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The light was throwing a shade of orange onto the usually white wall, the one that Seungcheol had been staring at for the past thirty minutes.

The couple of last days were spent in the company's gym, with and without Chaerin.

They've been training a lot, fighting occasionally.

And if he wasn't with Chaerin in the gym, they were off handling business regarding the company and the mafia.

Today, Chaerin had ordered a bunch of her men to come and show off their skills, seeing which ones need more training and which one need to go.

Therefore, he had spent the entire day watching men fight and discuss their abilities with his boss.

All he wanted to do was come home and rest.

Little did Seungcheol know, that Jia was already at home waiting for him. She had spent the entire day cleaning and preparing a date night, hoping to spark the flames between them again.

The smell of pork and steamed rice filled his nose as he opened the door to his apartment.

Seungcheol was surprised, his brows furrowed as he followed the smell into the kitchen, finding the dining table set with various side dishes and some drinks.

Pork belly was sizzling in the pan as he walked closer towards the delicious smelling food.

"You're home already!" Jia exclaimed happily as she walked in, holding bowls in her hands. Her smile was painted across her face, spotting her love finally being home.

Jia's heart still lit up, causing a warm feeling, whenever Seungcheol walked in. Her feelings never really seemed to vanish, always being head over heels.

"Jia, what's all this ?" Seungcheol pointed at the food, not understanding the reasoning for Jia's sudden mood change.

He knew and never denied his own fault at their relationship 'downfall', but for the past months both just tolerated each other since none knew how to end things.

"What do you mean?" She started, placing the bowls onto the table and turning around to face him again: "Since we haven't been speaking a lot lately, i thought this might give us a bit."

By the look on his face, Jia could tell that Seungcheol wasn't amused nor excited to have dinner with her.

"Come on, what's the big deal? Would be a shame for all of this delicious food to go to waste." She started caressing his underarm, sliding up and down with her index finger.

Seungcheol wasn't in the mood for a date, especially not with Jia. But since he hasn't had any food today and his stomach had been rumbling non-stop, he decided to stay and have dinner with her.

With a happy expression on her face, Jia sat down and started pouring some wine into both of their glasses.

"This is going to be great."

Now, almost an hour later, Seungcheol is laying on the couch. The button of his jeans is long open and his belly bloated, eyelids threatening to fall closed as he tried everything to stay awake.

"So" Jia started as she sat down beside him "wanna talk?"

Seungcheol sighed.
He knew that she was going to bring it up, but expected it to be while eating, not while he was almost asleep on the couch.

He gave her a questioning look, raising one of his dark, bushy eyebrows "What do you want to talk about?"

"You and your feelings."

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