Chapter 29: Distorted reality

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Aka,Meru and Dominick ascends the tower as fast as they can and soon make it to the 59th floor.Upon arrive at the 59th floor,Aka looks around but sees nothing"This is weird...I can't see or sense anything here"Aka says as while wiping sweat off of her forehead"Is it just me or is it hot in here?"Aka says to Domnick and Meru"yes it is a little toasty in here now that you mention it"Meru looks at Dominick who breathing a little heavy"Yea this heat is really starting to....get on my nerves"Dominick says while taking his jacket off and is now shirtless.Meru sees this and her eyes widen"Oh."She gasps with a slight blush in her cheeks.Dominick smirks at this but it's quickly wiped off of his face when flames start to conjure out of thin air"WHAT THE HELL"Dominick yells as the flames start to materialize into a three headed dog with flames and chains around him.Dominick backs up and conjures his scythe"where did this guy get a damn Cerberus from??"Dominick says in confusion as he is about to charge the three headed dog but Aka stops him in his tracks"Dominick...go up to the final floor,Me and Meru got this"Aka says with a reassuring smile but Dominick is a bit hesitant.Dominick then averts his gaze to meru who smiles back"We'll take care of this guy Then we'll join you ok?"Meru says and Dominick smiles"Ok,ill be waiting"Dominick says before he quickly grabs his jacket and leaves to the next floor.While Dominick,Aka and Meru are fighting,Wukong and Iboro are revving up for battle"So are you going to tell me how you escaped your bonds?"Iboro smiles with pure evil and Wukong snickers back"Even after all these years you still can't find a way to keep me binded.As you know I have many different abilities to the point where even i forget what they are"Wukong starts the stretch"One of my plethora of abilities is to copy the strength and powers of any opponent i can lay my eyes on.You said you made those binds specifically for MY powers....But not yours hehe"Wukong giggles to himself"So all i had to do was copy your strength and attributes for for the bonds to break"Wukong summons his staff and Iboro laughs"HAHAHAHAHA WOW WUKONG YOU ALWAYS HAVE A TRICK UP YOUR SLEEVE AYE.TOO BAD I'M GOING TO HAVE TO KILL YOU"Iboro then dashes at Wukong and punches him in the gut making him fly into the abyss of the realm.Iboro then rushes at him again grabs him by the foot but Wukong was ready and wraps his tail around iboros arm and twists it before bicycle kicking him onto a platform"JUST LIKE OLD TIMES HUH"Iboro yells as he swipes the air causing waves of stars to go flying at Wukong but WUkong spins his staff and deflects them all and Suddenly points his finger at Iboro"FREEZE"Wukong yells and Iboro becomes suspended in animation before Wukong bolts down with a golden glow that resembles the sun and Strikes him with his palm 100 times within a single second.Iboro coughs up blood but then he wipes the blood off of him and turns it into a butterfly which then turns into more blood butterflies that makes Wukongs vision blurry with blood"GOLDEN EYES"Wukong yells as his eyes turn golden and is able to see Iboro who is now highlighted in a golden aura from wukongs perspective.Wukong then blitzes at Iboro and crashes into him before they starts to clash blows over and over while flying at insanely high speeds across the realm.Iboro manages to get a hit in though and sweeps wukong off his feet making lose balance and makes a cosmic sword out of thin air to slice him in two but Wukong quickly transforms into a bird and dodges this attack and suddenly the sword turns into metal tendrils that bind wukong who has reverted back into his normal form"LOOKS WHOS BINDED NOW"Iboro yells and wukong smiles"NOT FOR LONG THOUGH"Wukong then shatters the binds and enlarged his staff making Iboro back up to evade but it's useless as the staff has so much speed that Iboro can't see its motion and gets struck with it along with the planets floating in his realm.Iboro smiles and the planets turn into bubbles from a mere touch"CMON"iboro yells as he makes his way to Wukong again and they start to clash against each other and something unusual starts to happen.The black space of the realm is peeling and is being replaced with a white empty space as the two gods keep clashing.This continues until nothing is left but the two gods fighting In this space"LOOK AT WHATS HAPPENING"Iboro yells"ISN'T THIS AMAZING"Iboro laughs at the state of his realm and backs off of wukong"This always happens when we fight Iboro"Wukong grits his teeth"THIS CARNAGE IS THE REASON WE CAN'T FIGHT BUT YOU THINK ITS OK"Wukong then looks at Iboro who expels an energy that starts restoring the