Chapter 27: 9 Months later

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9 Months later and things have changed.Realms have been taken over by the Iboro clones,causing destruction in their path with no one left to stop them.In the mortal realm the government starts to take action.Buildings on fire,smoke in the air but the army still takes action.The Iboro clone with the number 1 on his head walks while bullets rain upon him but to no avail.Grenades get thrown at him but he walks through them like they weren't even there"MAXIMUM FIRE"A soldier yells as a car gets thrown at him with maximum force making it blow up in the process.Ak-47s and missiles fire at Iboro but he catches it with his bare hand and throws it in the air.While the Soldiers fight Iboro,someone in the distance walks and touches the ground"It's been a while since I've been here..."The person says before walking behind the Soldiers and putting on a helmet to conceal his face"Looks like you guys need help"The person says before snatching one of the walkie talkies and speaking into it"If you value your soldiers lives then tell them to retreat this instant or they'll die a gruesome death"The person then returns the device before walking in front of them and facing Iboro"s-Sir a civilian walked in front of the threat..What should we do?"a soldier says in fear as the person cracks his neck and jumps up and down.The person looks behind him"I think they won't be able to see my face now so this can come off"The person then takes the helmet off and reveals black hair and gold glittering eyes.The person then sticks his hand out and conjures a golden sword"I,LUCAS OF THE CHILDREN OF BUDDHA SHALL DEFEAT YOU"Lucas yells to Iboro before rushing at him with blinding golden speed and stabbing him in the arm before kicking him aside in a building"Now...Fall"Lucas says before millions of golden swords float above the Iboro before crashing down on him causing Iboro to fade due to the damage.Lucas walks over"Maybe I..overdid it"Lucas says while looking down at the huge crater that was created when the swords hit the ground.The soldiers come running to check out the Damage caused by Lucas"And that's my cue to leave"Lucas says before jumping on top of a nearby building"So chiyou where do you think the other clones are?"Lucas asks his god for his opinion"Don't ask me,use your training"Chiyou bitterly says before Lucas sighs"Why do you have to be such a stick in the mud sometimes"Lucas sighs before closing his eyes in search for the other clones of Iboro.After a couple of seconds Lucas opens his eyes in realization"FOUND ONE"Lucas says before he opens a bright gold portal and walks through it.Lucas teleports to Muspelheim and looks at its destruction"Damn it's hot..Like hotter than usual"Lucas wipes his forehead full of sweat as he looks at the destroyed mountains melting into the pools of lava of muspelheim.Lucas is about to check out the damage until he hears a loud BANG in the distance.Lucas runs towards it but when he does he starts to sweat less and less until he starts to feel cold"Why is the temperature changing so quickly?"Lucas says as he starts to shiver.
Lucas then sees a geyser of ice and he suddenly realizes and he hears a voice in the distance"LOVE,PLEASE DON'T OVER DO IT"A girl yells as Lucas sees a big ball of ice rise and explode in the air"ICE EXTINCTION"A triumphant boy yells from below him.Lucas slides down the mountain and yells"HEY DOMINICK,MERU IS THAT YOU"Lucas yells to the two teens as one of them turns around and smiles"Is that you Lucas?"Dominick walks forwards and examines him"Holy shit it is you.what's the deal with hair?"Dominick points out Lucas's hair that is now shoulder length along with a ponytail on top of his head that resembles warriors from the edo period"Well yea chiyou said that if I wanted to be a warrior then I have to look it"Lucas says while stroking his hair a bit.Lucas stops and looks at Dominick"Enough about me look at you.You look a lot more buff now"Lucas points out Dominick's pectoral muscles that seem a lot larger now along with his arms"Not to mention that your surging with power.I felt your aura from at least a mile away"Lucas then gets serious out of nowhere"But tell me...did you achieve your Tengoku?"Lucas asks with a serious expression on his face.Dominick smirks at this question"Well I did obviously..If I didn't then our 9 month training time would have meant nothing"Dominick Cockily says as Lucas asks one more question"One more question...What's with that huge scar on your torso"Lucas asks Dominick.Dominick laughs"oh it's nothing serious it's just that things got a little out of hand during my training"Dominick says before a huge explosion of rubble erupts behind them.Dominick and Lucas quickly dawn there weapons"Meru,Honey you can sit back and relax.Lucas let's just see how much you've leveled up in the last 9 months"Dominick then rushes at the Iboro clone freezing everything in his path and strikes him with his scythe slashing through his body in an instant"YOUR TURN LUCAS"Dominick yells as Lucas runs up with brass knuckles and strikes every point in Iboro's body in a golden flash making him go limp.Dominick then jumps in the air above both of them and charges up an ice blast from his hand"Crystallization"Dominick says as his eyes glow crystal blue.Dominick launches the attack and it makes contact and causes an ice eruption to explode and completely freeze the realm itself.The Iboro clone is frozen solid and Lucas walks up to it and pushes it slightly so it shatters upon hitting the ground"And that makes two"Lucas says as Dominick kisses meru.Dominick then walks over and checks on the clones dead body"It's number 2?"Dominick says as he looks at the head of the clone"Yea I defeated the one that was in our realm before I got here"Lucas says as Dominick laughs"HA we defeated it so easily that I mistaken it for number 1 PATHETIC" Dominick says as his scythe disappears into ice particles.Lucas then stands up"Ok before we fight anyone else we need to find Donte"Lucas says as Dominick scoffs"I already have a feeling on where he is"Dominick closes his eyes"Knowing Donte,He'd wanna fight as many opponents as possible.I'm sensing multiple unfamiliar