Chapter 18: Final battle(s1 ending)

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A couple of days After the events of the battle in asgard The team didn't make any moves the team didn't even train besides from Dominick who is desperate to find out who his god is.Dominick is training with Hyoga while everyone is still in distraught"why can't i find out who my god is why aren't they showing themselves why"Dominick has an internal conflict within himself,he thinks that he's too weak to discover his god or that maybe something is wrong with him.But her chooses not to focus on that and he keeps on training because he believes that the only way to defeat devadatta and danjal or even have a chance Against them is to find out who his god is to make him stronger,He just needs to figure out how.Donte however has been in a deep depression from all that's happened.The defeat in battle,the overthrowing of asgard,the fact that it was just confirmed that he was a demon and of course the death of his childhood best friend madison.Of course everyone felt the weight of her death but it hit Donte harder Because He has failed again he failed to protect his friend this realization stung him even worse than he already was.Donte is sitting in his room doubting himself"why am i even here......i can't even save the ones i love" Donte lays down and looks at the ceiling with dead eyes and not a will to move at all.Aka is very worried about him and brings him all his meals to at least make sure he eats something so he won't starve.The team other than Donte who didn't even answer the decision due to his mental state decided to let Meru stay at the temple with them for the time being for her safety.Wukong Didn't lose hope and decided to meditate to find a solution to the problem of Devadatta and Danjal.Lucas didn't lose hope either and trained with Dominick because he too thought it was a good idea to train for the next battle which might be their last.Thor and Odin who has also been transported with the team has fled to another realm to prepare for the next battle with odin slumbering in odin sleep recharging his magic and his knowledge while thor guards his father.Meanwhile in the temple The team has a meeting in the middle of the day but is still missing Donte who has locked himself in his room and decides their next move"Wukong what do we do,Asgard is taken over Donte is fucking depressed and we lost a teammate"Dominick says sitting down next to meru as Wukong replies to him"Dominick ive been thinking and meditating for a really long time and i think the only option we have is to fight them on their turf"Wukong says as Aka starts to yell at him"WHAT DO YOU MEAN FIGHT THEM? THAT'S PRACTICALLY SUICIDE"Aka says angrily at Wukong as he defends himself"Aka i know i know its just that we have no other option but to fight.Its out best chance at winning"Wukong says while Aka sighs in defeat"Ok sure we can go fight them but how are supposed to do thet when our STRONGEST member is Depressed right now and has no will to fight"Aka says pointing to Dontes room which is locked.She begins to walk to his room where she is about to knock and try to talk to him but Wukong stops her"Aka stop he doesnt need your words right now he needs a warriors advice.Im going to place my trust into that warrior for now but if he doesnt succeed then ill let you go and try to get him back into the battle spirit"Wukong says as Aka slowly nods and walks back to her seat.Donte is laying down on his bed in absolute silence when he suddenly goes unconscious.He gets teleported in his mindscape where Macaque is standing with his hands crossed and looking at Donte with pity and disappointment"What the hell are you doing out there boy"Macaque says at Donte angrily"why are you just laying down depressed you should fighting" Macaque says still standing there as Donte Emotionlessly responds"What do you mean i should friend just got murdered in front of me and none the less it was by my own father"Donte says before falling to his knees.Macauqe walks to him and starts to yell at him"THATS EXACLTY WHY YOU SHOULD BE FIGHTING"Macaque picks up Donte by his shirt" YOU THINK SHE'D WANT YOU TO BE DEPRESSED RIGHT NOW.AVENGE HER YOU IDIOT"He throws Donte on the ground as Dontes eyes widen"Y-your right"Dontes eyes start to flood with tears"What am i doing....Madison was a fierce person hell she would have hit me upside my head if i didnt avenge her by now hehe she would yell at me like shes my mother"Donte starts to chuckle to himself"Man im such an idiot...Aka is probably worried sick right now"Donte says as Macaque smiles to