I spilled them (pt 3)

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In the weeks that followed, you found yourself avoiding Liz's house at all costs. Every time she invited you over, you'd come up with a quick excuse—something about homework or plans that didn't really exist—or suggest that she come to your place instead. The thought of seeing William again made your stomach twist in ways you couldn't shake.

But deep down, you knew it couldn't last forever. If you were going to stay close to Liz, there was no escaping the inevitable. At some point, you'd have to face William again. It wasn't a question of if, but when.

That day finally came.

Liz had invited you to help supervise at her little brother Evan's birthday party at Fredbear's, practically begging you to come along. "You can't leave me alone with a bunch of hyper kids," she'd pleaded. "I'll lose my mind!"

Despite your better judgment, you caved. You didn't want to let her down, even though the anxiety about running into William was gnawing at you. The sense of dread lingered, but you couldn't bring yourself to say no to Liz.

The sound of children's laughter and arcade machines echoed through the air as you stepped inside Fredbear's. The warm, greasy smell of pizza and the shrieks of excited kids filled the room, but it did little to calm the growing pit in your stomach. Your eyes scanned the chaotic scene, looking for Liz, trying to focus on anything other than the gnawing dread you had carried with you all the way here.

Liz waved from across the room, standing by the cake table, looking bored already. You offered a small wave back and weaved through the crowd of sugared-up kids, trying to act like everything was fine. But your mind was elsewhere, haunted by a question you had been trying to ignore since you arrived: Where is William?

As you reached Liz, she grinned, pulling you into a quick hug. "Thank God you came. I thought I was going to be stuck wrangling these little terrors by myself."

You forced a smile, though your nerves were still in overdrive. "I wouldn't leave you hanging," you said, your voice steady, but your eyes kept wandering.

"Evan's already taken off with his friends. Let's just stay back here and pretend we're supervising." Liz giggled. You forced out a laugh as well, your eyes still darting around the room. You thought that maybe, just maybe, you'd be able to avoid him. But just as the thought crossed your mind, you felt it—like a shift in the room, an invisible pull. Your breath hitched, and your heart quickened.

There he was.

William stood near the back entrance, scanning the room. Tall, imposing in a casual way that somehow made him more intimidating. His sharp eyes moved slowly, taking everything in. You tried to look away, tried to focus on something else, but it was impossible.

And then, his gaze landed on you.

For a brief second, your heart stopped. Liz was talking beside you, oblivious to the tension knotting in your stomach, but her voice faded into the background. All you could focus on was William, and the uncomfortable pull that came with seeing him again.

He started walking toward you. Slow, deliberate steps cutting through the crowd.

You stood rooted to the spot, watching as William finally reached the table, greeting Liz first with that familiar smile—the one that always seemed so friendly, so normal. But when his eyes flicked back to you, the smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Glad you could make it," William said, his voice smooth as ever, though it carried a weight only you could feel. You managed a nod, your throat too tight to speak. He cast a quick glance over his shoulder at Liz. "Do me a favor and go find your brother," he said, his voice steady but with a hint of urgency. "It's almost time to open gifts..."

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