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Iris's pov:-

Every step towards the bathroom feels heavy, my head throbbing with each one. My body aches like I wrestled a bear, but at least I'm safe. That thought, like a cool rag on a hot forehead, pushes me onward.

The shower felt super long, but that's nothing compared to everything else. Being kidnapped, almost dying, then getting saved by Adrian and being at his place- it's all just a lot to handle right now. I need some time to wrap my head around it all.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I pulled on the shirt Adrian had given me and inhaled deeply. The rich scent of leather and spice, Adrain's signature filled my lungs.

Exhaling slowly, I stepped out of the guestroom, only to be met with a sight that stole my breath away. Adrian, bathed in the warm glow of the kitchen light, stood there in a crisp white shirt and pants, the sleeves pushed up slightly to reveal strong forearms. He moved with a focused intensity as he cooked, every so often tossing ingredients with a practiced flick of his wrist.

The air hung heavy with the promise of a delicious meal, but it was the way his white shirt strained against his broad shoulders, the way his dark his fell across his forehead as he concentrated, that truly sent a delicious shiver down my spine.

Ugh, Focus Iris!

Our eyes locked, the air whooshed from my lungs. His soft voice filled the silence," How are you feeling now?"

"Much better", I said, meeting his gaze as I walked to the Island and took the seat across from him.

"Good", He said, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards in a way that sent a jolt through me. Was that? No, it couldn't be. But then, it spread a full-blown smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes, a sight so rare it rivaled a blue moon. This wasn't the fake smile he usually give to people. This one held a warmth that seemed to emanate from his very core "Pasta and pancakes? You must be hungry".

With a gentle nudge, he pushed the plate of pasta and pancakes towards me before gracefully sliding into the seat beside me, his own platter following suit.

"Thanks! I had no idea you were a culinary whiz", I said with raised eyebrow.

"Well, I've been known to whip up a tasty dish or two when needed", He replied with a playful grin.

"I see", I murmured.

"Make sure you finish your food, okay! And remember to take your meds after you eat", Adrain said with a hint of worry in his voice.

With a small nod, I tucked into the meals. The silence stretched between us, but it wasn't uncomfortable. It felt like a shared understanding, a space for me to process. A flicker of gratitude warmed my chest for Adrain's quiet support.

When it comes time to clean up, he initially insisted on handling it alone, but I couldn't just sit back. In the rhythm of washing dishes side-by-side a sense of normally, however fragile began to return.

Cradling hot coffee on the living room couch, we watched the city morph. Rain lashed down, each drop a drumbeat against the window. The once crisp cityscape blurred into a mesmerizing dance of reflected neons and rain streaked movements. Familiar, yet strangely magical.

"Have you seen my phone anywhere! I really need to call Mom and Dad. They must be worried sick", I said in a concerning tone.

"Yes, I found it near the cabin", He said, handing me my phone.

"Thanks", I replied.

Quickly, I texted them both that I'm heading out of the city for work, reassuring them not to worry. I'd rather not tell them about the kidnapping and such; they'd be incredibly worried.

The soft clink of my phone hitting the table drew Adrain's attention. When our eyes met, a flicker of something unreadable passed through his gaze.

"Why did you do that", He muttered. "I know why William kidnapped you, but why did you withdraw your shares and tell his wife the truth after you blackmailed him first?"

"Believe me, blackmailing him was never my choice. My dad forced me to blackmail William, something I absolutely hated doing. When I had the chance to break free, I did. Honestly, I didn't even know about your deal with him", I said with a sob forming in my throat.

A sob escaped my throat, a raw sound that rippled through the carefully constructed dam holding back my tears. "He always used me like a pawn", I choked out, a knot tightening in my throat. "It's all just... to much. Everything's happening so fast. I nearly died, Adrian, and I just....." Tears streamed down my face, my voice trailing off into a helpless whimper.

"Shh, shh", Adrain murmured, pulling me close and stroking my back in a soothing rhythm. "None of this is your fault. You were manipulated, Lioness. It's okay".

Tears streamed down my face as I clung to Adrian. When we finally broke apart, he gently brushed his thumb across my cheek, wiping away a stray tear with a tenderness that calmed the storm within me.

We stared into each other's eyes, a universe of emotions swirling within them. My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drum solo echoing in the sudden quiet. Without thinking, driven by a raw need for comfort and connection, I met his gaze halfway, then let my lips meet his in a hesitant yet yearning kiss. He responded fiercely, pulling me closer as if afraid I might disappear.

We shared a kiss that seemed to stretch on for eternity, as if each moment were vital as oxygen, and we kissed as though we were drowning, clinging to each other like anchors.

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