Chapter 48: Back to School

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Rebecca's POV (1st Person):

I spent the entire Sunday reminiscing about my unexpected hangout with Dylan, Alex, and James. Who knew that such a simple job could lead to something so... refreshing? But as Monday rolled around, reality set back in, and I was back in the chaotic world of high school.

My phone buzzed with messages as I got ready for school. Charlotte and Oliver were already gossiping about the latest drama, and I couldn't help but smile at their antics.

Charlotte: Did you hear about Sarah and Ryan?

Oliver: They broke up AGAIN. Can you believe it?

Rebecca: Again? They should just get a Netflix series at this point.

Charlotte: Haha, seriously! So, how was your weekend?

I paused, thinking about how to summarise my weekend without making it sound like the plot of a cheesy rom-com.

Rebecca: Met a cute kid, his hot dad, and his even hotter brother. Worked at the café. Got invited to hang out.

Oliver: Wait What! Your ridiculous you know that?

Charlotte: Spill the tea RIGHT NOW!!!

I quickly typed out the details of my weekend, making sure to emphasise how adorably Dylan clung to my leg and how awkward it was when  Alex was close to me at the bookstore. By the time I finished, I was at my locker, pulling out my books for the day.

As I walked into my first class, I saw Charlotte and Oliver waiting for me, their eyes practically sparkling with curiosity.

"But we need details," Charlotte insisted. "Like, how hot is this Alex guy on a scale from one to ten?"

 Oliver just shook his head. "Seriously?"

"An eleven," I said without hesitation, making them both gasp.

"No way," Charlotte said, her eyes wide. "And his dad? What's his deal?"

"James is just as attractive," I admitted. "It's like they were genetically engineered in a lab to be the perfect family."

They both burst out laughing, causing the teacher to glance our way. We quickly quieted down, trying to stifle our giggles.

The rest of the morning flew by in a blur of classes and whispered conversations about the weekend. By lunchtime, I was exhausted but happy. It felt good to have friends who were genuinely interested in my life, even if it did involve a bit of exaggeration.

As we sat down in the cafeteria, I couldn't help but notice the way people were staring at me. Word had clearly gotten around about my weekend, and now everyone was curious about the girl who supposedly had a hot new boyfriend.

"Is it true?" Sarah, the school's top gossip, asked as she plopped down beside me.

"Is what true?" I asked, playing dumb.

"That you met some hot guy with a Lamborghini and his cute little brother?" she said, her eyes practically glowing with excitement.

I sighed, knowing there was no point in denying it. "Yes, it's true. But it's not as glamorous as it sounds."

Charlotte and Oliver snickered behind their hands, clearly enjoying the attention I was getting.

"Come on, Rebecca, don't be so modest," Oliver said. "You had an amazing weekend."

"Yeah, and now the whole school knows about it," I muttered, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks.

"Just own it," Charlotte advised. "It's not every day you get to be the center of attention."

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