himself and thinks"This kid..Despite being a demon and is a little insane,he has such a warmth to him"Macaque thinks before getting serious"Alright kid i think you know that the only move now is to fight them right?"Donte stops chuckling and replies"Yea...I know"Donte stands up with newfound confidence and a smile on his face"Let's do this!!"Donte exits his mindscape and flips off of his bed.He enters the common room and Aka runs to him and kisses him without hesitation"OMG OMG I WAS WORRIED TO DEATH"Aka continues to kiss Donte all over his face and Dominick and Meru makes eye contact.They both blush and look away Quickly avoiding eye contact with each other but Wukong tries to interrupt Aka and Donte"Can you guys please Stop"Wukong says Annoyed but Aka keeps going while talking back"Come on Wukong i Didn't get to kiss my Wittle demon in a while,Let me have this"Aka still continues to kiss Donte all over his face while Donte says in his mind"Yea....Demon"They eventually stop and start to get serious as Wukong explains the plan"Alright kids you know we have to fight those the plan is Donte you fight Devadatts while the rest of us fig-"Donte cuts Wukong off"My father...yeaaa no me and Aka will be taking him while the rest of you Handle Devadatta"Donte says while smiling.Wukong makes a confused face and questions Donte's decision"Why would you want to fight him when it's better if the strongest goes up against the main big bad"Wukong says when Donte cuts him off yet again"i wanna settle the score with my father.He needs to pay for what he has done and who better to defeat Danjal than his own son plus you guys have Dominick he's only a little behind me in the strength department and you'll have Lucas and meru,you guys should be good"Donte then gets up from his seat and goes to get dressed in his battle attire as the same as everyone else.Wukong opens the portal to Asgard and they begin to walk in it towards the final battle.Meanwhile in asgard Devadatta and Danjal are in the castle with Loki waiting for the heroes to confront them"Soon once we get rid of those pests i can finally go through with my plan for a utopia a place where gods can be the only living things in existence..well unless i say so"Devadatta looks over at Loki who is tied up by a fire binding spell Danjal had used on him.Devadatta walks towards loki"as for you well...your luck has run out"Devadatta then extends his hand"you tried to take the throne from me....idiot"Just then multiple bats spawn from his hand and starts to devour Loki's body whole not even leaving a trace of Loki's existence."Devadatta stares at his hand while opening and closing it,admiring his new power"that girls power its extraordinary heh it's too bad she didn't use it to its full potential HAHAHAHAHAHA SUCH A SHAME RIGHT DANJAL"Danjal Smirks and nods his head" is.the fact that i killed her might send my son to the edge and maybe just maybe i'll get a good fight out of it"the two starts to laugh as they both sense the teams presence in the realm and Danjal smiles like a insane person out of his mind"Hereeee they areeeeeee"Danjal gets ready to fly towards them but Devadatta stops him"let them come to us that'll make it more sweet...them walking to their demise"Danjal agrees as they both sit and wait for their pray.The team ends up on a mountain where they look down where they see demons running about and destroying anything in sight they are savages beings that'll tear anything down in sight.Meru and Dominick walks to the Edge of the mountain and say the same thing"ara ara~ look at them their like roaches/Look at them like roaches"they Both look at eachother and blush again"let's power through those demons and get to the bosses"Donte says as they all jump down and start to fight the demons.They land and without time to waste they being to start dodging and attacking the demons but soon they start to get overwhelmed"GUYS COME ON WE NEED PUSH THROUGH THEM"Lucas shouts as he conjures nunchucks and begins to effortlessly knock the demons out cold but the rest of the team is still having trouble.Just as the team is about to get completely overwhelmed a GIANT bolt of lighting comes roaring down from the sky and hits the demons absolutely incinerating them rendering them completely unable to move.The team looks above and to their eyes they see thor slowly descending"fear not young ones me and my father will hold them off until Devadatta and Danjal are defeated"Donte gives them a thumbs up,There isn't any time to converse though and the team with wasting no times all begin to fly to the castle.While flying Donte begins to reassure