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Iris's Pov:-

I gripped the steering wheel tightly, my knuckles turning white against the shiny leather. Rage burned in my chest, flaring with each heartbeat. Through my frustration, the city lights blurred past the window.

When mom said your dad wants to talk, I knew it was not the good kind. Turns out, "Talk" meant get bulldozed into a date with his friend's son. Like, seriously? No "How about it"? No "Interested in meeting someone new today"? Nope, just a straight-up order. That's when the frustration hits. He treats me like a puppet, not a person. So, here I'm driving myself to this date- not exactly how I envisioned spending my night.

But tonight, the tables are turning. Dad wants to control my life? Not a chance. I've got a plan, a foolproof one. Sometimes losing can actually be winning. Here's the deal: If I go on this date and reject Max, this CEO and "perfect match" according to Dad, well, he probably won't be happy. He might even blame me. But, at least it's on my terms. However, it Max rejects me first? Game over Dad's meddling. He can't argue with that, can he? So, with a mischievous grin, I steer towards this date, ready to play by my own rules.

When I arrived at the restaurant, I saw Max already seated at one of the tables. I put in a fake smile and approached him.

I smiled, "Hi Max, sorry I'm a little late. Traffic was crazy"!

Max stand up, offering his seat to me, "No worries, Iris. Please, have a seat".

"Thanks!", with a sigh, I lowered myself into the seat. Max has a charming personality, with his warm, genuine smile and twinkling eyes that held a hint of mischief.
He was charming, yet I didn't feel anything at all.

"You are looking absolutely Gorgeous", Max commented.

"Thanks!", I said faking a smile. Gorgeous? I dressed more minimally than usual. Seriously!

"We should order something", Max asked.

"Sure", The clinking of plates echoed softly as we placed our orders. We fell into a contented silence, the warm glow of the fairy lights painting the restaurant in a soft hue. The aroma of garlic and herbs danced in the air, whetting our appetites further.

As I sipped my wine, I wondered how to make my plan succed. Should I create fuss or pick an unnecessary fight? Ugh! This is so frustrating.

"Lost somewhere", Max asked drawing my attention back.

"Huh, No--- ", I flipped my hair and it got tangled in one of my earrings. "Ouch", I huffed as I tried to untangle them.

Max stood from his chair, "Let me Help".

Max reached for me, but before I could decipher it or even consider a response, a veiny and mascular hand grabbed his.

I looked up, and all the breath from my lungs strolled away as my gaze collided with dark, whiskey eyes------ Adrain Russo.

"Adrian, what the hell are you doing"? Max asked Adrain angrily. Adrain released his hand, then he took the chair and sat beside me.

"I'm doing what's Right. Now, Max, will you leave this place on your own, or do I need to escort you out using my methods"? Adrian said in a dark and edgy voice.

"You can't do that"? Max said hesitantly.

"Really", Adrain raised a brow " You know I'm capable of much more. So it's in your best interest to leave now".

Max's eyes darted between me and Adrain. Sensing the tension emanating from Adrain, he hesitantly stood up and left without a word.

Me. I'm too stunned to even speak. What the hell just happened? Why did Adrain show up and disrupt my date? Though I'm thankful to him for this, I was eventually going to end it.

He grabbed my hands and guide me out of the restaurant to parking lot. I freed my hand and asked angrily, "What the hell are you doing, Adrain"?

He paused, looked at me, and then smirked, "I like the sound of my name from your lips".

I started at him in confusion

He opened the door of his classic Mustang and commended, "Get in".

"No, I'll not", I said in protest.

"Lioness, I know you're always in the mood to fight, but denying me is not a good idea, especially when I'm angry. So, Get in", Adrain muttered.

I hesitated but eventually slipped inside his car. It smelled just like him--- whiskey, spice, and smoke.

As Adrian throws himself into the driver's seat and slams the car into gear, I instinctively press myself against the window.

A quick glance at him revealed his grip tightening on the wheel. The focused intensity in his posture sent a shiver down my spine. He is definitely angry. But why?

"Where are we going", I asked breaking the silence.

He glances at me and stops the Car, "we are there".

I looked out to find an empty beach- no one, not a single person in sight. Where did this beach come from? I've lived in this city and never knew about it.

He got out, shut the door firmly, and stalked towards me to open my door. He grabbed my hand and pulled me like a caveman, pressing my back against the car. He looked over me like a hungry lion. We were just inches away from each other.

"What are you doing? Have you gone crazy"? I breathed out.

"Yes, I'm crazy about you, you're definitely driving me insane".

My breath was stolen away; I couldn't react or think at all. We stared at each other for a moment. His gazed fixed on my mouth, and my throat went dry.

The moment his lips met mine, the world dissolved into a hazy blur.

If he is the devil and this is hell-- I didn't want to leave.

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