Chapter 74: Chapel Service

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Rebecca's POV (1st Person):

Chapel was a weekly tradition at our school, a time for reflection and a break from the usual routine. As much as I dreaded it, it was a mandatory part of our school life. The students gathered in the large hall, the teachers seated on the stage. The moment everyone settled, we rose from our seats as a student walked in, carrying a large wooden cross. The teachers followed in a solemn procession, each trying to look more pious than the last.

I spotted Mr. Montgomery immediately. He looked incredibly handsome in his dark suit and crisp white shirt. Despite the formal attire, he looked bored out of his mind, a fact that was painfully obvious to anyone who cared to notice. He was unfortunately sitting in the front row of seats on the stage, making it impossible for him to hide his expressions. I tried to keep a straight face as I watched him, stifling a laugh.

As the Reverend began his sermon, I tried to focus, but it was difficult. Chapel always seemed to drag on forever. I yawned discreetly, trying to stay awake. Charlotte, sitting next to me, leaned over and whispered, "I heard the Reverend snores louder than my grandpa."

I bit my lip to keep from laughing, my shoulders shaking with suppressed mirth. Mr. Montgomery cleared his throat loudly from the stage, and I glanced up to see him giving me a stern look. His eyes locked onto mine, a silent warning. I almost forgot myself for a moment, lost in the intensity of his gaze.

I straightened up, trying to look attentive. The Reverend droned on, his voice a monotonous hum that made it hard to concentrate. I glanced at Oliver, who was making funny faces, and it took all my willpower not to burst out laughing. We often found ways to entertain ourselves during these long, tedious services.

Finally, the Reverend announced, "Let us stand and sing together."

The students rose to their feet, opening their hymnbooks. As the opening notes of "Shine Jesus Shine" filled the hall, I groaned inwardly. I hated singing in chapel. Usually, I would just mouth the words and make fun of the Reverend with Oliver and Charlotte, but today was different. I could feel Mr. Montgomery's eyes on me the whole time, making me severely uncomfortable and self-conscious.

As we reached the line, "Search me, try me, consume all my darkness," I felt a shiver run down my spine. Mr. Montgomery's gaze was intense, almost dominant, and it took everything in me to keep singing. The words felt loaded, carrying a weight that made my heart race. His eyes never left mine, and it was as if he was searching my soul, trying to uncover every secret I held.

My voice faltered, and I glanced down at my hymnbook, trying to focus on the words. But it was impossible. The connection between us was too strong, too overpowering. I could feel my cheeks burning, and I hoped no one else noticed.

When the hymn finally ended, we all sat down. I felt a mix of relief and longing. I wanted to talk to Mr. Montgomery, to understand what that look had meant, but I knew it wasn't possible. Not here, not now. We had to be careful.

As the Reverend continued his sermon, I glanced at the stage again. Mr. Montgomery was still watching me, his eyes never leaving my face. It was a silent promise, a reminder that we were in this together, no matter how difficult it might be.

The chapel service dragged on, the Reverend's voice a constant drone in the background. I tried to keep my mind focused, but it kept drifting back to Mr. Montgomery. I could feel the intensity of his gaze, the way it seemed to strip away all my defenses.

"Rebecca, are you okay?" Charlotte whispered, nudging me with her elbow.

"Yeah, just... tired," I muttered, not wanting to admit the real reason for my distraction.

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