auras in jotunheim and I'm guessing that somehow multiple Iboro clones went to the same realm"Dominick then opens an icy portal and everyone walks into it.The three teens walks into the portal and end up in a grassy plain but the grass isn't green it's black.The plants have withered away and the trees have died"This place looks horrible"Meru says as they walk a bit and see the wrath that the Iboro clones have set upon this realm.The teens walk a little trying to find the Iboro clones until they hear laughing from distance"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"They hear maniacal laughter and screams as they enter deeper into the realm.They get deeper and deeper until they get washed over by an familiar aura"heh that's him"Dominick smirks before jumping in the air and summoning Hyoga to fly towards the madness.Dominick lands on a mountain and looks down to see streaks of black and the insane smile of his friend Donte having "fun".Dominick jumps down and lands besides Donte"is that you Donte"Dominick laughs at the sight of his friend before Donte can respond"Let's save the reunion after we finish this fight"Donte says before looking behind him where Aka is standing"Don't overdo it now"Aka sternly says before walking off to Lucas and Meru to catch up.3 Iboro clones walk forward as Donte and Dominick smile"Y'know I kinda missed our team ups during out 9 month departure"Donte begins to walk forward"Save the sappy stuff for later"Dominick walks forward with him as they both conjure their weapons.Dontes daggers are different though,His daggers used to be regular shaped metal but now they look like jagged pieces of metal on the hilts of the daggers used for combat.Donte and Dominick rush at the clones with donte taking two and Dominick taking one.Donte uses his daggers to Slice into the flesh of the clones and Dominick uses his scythe to cut of the limbs of the clone but they soon regenerate"AHH SO YOU HAVE A HEALING FACTOR"Dominick yells as he summons Hyoga to make an ice mist to envelop the area before Donte sinks into the shadows and stabs two of the weakest clones in the throat killing them in the process"TWO DOWN HAHAHAHAHA"Donte says as Dominick kicks his clone in the wall"Now one more"Dominick says coldly as Donte appears at his side"LETS SLICE EM"Donte says as his tongue falls out his mouth"For once I agree with you"Dominick says as Donte stomps on the ground and develops everything in darkness.Donte moves around in the shadows while explaining what's happening"You might be confused on what's happening right now so just think of this like a mini realm that's completely under my control"Donte says while blitzing all around The clone while cutting him in the process.Donte soon stops ad sinks into the shadows and reveals Dominick charging up an attack with his scythe"HELL SHATTERING ICE STRIKE"Dominick yells as he swipes at the air and the clones head comes clean off along with the mountains being atomized from the blow.Donte releases his Shadow technique and rises next to Dominick"And that settles that"Donte says while licking his lips.Donte walks over to the clones an kneels down"Clones 3,4 and 5"Donte looks over to Dominick"We just need one more clone and then we can go to the source.Problem is that the clone is the strongest and deadliest"Donte walks towards Dominick with his hands behind his head"Oh well..We'll deal with that later.Anyways let's get back to the others and catch up"Donte says with a smile before blasting off and Dominick follows.Donte gets to the mountain and immediately goes to Lucas"WOAH LOOK AT YOU"Donte says while circling Lucas and Noticing his hair"You look old now"Donte says teasing Lucas.Dominick shortly drops down besides Donte"Yea and you look like you haven't ate anything in 5 years"Dominick says Pointing out Dontes very slim waist"Well I was told by macaque that this is the most optimal physique since I'm supposed to be agile while moving in the shadows buttt"Donte then pulls his shirt up"I still have a little muscle under here"Donte says while chuckling abit.Aka walks up and sighs"To be honest I'm happy that we're out of that dark ass realm"Aka says before she runs over to meru"HIIIII I MISSED YOU SO MUCH"Aka says in a high pitched voice as her and Aka jump up and down while interlocking hands"I MISSED YOU TOO,WE HAVE SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT"Meru says also in a high pitched voice.Dominick makes an confused face"Dark ass realm?"Dominick says in an confused tone"Uh yeah apparently Macaque has his own shadow realm of some sorts and it is DARK"Donte laughs"Well the realm I was in was cold and icy"Dominick says while opening a portal"Let's go back to our realm instead of just sitting on a mountain here"Dominick says before everyone walks through the portal.They all teleport into the mortal realm and Aka quickly grabs meru"MERU LET'S GO TAKE A BATH"Aka says as she pushes meru in the bathroom"WE'LL BE OUT SOON"Aka yells before she shuts the door.Donte sees this and sighs"Girls will be girls"Donte says while laughing before he plops down on the couch"So how about we catch up".While the boys are in the common room,The two girls sit in the huge bathtub and talk"So how was the last 9 months Aka?"Meru says while poking a rubber duck that's swimming with them"Well for starters it was very interesting for the most part.Me and Donte learned a lot about our abilities while also achieving our Tengokus"Aka says while pouring a bucket of water over her head.Meru stands up in curiosity"What exactly is a Tengoku?I've never really dig into it since I can't achieve it due to me not being a demigod like all of you"Meru asks Aka while tilting her head.Aka looks over to her and explains"The technique Tengoku is the true form of all gods.When we release our tengokus,our true natures get revealed along with devastating power.All gods have it,male gods,Demigods and even...goddess"Aka says while smirking a little.Aka then Gets ups and Meru notices a white highlight in Akas hair.Meru is about to say something about it but Aka runs out the room before anything can be said"I guess we can talk about it later?"Meru says as she climbs out of the bathtub.Shortly after this,Everyone meets up in the common