Chapter 31

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Third Person's Point Of View

After what felt like hours of running, the group finally reached a more defensible location.

An old, fortified warehouse on the outskirts of the city.

The building had been abandoned, offering a strong structure and an intact perimeter.

Colet quickly took charge, directing everyone to secure the entrance and fortify the building. "We need to make sure this place is secure. We've barely escaped from one danger, and we can't afford to let our guard down."

"We already lost enough people."

Inside, the group took stock of their supplies and began to set up a temporary base. The warehouse's large space allowed them to spread out, creating areas for sleeping and organizing their supplies.

The concrete floor was cold and unforgiving, but they had no other choice. They laid out blankets and makeshift bedding from whatever materials they could find.

Sheena, still overwhelmed, wandered to a corner of the warehouse. Her face was a mix of exhaustion and deep sorrow.

The death of Gwen had hit her hardest, and the weight of her loss was almost too much to bear. She slumped against the wall, her knees drawn to her chest as silent tears streamed down her face.

Jhoanna, seeing Sheena's distress, approached quietly. "Sheena, kailangan mo nang magpahinga. We'll take care of everything here."

Sheena looked up, her eyes red and vacant. "How can I rest, Jho? Gwen's gone, and so is Stacey."

"Wala man lang akong nagawa para iligtas siya."

Jhoanna knew that if Sheena found out that Aiah shot Gwen earlier, it would only make things worse.

She sat beside Sheena, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We all lost someone important. We need to stick together, for Gwen and Stacey's sake. They wouldn't want us to fall apart."

Sheena leaned her head against Jhoanna's shoulder, the comfort of her friend's presence offering a small solace in her grief. "I just feel so helpless, Jho. Everything is falling apart."

Jhoanna hugged Sheena tightly. "We're here for each other. That's what matters now."

Meanwhile, Mikha sat alone in a corner, her emotions raw.

The weight of Gwen's final request and the decision to let her die weighed heavily on her heart. She couldn't shake the image of Gwen's pleading eyes and the final moments of her life.

Every time she closed her eyes, she saw Gwen's face, heard her voice, and felt the crushing guilt of her choice.

Maloi, noticing Mikha's agony, sat beside her without saying a word. She wanted to let Mikha know she wasn't alone in this. She placed a gentle hand on Mikha's back, offering silent support.

Mikha's tears fell freely. "I just wish there had been another way."

Maloi's voice was soothing. "We all wish we could change things. But we have to honor Gwen's memory by surviving and moving forward. Kahit si Stacey... you know she wouldn't like seeing you in this state."

Mikha nodded, trying to muster some strength from Maloi's words. "I know. It's just so hard."

Maloi hugged her gently. "We'll get through this together. One step at a time."

Aiah, still grappling with the gravity of her actions, kept to herself.

The decision to end Gwen's suffering had been agonizing, and the weight of that choice pressed heavily on her.

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