Chapter 14

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Mikha's Point Of View

As I made my way towards the building, the weight of the helmets in my hands served as a constant reminder of Sheena's tardiness.

A faint sound drew my attention to the side hallway, causing me to pause mid-step. The emptiness of the building on a Monday morning sent a shiver down my spine, an eerie sensation settling over me like a thick fog. But before I could dwell on the strangeness of the situation, a chilling scream pierced the silence, pulling me out of my reverie with a jolt.

Without hesitation, I sprinted towards the source of the sound, my heart pounding in my chest with a mixture of dread and urgency. As I rounded the corner, I came upon a scene that made my blood run cold—a student, her eyes wide with terror, hovered over a figure lying motionless on the ground, a pool of crimson staining the floor beneath them. Her hands are covered with blood.

The sight sent a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins as I dropped the helmets and rushed to the person's side. The student's frantic words spilled out in a panicked stream, her hands trembling as she explained that she had simply stumbled upon the scene moments before my arrival.

With a sense of grim determination, I instructed the student to call for help as I assessed the person's condition. Their shallow breathing and slow pulse sent alarm bells ringing in my mind, urging me to act quickly before it was too late.

Without hesitation, I began performing hands-only CPR, my muscles straining with exertion as I fought to keep the person alive. With each compression, I prayed for a sign of life, a flicker of hope in the darkness that threatened to consume us both.

But as the moments stretched into eternity, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach as I realized the inevitable truth—the person's pulse had faded, their life slipping away before my eyes.

Before I could process the gravity of the situation, the student returned with help in tow, their arrival heralded by the sound of approaching footsteps. But as they drew nearer, a sudden movement from the person on the ground caught me off guard, a sudden burst of movement, the person's eyes snapped open, their gaze locking onto mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine


Third Person's Point Of View

As Mikha grappled with the unexpected attack, her mind raced with a flurry of questions and fears. Just moments ago, she had been performing CPR on what appeared to be a lifeless person, only to find herself in a desperate struggle against a force far beyond her comprehension.

With each passing second, the person's movements grew more erratic and aggressive, their eyes gleaming with a chilling intensity that sent shivers down Mikha's spine. Despite her best efforts to push them away, they seemed unnaturally strong, their grip unyielding as they bore down on her with unrelenting ferocity.

Amidst the chaos, a sudden impact reverberated through the air, causing both Mikha and the assailant to freeze in surprise. As the person staggered forward with a pained cry, Mikha turned to see Maloi standing before her, wielding a helmet with a determined expression etched upon her face.

In that moment, relief flooded through Mikha, mingling with a sense of disbelief at the sight before her. "Maloi?" she breathed, her voice tinged with astonishment as she struggled to process the surreal turn of events.

Maloi offered her a reassuring smile, though the tension in her gaze belied the gravity of their situation. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice laced with concern as she helped Mikha to her feet.

Mikha nodded, though her mind still reeled from the shock of the encounter. "I... I think so," she murmured, her thoughts swirling with confusion and apprehension.

As she glanced back at the fallen assailant, a sense of foreboding settled over her, a stark reminder that their ordeal was far from over.

Beside Maloi, the student who had stumbled upon the scene earlier sprang into action. The person once again stood up. Maloi, sensing the imminent danger, her eyes flickering with warning as she pushed Mikha to the side, narrowly avoiding the attacker's lunge.

As Maloi and Mikha found themselves entangled on the floor, a mixture of embarrassment and urgency washed over them. Caught off guard by their sudden proximity, they quickly averted their gaze, their cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Before they could dwell on the awkwardness of the situation, a piercing scream shattered the tense silence, drawing their attention back to the unfolding chaos. With a sinking feeling in the pit of their stomachs, Maloi and Mikha watched in horror as the other student fell victim to the assailant's vicious attack, their eyes widening in shock and disbelief.

Without hesitation, Maloi sprang into action, her instincts kicking into overdrive as she pushed Mikha aside and leaped to her feet. With a steely resolve in her eyes, she charged towards the assailant, determined to fend off the threat and protect other people from harm.

With a determined grip on the helmet, Maloi swung with all her strength, the metallic clang echoing through the hallway as it connected with the assailant's skull. But instead of halting their advance, the blow seemed to fuel their aggression, driving them to lash out with renewed ferocity.

Mikha watched in horror as Maloi's relentless assault continued, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to comprehend the unfolding nightmare. Paralyzed by fear and disbelief, she stood rooted to the spot, her mind racing with a flurry of conflicting emotions.

It was only when Maloi's movements faltered, her eyes clouded with uncertainty, that Mikha found the strength to intervene. With a trembling hand, she reached out to grasp Maloi's arm, her voice choked with emotion as she pleaded for her to stop.

"Maloi, please," Mikha urged, her eyes pleading with her friend to heed her words. "This isn't you. Tama na."

The urgency in Mikha's voice seemed to penetrate Maloi's haze of aggression, her grip on the helmet loosening as she faltered beneath Mikha's touch. With a heavy sigh, she allowed the helmet to drop from her grasp, her shoulders slumping with defeat as the gravity of their situation sank in.

Maloi and Mikha turned their attention to the fallen student, their hearts heavy with sorrow as they stood still. Their hands trembling with a mixture of fear and confusion, they were met with a haunting sight. The student lay motionless on the cold floor, her eyes fixed on Maloi and Mikha with a silent plea for help. Though her lips remained still, her eyes spoke volumes, silently mouthing the words "Help me" as she struggled to cling to life.

Their hearts heavy with sorrow and regret, Maloi and Mikha exchanged a somber glance, their shared anguish mirrored in each other's eyes. Without a word, they set to work, their hands moving with purpose as they attempted to stem the tide of blood that flowed from the student's neck.

But despite their efforts, the student's condition continued to deteriorate, her breaths growing shallower with each passing moment. With a sinking feeling in the pit of their stomachs, Maloi and Mikha realized the gravity of the situation—they were running out of time, and the odds were stacked against them.

As Maloi moved closer to assist the injured student, Mikha hesitated, her gaze fixated on the lifeless figure before her. With a trembling hand, she reached out to cover Maloi's eyes, shielding her from the grisly sight as the student's final breath escaped her lips.

A tear escaped Maloi's eye, tracing a path down her cheek as she mourned the loss of a fellow schoolmate.


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