Chapter 13: Intruder

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Donte gets up and flies to Aka picking her up and flies towards the rest of the group"What the hell was that explosion"Dominick asks Donte with Lana in his lap while he speaks.Just as Donte is about to answer Dominick someone sends a whitish orange orb towards them and it blows up when made contact but just in the nick of time Donte makes a shadow and all of the team gets teleported back into the arena where the person finally makes himself present.Another explosion happens and a tall man with orange hair appears where the explosion happened"you wanted me so bad now im here I am"The man starts to walk toward the group"allow me to introduce myself my name is orenji and i am one of the 5 guards of chaos and I am here to retrieve you and bring you to Devadatta for power"Donte smirks"You gotta be insane if you think I'm gonna let you take me and my friends to that monster,what are you guys even after why do you want our power".Orenji makes an arrogant face"your feeble minds can't begin to understand our goal.Our goal is beyond your understanding"Donte makes an unhinged smile"Looks like I'll have to beat it out of you RAGGGGHH"Donte rushes towards with daggers in his hand ready to attack him But orenji dodges his attack appearing behind him laying his hand on Donte and blowing his back up sending him flying towards the opposite direction of the group. Donte is flying in the air when he yells out his familiars name to help him"COME KAGE''The shadow wolf appears next to Donte in the air and makes a shadow platform that Donte then uses as a jump point to launch himself towards Orenji who is standing there with his arms folded arrogantly"Hmph looks like you have a brain after all"Donte swipes at Orenji with his daggers but Orenji ducks the attack and kicks Donte to the side"but your still an idiot".Donte lands on his knees clutching his rib''Damn he hits hard NGH it's like he has explosive blows"Donte says before he coughs up blood.Orenji slowly walks towards Donte"To be honest I was expecting more from the person who defeated two of the guards of chaos even though they were the weakest of the bunch''Donte makes a confused face"Two? What about Abora she wasn't a guard?"Orenji laughs"YOU REALLY THOUGHT SHE WAS A GUARD OF CHAOS.SHE WASN'T EVEN FIT TO BE A CANDIDATE MUCH LESS A GUARD"while Orenji is laughing to himself when he gets kicked by Dominick who has laid Lana on the ground somewhere safe"Tch you know this isn't a 1v1...dumbass"Dominick says before landing on the ground.Orenji backflips in the air and lands on his feet but before he can get his footing Lucas dashes in front of him slashing him in the chest with his sword"Yea Donte you don't have to always have to fight alone"Aka flies over to Donte placing her hand on his head and healing him"yea silly you have friends...and me"Donte smiles after being healed and flies towards Madison who is next to Lana protecting her"Madison you take care of Lana for Doms sake ok"Madison nods and scoops up Lana and flies aways to a safe spot and stays there just in case anything bad were to happen.Lucas is fighting Orenji,both of them trading blows but Orenji has the upper hand and knocks Lucas in the air and and blows him away with an explosion from his hand.Lucas flies towards Dominick and Dominick catches him before he can touch the ground"you ok Lucas''Lucas nods at Dominick and stands back up ready to fight with Orenji again.Lucas dashes off in Orenji direction calling out his familiars name"COME JINSEI"Donte makes a shocked face at his words "Wait i thought Ishi killed his familiar" Dominick walks over to Donte"It's a phoenix dumbass when it dies it comes back to life"Donte eyes start to sparkle"THAT'S SO COOL"He says before making a serious face"Ok enough with the joking around let's go help lucas fight this son of a bitch"Dominick nods and they all start to run towards Orenji who is clashing with lucas.Flashback to when the first explosion went off Nezha is sitting on his throne"What was that explosion.What the hell is going on"Another explosion goes off and Nezha falls out his chair "Wait a minute i know that explosion and that color.....oh no"Nezha flies to a part of the norg realm and makes a white portal which contains a golden orb "if it is who i think it
