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Iris's pov:-

My culinary skills sums to be on a three-strike losing streak.

For the past two hours, I've been attempting to make pancakes for myself and Adrain, but it seems I'm failing miserably.

Looks like it's either "Fourth time's the charm" or I'm calling up the local pizza shop. Wish me luck!

Adrian barely touched his breakfast this morning. So I'm making him pancakes, remembering how he pampered me when I arrived; I have to pamper him too.

Well, I know why he left early, but I don't want to dwell on it. Adrain said I don't have to worry about it, and I think that's best for me.

A acrid scent, like burning rubber, ripped through my train of thoughts.

Ohh fuck!

Guess those pancakes will have to wait for the next life.

Smoke filled the air, stinging my eyes. I couldn't see a thing, but Adrain's panicked voice reached me, "Iris, what the fuck happened?"

"I'm fine", I muttered, the smoke beginning to clear when I finally caught sight of Adrain, he looked just as he had when he left, but his expression had changed, and I noticed a bandage wrapped around his hand.

Oh God,

William must be in so much pain, I can tell that.

"What on earth were you doing, baby?" He asked in a worried tone.

A swarm of butterflies takes flight in my stomach whenever he calls me "Lioness" and it intensifies when he adds "Baby".

I felt a blush creep up my cheeks, I swear I saw him smirk!


"Ugh, I was trying to make some pancakes", I chuckled, clearing my throat.

".....but let's just say it didn't work out", He chuckled, the sound so soothing it settled in my heart.

"Kind of", I replied, a frown creasing my brow, "I'm so sorry, I burned your kitchen. What a mess!"

"Shh, Lioness, no apologies needed. It was the effort that counts, and your attempt was adorable. Besides, I'd rather spend time with you than cleaning burnt batter. Pancakes lessons sound perfect, especially if it means getting to be this close".

He pulled me closer, his voice a low murmur against my ear. Our kiss started soft, then deepened with growing passion.

"Adrain, please focus; we shouldn't get distracted", I muttered, pushing my lips in a pout.

"You're my beautiful distraction, Lioness", His words trailed off, his thumb gently grazing my lower lip, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Adrain", I yelled and it made him chuckle.

He showed me how to make pancakes. It was hard at first, but I learned how to do it well. Atleast I didn't burnt anything this time, so that's a win!

But our pancake-making session turned into a marathon thanks to Adrain's non-stop flirting. It felt like we were never going to get to actually eat!

Just as the pancake were about to be done, Adrian lifted me and placed me on the kitchen Island. Then proceed to eat my cunt like a goddam caveman, momentarily erasing everything else from my mind- even the sizzling pancakes on the griddle.

Laughter bubbled up from within us, a warm and contagious sound that filled the air, a sound so beautiful it echoed in my soul.

Being with him brought a happiness unlike anything I'd ever known.

But here's the thing about happiness, it is like a fleeting breeze, sometimes carried away by the winds of change or the touch of others.


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