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It was noon.

The rain was dripping heavily on the glass roof as Chaerin was looking over the menu.

She wasn't even hungry.

The candle on the table flicking wildly, throwing a comfortable light on Seungcheol's face.

It was his idea to have dinner together, since he was starving and still had to drop Chaerin off at her home before heading to the Organization.

"What are you ordering?" He asked.

Chaerin shrugged, her mind was somewhere else.

"Can I ask you something, Seungcheol?" She fiddled with her fingers, trying to avoid his eyes.

"Why does Mingyu not like me?"

Yes, she was a mafia leader but still a human.
And herself.
She has always been a people pleaser, being bothered when people showed the tiniest dislike towards herself.

Seungcheol sighed.

"Your his boss, right? He doesn't have to like you." He answered simply, watching her mimic.

The sad look on her face not washing off. Seungcheol placed the menu down before grabbing the lighter and cigarette next to him.

"Let me rephrase that."

He put the stick between his lip and lit it, taking a deep breath and blowing the grey-ish steam out.

His eyes were focused on her.

"You dont need him to like you. You just need him to operate to your orders." He spoke.

The waiter stopped by to take their orders while Chaerin was thinking about Seungcheol's words. He was indeed right, but it still hurt.

Mingyu didn't have to like her, but hating her with a passion wasn't good either.

"But i'd still like my employees to not hate my with a burning passion." She whined, shifting in her seat.

Seungcheol took a sip from his beer, the cold liquid running down his dry throat as he took a look at his boss. The way her hair was tugged up in a loose bun, a few black pieces falling down her face framing it perfectly. Her eyes were glued to the menu card in her hands, her long nails were painted with a dark red color, making her hands appear even more pale.

The first few buttons on her silk blouse were unbottoned, giving Seungcheol a beautiful view of her neckline. 

It would be a lie, if Seungcheol said that he didn't find her attractive, how could anyone find her unattractive. The way she moved, the way her hips swung from one side to another when she was walking and the way her red lips were nipping on the wineglass. 

But she was his boss and he had to keep a healthy, professional distance.

"Any plans on expanding the buisness overseas?" Seungcheol asked, mainly to distract himself.

Chaerin shook her head: "The japanese are obviously off the table now, so i don't really have a idea." 

After that incident between Seungcheol, Chaerin and those Japanese Killers, Mingyu sent over some of their men to handle the 'Business'.

Which basically meant killing. But neither Mingyu or Seungcheol told Chaerin about the handling of the business in Japan, she would've made a drama out of it.


A few weeks earlier

"So, what's the plan?" Mingyu asked after lighting himself a cigarette.

Chaerin just left the building to go home and rest after almost dying in the back of a SUV. She had a mild concussion and some bruises but was overall fine. 

Unlike Seungcheol, who was suffering from pain in his ribs and chest.

"I don't know yet, just glad that she's home resting instead of worrying even more." Seungcheol answered, holding his hand to his ribcage since breathing was hard aswell.

He sighed "I almost shit my pants today, you know. Seeing her unconcious with blood all over her mouth, Beomseok would've tortured me to death." 

It is true, Chaerin had more injuries than she was aware of. Besides her concussion and the bruises, she hit her head so hard that blood was rushing out of her mouth and nose. Seungcheol was praying that rest and some time off would heal her without any complications. 

"We should tell him that she's not good enough, she's going to kill herself and all of us." Mingyu said, flipping the grey ash off his cigarette. 

The smoke was floading out of Seungcheol's mouth and up into the cold air.

"Tell him what? That you're not patient and nice enough to help her gain  experience and strength?" Seungcheol laughed at him, he found Mingyu's stupidity amusing.

"Or that you're still jealous of a woman six years older and six inch smaller than you, you punk." Seungcheol flipped his cigarette off the balcony and walked past Mingyu. 

"You wish you had six more inches, Smurf" he whispered, causing Seungcheol to stop midway.

He grinned: "I got six inches, but not in height." 

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