room after catching up for a bit"So what are we doing now?"Lucas asks the group and Donte quickly stands up"well we need to search for the last clone and then kill Iboro so we can Save wukong"Donte then closes his eyes and expands his aura"What...The hell"Donte says as he opens his eyes.Lucas sees this and sweats"Everything ok Donte?"Lucas says as Donte confusingly opens a shadow portal"I'm just...Taken back a bit.I sensed an unfamiliar aura than the clones and us, so Iets go over there to see who's it is"Donte says before walking into his portal"Don't get left behind"Donte laughs.Everyone enters the portal and arrives in alfheim"this is where I sensed this aura"Donte says with a serious face and Aka walks "I don't see anyone here though"Aka says before flying up in the air and looking into the distance.Suddenly Aka gets hit in the back by an airborne halberd"AKAA"Donte yells before blasting in her direction and catching her in the air"Don't worry I'm fine.I Just got caught off guard,Thank though"Aka says before kissing Dontes cheek.The couple fly back to everyone"are you guys ok?"Dominick asks a little concern"Yea we're fine,I just wonder what was that atta-"Donte can't even finish his sentence because five entities crash in front of them.The teens are in alfheim and meanwhile iboro is in a realm that looks like a Milky Way.Iboro sits on a throne"It's been nine months since I let those kids live.I wonder how they'll handle my enforces"Iboro looks behind him"Aren't you curious as well...Wukong"Iboro looks at a chained up wukong"You've sent your children after them?"Wukong says as he laughs"They don't stand a chance Hehe you'll regret giving them 9 whole months to prepare for you"Wukokg laughs more and more until"SILENCE"Iboro yells and his realm cracks abit"you always did have quite a temper DIDN'T you"Wukong smiles as Iboro focuses his gaze back into the starry abyss of his realm"We'll see Wukong..We'll see".Back to the team in Alfheim and The teens stand to see who has landed In Front of them.The dust clears and it reveals 5 figures to be standing In Front of them.there's a tall knight with armor that has a pattern and colors that resembles a galaxy,A little girl with blue hair blowing bubbles,A man with ragged clothes and stitches all around his body,A woman with sharp teeth red eyes,and lastly there's a teen boy with short black hair who's wearing a tuxedo and a watch.Dominick sees this and scoffs"And who are you guys supposed to be?"Dominick says while staring the people down.The knight walks up with his helmet still on and slams his Halberd on the ground causing a MASSIVE shockwave to occur"We are the children of Iboro and we are here to test your strength and skills to face our father"The knight formally says as Donte walks forward"Blah blah blah lemme guess,We're gonna have to fight to the death and then make our way to your father so we can kick his ass yes?"Donte says while licking his lips"This situation reminds me of when we fought Devadatta and I hate that"Donte then dips his hands into the shadows and pulls his daggers out"But if you wanna die then so be it"Donte growls at the knight.The knight hurls at this"Such utter decorum..Die you foul beast"The knight says before Lunging at Donte with his halbared but before it makes contact with him,The teens get teleported away and fall into jotunheim"What the hell now"Donte says as someone puts their hand out for The teens to take"Hey there children of Buddha...I need to tell you some things"Laufey says as her hand dangles in front of the team.Lucas plasters a confused expression on his face"L-laufey,what are we doing here?"Lucas says confused in the moment.Laufey helps everyone up before explaining"I teleported you guys here before things got rough"Laufey then begins to walk away"Come to my village and everything will be clear"Laufey says as she walks away and everyone follows.They soon arrive to the village of the giants and laufey starts to talk again"You guys have no idea who you're dealing with.You've Picked a fight with Iboro and his children,do you know how dangerous that is?" Laufey says before Dominick laughs"Well we'll have you know that we've spent nine months specifically preparing for this fight"Dominick says cockily before laufey opens her eyes in realization"I-I thought that I was having an off day but it looks like I was wrong.Your auras are through the roof...Maybe you do stand a chance"Laufey then sits down with a serious expression"No matter how strong you are,you still have to be cautious on who you're fighting with,Yuno the cosmic knight,Blood fiend Raya,bubble bastard Faye,the undead Gensui And lastly the villainous gentleman kishi.Each have their own army and powers that are unimaginable.There's this myth going around that Iboros children are the cause of the Big Bang due to them bickering with one another"Laufey starts to sweat and Donte starts to shake"T-That..."Donte says while shaking and laufey notices this"It's ok to be scared Donte"Laufey says while looking at him with condescending eyes.Aka looks at her and tilts her head"Oh no no you've got it all wrong Laufey.Donte Isn't scared he's-"Before Aka finishes her sentence She gets cut off by Donte"THIS SOUNDS LIKE FUN"Donte says with a smile on his face before sticking his hand out"IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW STRONG THEY ARE OR WHAT KIND OF RUMORS THEY'VE SPREAD"Dontes hand then gets engulfed in black flames"WE'LL EXTERMINATE THEM WITHOUT A TRACE"Donte then begins to laugh before Aka comes up and slaps the back of his head causing him to stop.Aka sighs at her boyfriends misbehavior"Don't worry about him.Thank you for the information"Aka says as they all turn to leave.Shortly after walking away,A conversation sparks up"So it'll be quicker for each of us to take one ourselves.The real question is..Who do you guys want?"Lucas says while looking to the sky"I'll take the one in ragged clothes..Gensui was his name right?"Dominick says with a smirk on his face"I'll take yuno the cosmic knight"Lucas beckones"I'll take the child Faye"Aka says without hesitation.Meru walks up"i guess I'll take kishi then"Meru says while holding Dominick's hand"Then I guess that leaves me with the blood fiend