Chapter 3: Settling in

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After the friend group awakens their powers the buddha explains that their lives will never be normal again as the buddha is speaking he says"you four will continue to go to school as always but you won't live in your houses any more its to dangerous i have made a temple for you guys and each of you have your own rooms there will be a training area so you can get a handle on your new powers also another thing i know you guys are happy and everything but take this seriously and do NOT let these powers go to your head you must not reveal yourself to anybody no matter how close they are to you"buddha exclaims madison replies to this and says "wait wouldn't our parents get worried if they don't see us for a couple of days or....ever"buddha then explains that he made clones of them that will take their place even if he dies they will still stay there,after explaining the importance of the situation he tells them that they will not be getting escorted to the temple that they will be staying at and that they will have to use their powers to make it there.Right after saying this he teleports away in a beam of white light,after he disappears the friend groups starts talking dominic says"THIS IS AWESOME WE HAVE SUPER POWERS NOW AND NOW WE GET TO STAY IN A TEMPLE"the buddha saying that they have to go to the temple so they try to brainstorm ways they could traverse to the temple just as they are thinking Donte says"well me and madison can just fly there dom you can make can ice path in the air and slide on it like frozone and lucas you can just jump from building to building since you have increased stats the hard part would to actually learn and control it so let's get to it"madison and Donte then try to flap their wings to start flying it works but it takes extreme focus for them to get it down since it is their first time having wings they start flying in the direction of the temple but they go slow just to be careful just as they start flying dominic jumps off of the building and starts sliding on the bridge he makes with his ice lucas says" guys wait for me as he jumps from building to building with his GREATLY increased agility.When they make it to the temple up close they realize that it's beautiful up close its a golden temple with silver pillars around it,as they get lead inside by the buddha they look around in the temple and see the training area its a big room with weights punching bags and stone pillars for target practice when they walk in deeper they see their it is a red room,a black room,a blue room,a gold room and a white room,there are......five rooms Donte realizes this and asks the buddha why are there five rooms instead of four the buddha replies with"that's for your other teammate you'll meet them later i have not granted them powers yet because i believe that they are not ready for this life yet"Donte responds with"well i can't wait to meet them"he says this with a smile on his face.After checking out the temple they get escorted to their individual rooms madison gets the red one Donte gets the black dominic gets the blue one and lucas gets the gold one all the rooms have a tv windows with curtains a bed a dresser a fan an ac and individual's pretty late so the buddha advises them to got to bed and that's what they do but while laying down lucas thinks to himself if he is really ready for this life is he up to the task he was chosen so he had to be right? At Least that's what he thinks to himself.The night passes and the friend group get woken up at 5:00 am by a horn that is being played by the buddha when the friend group walks out of their rooms the buddha says"RISE AND SHINE FUTURE HEROES,TODAY IS THE DAY WE START TRAINING"madison replies bitterly to this and says"you woke us up at five in the morning"the buddha responds"yes i did if your going to fight devadatta and his army your going to need to train as much as you can, remember your still new to your powers,now everyone wash up and let's get to training.The friend group goes and washes up and comes back out ready to train their powers,they enter the training room and buddha explain what they are going to be doing today he says"now that your all here today we are just going to be taking it light since you've only had your powers for a couple of hours so today just play with your abilities and see what you can do ok"the group responds with ok and they get to training.madison works on her mobility her misting,flight and her power to scale walls,lucas on the other hand is working on his swordsmanship and controlling it with mind,while training he is having trouble with controlling it with his mind when buddha sees him having trouble he says"focus lucas don't try so hard act like the sword is apart of your body just detached from you visualize it don't try to rush it ok"lucas replies bitterly "OK".As they are continuing their training Dominick learns how to shoot his ice in different forms like making glaciers out of them and he even learns how to make weapons out of the ice he looks over at Donte training,while Donte was training he learned how to control the black mist he creates,got a better handle on his flight,learned how to teleport using shadows and learned how to conjure shadow weapons as well as Dominick. Just as everyone was training Dominick calls out to Donte and says "hey Donte lets spar"Donte replies with "huh why would we spar we are just getting the hang of our powers"dom replies to this by saying "pussy"Donte snaps back"tf you call me Dominick" Dominick replies"you heard me" as things were about to get hot the buddha intervenes"now now boys simmer down i will allow you to spar but if things get to serious i will break up the fight UNDERSTOOD"they both respond "yes sir".Both Donte and Dominick get on each side of the training ground while madison ,lucas and the buddha sits on the sidelines ready to fight Dominick conjures up an ice scythe while Donte pulls two shadow daggers out of his shadow,after a moment of silence they both rush at each other Donte jumps and tries to stab Dominick but before he can Dominick snaps his fingers and surrounds himself in a ice sphere Donte backs off by flying backward in the air while in the air Donte thinks to himself"he's good how did he manage to learn that so quick and i almost had him......dammit" Dominick dispels his ice sphere and says"Your gonna have to do better than that to hit me Donte"he says with a smirk on his face just as Dominick finishes his sentence he yells"NOW ICE AGE" just then two big mountains of ice charges at Donte,he manages to avoid one but the other scrapes Dontes legs making him bleed,Donte yells"AHH" as Donte yells Dominick walks up to him and puts the blade of his scythe to Dontes chin and asks him"do you yield"just then Donte whispers" Subete keikakudōri"just then the whole room gets enveloped in black mist as this is happening Donte flys in the air and starts laughing"HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH I KNEW IT I hope you like this move dom i call this move total blackout.I knew that you would get cocky and act all dramatic and put the scythe to my chin"just as Donte is talking Dominick is impressed he thought he was the only one who got so much control of their powers that they were able to make a move out of it he screams"YESSSSSSSSSSSS NOW ITS A REAL BATTLE" just after Dominick is finished yelling the black mist fades and Donte says"now dom lets finish this"after saying this Donte lands and readies his daggers and Dominick readies his scythe they both look at each other for a while and then they charge at each other. Just before they reached each other they were both stopped by golden light coming from the Buddha immobilizing them both thus ending the sparring session

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