Chapter 25: Invasion

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Neivhor sits on his magic platform waiting to infiltrate the monk realm when the scientist asks him"So what's the plan Neivhor?"The scientist curiously asks while reading himself for the attack"Well as soon as we arrive I will unleash millions of phantom skeletons to overwhelm them but we both know that isn't going to be enough for me to stop them so before I get to tree...I'll kill the calamity.You can take care of the girl while the phantom skeletons take care of the rest"Neivhor then opens a book and smirks"5 more minutes".Donte and Dominick are fighting the troops with little to no difficulty"Man you guys suck"Dominick scoffs as he kicks one of the troops aside while Donte is playfully dodging the troops attacks"I can't even get off to this-"suddenly an alarm goes off and haganes voice can be heard across the realm"I NEED THE CHILDREN OF BUDDHA TO REPORT TO ME NOW!"Hagane voice projects to loud that everyone can hear it.Donte and Dominick waste no time and blasts off in the distance with Dominick grabbing Lana before hopping on Hyoga.Donte and Dominick arrive to the tree where they see Hagane Meru and Aka waiting there"Where's Lucas?"Donte asks And Aka just shakes her head"He's still recovering from his previous battle so he'll be out for a little while longer"Aka says before bringing her attention to Hagane"So what did you call us here for?"Aka asks before hagane takes a deep breath"He's coming I can feel it.I hope you guys are ready...Shit"Hagane takes the fragments quickly"I'll go absorb the power from the fragments it's going to take a while to so just buy me some time."Hagane is about to run off when Donte stops him"How long do we have?"Donte says as Hagane gulps"In 3...2....1"Just then a crack Appears on the top of the realm and Neivhor appears with the scientist on a flying book"it's time to fulfill my role..."Neivhor says before he snaps and millions of phantom Skeletons appear behind him.Donte And Dominick quickly rushes out and meets Neivhor once again"Looks like the protagonist and the deuteragonist is here to meet us"Neivhor Laughs while Donte grabs Dominick's shoulder"I'll take Neivhor..You get the scientist over there ok?"Donte says before the skeletons all shoot at Dominick"Now that's not going to happen"Neivhor says as he makes a portal behind Dominick as he falls due to the phantom skeletons piling onto him"I'LL BE FINE DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME"Dominick yells in confidence before the portal closes.Donte Swiftly averts his gaze upon Neivhor"Dont worry..I'll save you"Donte says before dashing at Neivhor.Dominick lands and looks around him in confusion"It looks like I'm back in helheim"Dominick then snaps back into focus and looks at the millions of Phantom skeletons rising from the ground.He quickly conjures his sycthe and summons Hyoga beside him"LETS DO THIS"Dominick says before rushing into the skeleton crowd and slicing them one by one.The bones fall around Dominick and Suddenly the bones start to float and reattach themselves to each other making his efforts useless.Hyoga Then blasts an ice beam at the skeletons freezing them in place but that doesn't work either because the skeletons break out of the ice with little effort"UHH TENGILU ANY IDEAS?"Dominick asks his hid for help And tengliu quickly responds"These skeletons are different from the ones that you fought in jotunheim.They appear to have phantoms inside of them making them considerably stronger...Dominick the only way to defeat them is to somehow control the phantoms inside of them.Sadly you don't have that power"Tengliu says disappointingly and Dominick gets fustrated"THEN WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO DAMMIT"Dominick says as he makes an ice mountain to pierce hundreds of skeletons but still they get up and regenerate without any hassle.Dominick jumps in the air and Suddenly a huge skeleton the size of a skyscraper rises from the ground with a large bone axe in hand and brings it down upon Dominick.He gets hit and is about to fall on the ground but Hyoga catches him before he can land"Shit.."Dominick says to himself while he lays there holding his bleeding arm from the axe attack.Mutliple skeletons then fire a barrage of bone arrows at Hyoga from below them and Hyoga falls due to being pierced in the chest"HYOGA NO"Dominick yells as the both fall on the ground.Dominick and Hyoga are both on the ground and Hyoga puts his wing over