family dinner

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Your family is very close with the Afton's and the Emily's. Every once in awhile you'll have family dinners together, and even though Michael is tolerable, his creepy dad William sure isn't. And one night after dinner, William gives you a real reason to cry.


You absolutely hated going to Fredbear's Family Diner. It was loud, messy, reeked of stale pizza and sweat—definitely not your idea of fun. But your younger siblings loved it, and as the soon-to-be high school graduate, you had no choice but to be dragged along every time. It didn't matter how many excuses you came up with—your parents weren't buying them.

After so many years of visiting, your family had become close with the co-owners, the Aftons and the Emilys, which meant more than just trips to the diner. It meant being invited to their homes for dinners, sitting through forced conversations, and tolerating their kids. Out of everyone, at least Michael Afton wasn't unbearable. He was your age and, like you, shared a mutual hatred for the place. Fredbear's was a nightmare to both of you. Instead of fun, it felt like you were trapped in some creepy circus. But no matter how much you and Michael complained, your families never seemed to notice. 

You and Michael had become semi-good friends, but you weren't that close. He wouldn't be there most of the time anyway, his family wasn't evil enough to force him to come along. You were envious of Michael and his life. He had a whole group of friends, a girlfriend, and even had a basketball scholarship to a University all the way across the country, while you were stuck going to an in-state college.

Another unsettling downside was having to deal with Michael's father, William. There was something off about him, something that made your skin crawl every time you were near. His eyes would linger on you far too long, filled with something that made you feel exposed. He'd give you strange, inappropriate compliments, his tone always just a little too familiar. Worse, there were moments when his "accidental" touches landed in places no one had any right to touch, especially not a man in his mid-40s.

It didn't make sense to you. William was attractive enough—he could easily be with women his own age, if he wanted. But for some reason, his attention was fixed on you. And only you. That fact alone sent an uneasy chill down your spine every time he was in the room.His wife randomly left him and his family a few years ago without a trace, and it was starting to make sense why. The more and more time you spent around him, the more perspective you got. He was an asshole, even Michael hated him, and you were unlucky enough to have to deal with his harassment.

You never truly believed William would cross a serious line. He was just a bad flirt—an expert at making you uncomfortable—but you had learned to brush it off, chalking it up to his weird, inappropriate behavior.

That changed one evening, when the Aftons and Emilys gathered together for a family dinner at the Emily's house. As you sat down, you found yourself next to Michael, while William took a seat directly across from you. His long legs stretched out beneath the table, and before you knew it, they brushed deliberately against yours. You flinched, pulling your legs back as far as possible, hoping it was an accident. But he persisted, the subtle but intentional contact sending waves of discomfort through you. 

You could feel his eyes on you, the weight of his gaze pressing down, paired with that unsettling smile you knew was there. But you refused to look up, determined to ignore him. As the conversation continued around you, William, clearly growing tired of your avoidance, decided to pull you in.

"So, Y/N, how've you been these days?" His voice cut through the chatter, drawing the attention of everyone at the table.

All eyes shifted toward you, forcing you to meet his gaze. You managed a strained smile, though your stomach churned under the intensity of his stare. His eyes sparkled with amusement, clearly enjoying your discomfort, as you gathered the courage to respond.

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