Chapter 30: Embracing longing

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Here is today's Chapter. I am going to try and make them longer, if that is what you guys like. Please comment/share. Thank you xx.

Rebecca's POV (1st person):

Sitting outside Mr. Montgomery's place, I leaned my head against a white pillar and let out an agonising moan as my period cramps finally kicked in. The pain was excruciating, shooting through my abdomen like a relentless storm. I rummaged through my bag, searching for a hoodie that I could wrap around myself to ward off the cold that seemed to seep into my bones.

As I fumbled with the fabric, trying to shield myself from the biting wind, another sharp wave of cramps hit me. I couldn't help but let out a loud moan, the sound escaping before I could stifle it. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I clamped my mouth shut, hoping no one had heard.

I sat there in the cold, my heart pounding in my ears, unsure of what to do next. Should I ask Mr. Montgomery if I could come inside? Would it be too forward, too desperate? The thought made me cringe, feeling like a child seeking refuge.

As I battled with my inner turmoil, my mind drifted to my parents and their constant fighting. The tears welled up in my eyes once again, a mixture of frustration and sadness clouding my thoughts. My hair whipped around my face in the wind, a chaotic dance mirroring my turbulent emotions.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind. I sniffled, wiping my face with my hoodie, determined not to let my emotions overwhelm me. Pulling out my notes from Mr. Montgomery, I decided to use this time to revise, to distract myself from the chaos both within and outside me. I traced over his writing with my finger, admiring the soft curves and traces he can possess. I never noticed how intricate it was before.

Lost in my thoughts, I was startled by a soft, faint sound approaching me. Before I could react, a dog bounded up to me, showering my face with sloppy licks. Startled, I was about to push the dog away when I noticed Mr. Montgomery standing behind it, a wry smile on his face."Looks like Buddy here has taken a liking to you," he commented, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Would you like to come inside and warm up? It's getting cold out here." He said, pushing himself off the doorway he was leaning against and cocked his head to the side, welcoming me in.

Relief flooded through me as I nodded. When I attempted to get up, a sharp pain shot through my body from the cramps, causing me to fall back down in agony. Mr. Montgomery approached me, concern evident in his eyes as he squatted down beside me.

"Are you okay, Rebecca?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry as he placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. I winced as I tried to push my hair back, the movement causing a wave of excruciating pain to wash over me. It was strange how much more intense the cramps felt today, as if my body was rebelling against me.

Mr. Montgomery's gaze softened as he looked at me, his eyes scanning my face with a mixture of concern and understanding. "You look like you're in a lot of pain. Is there anything I can do to help?"

I bit my lip, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude at his concern. "I-I'm just really struggling with these cramps today... and I think they... are more intense than u-usual..." My voice cracked at the end as I looked down to hide my discomfort.

He nodded, his expression sympathetic. "I understand. Cramps can be really debilitating...from what I have heard. Maybe you should lie down and rest for a bit. I can make you some tea to help with the pain."

I couldn't help but feel a surge of attraction towards him, a mix of desire and vulnerability that made my cheeks flush with heat. Maybe it was the pain, maybe it was the intimacy of the moment, but something shifted, the air charged with an unspoken longing that I clearly needed.

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