Dominick trying to protect him" you need to heal"Dominick says before sending Hyoga away"There you go...."Dominick says as he struggles to stand and tries to conjure his scythe but before he can,Multiple bone arrows soar at him and stabs him in every ligament in his body"Oh...Shit"Dominick says as he falls down on his back.Suddenly the voices start to flood Dominick's head again"Child...Do you desire power?"The voices say in Dominick's head before he weakly responds"Who are you...?"Dominick coughs up blood.The voices speak to him rapidly in his head"Your too weak Your too..BREAKABLE...ACCEPT US AND YOU'LL TRULY BE..POWERFUL"the voices persuade Dominick"....fine..."Dominick coughs out and suddenly the ground begins to shake.Tengilu in his mindscape falls down because his mind as well began to shake"W-WHAT THE HELL?"She yells as a gray smoke appears all around her"Looks like my phantoms spoke to him a little"Suddenly a woman appears in front of her.She appears to have a gray gown on and her hair seems to be decayed"He's a cute one..isn't he?"She says as she pets a ghost beside her.Tengliu stumbles back"W-who are you?"Tengliu says as The women turns around and showing her pale almost dead face"..I'm melinoe..Goddess of phantoms....looks like we'll be sharing this kid eh".Outside Dominick's mindset the skeletons begin to fall as the phantoms get absorbed into Dominick's body like a rapid stream of water.Dominick begins to emit a gray aura as all the skeletons fall and even the big one is no match for what Dominick is right now"What's happening to me...THIS FEELS SO POWERFUL"He says as he floats and sucks in even more phantoms until there's none left and his is the only one left standing and breathing heavily"Maybe...Maybe I am..A GOD".While Dominick is in helheim fighting the skeletons,Donte stares Neivhor down"Well..What'll it be now...Protagonist"Neivhor says before turning around"Ok you can go do your little experiment now"Neivhor tells the scientist as he jumps away while Neivhor stays behind with Donte"Well let's get started...shall we?"Neivhor then blitzes in front of Donte before punching him and sending him deep in the monk realm.The scientist makes his way to the temple where Aka and meru are and sees them"Ladies like you should be more aware of their surroundings"He chuckles before fixing his lab coat.Meru and Aka Turn around quickly after hearing his voice and they both jump back to gain distance due to their lack of knowledge about this scientist"I guess we'll just have to fight him and see what we're dealing with"Aka says before conjuring her light spear and taking a battle stance.Meru nods"I'll have to play a little rough from the start since we don't know anything" Merus body then starts to emit a pinkish blue aura"Lust output 25%.." Meru says before dashing at the scientist and throws a punch and it lands but it does nothing to him"Woah let's not get HASTY"The scientist says before grabbing Merus wrist and slamming her on the ground with a brutal force that makes the temple crack a bit"Let me introduce myself first"The scientist kicks meru away while she thinks to herself"My lust output technique takes the lust I have inside my body and uses it as a way to boost my physical was at 25% and he took it?"Metu thinks to herself before Aka catches her"You ok?"Aka asks as meru nods to her question.The scientist fixes his lab coat once again"My name is's nice to meet you"Ryker says before taking out a red vile from his lab coat"No need to tell me who you are While I already know.Now let's get this battle started"Ryker then drinks the liquid in the vial and his whole body starts to glow red.Ryker then punches the air and a massive shockwave gets sent towards Aka and meru before it makes contact with them.Aka and meru get blown out the temple and land on a cloud"Meru you good?"Aka asks meru before she nods and stands beside her"What do you think was in that vile he drank?"Meru asks Aka"I have no idea but it looked like it affected him somehow"Aka says before Ryker drops on the cloud with them and No words are said as Ryker immediately goes in for the next attack with his fist tucked in on his sides.Each punch Ryker throws splits clouds due to the sheer power of his attacks but Aka and meru can keep up just barley and manages to dodge most of his attacks.Even though it's a two on one the battle still is hard due to Rykers ability to Dodge one persons attacks while striking the other person"i'm actually surprised that you can keep up with