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The only feeling, that was currently roaming around in Chaerin's head.

She was supposed to go with Seungcheol and Mingyu, not leave them do it all by themselves. To be fair, Chaerin was way too inexperienced for Mingyu and Seungcheol to depend on her. 

So what's the matter anyways ?

As she was laying down, body pressed against the foam of her mattress, Chaerin played back the conversation with Seungcheol in her head. Her heart always sinking by the memories of Seungcheol's look. 

He knew that she wasn't just tired, but couldn't do anything about it.

Her eyes wandered over to the black telephone on the dresser, sitting still with the cord wrapped around it, the silence in the room giving her peace. 

Inner Peace.

A knock on the wooden door ripped her out of the daydreaming, as she got up to look in the  same direction. Her boyfriend standing in the doorframe, an annoying look in his face and the telephone in his hand.

Mingyu & Seungcheol

"What the fuck are we going to do ?" Mingyu yelled, the steering wheel thightly wrapped under his big hands, as they kept getting closer to the police. "We need to reverse and leave." 

His foot was already on the break, when Seungcheol suddenly opened his mouth. 

"Keep going." he spoke silently, not seeming tobe under any pressure. 

Mingyu's eyes opened in disbelief. 

"You want me to drive the car -" Mingyu was trying to hear the confirmation, but was immediately interrupted by Seungcheol. His hand was sweaty, fingers so tightly in a fist that his white knuckles became visible. 

"Listen, this is probably just a traffic control. We just need to get through it without causing anz trouble. " Seungcheol said.

Just when Mingyu hoped, that the cops wouldn't stop them, one officer signalled them to slow down, causing their heartbeat to pick up again. 

Mingyu had no choice but to slow down and stop the car.

"Be quiet." Seungcheol whispered "I'll talk." 

A bright flashlight wandered through the car and right in Mingyu's eyes , before he rolled the window down facing the cop.

A sceptic look was on this guy's face, Choi , written on his batch. He kept looking throught the car, before speaking diretly to Mingyu. 

"Good Morning, Gentlemen. Where are you planning to head?" he finally asked him.

But before Mingyu could open his mouth to answer, Seungcheol did.

"Sir, he can't speak or hear. He's deaf." he said, leaning a bit over Mingyu to get eyecontact with the cop, who kept on giving them a skeptic look.

"He's deaf? How does he drive?" Officer Choi asked, leaning on the car.

Mingyu kept on looking between the cop and Seungcheol, hoping he would save this situation since he couldn't anymore.

A 'deaf' Mingyu couldn't save anything.

"That's why I am always beside him whenever he wants to drive, kind of like a legal guradigan." Seungcheol answered. 

For a minute straight, the cop looked at the car, Mingyu and Seungcheol before asking them for papers. Mingyu began rummaging through the car, looking for his drivers license and the papers, while Seungcheol tried to cool the cop off.

"What are you looking for, officer ?" Seungcheol asked nervously.

"You haven't answered me where you're going?" the officer asked, watching Mingyu searching. 

Seungcheol was not quite sure what to answer, he couldn't tell him that they were on their way to a private airfield to go to Japan with illegal weapons. 

"We're driving back home to his parents, he still lives with them. Can't get a wife, you know..." he nervously laughed while Mingyu gave him a look that could kill. 

Throughout the conversation, the officer wrote everything down.

"And where does he live with his parents?" 

"Busan." Seungcheol quickly answered, just in time for Mingyu to hand over his drivers license and the papers. The officer quickly looked over it quickly before handing it back, speaking into his walkie-talkie before looking back at them.

"You need to step out of the vehicle please."

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