Chapter 34: 'The Artful Dodger'

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Third Person:

Rebecca trudged through the crowded school hallways, her mind consumed by a thick fog of indifference. She was in one of those moods where nothing seemed to matter, where the world around her blurred into insignificance. The encounter with Mr. Montgomery had left her feeling drained and irritable, and the prospect of facing another dreaded class only added to her frustration.

As she reached her locker, she punched in the code mechanically, barely registering the familiar click as it opened. Retrieving her books with a heavy sigh, she closed the locker door and turned to head to her next class. It was Physical Education—the worst class in the entire school, in her opinion.

Dragging her feet, Rebecca made her way to the gymnasium, her steps slow and deliberate. She couldn't bring herself to care about the upcoming lesson, about the endless drills and exercises that awaited her. All she wanted was to get through the day and go home, away from the chaos and stress of school.

But just as she reached the entrance to the gym, her phone buzzed in her pocket, interrupting her thoughts. With a reluctant sigh, she pulled it out and glanced at the screen, expecting another pointless notification or text from one of her classmates.

The message that greeted her stopped her in her tracks, her heart skipping a beat.

"Hey Becca, I'm so sorry about what happened in class today. I'm feeling real sick, so I'm gonna head home. See you soon xx"

It was from Charlotte—the one person who seemed to understand her better than anyone else. Despite her indifferent facade, concern flooded Rebecca's chest as she read the message, her worry for her friend overriding her own frustrations.

Without hesitation, she typed out a response. "Are you okay? Text me if you want me to come over. You know I can always skip gym. Hope you feel better, Char xo"

Rebecca entered the locker bay changing area, her footsteps echoing against the tiled floor as she made her way to her assigned locker. With practiced ease, she spun the combination lock, the familiar click signalling its release. Pulling open the metal door, she was greeted by the sight of her neatly folded P.E. uniform, waiting patiently for her.

She wasted no time shedding her school uniform, feeling a sense of relief as she peeled off the layers of clothing that felt increasingly suffocating with each passing minute. Tossing her clothes onto the bench, she reached for her P.E. uniform, the navy polyester top and spandex shorts neatly folded and ready for action.

Slipping into the shortsleeved navy polyester top, Rebecca couldn't help but grimace at the uncomfortable fabric against her skin. It was scratchy and unforgiving, clinging to her body in all the wrong places. But she pushed aside her discomfort, reminding herself that it was just a temporary inconvenience.

Next came the navy spandex shorts, their tight fit leaving little to the imagination. Rebecca tugged them up her legs, wincing as they rode up uncomfortably high. She adjusted the waistband, trying in vain to find a more comfortable fit, but to no avail.

Sighing in resignation, Rebecca resigned herself to the discomfort, reminding herself that it was all part of the 'P.E. experience'. With her uniform in place, she gathered her school clothes and stuffed them into her locker, slamming the door shut.

Turning on her heel, Rebecca made her way out of the changing area and into the gymnasium, the sound of her sneakers squeaking against the polished floor.

As she went to sit down on the hard, wooden benches on the side of the gym she scanned her surroundings for a friend or acquaintance to interact with, but without Charlotte there to support her she basically felt the lowest you could go. 

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