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A confused look was on her face as she walked over to her boyfriend to grab the phone out of his hand, he just sighed before walking back to where he came from. 

Chaerin waited patiently.

"Darling, can you hear me?" Beomseok asked from the other side of the phone, his voice shaky and weak, almost if he just came from a fight.

Chaerin's heart sank, pain coming from it as if someone just squeezed it tightly, she hasn't heard from her father in a while. Not thinking that she would react that kind of way.

"Chaerin, i just wanted to call and see how things are going. I know i should've done this way earlier but i could not, believe me." he spoke softy, sniffling with a smile on his face. 

On her face was just a painful expression.

"Listen, you can visit me whenever you want. Your mother misses you dearly my love." 

Before Chaerin could swallow her tears and answer him, he hung up. Like always, she stood in front of a thousand questions and the tone of a dead line. 

The man that loves her, always looked at her with so much faszination in his eyes, was leaning against the wooden door frame. He watched the scenery from behind, hate towards her father continously building up. 

He listened to her soft sobs, unsure whether he should comfort her or just leave her some time to calm down. 

While contemplating, the phone beside Chaerin started ringing again. 

She wiped the tears off her face before answering.
It didn't take long for her sadness to turn into stress, she quickly hung up and grabbed her coat. Just when she was about to walk out of the bedroom door she jumped, not noticing her boyfriend in the way.

"Where are you going ?" He asked.

Chaerin sighed while squeezing passed him into the living area. She hurriedly looked for her car keys as her boyfriend followed her every step.

"Chaerin?" he asked again, this time with a serious tone.

"Work!" She almost yelled back, not in the mood to have small talk right now.

The sudden change in her tone caused Hanbin to get pissed off immediately. He had planned a great day for the two, but Chaerin's attitude didn't amuse him too much.

"Just work?" he crossed his arms, not believing her entirely.

Chaerin, on the other hand, was unsure what exactly Hanbin's plan was. She needed to leave now, why did he act all of the sudden like that?

"Yes, work. Seungcheol and Mingyu are kind of in a bad situation and i need to get there-" She hurriedly explained, hoping Hanbin wouldn't give her a hard time now. 

"Seungcheol" he thought. 

Mingyu wasn't the problem to him, he knew him all to well for many years. 

But whenever the name 'Seungcheol' left Chaerin's mouth, Hanbin couldn't help himself but imagine all of the inhuman and horrible things he wished to do to him. 

Hanbin hated Seungcheol. He hated him not because of his personality, which was not possible due to the fact that they've never met before but because he saw how much influence he had on Chaerin. 

Business wise.

He was experienced and she looked up to him, asking him always for advice. She adored him in a professional way and Hanbin hated it. 

"Don't you think they're experienced enough to handle a situation like that all by themselves?" Hanbin asked, earning a angry look from Chaerin in return.

"I'll text you when i get home." Without taking the conversation any further, Chaerin left the apartment to get to the company. 

Hoping to find Mingyu and Seungcheol there. 


A little later, Chaerin arrived at her company, she hurried into the building and up into her office where she was already met by a stranger. 

"May I help you?" Chaerin asked, not daring to move an inch. 

The man in front of her was tall, thin and had big glasses sitting on top of his nose. He didn't look intimidating, but still caused Chaerin to stay where she was. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Yoon. I am Jeon Wonwoo and i'll be in charge of your information technology." He shook Chaerin's hand and smiled warmly. 

"Excuse me?" She just blurted out, being too confused to have a conversation with a stranger right now.

"Information technology means-" This guy, Wonwoo, tried to explain but was immediately cut off by Chaerin. 

She threw her purse on the desk before massaging her temples, glancing at Wonwoo every now and then. 

"Alright" She began eventually "Who hired you? Because I know for a fact that i had no Job interview recently." 

Her arms were crossed in front of her chest as she leaned against the wooden desk.

"I was hired by Kim Mingyu, he told me that your concept was lacking some serious security in terms of your database. Apparently you're not in use of a network information system, you're computers running on bad processor and not the latest softwares and on top you don't have firewall to prevent unauthorized access to your computer network, which is stupid considering the fact that you're running a underground mafia and dealing with drugs." he simply spoke, leaving Chaerin hanging with an open mouth.

"You seem young, in that age your jaw is still forming and letting it hand so loosely can deform it, so you should stop that." Wonwoo said, hands folded "It's not really the beauty standard." he added.

"Alright, you can go back to the lobby. I need to call Mingyu first." Chaerin pushed him out while dialing Mingyu's phone. 

But no one answered.

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