Aka due to her shaking a bit on the way to the castle"Aka ill be ok i promise you"Donte takes her hand while in the air"So don't worry so much ok"they all fly to the front of the castle where they are greeted by Danjal and devadatta"finally my vision will come true FINALLY"Devadatta starts to laugh aloud.Danjal and Donte are making heavy eye contact with one another and finally Donte speaks"hello....Father"Donte says with a malice in his voice as Danjal can't do anything but smile" make sure to give me a good fight..SON"without any time to waste danjal Punches Donte into the air and kicks him back down wayyy farther than where his team would be but at the same time Aka follows"GOODLUCK GUYS"Aka yells as she flies to where Danjal and Donte is.Upon seeing Aka enter the fight Danjal makes an unamused face"Why is she here"Danjal says while taking a fighting stance and Donte responds"She'll be joining us this evening"Donte says while he pulls out his daggers"aren't you going to summon kage"Aka ask and Donte responds"I'm not going to let him die because of me i can't risk that"Aka nods and summons her light spear but before she can look ahead Danjal Attacks Donte punching him dead in the face while laughing"COME ON SON KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL"Danjal then kicks Aka aside into nearby mountain.Donte gets up and Swipes at Danjal with his dagger and manages to cut him on his cheek and Danjal skippers back with a smirk on his face"GOOD GOOD"Danjal flies towards Donte grabbing him and flying into the red misty sky of asgard while punching him over and over and over.He continues until Aka comes from behind And shoots and light beam into Danjals back forcing him to release his grip of his son.When Danjal releases his grip Donte kicks him into the ground and throws Multiple Shadow kunai at him while Aka is shooting light beams.Meanwhile With Devadatta and the rest of the team"hmmm its a 4v1 huh"Devadatta says as he takes his sword off of his back and swings it causing a slice of air to hit the team.Using the distraction of the air slice he cut he ends up behind Wukong and binding him into the ground with a mixture of Light and vampire powers to make shackles of light and Ash"your one weakness Sun wukong is Ash/smoke...ill kill you later but for now"he looks at the rest of the team who were not fast enough to react to Devadattas speed"DIE"Devadatta shouts as he rushes at Lucas and takes him by the arm and Slashes him through his armor making multiple slashes across his body and kicks him into the side of the castle rendering him out cold"next..."he stares at Dominick and meru and before Devadatta can do anything,Dominick slashes him on the back with his scythe as meru hits him at the same time with a kick to the face making him stumble back a little"NICE MERU"Dominick says as he takes his scythe and slams it on the ground"WORLD OF ICE"he says as multiple ice spikes comes up from the ground but Devadatta manages to slips away by making himself Mist and flying above them.He then transforms back and coats his fist in golden aura slamming it on the ground and making a huge earthquake knocking Dominick and meru and off their feet.He then takes his sword back out and slashes the air again sending multiple air slices at them,Dominick manages to just barley dodge them but one ends up cutting his leg and he falls on the ground while meru was just to slow as all the air slices hit her making her body a bloody pulp.Dominick sees this and gets angry"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT"Dominick says as he rushes towards Devadatta.Back to the fight with Donte,Danjal and Aka they are still shooting projectiles at Danjal but he is still dodging them with finesse.He then flies up to them"Demonic RUSH"Danjal flickers to Aka and hits her body with devastating blows with his fist covered in dark red hellfire"TAKE THIS"Danjal keeps attacking her all within a blink of an eye.Danjal finishes this move with a blow to the gut making Aka cough up large amounts of blood,she falls from the air unconscious due to the damage on her body but Donte swoops down and catches her before she can make contact with the ground"you did good can take a break now"Donte then Puts her into a shadow so she can be away from harm"good now its just the two of us"Danjal says while Donte begins to have a shadowy mist envelope him"that was your last mistake father"Donte blitzes at Danjal and manages to land a solid blow on him.Danjal gets up and wipes the blood off of his arm and licks it"THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT..COME ON"Danjal and Donte