Not so safe walk home

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You weren't exactly sure how long you had been walking for--it felt like hours.

The sun had gone down by now and it was nearly pitch black outside. You had near to no sense of direction when it came to walking home, and since your phone died, you knew that you were really lost.

You had just finished up a closing shift at the local coffee shop that you had worked at, and were stupid enough to leave your car running for the whole eight hours that you were there for. So with a dead car, a dead phone, and no co-worker to drive you home, you knew you were screwed.

Of course, you thought you were safe. You had your pepper spray in your pocket and this neighborhood was a pretty safe one. You were mostly just concerned about getting home in time for dinner rather than being threatened by someone--in fact that thought barely even crossed your mind.

Your heartbeat did begin to speed up when you turned down an alleyway. You were almost positive that this was a shortcut on the way to your house--at least you hoped it was--but when you turned the corner you only now realized how sketchy it was.

Deciding to turn around and walk the normal path--or what you thought was the normal path--your face collided with the chest of a tall, thin figure. You paused, your heart dropping to your stomach the moment you looked up to see a man looming over you, his silver eyes burning holes into yours as a smirk spread across his face.

"Are you lost, little one?" he questioned as he cocked his head, his eyes undressing your body. They raked over your form, sending chills down your spine.

"N-No," you managed to say, a nervous laugh escaping your lips as you slowly backed away from the man, only to be met with the unforgiving wall behind you.

He chuckled, stepping forward to close you into the corner that you were now backed into. "It seems like you are," he said, the smirk on his face still visible as he reached out to touch your hair. "I can walk you home, you know," he said, a long finger twirling a strand of your hair. "It's not safe for a pretty thing like you to be walking around at night, all alone."

His seductive voice sent alarm bells ringing in your ears as you stared up at him with wide eyes, paralyzed by fear. You could feel droplets of sweat forming on your forehead despite the cold, night air. You knew this man didn't want to just "walk you home." He wanted more than that--he had to. His proximity only made you more nervous as he trapped you, both his hands pressing against the cold wall.

"I-It's okay, I'm fine," you said, your voice trembling. You weren't sure where to land your eyes. You didn't want to look at him, for his menacing smile was too much to bear. He had you right where he wanted you; alone, trapped, vulnerable, and most importantly, scared. He liked scared--he preferred it.

"Aww," he pouted his lips, shaking his head, "That's cute. You think you have a choice."

You were smart enough to know what was going to happen, but foolish enough to think that you could still manage to escape. Your hands, still free, reached for the pepper spray in your pocket, but the sweat on your palms made it slip right out of them and onto the floor. The sound of the bottle dropping mocked you. You stared at the small bottle, wide eyed, immediately bending down to grab it, but it was already in the man's hands before you could reach it.

"Oh, no no no," he shook his head, studying the bottle in his left hand while his right hand aggressively pinned both wrists over your head. "That's not very nice. I thought you were a nice girl, an obedient girl." You were too shocked to realize that tears were already streaming down your cheeks. Your body had accepted your fate before your mind had, and now you were fully aware that there was truly no escape. "Don't cry, sweetheart, don't cry," he whispered to you while shoving the bottle into his back pocket, "I didn't follow you down here to listen to you cry. I followed you down here to listen to you scream," he chuckled darkly.

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