Raya"Donte says while smiling to himself.After the team settles the plan,They all sit and prepare for battle.Donte takes out his daggers and slices the air with them to get his body warmed up for the fight and Dominick approaches him"So you wanna tell me why you have jagged daggers now?"Dominick says with curiosity before Donte stops swiping the air and begins to stare at his daggers"Believe it or not these were a gift from my father.He said they were better for killing from than the shadow daggers I use to make"Donte sighs and drops the dagger into the shadows"I wanted to deny it but he was right about these being better for killing so I'm forced to use them no matter how much I despise him"Donte then walks over to Aka and kisses her"Be careful ok..I love you"Donte smiles Aka holds his cheek"I love you too...Just come back sane ok?"Aka says while giggling.Dominick walks over to meru and places his forehead on hers"You got this don't worry..Remember you are strong"Dominick says softly as meru looks in his crystal eyes and kisses him"I'll be ok Love"Meru says before they break the embrace.Lucas then gets up and makes a Golden portal"I sense them back in alfheim..Ok let's get going"Lucas says before they all enter.They enter the portal and is greeted by The children of Iboro"So..Are you ready to die now?"Yuno says before rushing at Lucas and grabbing him by the throat and dragging him away in a portal"LUCAS"Dominick yells as he gets taken away.Dominick quickly looks at meru and nods before Launching himself at Gensui but Gensui was ready and opens a skeleton portal causing Dominick to fly into it.Gensui quickly enters to portal ready for battle and Donte Looks at Raya before smiling and blasting at her but she stops him in his tracks with a hand before throwing him into a portal she made.Meru and Aka are all alone now but they soon get separated by falling into portals the last two enemies made and thus they are all sent to battle with their respective opponents.Lucas lands on his back in a castle like area but before he can look around,Yuno drops down and tries to stab him in the chest with his halberd but Lucas rolls out of the way just in time and backflips to regain to footing.Lucas stares at Yuno inspecting his armor"His armor looks hard and sturdy..I'll have to go all out to beat him"Lucas quickly conjures his sword and dashes at Yuno and they both clash causing a big shock wave to occur.They both start attacking at high speeds for a while but Lucas gets caught off guard with a kick to the chin and gets knocked in the air before yuno follows it up with a punch to the gut causing Lucas to get knocked a mile away.Lucas wipes the dusts off of him and when he opens his eyes he sees an army of knights with broadswords running his way"That's right,laufey did say each of them has their own army"Lucas then puts his hand in the air before millions of swords appear in the air"SWORD TECHNIQUE:FALLING STARS"Lucas shouts as all the swords comes crashing down upon the knights,Piercing their armor and killing them all.As soon as the knights fall,Yuno throws his Halberd through the corpses and hits Lucas with it in the shoulder"SHIT THAT HURT"Lucas yells in pain before ripping the halberd out of his shoulder and throws it to the side"what shall I do with you?Should I cut your head off? shall I tear you limb from limb?"The knight says as he slowly walks towards Lucas"Heh I'M NOT DONE YET"Lucas shouts as he expels his aura and suddenly Yuno gets stabbed in the back.Yuno tries to back hand Lucas but it was an illusion.Yuno realizes but It's too late though because Lucas quickly conjures a bow"BOW TECHNIQUE:MULTIPLYING ARROWS"Lucas says as he shoots Three arrows at Yuno but then it turns into six then twelve.This goes on until it reaches a number of one thousand arrows"SO YOU DO HAVE SOME TRICKS UP YOUR SLEEVE"Yuno yells as he deflects all of the arrows.Lucas doesn't let up though and speeds in front of Yuno"SWORD TECHNIQUE:FLAWLESS STRIKE"Lucas yells as he cuts through Yunos body with the most perfect form.Lucas then follows this attack up with a kick to the back sending Yuno into the wall where Lucas was previously"You might want to pick up that halberd of'll need it"Lucas says with a confident smile.Yuno stands up and grabs his halberd before breaking it in half and Lucas is shocked by this"Don't worry I have a better one"Yuno says before conjuring a halberd with a cosmic pattern on it.Yuno spins this halberd around before shooting an energy beam.Lucas manages to dodge this and the energy beam hits a mountain behind him causing it to disintegrate the mountain into nothingness"My cosmic energy is so strong that whatever it makes with turns into nothing,even the atoms gets erased"Yuno says while staring at his a halberd"I can't make contact with him or else I'll be reduced to nothing"Lucas thinks to himself but it soon gets cut short due to a flurry of energy blast comes his way.Lucas dodges all of these blasts and makes his way up to yuno with brass knuckles"BRASS KNUCKLE TECHNIQUE:BREAK"Lucas shouts as he lands a mighty strike on Yunos chest plate breaking it into pieces.Lucas backs up and looks at his hand"Shit..Some of his energy touched my brass knuckle and now it's gone"Lucas shakes his hand in pain and Yuno shortly gets up"That hurt quite a bit..NGH DIE"Yuno yells as he strikes lucas over and over and over with his halberd until he turns into a bloody mess.Lucas's armor is broken and all of his limbs are limp and bloody.Yuno kicks Lucas onto the ground before jumping up and charging a slash with cosmic energy"This was a great fight..If only we were friends then we would have been able to train together"Yuno says before releasing the cosmic energy i. Lucas's direction"hehe this fight isn't over yet.."Lucas says as the cosmic energy hits him with full force.Just as the attack makes contact it stops in its tracks and a golden aura starts to envelop Lucas and wind pressure starts to flow around the two"W-WHAT HOW?"Yuno shouts as Lucas reveals himself to have caught the blast and throws it away in the distance.Lucas then sits down on his knees calmly and smiles"TENGOKU:SHOGUNATE"Lucas yells As his body starts to get covered in gold samurai armor and dawns