is i might have to use this even though it was meant to unlock the potential of the winners of the tournament But right now I have no choice but to summon him....alright let's do this".Back to the present the group is fighting Orenji With Madison watching over Lana just in case something happens.Orenji is clashing blows with Lucas,Donte and Dominick before he places his hands on the ground causing a massive explosion knocking the Boys away from him.Donte gets up and runs at Orenji without wasting any time while conjuring his shadow katanas and activating his shadow form"BLACK SLASHING BULLET"Donte shouts as he rushes towards Orenji with his swords slashing around his body at light speeds but Orenji stops the swords before they could make contact with his body"PATHETIC"Orenji says before kicking Donte in his ribs causing Donte to fall on the floor with Aka rushing to him to heal him"Shit I think he broke a few ribs"Aka makes a worried face"Donte this might take a while for me to heal so your going to have to sit out for a while"Aka says to Donte.Donte nods and looks reassured"Ok I'm fine with that,I can count on Dominick and Lucas to hold him off"Donte says while watching Lucas rushing at Orenji with his sword and starts to swing at Orenji but Orenji dodges his attacks and catches his sword holding him in place"Do you really think that your feeble attacks can best me?"Lucas smirks"Well not my attacks but his attacks will"Lucas points above Orenji to see Dominick Dropping on him with his scythe in hand"WORLD OF ICE"Dominick shouts before slamming his scythe on Orenjis head while also making ice spike's sprout out of the ground stabbing Orenji.Orenji doesn't seem fazed by this attack though and places his hands on Lucas and Dominick blowing the two boys up and knocking them back.Upon getting knocked back with explosive force Dominick looks at his chest and sees that his chest is badly injured and collapses on the ground knocked out from the damage.Right as Dominick collapses Donte starts to get up but Aka stops him from doing so"Donte you stay here for a bit i got this"Donte refuses"Aka your strong but your not nearly strong enough to fight a guard of chaos by yourself"Donte exclaims with a worried expression on his face.Aka sighs"I know that but we have to save your strength if something happens plus Lucas needs help and your not fully healed yet so don't fight me on this ok"Donte is about to get up but as he stands up he winces in pain due to a broken rib that he still had"Don't worry just sit down"Aka says as she makes a light orb that starts to engulf Donte in warm white light that is healing him.Before Donte can thank her and beg her not to go she dashes away to Lucas and heals his chest so he won't pass out like Dominick"cmon Lucas i need you right now so don't pass out on me"Lucas nods and stands shortly before he is healed and they both dash towards Orenji who is standing there laughing"YOU THINK YOU CAN BEST ME YOUR WEAKER THAN YOUR FRIEND OVER THERE"he shouts as he makes his way towards them and punches lucas in the gut causing him to cough up blood and fall to the ground but before he does he yells"NOW JINSEI USE HELL BOUND"just then ropes of fire come out of Jinseis wings binding Orenjis arms and legs enabling him renderless to movement.After being binded Aka flies towards Orenji at high speeds with her spear in hand and stabs him in the stomach and shoots a concentrated light beam in his face at point blank range burning the top part of his body to a crisp. Aka falls down to the ground in relief"im glad thats over,I hope Donte isn't mad that i killed him"Aka gets up to get Lucas up but he is passed out from the gut punch he received from Orenji"Looks like i'm gonna have to heal you again" Aka says before reaching her hand out getting ready to heal his body but she feels something odd and looks behind at which the sight left her speechless"H-how are you alive"she says with her eyes in horror as she quickly stands up and conjures her light spear.Orenji laughs at her horrified face"Regeneration,perks of being one of Devdattas henchmen"Aka looks confused"If the guards of chaos have regenerative abilities why didnt the other guards use it"orenji makes an annoyed face at Akas question"They were too prideful.They thought that they could beat your little rag tag group without using it.HMPH pitiful fools"Aka then tries to attack Orenji off guard with her spear but Orenji dodges this effortlessly and kicks Aka to the side where she helplessly lays on the floor in pain"To be honest i'm surprised really.My all mighty attacks deal explosive damage in which i've killed even the most powerful gods with.Even the god of strength himself the one who held up the sky hercules couldn't best me.You guyses endurance is nothing to laugh at so i must exterminate you before you become a major threat to