begins to clash with one another but soon Danjal manages to hit him in the gut then the head then the rib and then the chest.Donte starts to cough badly and he drops on the ground as Danjal walks up to him"you did ok son but i'm going to have to end this"Danjal says as he raises his fist and tries to give the final blow.As soon as Danjals fist reach Donte he Quickly summons his staff and tries to attack him but still it was hopeless and that's when Danjal dodges his attacks easily and kicks him into a mountain.All bloody and bruised Donte starts to lose consciousness and he returns into his mindscape.He sees macaque looking above him as macaque says one thing"have you accepted it?"Donte makes a confused face"accepted what?"Donte says as macaque responds"the fact that you are a need to accept that one thing then you can win this fight"Macquce says as he is still looking down upon Donte as Donte responds"i...cant i can't accept that i am a demon what if i turn out a monster like my father what if i turn savage and cruel and evil"Donte says covering his eyes as Macaque beckones"you can be your own person Donte you can be a good demon you dont have to turn out like the rest of them if you just control say the words"Donte sighs and realizes that he's right" ... a demon" Donte says as macaque tells him to say it again and again and again until finally"I...AM...A DEMON!!!" just then Millions of shadows begin to envelope Dontes real body.HE begins to walk out the mountain.The feathers on his wings start to become ablaze and turn into black fiery wings.His nails start to turn black,He starts to grow fangs and lastly his body starts be enveloped with black fire tattoos.He opens his eyes and all Danjal can see is his black smoking eyes and his insane smile"sorry to keep you waiting dad.."Donte waste no time and dashes at Danjal.Back to Dominick and Devadatta who are currently trading blow with Dominick in his ice armor and Devadatta using his sword they are trading blows when Dominick eventually gives out from exhaustion and falls flat on the ground.Devadatta begins to pummel Dominick's tired body over and over and over until his body his bloody red and his eyes are closed"Im why did i have to end up in last place...even Lucas got his god before me...i don't even care anymore if im last...i just need my god..."Suddenly Dominick gets transported into his mindscape and sees crystal blue everywhere.He also sees a lady who is standing there with smile"WHO ARE YOU?"dominick asks before the lady gently places her hands on his eyes"win the battle and i'll tell you ok"outside his mindscape Dominick then opens his eyes that are glowing crystal blue.He then rises up still bloody"it's time for the real battle now...bastard"Dominick says before rushing at Devadatta with his scythe in hand.Devadatta Attempts to swing his sword in hopes to cut Dominick in half but something strange happens from Dominick's perspective.Devdattas attack starts to slow down it slows down almost like reality is freezing in place,with this newfound power Dominick is able to Dodge Devadatta's attack and follows it up with a slash to torso with his scythe,breaking some of Devadatta's Armor "I-I can see it"Dominick says as he doesn't let up and immediately Dashes at Devadatta who is still in shock and Dominick Slashes through him with his scythe"THIS POWER IS UNIMAGINABLE"Dominick says as he looks back to see Smoke envelope devadatta"W-What?"Dominick says while devadatta stands up and laughs"WELL DONE WELL DONE ICE REAPER.It looks like you got a little boost and somehow you were able to dodge my attacks GOOD GOOD"Devadatta then sends out man eating bats that tries to attack Dominick but he Jumps and lands on top of the castle.When on the castle Dominick begins to speak to himself"Right now i feel....cold like colder than ever before and right now it's like it could take over and move my body"and that's exactly what happens.Dominick raises his hand and suddenly a ice war fan appears in his hand and he waves it causing a massive ice tornado to go rushing at Devadatta freezing anything in its path.As Devadatta is swirling in the air he sees Dominick still standing on the castle having substituted his war fan with his scythe.All devadatta sees is Dominick crystal blue eyes and his body Standing in front of the moon as Dominick says"its like you said Devadatta i'm a reaper...right?"Dominick says when he jumps in the air and slashes Devadatta's side once again chipping his armor off.They both land on the ground and stare at each other for a while"'s time to end this"Devadatta says as he sprouts his bat wings and