a gold and blue samurai sword"And this is where you lose.."Lucas says calmly as Yuno sends a big blast of cosmic energy towards Lucas.Lucas looks at this and sighs"Dissipate"Lucas says calmly as the blast dissipates into thin air.Yuno lands and rushes at Lucas with full force and Lucas looks at him while he rushes at high speeds"Kneel.."Lucas says and suddenly Yuno kneels down on one knee and is unable to move"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME? YOUR NOTHING BUT A RUNT"Yuno says as Lucas slowly walks towards him with his sword ready"Runt? No no no..I'm YOUR king"Lucas says before slicing Yunos head clean off.Lucas sees this and smiles before falling on his back as his armor falls off his body"My Tengoku is strong but I can only hold it for 2 minutes at best... I have"Lucas says before passing out next to Yunos dead body.Lucas passes out after Killing Yuno,meanwhile Meru and kishi are staring each other down in Realm that looks like a fighting arena in a pink space"He's too relaxed..Is he that confident he'll win?"Meru thinks to herself as kishi sighs"Honestly I hate fighting women.I just can't stop myself from feeling bad when I ruin their pretty little faces"Kishi then adjusts his tie on his suit"Please try not to struggle so we can get this over with"Kishi says before sticking his hand out and moving his fingers.Suddenly meru flies into the air upside down"W-what the hell?"Meru thinks in shock as she heads for the ground face first.Meru quickly lands on her hand and front flips to regain her footing but when she does Kishi is gone"Huh where did he go?"Meru says out loud before Kishi answers her"I'm right behind you"Kishi whispers in her hear before kicking her in her back causing her to get sent into the pink space"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING"Kishi yells before pulling her back in with a flick of his hand and grabbing her by the throat.kishi begins to tighten his grip on Merus throat as she struggles to fight for air"Agh...ACK"Meru coughs and Kishi sighs again"Please don't make this harder than it has to be.It would be such a shame to have your corpse be an ugly one"Kishi says with sorrowful eyes and meru smiles"Succubus technique:Exploding heart"Meru barley says as she opens her hand and heart quickly grows before exploding with pink mist,making them blast away from each other.Meru falls on her knees while taking deep breaths as Kishi wipes the dust off of his face"Looks like I've underestimated succubi But who can blame me when your race is known for being WEAK"Kishi yells in spite As meru coughs.Meru slowly gets on her feet"soon you'll find out that im different than other succubi"Meru says as her body starts to get engulfed with a pinkish blue aura"LUST OUTPUT 50%"Meru yells before speeding her way to Kishi as they start to trade blows.Kishi is getting pushed back slowly and he starts to sweat"Her power...IS SO FORCEFUL"Kishi thinks as Meru then kicks off of him and backflips into the air"SUCCUBUS TECHNIQUE:LOVE TIES"Meru yells as two pinkish blue energy ropes tie kishi in place.Meru slowly descends before flying at Kishi with a flying kick"THIS FIGHT ISN'T OVER YET"Kishi yells as Meru suddenly gets sent in another direction.Kishi breaks the bonds and thrusts his hands downwards making meru sink into the ground further"My power is Telekinesis...simple yes but very VERY DEADLY"Kishi yells before meru screams in pain ,having her arm broken by the pressure of the telekinesis.Kishi then stops and walks over before stomping on her body"As long as I can see it..I can control it without a problem"Kishi says while having his foot sink into Merus' spine.Meru continues getting stomped on but then she remembers her lovers words"Remember you are strong"Meru remembers and she smiles before a big heart shield protects her from the incoming stomp.The heart then explodes sending kishi back"that was my succubus technique:heart Defense!"Meru says with a smile while trying to get on her feet"get ready because you just told me the secret of beating you"Meru says before spitting out blood.Meru then activates her lust output 55% and rushes at Kishi again with her broken arm.They begin to clash again but it shortly ends with Kishi landing a blow on her face"her power is declining but she keeps on pushing with this determination"Kishi thinks to himself as Meru tanks another hit but keeps on attack with all of her might.They clash for a little while but Kishi ends up grabbing one of her punches before throwing her into the ground" It's a shame that you have to die so ugly.I apologize for taking your beauty away"Kishi says as he lifts up his hand"NGH...Hehe I win"Meru coughs words before kishi starts to sway back with his eyes slowly opening and closing"What's...Happening to me?I feel so tired all of a sudden"Kishi says as he struggles to stay on his feet.Suddenly a pink mist envelopes the area and Meru rises from the ground with a slight chuckle"Succubus technique:mist of slumber.I used this technique when we were Clashing blows.All I had to do was buy time to it can spread enough to reach you "Meru says as she weakly runs at kishi.Kishi panics and thinks to himself"SHE'S COMING..THIS IS BAD WAIT ILL JUST USE MY TELEKINESIS"Kishi sticks out his hand but his vision gets blurry due to the sleepiness and is unable to see.Meru then cocks her fist back and runs it through Kishi's chest as they both fall down with one dead and another alive and victorious"Your right Dominick..I am strong"Meru says as she falls on her back"I'll stay here for a bit to recover"meru says before closing her eyes in satisfaction.While Meru is regaining her strength,Aka is already clashing with Faye In a realm surrounded by the color blue along with bubbles.Aka tries to stab her with her spear but Faye clashes it against her bubble wand"For a little kid your tough"Aka says with a fed up look on her face and Faye just laughs like an innocent little child"you seem like fun hehehehe"Faye then backflips off for Akas body and send a bubble barrage her way.Aka sees this and cocks her hand back"LIGHT TECHNIQUE:GODLY MISSILE"Aka yells as a Missile of light spawns in her hand and he launches it at Faye.The bubbles get evaporated and the missile hits Faye