Chapter 10:Goodbye...

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Shortly after waking up Buddha Dashes in the common room and summons his young protégés. When they are all teleported to the room Buhdda freaks out"You must go young ones NOW one of the five guards of chaos is at the train station at hallow road hurry up and get suited up.Aka we will need all the help we can get so you must go to I have a bad feeling about this"Aka looks surprised but shortly after puts a determined face on"You can count on me"Buddha nods and waves his hand over her and her clothes gets transformed into a white two piece outfit where the bottom of the outfit is a skirt while the top is kind of a crop top.she wastes no time and runs out the temple to see Donte waiting there in his suit the wind is blowing so his black jacket is blowing like a cape.He turns around and looks at Aka"Aka I have a bad feeling about this mission"he walks toward Aka and grabs her hands"promise me you'll stay safe no matter what"Aka stands there frozen but eventually speaks"I have to fight like the rest of you so I'm not certain but yes I'll be safe"Donte nods and walks back to his spot on the top of the temple.The rest of the group in there suits jumps on the temple at the same time"I guess it's time...let's do this" Donte says as he flaps his wings flying towards hallow road.When they get to the train station they stand on the top looking for this person"Man I can't see anyone here are we sure we're are in the right place"Lucas says while looking around".Just then a boulder from the sky drops aiming for the team but just in the nick of time Lucas runs towards it and cuts it to a million pieces"EVERYONE THIS PLACE IS DANGEROUS PLEASE RUN AWAY FROM HERE AS FAST AS YOU CAN"Donte yells at the top of his lungs while people are running.Four huge boulders comes crashing down but Dominick runs in front"CRYSTAL WALL"a huge ice wall comes up from the ground blocking those boulders from hitting anything"now fall"Dominick says as the ice wall disintegrates into air."SHOW YOURSELF COWARD"Madison yells in the direction of boulders"Very well I will show myself it's the least I can do since I'm about to slaughter you all"The ground begins to shake as a rock platform rises into the air.On that platform it contains a man with green hair and glasses"Allow me to introduce myself.I am ishi one of the five guards of chaos and the last thing you'll see before death"Dominick snickers"Ok four eyes listen here we don't have time for monologues let's just get this over with".Just as he finishes his sentence Ishi rushes towards him in a blink of an eye on his rock platform and punches Dominick in the stomach with rock gauntlets"Ah yes I was thinking the same thing"Dominick spits out blood and gets knocked back to the end of the train station"ACK"he grunts as he gets knocked away.Lucas jumps at Ishi and slashes at him with his sword and cuts him lightly on his cheek"Your strong but slow real slow"Donte thinks to himself"He's slow this is the perfect opportunity to take shadow mode for a test drive on a real opponent"He goes to step forward to fight Ishi but Dominick who just got back from being punched puts his hand out in front of Donte stopping him"What the hell Dom when did you come back"Dominick grunts"that punch wasn't that impressive I saw that coming from a mile away so I put a small ice shield around my stomach but he still managed to make contact with me he's strong but looks like speed is his real weakness.Let's let Lucas cook for a while we haven't seen him fight a real opponent yet plus he has the advantage"Donte sighs and sits down with Dominick,Madison and Aka while Lucas fights Ishi.Lucas stands across from Ishi and puts his arms up"NOW COME JINSEI"A large fiery bird emerges from Lucas's body"IS THAT A PHOENIX"the whole group is jaw dropped while Ishi looks unamused"Really a firebird I was expecting something more I don't know cooler"Lucas smiles"oh no this is the exact opposite of cool its very VERY HOT"Lucas rushes towards Ishi slashing him over and over with his sword but Ishi blocks most of them while trying to get punches in with his rock gauntlets.Their trading blows when Donte notices something"Ishi looks like he's struggling but isn't he a guard of chaos aren't they super strong it's either Lucas is beyond his level or he's holding back...I'll just have to wait and see".Lucas and Ishi are still trading blows when Lucas leaps back to get distant from Ishi"IMA,HI NO ORI"just then Jinsei makes a fire cage around Ishi and Lucas starts to charge up an attack making his sword glow gold"GOLDEN FIRE DESTRUCTION"Lucas blitzes at Ishi cutting through the fire cage and Ishi making Ishi burn with golden flames on him.Ishi falls on one knee while Lucas walks towards him"man you were easy are you sure your a guard of chaos because your weak"Donte notices small pebbles of earth gravitating towards Ishi"LUCAS WAIT GET BACK"but it was to late Ishi had grabbed Lucas by the neck And shoots Jinsei with an earth shard killing him"Wanna know a secret...I was holding back the entire time to get a feel for your power your strong but remember I'm a guard of chaos boy"Ishi says as he puts little earth shards inside Lucas then throwing him in the air activating the shards so they expand in his body injuring him severely"AKA GO CATCH LUCAS AND TREAT HIM WHILE ME DOM AND MADISON HOLD THIS BASTARD OFF"Donte yells at Aka giving her orders.Aka flies off in the direction of Lucas going to treat him while Donte Madison and Dominick jump down to fight Ishi"Now it's three on one huh guess I should get serious HAAAAAAA"the ground begins to shake as Ishi's eyes turn green"YOU WILL KNOW TRUE HORROR"The trio calls forth their Familiars and gets ready for battle.Madison rushes out first and tries to punch Ishi but he blocks her attack with his gauntlet but something's different even though Ishi blocks the attack his gauntlet cracks a little.Madison notices this and smiles before being knocked back by Ishi who now has rock armor to counteract her