Chapter 1:Origins

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This is a story about legends,A story about how five bored students became the saviors of their city. I am your narrator ... .that's all you need to know,Now let's get started, shall we? We start with this boy, named Donte. He is a quiet boy that gets excited with conflict, and he strives for excitement in his life. You see, Donte's life has been very boring, to the point where he just wants to start fights, since he likes conflict so much. Anyway, he is on his way to school on the train but something is different today he is feeling.......dark like darker than usual it's like depression but it feels good somehow but he just ignores it, for now, he arrives at the school new Utrecht He sees his best friend madison. Now Madison is ONE of Dontes best friends even though she acts like his mother she is very smart, gets excellent grades and she likes to argue with people but even so like Donte,she is very bored with life as well. When Donte sees madison he runs towards her and waves"HEYYYYY MADISON" even though Donte is a quiet kid he acts really different around his friends he is very cheerful and loud. Madison makes an annoyed face at Donte when she heard him scream her name in the hallway. When approached, madison punches him in the arm "why the fuck are you yelling so much HUH" she snaps at Donte as he replies" I'm sorry I'm sorry I was just happy to see my childhood friend. Dang anyway how is your morning did lilac text you yet" he scoffs" shut up dumbass" Madison says annoyed" yes he has to text me you're just mad you don't have a lover," she says while laughing a lot you see Donte is a little down all the time because he craves affection and love he thinks that will add a little excitement and joy in his life that's craving it so much." cmon madison don't-tease Donte like that,'' someone says from behind both of them, it was Lucas does his best friend Lucas is your typical white boy, nerd,brown hair, blue eyes, likes star wars and comic books, friendly personality he was the one who approached Donte while in gym class the previous year but we will get into that later. Even though Donte and Madison are black,they enjoy Lucas's company. He is one of the good ones, they say, since every other white person in this school makes racist jokes every day. But anyways, as they were talking, Madison mentions that she feels like she wants to bite something badly Donte replies".....what the hell are you talking about maddie"looking at her confused. Lucas chimes in"what does that even mean..are you hungry or something"lucas says while having the same look as Donte "she then explains that she feels like she just wants to lash out and bite something like really hard, Donte feels uncomfortable "ANYWAYS Lucas, how was your class"Donte asks to try to change the subject. Lucas starts earlier than Madison and Donte so he was in class earlier than them. He replies"boring as ever,it was just standard ELA class,i thought ELA would be interesting now that we are in the tenth grade but hey,at least it's easy"Lucas groans. That's when Dominick shows up. Now since Dominick is another one of Dontes best friends, hes just like lucas but instead he has white hair and he likes anime more than marvel. He gives everyone a high five and him and Donte do their handshake from "sword art online" the anime since Donte watches anime as well. After talking some more,Dominick brings up a new topic"y'know i've been feeling really weird lately like cold really cold"he explains that is feels like a cold liquid is running through his body at first he thought he was sick but he went to the doctors the other day since this started last week the doctors said there was nothing wrong with him at this time Donte thinks back to when he was on the train when he was feeling dark darker than usual he decides to disclose this information with his friends when said his friends look at him and lucas says"ive been feeling some time of way too actually im just feeling stronger but the thing is i dont work out so i dont really get it and at the same time its like i have this energetic feeling inside me i don't know how to explain it it's just weird"he says while looking confused"well ig we all are just weird huh Donte says while laughing"dominic cuts him off"well madison didn't say she was feeling weir-"madison cuts him off"actually i explained earlier that i was feeling like i wanted to bite something and feeling like i wanna lash out before i got cut off by Donte"she says while rolling her eyes.Finally the bell rings and class starts,let's skip to their lunch period,during their lunch period friend group is speaking, talking about random things then this girl walks up and greets them she says"hi guys how are your days going"madison replies"hi Aka our days our going well isn't that right Donte"she says with a smug look on her face,you see she does this because Donte has a HUGE crush on Aka but he could never explain why he did probably her dyed red hair,or the fact that she was shorter than him and cute, anyway Donte replies with"h-hi A-Aka my day is going well"he says thus while blushing and turning away from her Aka says"that's good well i'll talk to you later bye"completely ignoring dominic and lucas as she walks away shortly after this the school bell rings just as this happens an earthquake starts to shake the school everyone freaks out people start running,yelling and screaming as this happen lucas starts to yell "OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING ARE WE GOING TO DIE"Donte replies with "LUCAS CALM DOWN AND GET UNDER THE TABLE"the friend group gets under the table to try and protect themselves but as soon as Donte,madison,lucas and dominic got under the table four beams of light shoots down from the sky hitting the friend group not hurting them but it teleporting them to another area.

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