straight on"HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT?"Aka yells while looking at the missile blow up with light on top of Faye.When the light and dust fades all Aka can see is Faye surrounded by bubbles with a childlike grin on her face"You'll need to do better than that big sis"Faye says while giggling to herself"Big sis??"Aka says in confusion but her confusion quickly dies out due to Faye dashing at her with a bubble trail.Aka manages to block it just barely but she gets caught off guard when Faye blows bubbles out of her mouth into Akas eyes before delivering a punch to the gut sending Aka backwards on her stomach.Aka quickly gets up but it's too late because when she does get up she sees that she is surrounded by massive bubbles.The bubbles go flying at her but Aka smiles"LIGHT TECHNIQUE:LIGHT EXECUTION"Aka says before pillars of raging white light come bursting out of the ground destroying all of the bubbles in the process"You need some serious parental discipline"Aka says with a feisty expression before throwing her spear so hard that it looks like a beam of light.The spear barely scrapes Faye on the cheek and Aka quickly spreads her wings and dashes at Faye stabbing her in the arm and knocking her into the ground.Aka begins to walk forward but suddenly she starts coughing up bubbles"Ahh so you finally noticed"Faye says as she rises from the ground from on top of a bubble"When I blew those bubbles in your face it wasn't ONLY meant to be a distraction but it also sent some bubble fluid in your lungs making it difficult to breathe"Raya then takes a deep breath and blows into her bubble wand.This makes a GIGANTIC bubble and it quickly starts to float towards Akas coughing body on the ground"Well looks like you lost big sis"Faye turns around and starts making a bubble portal but quickly is interrupted by Aka who shot a beam of light into her back"this fight...Isn't over yet"Aka says while struggling to stand a bit"How is she breathing...?Wait no SHE'S NOT BREATHING.SHE'S FIGHTING WHILE NOT BEING ABLE TO BREATH??"Faye yells as she sends more bubbles at Aka but Aka Dodges it by flying in the air"LIGHT TECHNIQUE:BLINDING LIGHT"Aka yells as a radiant blinding white light bursts out of her body making Faye cover her eyes but it was futile as the light still reached her retinas"SHIT NOW MY VISION IS BLURRY"Faye yells as Aka slowly descends from the air"I'll have you know that I've been holding back a bit due to my inexperience of this power...But regarding the circumstances,I'll have to use it"Aka says as she brings her hands together in a praying sign.Light starts to engulf her body,light that starts to shine brighter than the sun itself as Aka starts thinking of her training in the nine month time period.Aka sits down while watching Donte and Danjal spare"CMON FIGHT MORE LIKE A DEMON.STRIKE MY MOST VITAL AREAS,GO FOR THE KILL INSTANTLY"Danjal yells at Donte who is sweating viciously.Aka sits and watches as Macaque slowly sits beside her"You can be as strong as him-hell maybe even stronger"Macaque says while looking forward.Aka tilts her head in confusion"What do you mean?I know I can be strong but as strong as him? no way"Aka says while looking down"Aka don't you know what you are?You have the power to surpass everyone in your team and become the strongest"Macaque the stands up slowly"The day Buhdda died do you know what truly happened?"Macaque says as Aka shakes her head"Aka do you recall those light particles that flew up into the sun shortly after he died?"macaque further explains.Aka looks at him with a serious look"I thought they evaporated"Aka says while trying to come to a conclusion"No..Aka they didn't.Aka those same particles didn't fly into the sun they actually flew into you.Buddha transported ALL of his powers into you therefore mutating your body into something greater than a human.That's why you were feeling so energized after his death aka..."Macaque says as Aka slowly stands up from her seat"Macaque..what are you saying?"Akas eyes widen before Macaque looks at her with a smile"Aka your Buddha's successor...Making you a..."Flash forward to current events and Aka is still engulfed by white light energy as she thinks of macaques words to her"...A goddess"Aka thinks as the light around her starts to transform her clothes"Tengoku:Goddess of light..."Aka says as her clothes get transformed into a white gown.Some of her hair turns white,A white light flower crown conjures on her head and Finally white rings of light surround her wrists like bracelets.Aka slowly opens her eyes and reveals a white glow in them"Now..Let's see you fare against a GODDESS"Aka says as she slowly raises her hand"Goddess technique:Everlasting illumination..."Aka says as a big sphere of light floats above both her hand Faye in the realm.Faye gets up in a childish rage"WHO CARES IF YOUR A GODDESS,ILL STILL BEAT YOU!"Faye says as she blows a big bubble but as soon as it gets released,A beam of light from the sphere destroys it instantly"Only attacks I allow are permitted to be made in the light of this sphere"Aka says before Faye rushes at her and throws a punch but Aka catches it and looks her in the eyes"You poor soul...I pity you for having the misfortune of stumbling before a goddess and her wrath....Now....purification"Aka says before a white light blinds the realm.When the light fades all that can be seen is Aka standing over Faye's unconscious body"Dont worry..Your only knocked out for a while.I didn't want to have to kill a kid"Aka says before de transforming out of her Tengoku and Plopping down on the ground"Damn using my goddess powers take a lot of of me..BUT DAMN IS IT POWERFUL"Aka says while on the ground next to Faye.Now we move on to Dominick whose staring Down Gensui in a realm that has gray sand and a skeleton castle in it"So What's your deal?Why the whole edgy cape and style"Dominick says mocking Gensuis attire.Gensui sighs and turns his back on Dominick before speaking in a raspy voice"You arrogant fool...I need not to waste my time on a cocky bastard like you"Gensui says as he begins to walk away from Dominick.Dominick is about to chase him down but gets interrupted by bones rising from the ground"What the hell..?"Dominick says