Chapter 40: A Swim in Troubled Waters

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Lane's POV (1st Person):

I stood at the front of the classroom, the weight of authority settling on my shoulders as I prepared to begin the lesson on Shakespeare's "Macbeth." The students filed in, their usual chatter filling the room. My eyes scanned the familiar faces, finally landing on Rebecca as she entered, followed closely by Oliver.

Rebecca took her seat near the middle of the room, her expression a mix of defiance and vulnerability. Oliver sat beside her, immediately engaging her in conversation. I couldn't help but notice the way she responded to him, her sarcastic wit and easy banter evident in every exchange. It was the Rebecca I knew well, yet seeing her like this stirred an uneasy feeling within me.

"Alright, everyone, settle down," I called out, striving to keep my voice steady. "Today, we're going to dive into the nuances of Shakespeare's 'Macbeth.'"

As I began the lesson, my gaze kept drifting back to Rebecca and Oliver. Oliver's hand found its way to her shoulder, his touch casual but lingering. Rebecca seemed focused on her work, at least at first, but Oliver's constant chatter soon had her distracted. She would write a few notes, then turn to him with a sarcastic comment or a playful smirk.

Jealousy gnawed at me, an unwelcome and unfamiliar sensation. I tried to shake it off, reminding myself that my role was to teach, to guide these students through their academic journey. But every time Oliver leaned in closer to Rebecca, every time she laughed at something he said, I felt my control slipping.

"Rebecca," I said, forcing my voice to remain calm as I addressed her directly. "Can you tell us what motivates Macbeth's actions throughout the play?"

She blinked, momentarily caught off guard. "Um, ambition, mainly," she said, glancing down at her notes. "And, uh, the influence of Lady Macbeth and the prophecy of the witches."

I nodded, my expression thoughtful. "Yes, ambition is a significant driving force for Macbeth. But let's delve deeper. How does his ambition compare to that of other characters in the play?"

Rebecca took a deep breath, clearly trying to gather her thoughts. "Macbeth's ambition is more reckless and unchecked compared to other characters. While others might have ambitions, Macbeth's willingness to go to any lengths, including murder, sets him apart. It's almost as if he's consumed by it."

"Excellent," I replied, my gaze steady on her. "Ambition, in Macbeth's case, becomes his undoing. It's a powerful reminder of how our desires can lead us astray if not tempered with reason and morality."

For a moment, pride swelled within me at her insightful answer, but it was quickly overshadowed by the reality of Oliver's presence. He seemed to sense the shift in attention, his hand subtly tightening on Rebecca's shoulder as if staking a claim. It was infuriating, and I struggled to maintain my composure.

As the lesson continued, I posed more questions, pushing the class to think critically about the text. Rebecca engaged more, her answers thoughtful and articulate. But every time Oliver interjected, drawing her focus away, it felt like a personal affront.

When the bell finally rang, signaling the end of class, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. Rebecca quickly gathered her things, clearly eager to escape the intensity of the lesson and Oliver's distracting presence. But I wasn't ready to let it go.

"Rebecca, can you stay for a moment?" I called out as the students filed out.

She approached my desk, her nerves evident. "Yes, Sir?"

"I just wanted to make sure you're alright," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "You've seemed a bit... distracted lately."

Rebecca forced a smile. "I'm fine, Sir. Just a lot on my mind, I guess."

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