strength"Dom,Donte i need you to keep him in one place so I can hit him with all I got"Donte and Dominick look at each other and nods"we can do that move we've been working on"Donte says with a smile on his face as Hyoga take Dominick in the sky while Donte and Kage stay where they are.When Dominick is in position Donte expels black mist as Dominick flies around it on the back of Hyoga shooting ice at him and making a shackles of ice which binds Ishi to the ground as they both yell"COMBO MOVE PHANTOM PRISON".The mist falls and Ishi sees Madison Flying towards him at full speed ready to punch him but when she's about to hit with with full force Ishi smiles"gotcha"suddenly a GIANT earth spike comes from the ground stabbing her in the stomach and passes out from the pain.Ishi laughs"HAHAHAHAHA YOU THINK IF I'M BOUND I CANT USE MY POWERS YOU IDIOTS"Donte flies towards Madison and brings her to Aka"Hey how's Lucas doing"Aka sighs"he's expected to make a full recovery so he should be fine.We should worry about Madison though"Donte places Madison down and looks up at Aka with the most insane and unhinged expression"He'll pay for this no one hurts my friends like this.Aka stay here I don't want you going out there me and Dom will take care of this"Aka nods slowly and remembers the words Bhudda said to her"Dontes powers is strong so make sure he doesn't succumb to the darkness"But before Aka can say anything Donte flies away.Donte flies over to Dominick"hey is Madison going to be ok"Dominick says to Donte as he floats down"I don't know...all I know is that this bastard here is going to pay for it so Dom how about you reveal that new power you have inside you we need to go all out"Dominick looks surprised but decides to save it for later"let's do it Hyoga"Hyoga gets next To Dominick and starts to turn into ice energy entering Dominick's body.Dominick's body starts to get engulfed in ice armor resembling a dragon"I call this DRAGONIC ICE ARMOR"he says while conjuring his scythe but when he does it looks different it has ice dragon scales and it shines more.Donte smirks"hmph guess I should do the same"Dontes body starts to emanate shadowy mist and his eyes gets darker"shadow mode..."he says insanely as he takes out two shadow katana's and looks at Dominick"Let's show him what we can do Dominick"Donte rushes at Ishi who couldn't comment on their new abilities because he couldn't get the chance.Ishi puts up an earth wall before Donte makes Contact with his body he appears behind Ishi who thinks the earth wall worked and turns around"HAHAHA EVEN WITH YOUR NEW POWERS YOU CAN BEST M-"Ishi is interrupted when the earth wall crumbles and behind him Donte walks slowly towards him"you must not understand your own power.yes your wall is powerful but at the right velocity is can be completely shattered.To do this I had to travel at the speed of darkness which is essentially the same as the speed of light since darkness is the absence of light but enough of that I suggest you look behind you".Ishi turns around to see shards of ice coming from the ground coming for him but he couldn't react in time so he gets hit and goes flying in Donte's direction"NOW DARKNESS WAVE"Donte slices the air sending a huge wave of darkness towards Ishi who gets hit by it causing a huge scar on his back losing a lot of blood.Dominick comes running towards Ishi and Slices his arm off"We can't kill you but we can hurt you"Dominick says as Donte walks slowly towards Ishi"Normally I would be against that but since you hurt my friends so badly I should return the favor RIGHT"Ishi tries to crawl away with one arm but can't and looks back at Donte who is walking towards him"Your no hero your....your....A DEMON"Donte bends down towards Ishi and speaks"damn straight"Donte says with a psychotic smile on his face before he knocks Ishi out with the butt of his sword.Donte walks back to Dominick who has now released his dragonic ice form"we should check on the others you watch Ishi"Donte says before sprinting towards Aka and his injured teammates"How are they"Donte asks with a worried expression"They will be alright they'll need to rest for a couple of hours"Upon hearing this Dontes sighs"Ok since me and Dom Took care of Ishi we should head back now"Immediately after saying this the air fills up with strong power and they hear a voice"Well looks like Ishi failed well it was all according to plan anyway"Donte looks behind him and sees a tall man with black armor and a Huge sword"WHO ARE YOU"Donte tries to walk but is fatigued from using his shadow form"I am the guy who will kill all of you I am DEVADATTA"Donte gets terrified"w....what this power it's unimaginable"Just then Buddha teleports to the area"I KNEW YOU WOULD COME YOU BASTARD YOU WILL NOT LAY A FINGER ON MY STUDENTS."Buddha says to Devadatta while standing in front of Donte,aka and his injured teammates.Devadatta laughs"HAHAHAHA I could kill then right now and you wouldn't be able to do anything"Buddha gets angry and teleports behind Devadatta trying to hit him with a golden punch but it turns out Devadatta was just an illusion.Buddha sighs and starts to walk towards Donte and Aka"Donte,Aka are you two sa-AGGHH"Before he can finish his sentence Devadatta has punched Buddha through the chest"Hmph no matter how powerful you are I will always win now GIVE ME YOUR POWER"Devadatta pulls his fist out of Buddha dropping him on the ground"I would kill you guys know but your pretty weak i want to fight you when your strong enough so I can take your power.Devadatta teleports away while Donte and Aka are running towards Buddha"NOOOOOOO BHUDDA DON'T LEAVE PLEASE WE NEED YOU.YOU HAVE SO MUCH MORE TO TEACH US WE CANT BE HEROES WITHOUT YOU PLEASE LIVE"Buddha speaks to Donte and Aka"'s....the fate of the world is in your hands now...I'm counting on you don't lose hope....believe in yourselves time has come please...stop...him ....goodbye..."Buddha's eyes lose life in them and he turns into golden light which floats to the sun.Buddha is dead.

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