before jumping in the air in order to evade the bones.While in the air Dominick sees skeleton's forming with weapons"why is it ALWAYS skeletons''Dominick says as he lands on the ground and sticks his hand out"I'll just do what I did last time"Dominick says as he tries to absorb the phantoms out of the skeleton's.It doesn't work though and Dominick stands there confused"why isn't this working? maybe I can just"Dominick says before he sends spikes of Ice at the skeletons.After getting hit by the the ice the Skeletons aren't mobile anymore and start to crumble"OHH so their just regular skeletons then.well in that case...I'LL TAKE ALL THEM DOWN WITH ONE ATTACK"Dominick says before raising his hands and places them on the floor"ICE + PHANTOM TECHNIQUE:PHANTOM STORM"Dominick yells as An ice storm occurs that's also coupled with phantom's that grab the skeletons and hold them in place so they can't escape.Immediately after wiping out the skeletons Dominick Rushes at Gensui but Gensui was on his toes and block Dominick's scythe attack with his own bone scythe"so you use a scythe too huh?"Dominick says before Two skeletal hands rise out of the ground and grab him before slamming him head first into it.Dominick quickly slices the skeletal hands and jumps in the air before placing his hand on Gensuis back"ICE TECHNIQUE:ICE EXTINCTION"Dominick says as Gensuis body starts to to get trapped in an ice sphere.The sphere floats in the air as Multiple ice pillars go flying into it stabbing Gensui with every thrust"Now die"Dominick says as the ice sphere explodes in a cold explosion.When the ice is all gone nothing remains except Gensuis cloak"Looks like he was weaker than I thought"Dominick says as he is about to make an ice portal to leave but as soon as he is about to walk through it he senses something odd.Dominick turns around to see bones swirling around the cloak and rebuilding Gensui"So that's why your called the UNDEAD huh.Your not even human"Dominick says as Gensui finishes getting rebuilt and he dawns his bone scythe"Perhaps your not an inferior creature"Gensui says a before sticking out his hand and suddenly bone chains wrap Dominick's body into submission.Gensui then grabs Dominick but the throat with his boney hands and thrusts him into the ground.Dominick struggles to breathe but manages to grab Gensuis arm and crush it before kicking him off of his body"Your not very durable...But your surplus in power makes up for it"Dominick says while breathing heavily Gensui just stares and doesn't say anything but immediately goes back into action.Gensui and Dominick begin to clash with their scythes but shortly into the clashing,Dominick's scythe begins to crack a little"I might have to start evading"Dominick thinks to himself before quickly activating his crystal eyes and he starts dodging. Dominick keeps dodging for awhile until he sees and opening and upon seeing it,He goes to swing his scythe to hit it but he suddenly gets Pierced in the back by another sycthe"What...the"Dominick says as he drops to his knees"I used my bone manipulation to make another me so I can catch toy off guard and eventually kill you"Gensui then lifts his scythe to kill Dominick but Dominick coats his hand in some of his Dragonic ice armor and grabs it before it makes contact"I'm sure as hell not dying to an undead skeleton.Let's keep this fight GOING"Dominick says as he breaks The tip of Gensuis scythe.Dominick then Kicks him into a nearby mountain before jumping in the air"HELL SHATTERING ICE STRIKE"Dominick yells before bringing his scythe down causing the mountain to split in half.Gensui gets hit with this attack but quickly uses his bone manipulation to regenerate almost instantly"YOUR STARTING TO GET ON MY NERVES"Dominick yells as him and Gensui punch each other in the face.They both fly back in opposite directions but Gensui throws his scythe at Dominick who knocks it away but it suddenly turns into bone darts which go flying at him in the back.Dominick gets struck with every single bone dart"AGGH FUCK"Dominick yells as he lands on the ground in pain.Gensui then runs to Dominick and tried to Decapitate him but Dominick backflips away in time and in the process kicks off Gensuis head which he quickly regenerates from"the only way to kill me is to render my body unable to regenerate by making my bones so small that i can't manipulate...unfortunately for you, your too weak for that"Gensui laughs at Dominick who just smiles at his remark"You honestly just fucked yourself...Now it's time to WIN"Dominick then sticks the middle finger up at Gensui"TENGOKU:Aisurīpā no mezame"Dominick says as a blizzard surrounds him and when it stops Dominick appears to have two ice scythes on his back making an X,Ice forms on his arms and Legs,A long ice cape And finally a mask that completes the look"Now I make you my bitch"Dominick says before Gensui rushes at him.Dominick Then takes one of his scythes and cuts him in half but Gensui regenerates from it and jumps back"I TOLD YOU..I CAN'T DIE"Gensui says as he lunges for Dominick but suddenly the air turns cold and the world becomes blue and suddenly Gensui stops mid air and is thoughtless and motionless.Dominick walks forward as his breath frosts the air"When I'm in Tengoku I gain the ability to increase my freezing capabilities to the point where I can even freeze the atoms around me making you and everything else motionless and thoughtless"Dominick continues walking with two scythes in his hands"In other words....I freeze time itself.I would like to see the reaction on your face but i can't because after all you cant hear me ...can you"Dominick says before slashing over and over at high speeds until Gensui is nothing but a speck of bone dust falling on the ground.Dominick then de transforms and looks to the black sky of the realm"I'm not really that tired..Maybe I should go help Donte...NAHHHHH I'll just explore around here and see what I can find.Since Dominick is done with his fight,We can finally get on to the last fight.Donte stares at Raya in this red realm filled with blood mountains and red blood trees"So..What are you some type of vampire?"Donte says in confusion as Raya points to her sharp fangs"I'm a sort of hybrid type vampire so I