realm"You think it's ok because you can just restore it all because your power..."Wukong then looks at the restored realm and Iboros laughter"...Is to manipulate and distort reality at will"wukong says with a serious expression written all over his face.Iboro stands in front of him laughing with pure evil leaking out of his voice"COME ON WUKONG LET'S DESTROY MORE" Iboro roars out before using his speed to travel behind wukong in the blink of an eye before punching him into the depths of the realm.Wukong backflips and summons his staff before making is grow in length to elevate himself to iboro and head butts him"WASN'T EXPECTING THAT WERE YOU?"Wukong smiles as he rips pieces of hair off of his body and throws them at Iboro.Iboro dodges the hair but it doesn't matter because the hair quickly transforms into clones of wukong and surrounds Iboro"YOU NEVER CEASE TO AMAZE ME WUKONG"Iboro says before conjuring a star in his hand and makes it into a glaive before slicing all the clones in two along with a planet that was inside the realm with them"TOO BAD I'M JUST STRONGER"Iboro cackles but stops as Wukong punches him in the face"YEAH WELL WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT"Wukong then points to the sky"TENGOKU:SAGE OVER HEAVEN"Wukong yells as his body emits a golden glow and his crown stars the enlarge and equips a golden aura around it.This time though he has a Golden chestplate with runes on them and his staff has a golden aura around it as well.Iboro sees this and grabs a planet before throwing it at wukong but it's futile because Wukong SHATTERS it with a single blow"HEY HEY HEY LOOKS LIKE WE'RE GETTING SERIOUS NOW"Iboro smiles with pure evil before dashing at Wukong.while wukong and Iboro are fighting,The two girls are fighting cerberus in Iboros tower and is trying to find an opening of some sorts to land a blow"AKA WE NEED SOME SORT OF PLAN"Meru says as she dodges the fire being shot at her by the three headed dog and lands on the ground in front of Aka.Another burst of fire comes from Cerberus but Meru quickly blocks it with a heart shield she's conjured"I CAN'T HOLD THIS FOR LONG"Meru shouts at Aka who has her hand on her chin as she thinks to herself.Akas eyes then widen before she conjures her spear and hurls it at one of Cerberus's heads"I don't think we need a plan here. It's a wild beast so all we have to do is beat it head on"Aka smiles and meru nods before Aka grabs Merus hand and throws her at cerberus"COMBO MOVE:LUSTFUL ILLUMINATION"The two girls yell as meru starts to radiate white light and crashes into Cerberus. The three headed dog falls to the ground and suddenly sets the ground ablaze but Aka jumps in the air to avoid this"It's flames are strong...I can feel the heat so intensely"Aka then looks at meru who's standing on a heart platform to avoid the flames"If we had my love here then he would've been able to snuff these flames out with no problem"Meru sighs and Cerberus starts the rise from the ground back on its feet again. Cerberus then roars causing the two girls to get knocked back onto the opposing wall"UGH THIS DOG IS RELENTLESS"Aka yells while looking at the three heads of the dogs and she notices something. The left head of the dog looks worn out while the other two looks fine"I'm sure that attack hit the entire dog so how...wait a minute"Aka then puts her arm forward"LIGHT TECHNIQUE:GODLY MISSILE"Aka yells as she conjures a massive light missile that goes flying in the Cerberus direction aiming to hit the head on the left side. Cerberus sees this and positions it's body so that the missile hits its side rather than the left head"Oh so that's your deal"Aka smiles as she descends from the wall and Meru lands next to her"Ohh I know that look. It seems you have a plan"Meru smiles as Aka conjures her light spear"Meru,aim for the left head. It seems like this dog doesn't want us to strike it so that means it has to be a weak point"Aka says as meru smiles"LUST OUTPUT 50%"Meru shouts before dashing at the Cerberus so fast that the Cerberus can't keep up with her movements. Meru then strikes the Cerberus's torso making it so that Aka has a clear shot"NOW AKA"Meru yells as Aka is floating in the air with her hand cocked back"LIGHT TECHNIQUE:GODLY MISSILE"Aka yells before a maxed out missile launches at the Cerberus and pierces through the left head of the beast. Meru then dashes at the beast again finishing it off with one blow to the last two heads of the beast"nice job girl"Aka says to meru as they high five"we are a fearsome duo"Meru laughs before they both get serious"We should go help Dominick now"Aka says before meru nods with a bead of sweat dripping down her head"I really hope he's fine". Dominick gets to a huge door and immediately kicks