william saves the day

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Emma has been friends with Michael, Fredrick, Mark and Simon for as long as she can remember. But recently, their dynamic has changed, and she doesn't know why until one horrific night at Michael's house. Luckily, William's there to save the day.


I have been friends with Michael, Simon, Mark and Fredrick for years now. They're my best friends, and I love them dearly, but I have to admit that sometimes, especially recently, I've been wishing that I had some girlfriends too. There's been a certain shift in our dynamic. They've been excluding me more often, not inviting me to to everything like they used to, and they've even been acting different.

At times, they can be unexpectedly harsh towards me. Their jokes carry a sting, their teasing feels more pointed, and their dismissive attitude when I express my feelings is disheartening. It's a painful realization that my closest friends were now completely insensitive careless of my feelings. Every time I would tell them to stop, or that they were hurting my feelings, they would get mad at me. They weren't like that before, I wasn't sure what changed.

The exclusion I feel when they don't invite me cuts deep. It's a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that I'm the only girl in the group, and wanting to be treated the same way they treat each other. Despite the hurt, I find myself enduring it, fearful of rocking the boat and risking their anger.

But tonight, I was finally invited to a sleepover at Michael's house. We used to have these all the time, and even though lately things have been different, I was really grateful that they invited me.

"Alright, who's sleeping on the floor, 'cause it's not gonna be me," Michael declared, plopping down onto his bed with a casual air. His gaze shifted to me, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he raised his eyebrows teasingly. "Oh, not you either, Ems," he remarked with a smirk.

"I'm okay, I'll just take the floor," I responded, feeling a twinge of discomfort at the thought of sharing a bed with them. It used to be fine, but now something about it just didn't sit right with me anymore. Perhaps it was the growing distance between us or the unspoken tension in the air.

"That's not necessary," Mark insisted, shaking his head, his brows furrowing in concern.

"Yeah, don't worry. You can take the middle spot since you're the smallest," Fredrick chimed in with a grin, exchanging a knowing glance with Michael, who struggled to contain his laughter, his eyes twinkling with amusement. I was a little confused by this, but I brushed it off.

"I'm okay, I'll just take the floor," I said, a nagging awareness of our power dynamics lingering in the back of my mind. Usually I trust these boys with my life, but now, I couldn't help but feel a little bit uneasy.

"Why? You never had a problem before," Simon interjected, his tone laced with curiosity. "Is something different?"

"Yeah, do tell, Emma," Mark added, his gaze probing. All eyes turned to me, intensifying my growing discomfort.

"Uh, no, no nothing's different," I hastily replied, attempting to brush off the unease. "I just don't want to sleep on the bed."

Frederick rolled his eyes impatiently. "Oh my god," he groaned, frustration evident in his voice. "Just sleep on the bed, you're such a drama queen." His dismissive tone only added to my anxiety. The insult twisted my stomach, igniting a burning wave of embarrassment and hurt that flushed my cheeks red.

"Sorry," I mumbled, my voice barely audible amidst their laughter.

"She's a fisher," Michael chuckled, his amusement contagious among the group. Standing there, I felt attacked by their mockery, my sense of self-worth crumbling under their taunts.

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