our cause"Aka tried to get up weakly and thinks to herself"I need to buy some time so Donte can get back in the fight.His healing is almost done i can feel it...THAT'S IT"Aka then puts on an act of sadness and helplessness"OK OK you win but before you kill me and my friends what's your cause why are you doing this why do you want our power to begin with you can at least grant me that"Orenji grants pity on Aka and decides to give in"Fine i'll tell you.Ever since this world was created the gods have ruled over this universe it was perfect we were free to do whatever we pleased it was a utopia.....Until you mortals have came along YOU CONSTANTLY HAVE WARS,HAVE EVIL PEOPLE IN YOUR WORLD LIKE RAPIST THIEVES AND OTHER NONSENSE SO THIS WORLD WILL BE CLEANSED BY DEVADATTA"Aka shouts back at Orenji"THAT'S YOUR PLAN YOU WANT TO KILL EVERY MORTAL BECAUSE WE HAVE PROBLEMS"Orenji smirks"Yes that is precisely our goal.I feel kinda bad for your hopeless soul you won't be there to witness the creation of a new world.....goodbye"Orenji lifts up his fist and tries to strike Aka in hopes of killing her But Donte swoops in at the last second and grabs her taking her to safety"See now thats not gonna happen orange hair we'll definitely stop you"Aka looks at Dontes smiling face passing out before she can say anything.Donte swoops to Madison who is protecting Lana"Madison take care of her please and don't move away from this spot no matter what"Donte says before bringing Lucas,Dominick and Hagane to the same spot where Madison is"If you try to fight with me you'll just get in my way so the best option right now is to back off ok"Donte says with a reassuring smile on his face before teleporting back down to the battle field with Orenji slowly walking towards his direction"Hey kid be cautious this is Orenji your fighting the explosive god killer.Sorry i couldn't tell ya sooner but i didn't wanna interupt your fighting earlier"macaque says to Donte in his head whilst he is walking towards his enemy.Orenji gets mad at Donte calmness and tries to stir up his anger"Hey kid after i'm done with you i'll kill your little friends and ill torture the red haired one especially"Donte isn't fazed by Orenjis attempts at angering him and keeps walking forward"WOW kid you're something else i sense something in you.....your not normal are you?"Donte has a disgusted expression on his face"Shut up and fight"Donte dashes at Orenji with daggers in hand and swipes at him.Orenji attempts to dodge this but Donte just barley scratches his face with the tip of the dagger Orenji is surprised by this and wipes the blood off of his cheek"YOU ACTUALLY hit me RGGHH YOU VERMIN"Orenji shoots explosive blast at Donte but Donte uses a shadow like form to phase through the blast and to travel towards Orenji and kicks him in the gut knocking him back into submission"ARGGHHH HOW DID YOU DO THAT NO ONE HAS EVER DODGED MY EXPLOSIONS SO EASILY"Orenji screams at Donte furiously and Donte replies"well once i got a tiny power boost from macaque i discovered some new things i can do with my powers like turning my body into a shadow mist which i can use to evade enemy attacks such as yours"Donte says oragantly.Orenji rushes towards Donte in a fit of rage exploding the ground as he runs towards him.Orenji places his palm on Dontes stomach and uses his power to make him explode,not being able to react in time Donte gets blown away while Orenji appears in the air above him and shoots multiple explosive spheres at Donte.Donte tries to use the shadowy mist form again but he is out of stamina and cant move out the way in time"FUCK that move takes up to much energy NGH"Macaque starts to speak to Donte again in his head"kid you messed up,our powers dont have a direct power source yes but the more moves you do the more stamina you lose and if you lose enough stamina your body won't reply nicely,i think we lost this one"Donte closes his eyes waiting for the blast to hit him straight on but before they did a red and gold staff comes out of the black sky thats in the norg realm deflecting all of the blasts and sending them into the norg realms abyss.Donte looks up confused and stunned still not being able to move.Just then a blinding golden light appears and someone shouts"YOSHAAAAAAAAAAAA"the mysterious person lands on the ground as Donte has a jaw dropped look on his face"oh god its him...ugh"Macaque says from Dontes mindscape.The mysterious person appears to have golden brown fur a strange headband and a red and golden staff in hand"YES IT IS I SUN WUKONG"

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