takes to the sky and charges up a massive light ball.Dominick looks at this and charges an ice beam in hopes to cancel out the light ball,they both release their attacks and starts to beam clash.Donte and Danjal are looking at each other intensely"wow wow look at you son you look AMAZING"Danjal says while laughing to himself"looks like you finally are showing some of your demon heritage l-AGH"Danjal gets cut off when Donte punches him in the gut"SHUT UP AND FIGHT HAHAHA"Donte laughs insanely while continuously punching his father over and over until finally he ends his combo with a kick to the jaw.Danjal doesn't let up though and sends red hellfire to Donte but Donte counters it with black fire and overpowers Danjal whose fire was weaker than his.Donte then jumps on a nearby mountain and starts"aww shit im...having fun!"Donte says while clapping his hands and jumping up and down in a rhythm.he then jumps in the sky as he turns it black and he starts to monologue"listen well dad...i am destruction i am malice i am all that and more..i told you this once but i'll tell you one last CALAMITY"the sky then rains black fire upon Danjal as he tries to dodge but his efforts are futile as most of the blackfire rain hits his body and burns him like no other fire has burned him before.The black flame starts to spread over his body like a virus that can't be cured while also burning his internal organs like it's nothing but a piece of paper"T-this fire is's much more powerful than my own"Danjal says as he continues to get burned.Despite being ablaze by the black flame Danjal Flies up to Donte who is in the air in hopes to fight back but Danjal looks very tired and fatigued,he's out of breath and is coughing up a storm"I guess it's time to end this huh"Donte says looking dissatisfied upon his father.Donte then raises his hand and sets his black nails ablaze with black flame"In honor of my friend that you killed I'll use her move to finish you off"Donte then dashes at Danjal and slashes his body all over"VAMPIRIC FRENZY"Donte says as he injured Danjal beyond belief by cutting his body all over with black flame channeled in his nails.Danjal falls unconscious and drops out of the sky and into the ground as Donte drops with him but instead of crashing down he lands perfectly beside him"For now I'll just trap you in a shadow,I want to learn more about my power.Hell I couldn't kill you even if I want to"Donte says while conjuring a shadow under Danjals body as it sinks into it.Macaque speaks to Donte as he gets up still in his new form"So kid what are you going to do now"Macaque says to Donte as He gets up ready to fly away"I'll go hell Dominick and the others and help if I could help"Donte says as he gets up and blasts towards Dominick and the others.Meanwhile Dominick is still trying to hold off Devadattas big light ball attack with his ice beam"COME ON COME ON BLAST HIM TO HELL''Dominick says still trying to hold off Devadattas attack while Devadatta laughs at his efforts''HAHAHA CHILD YOU CAN'T BEST ME I AM ALL POWERFUL.NOW DIE SO I CAN BUILD MY UTOPIA"The light ball starts to overwhelm Dominick and is just about to hit him when huge and long heart shaped spikes come from underground and Pierces Devadatta slightly knocking him off balance.It was meru who had woken up from the attack that Devadatta has dealt to her"DOMINICK FREEZE HIM TO DEATH"Meru says as she is on the floor bloody and out of breath unable to stand.Dominick hears this and Smiles cockily"heh...YOU GOT IT RAHHHHHHH"Dominick then shows his resolve and freezes the light Ball which left meru surprised"H-he froze light? That's impossible"as meru says this Dominick conjures his scythe and cuts the frozen light ball in half in his path to Devadatta''UGH YOU VERMIN''Devadatta says as he takes his sword and tries to cut Dominick in half but Dominick dodges it due to his crystal eyes"YOUR SPEED IS IRRELEVANT..NO MATTER HOW FAST YOUR ATTACK IS I CAN DODGE IT EASILY"Dominick shouts as he slashes through Devadatta damaging him severely as he gushes out a lot of blood out his gut.Dominick falls on the ground next to Devadatta who is defeated and laying on the ground helpless"Heh....I did it I actually did it...I beat our big bad"Dominick begins to stand up but turns around when he hears Devadatta starts to laugh"*cough*...if I'm going down....This realm it coming with me"Devadatta then transfers all of his energy and power and makes a huge ball of energy in the center of the realm sacrificing himself in the process.Dominick sees this and panics"what the hell??"Dominick looks back at wukong who is still restrained"He can't