the wet stain on the carpet.

"Why can't you take responsibility for anything? If you're not doing anything with your life, please dont ruin things other people worked hard for." She said loudly.

Chaerin stopped crying.
One single tear left her eye as she looked at her mother in disbelief.

Beomseok, her father, was standing on top of the stairs, watching the scene from far. He did hear what his wife just said, but he didn't intervene.

"Ruin things?" Chaerin scoffed.

Her heart was heavy.

Chaerin's eyes switched from her mom to her dad, searching for help, trying to sense what do to next. But nothing, he just stood there.

"I'm sorry for ruin your pretty things, i'll try to stay away from things you like." Chaerin spoke under tears, before pushing off her sneakers and running past her mom.

"Chaerin-" Sunhee tried to call her, but didn't succeed.

She ran past Beomseok, bumping his shoulder in the process.

A loud bang was heard as she entered her room, Leaving an uncomfortable silence in the entire house.


The drive home was silent.
Seungcheol left the organization quickly after the heated argument, assuring Chaerin to come back the next day.

His hand was wrapped tightly around the steering wheel, tapping on it rhythmically. The other hand was hanging loosely out of the window with a cigarette in between his fingers.

The argument did bother him, since Mingyu was his only friend.

A few minutes later, he arrived at home. The keys in his hands jingled as Seungcheol walked down the hallway.

A beautiful girl was sitting on the dining table with one leg crossing the other. Her fingernails were tapping on the wood, the impatience filling her body.

By the sound of the keys sliding in the lock, she whipped her head in the direction, eyes searching for her love.

The familiar melody he was whistling filled the apartment with positive energy as he walked in, smile growing as he saw the food on the table.

"You cooked" he stated, arms wrapping around the woman.

She scoffed "Yes, and i bet it's cold due to your lack of punctuality."

The woman that was currently being showered with affectionate was Myung Jia.

A gorgeous woman.
Silky black-white hair running down her with tattoo's covered shoulders. A black ring on her left eyebrow, one in her nose and a septum graced her pale face. 

Jia was Seungcheol girlfriend and good friend of Mingyu.

They've been dating for almost a year now and moved in together a couple weeks ago. Through Mingyu's occasional dinner parties, these two met and clicked immediately.

She just had something special to her.
Something that gave Seungcheol the feeling of safety, someone he could come home to after a horrendous day.

"Don't give me that look, you'll get wrinkles." Seungcheol poked her eyebrows and pressed a kiss to her plump lips.

She sighed "any reason for your delay?"

Jia got up with the two plates in her hands, walking towards the kitchen to warm up the dinner.

"Just the usual." He sat down.

Seungcheol tried to keep Jia out of the business, not wanting her to get any trouble.

She was too pure for this.
He thought.

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