Chapter 19

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Third Person's Point Of View

A man sprawled on the floor, knocked out cold.

Blood on his clothes stained the carpet around him, but it was dark so Mikha couldn't tell where it came from.

He wasn't anyone she knew, all skinny and pale with crazy, bloodshot eyes. Fear tightened Mikha's stomach in a knot. This wasn't her mom or her aunt. This was something way worse.

"Sh-Shee," Mikha whispered, her voice shaky. Her heart thumped like a drum solo in her chest. "Stay back," she mouthed, raising a hand to warn her friend.

But with a creak, the floorboards betrayed Sheena's scared step.

The man's eyes snapped open, glowing red in the dim light.

He stared at them like a hungry animal, his breathing ragged and rough.

Sheena gasped and threw herself between Mikha and the attacker. Fear made her brave for a second, but the man was too strong.

He shoved Sheena aside like she was nothing.

Sheena hit her head on the nightstand with a loud bang and went limp, fainting.

Panic flooded Mikha. A scream ripped from her throat as she saw Sheena fall.

Blood dripped down Sheena's forehead. Adrenaline kicked in, pushing away Mikha's fear. She darted around the room, spotting a heavy ceramic vase on the dresser. It wasn't much, but it was all she had.

With a yell that echoed in the small room, Mikha grabbed the vase. The man, distracted by Sheena, turned back, a low growl coming from deep in his chest.

"Don't you touch her!" Mikha roared, swinging the vase with all her might. It connected with the side of the man's head with a sickening crack.

He howled in pain, wobbling backward and falling hard next to Sheena.

Mikha scrambled to her friend's side, forgetting about being scared. "Sheena! Wake up!" she cried, shaking Sheena's shoulder. She hoisted Sheena onto her back, her legs burning.

They had to get out of there!

But bad luck wouldn't leave them alone.

As Mikha stumbled towards the door, her foot caught on a loose floorboard and she went crashing down.

The fall woke Sheena, but the bump on her head made her confused and weak.

"Ate?" Sheena mumbled, her voice slurred. "What happened?"

"We have to go!" Mikha gasped, forcing herself up despite the throbbing pain in her ankle. She tried to take a step, the room spinning around her.

She looked up in horror to see the man stirring, waking back up. He looked at Sheena with bloodshot eyes, his face like a monster's. A growl ripped from his throat as he lunged towards the unconscious girl.

Mikha screamed, a desperate cry. She was too far away, too hurt to reach them.

The man was about to bite Sheena when a loud sound echoed through the room.

A gunshot.

The man froze, his eyes widening in surprise.

A red stain bloomed on his chest, growing bigger by the second. He slumped back, dead as a doornail, next to Sheena.

Mikha stared, frozen in shock.

The silence after the gunshot was deafening. Through the haze of fear and adrenaline, she saw a figure standing in the doorway, dark and shadowy. The figure stepped into the room, hidden by the darkness.

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