really blow up this entire realm RIGHT?"Wukong sighs and answers"yes...he can although the only way to destroy a realm is with the force to destroy 3 large planets he can in fact do it DAMN we should have killed him"Dominick frees wukong by freezing his retrains and asks him"Can you stop it?"Wukong is saddened by this question but answers"no I cannot...I'm not that strong"Wukong is gathering everyone in hopes to leave the realm for destruction but someone arrives just in time"WOAH WHAT'S HAPPENING "The person appears to be Donte who is still in his demon form"woah...what the hell happened to YOU"Dominick says while looking at him up and down.Donte sighs"later...but what are we gonna do about that" Donte points at the big ball of energy in the middle of the realm"I don't know...I suggest we leave but I know you won't turn your back on this realm so I have an idea..what if we can consume it somehow...Tch but that'll have to take equal power to the blast"Wukong says and they all start to think to themselves.Donte gets an idea and tells them to get back as he begins to walk forward and speak"you see my power is darkness...the dark consumes,the dark can envelop,the dark can eat up anything it comes in contact let's see if this helps"Donte holds out one of his hands and begins to surround the blast in a shadow that eventually begins to shrink the blast into a shadow orb"yes...YES"Donte finishes containing the blast and grabs the little orb it was condensed in and crushes it with some effort"Does...that solve our problem?"Donte says looking back at Wukong who is surprised at at Donte's strength.Wukong begins to to speak to himself"this..kid how did he grow so must be his demon side enhancing his shadow powers...he has the strength to destroy three planets???and Dominick is not far behind either.He just barely beat Devadatta I would say he has the strength to destroy 2 and ½ planets...THESE KIDS"Wukong still stands there still stunned that their power as Dominick speaks to his friend"anyways how in the hell did you end up like that"Dominick says to Donte obviously referring to his transformation"OH well so basically when I accepted the fact that I was a demon i suddenly got this power must be my demon side if I could guess"Donte says to Dominick as he responds"well can you turn it off?"Dominick says as Donte closes his eyes and tries to imagine a cup being poured out.Once he does that his wings suddenly go back to normal and they go away as well as the other parts that were altered by his demon side"phewww that's better....oh shit"Donte says as he begins to panic"Donte you good?"Dominick asks Donte"No no no no no I left Aka in a shadow for a while and she will be maddddd" Donte suddenly kneels down and makes a shadow in which Aka rises from.Aka then stares Donte down and grabs him by the his shirt"why in the fuck did you leave me in there it was so DARK"Aka says before kissing Donte forcefully"but I I know you did it out of love so I'll forgive you I'll get my revenge in...another way hehe"Aka says with a slight blush as Dominick asks Donte"umm what does she mean?"Donte gulps"you... don't wanna know"Just as the two friends started to laugh,Meru jumps on Dominick's back"YEAHHHHH YOU DID IT"Meru says while excitedly riding on Dominick's back"YOUR SO COOL oop-"Meru didn't mean to say that so she stops herself and blushes a bit while still on Dominick's back while Dominick does the same.Anyway after a little while Odin and Thor comes back from the demons who have all disappeared due to Danjals defeat but something is wrong with Thor.He looks at Meru with hate in his eyes"Didn't she betray us for Loki"Thor says while pointing his hammer at Meru and begins to walk towards her with hostility but before he can reach her Dominick steps forward"Touch her and you'll find out how cold I truly am"Dominick says with cold eyes as Meru blushes behind him.Thor looks at this and backs off knowing that he can't stand up to Dominick's power but obviously he doesn't show it"Fine...the only reason why I let her live is because I need to focus on rebuilding if you'll excuse me"Thor and Odin then departs from the group but not after saying their thanks of course.After gathering Lucas who just has woken up from being knocked out they go back home.After a little while they all stand on top of their temple looking into the sunset.Donte sits down while Dominick,Aka,Lucas,Meru and Wukong are standing beside him with his jacket blowing in the wind"Well..Let's see what awaits us now!"Donte says with a smile while looking into the sunset.

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