it open"Here you are...You done hiding like a coward?"Dominick mocks the clone as it sits on a throne"pity,all that work just to die in the end"The clone speaks back and Dominick's eyes widen"This one has sentience??"Dominick thinks to himself and is about to speak but the clone cuts him off"I see you're surprised at my ability to speak. Well it's one of the perks of being the strongest clone of the 6...I even have the power of the original"The clone then starts to stand from the throne" me what you got"The clone wastes no time and seemingly teleports in front of Dominick's face and punches him into a wall and kicks him alongside it making his body get dragged across the wall"HIS STRENGTH IS DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHERS. IT CAUGHT ME WAY OFF GUARD"Dominick says as he backflips and makes an ice path in the air and slides on it while conjuring his scythe. Dominick then jumps off the path and brings his scythe down on the clone but the clone grabs it and throws Dominick aside. While in the air Dominick takes a deep breath and exhales making multiple phantoms escape his body from his mouth and they start to grab onto the clone and it looks like his body is starting to lose life and decay"PHANTOM TECHNIQUE:SOUL EVAPORATION"Dominick yells and the clone stands there immobile while his arm is losing color and decaying"Oh I see.You use your phantoms to drain the life force out of one's soul"The clone then chops his arm off and grows it back with no effort"If you weren't up against me then this would have been bad"The clone explains as it stomps On the ground making the floor of the tower turn into snakes but as soon as they appear,Dominick using his reaction speed freezes them in an instant"NOT TOO BAD"The clone says before punching Dominick in the gut making him cough up blood"AGH"Dominick grunts before the clone grabs him by the hair and knees him in the face making Dominick stumble back"Y'know...I'm glad that your strong.Looks like your worthy of my strength.Be happy,Many people don't have that honor"Dominick chuckles to himself and Suddenly Aka and Meru appear at the door"LOVE"Meru yells and is about to run to help but Dominick quickly puts his hand up"Take Donte and get out of here...Leave this bastard to me"Dominick says as he releases ice energy out is his foot making the door frozen so no one can interfere"I'LL SHOW THIS COWARD WHOS THE STRONGEST"Dominick yells and Meru slowly nods before Aka grabs her hand"Cmon...he's got this. so don't worry"Aka says to meru as they run down to retrieve Donte. Dominick sees this and smiles"Ok let's continue where we left off"Dominick conjures his scythe and dashes at the clone and slices his arm with it"Huh...seems this is more interesting than I thought"The clone smiles a bit before running at Dominick. The two start to clash blows making the tower shake and fall apart with each strike until the clone lands a blow on Dominick's shoulder and uses this to follow up with a kick to the side.The clone then transforms the air around him into a star which then he launches at Dominick at high speeds"TRY HARDER"Dominick shouts before taking his scythe and cutting the star in half"ICE TECHNIQUE:CELESTIAL MOON CRESCENTS"Dominick yells as ice moon crescents appear in the air before launching themselves at the clone. The clone starts to break the down but Dominick quickly appears in front of him and kicks him into a wall before laughing arrogantly"I DON'T NEED MY TENGOKU FOR THIS.MAYBE I'LL SHOW YOU SOMETHING ELSE"Dominick yells as he summons Hyoga by his side"READY?"Dominick says as phantoms exit his mouth again but this time they start to enter Hyoga"BEHOLD MY PHANTOM DRAGON"Dominick yells but Hyoga wastes no time and flies at the clone and grabs him in its mouth before bursting out the tower and taking to the sky while Dominick stays on the ground"GET OFF OF ME"the clone shouts but it's no use because hyogas teeth are making the life force drain out of him. Hyoga then releases its grip then takes its talons and strikes the clone onto the ground next to Dominick while Hyoga is charging up a gray blast. Hyoga quickly finishes the blast and shoots it at the clone"I'LL JUST DODGE IT"The clone yells but ice shackles quickly restrain him"Your not going ANYWHERE"Dominick says as he makes more ice shackles to prevent him from moving. The blast then connects and starts to rip the life force from the clone and his body starts to decay"NO...HOW"The clone says as he looks to Dominicks eyes one glowing gray and the other glowing crystal blue"I'll see you in hell"Dominick says before the clones body decays into nothingness"Pathetic"Dominick turns his back on the area where the clone once was.

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