don't have all the abilities...But that doesn't matter because I won't even have to use my full power on you"Raya then quickly pulls out two silver colored guns with one red line going down each of them"Guns..?"Donte thinks to himself before getting shot in the arm with a bullet causing him to fly back"Such impact for a bullet"Donte thinks as he lands on the ground.Donte quickly looks up and sees ghouls running at him with rotting and decaying mouths,Dead flesh and skin and eyeballs missing.Donte wastes no time though and rushes in the hoard of ghouls,slashing and killing some of them before he grabs one by the throat"Demonic technique:ATOMIC FLAMES"Donte yells as a ring of black fire surrounds him and the ghouls before it explodes in a rage of black flames.All of the ghouls have been killed and Donte starts to hop on one foot"NOW THIS IS INTERESTING"Donte yells before he stops hopping and dashes at Raya with his daggers.Raya blocks Dontes strike with her guns"Oh...?so their sturdy too"Donte says before he jumps off of her guns and lands in front of her.Raya then starts to shoot the guns rapidly at Donte and he starts to Block all of them at high speeds.Donte continues blocking until the shooting stops and he looks at his daggers which seem to have blood on them"Blood?But my daggers didn't make contact with her yet"Donte says as the blood begins to float and travel back into Rayas guns"oh so that's it.You use blood as ammunition and you can also reuse it...Pretty resourceful"Donte says as Rayas guns click and the red line glows"I'm all loaded up"Raya says as she starts to shoot again.This time though Donte was ready and he dodges the bullets as he makes his way up to her and strikes the guns making them dent a tiny bit"GRR"Raya snarls as she puts her two guns together and blasts a stream of highly pressured condensed blood At Donte and he gets hit with this in his arm which now has a hole in it due to the blood piercing through it.Donte touches the hole and looks at the blood before licking it and standing up with a euphoric smile"If I can make her reload then I can use that opening to break her guns which would result in an automatic win"Donte then plasters an insane smile"...BUT I'M NOT BORING"Donte then starts to power up with his black aura everywhere and his tongue Hanging out his mouth as he yells"YOU BETTER GET LOCKED AND LOADED CAUSE NOW I'M TURNED ON!"Donte says before he finishes powering up and blasts at Raya and grabs her arm"Shadow technique:CORRUPTION"Donte yells as shadow lines cover Rayas body.Donte then flips off of her and snaps his fingers and suddenly the lines turns into spikes which pierce Rayas entire body.Raya quickly reacts and absorbs her lost blood in her Guns and shoots it at Donte once again and this time it hits him in the forehead"GOTCHA"Raya yells but she couldn't be more wrong because Donte quickly cocks his head back into place and with an insane smile before throwing his hand out"Shadow+Demonic technique:SHADOW FLAMES"Donte yells as she shoots the black flames at Raya.Raya dodges but she still gets ignited in black fire"WHAT HOW,I DODGED"Raya yells as Donte drops to the floor"My technique shadow flames doesn't only attack your physical body...It attacks the shadow of the person I target.If I hit your shadow with these flames then your physical body will be ignited but unlike my regular demonic flames,this fire doesn't last all that long"Donte says as the flames go out and Raya starts to breath heavy with her body being badly burnt"DIE YOU FUCKING BASTARD"Raya yells as all the blood mountains and trees start to be absorbed in her guns.The guns are now all crimson red and they click"YOUR GOING TO PAY FOR THIS"Raya yells as she shoots a blood bullet at Donte again and this time it connects and does significant damage to his ribs.Donte falls on his back and laughs"HAHAHAHAHAH I GUESS WE'RE GOING ALL OUT THEN"Donte says as he backflips on his feet and puts his hand on his face making it so only one of his eyes is visible.Dontes body then starts to be enveloped in shadow as if he's being corrupted and taken over. Dontes body goes pitch black,his wings disappear and turns into black bandages that float around his wrists, ankles,And neck,his nails go black and sharp and finally his hair floats and has shadowy essence emitting off of it"TENGOKU:THE CALAMITIES SHADOW"Donte screeches at Raya before he rushes at her.Raya shoots a hot beam of blood at Donte but Donte goes through it like a shadow and punches her in the face head on.Raya flys back in the air but she quickly composes herself and shoots a barrage of blood beams at Donte"shadow technique:NULLIFICATION"Donte yells as he puts his hand forth and a shadows quickly envelop the beams until they aren't there anymore"HE USED HIS SHADOWS TO CONSUME MY ATTACK?...JUST HOW POWERFUL IS THIS KID"Raya says as she puts her guns to the ground and empties the clip until there's nothing left.Blood geysers start to erupt around Donte burning everything in sight"Hot blood geysers huh....OH WELL"Donte then puts his hands to the ground and summons a big shadow beneath him before shadows of himself start to crawl out of them.The shadows then rush at the geysers and destroys them with their daggers immediately"YOUR...YOUR A CALAMITY"Raya says I'm shock as Donte smiles insanely to the destruction of the geysers"you don't know how MUCH I GET THAT"Donte says before takes his hand and impales himself in the stomach"Shadow technique:SHADOWS BANE"Donte says before he takes his hand out his stomach and shadow multiple tentacles pulls Raya inside of Donte.Raya gets pulled inside and all she can see is darkness until she starts to scream in pain and after a while her eyes go white and she dies from shock ending the battle in victory of Donte.Donte quickly powers down and puts his hands behind his head"even though my Tengoku allows me to use my shadow abilities non stop without using stamina....It still hurts my body like hell so I'll have to use it as a last resort"Donte says as he makes a portal"let's hope the others did as good as me".Donte then walks through the portal and arrives back in jotunheim where he gets greeted by everyone else.

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