me"Ryker says while throwing continuous punches at Aka while dodging Merus attacks from behind"well when it comes to hand to hand combat im pretty skilled in it"Aka says before clapping her hands together which makes a flashing and blinding light that shines in Rykers face.Meru follows this action up with a kick to the face that knocks Ryker back a bit"HAIL OF LOVE"Meru shouts before heart shards start to fall from the sky and rain upon Ryker"INTERESTING"Ryker yells as he puts his arms up and blocks all of the heart shards that rained down on him.When the rain stops he quickly picks a shard up and throws it at meru Making a sonic boom erupt while it travels"how will you deal with this?"Ryker asks meru before she just barely dodges the shard and scratches her cheek"good...good I'll take a mental note of that.I didn't know succubi were strong"Ryker says with his hand on his chin while Aka speeds her way up to him with her spear trying to catch him off guard"GOT YOU NOW"she yells as she raises he spear and brings it down on him hoping to do some Damage and she ends up scratching him in the face.Ryker sees this and claps his hands making a shockwave that sends Aka flying into Merus arms"Hmm let's try this one out"Ryker says out loud as he takes a purple vial out and drinks it.His body then glows purple before he begins to blow out purple poisonous smoke that surrounds meru and Aka"Don't worry I got this I've done this before-"Akas eyes widens as she dispels the poisonous smoke from around them"This smoke is exactly like Amucks..Does he have the same powers?No that can't be it.He took a vile and drank it and he suddenly has poison gas..wait does that mean"Aka Then quickly takes out her spear and rushes as Ryker again before striking him but this time he blocks"I WAS RIGHT"Aka says before kicking off of Ryker and landing next to Meru"His power isn't being super strong and durable hell I don't think he has powers at all.You just make a copy of people's abilities and store them in Vials until you need them and right now you're using one of the five guards of chaos's powers"Aka points at him while meru is laughing aloud"Y-YOUR POWERLESS? HAHAHAHAHA YOUR PATHETIC"Meru laughs and Aka smiles triumphantly.Ryker stumbles back and sweats a little"You think because you know my secret that you'll be able to beat me?DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH"Ryker yells while taking out another vial but this time it's white and he drinks it before his body turns white.Ryker laughs and hops up and down before speeding in circles around the two girls"Ok Aka what now?"Meru asks as she stand back to back with Aka"Don't worry I have a way to beat him,just when you see an opening..hit him as hard as you can ok?"Aka says before Meru smiles and nods.Aka then starts to illuminate her hand with white light and expands her wings as if she were stretching them out and takes a deep breath while she follows Rykers movements with her eyes"....NOW"Aka then speeds into the whirlwind and grabs onto Rykers body"H-HOW DID YOU CATCH ME?I HAVE THE SPEED OF HERMES RIGHT NOW"Ryker yells before Aka can explain"yes you are fast but my Boyfriend who I train with is way faster than you.I'm definitely not at his level yet but I still have more speed than you right now"Aka then douses Rykers body in white light and he starts to slow down"WHAT'S HAPPENING"Ryker yells in confusion as Aka smiles"Since your infecting yourself with other gods powers I decided to be a good person and cure you so now your back to normal"She says while sticking her tounge out and holding a sideways peace sign over her eye while winking"NOW MERU"She yells at meru who's body starts to emit a pinkish blue aura again"LUST OUTPUT 50%"She yells before appearing in front of Ryker and striking him in the stomach causing him to fly in the air but Meru quickly gets there before him and makes finger guns with her hands"Buh bye,Chu~"She mocking blows a kiss at him before yelling "LOVE PISTOLS"Suddenly multiple heart projectiles shoot out of her fingers and barrage Ryker until he lands on the ground knocked out.Meru lands besides Aka before they both high five each other"YES WE DID IT"They both say in unison as they smile in victory.Meanwhile,Neivhor punches Donte deep into the monk realm"COME ON PROTAGONIST FIGHT BACK"Neivhor yells as Donte flies in front of him feeling the backlash of Neivhors punch.Donte quickly regains his composure and flies at Neivhor and attempts to kick him but Neivhor dodges with little to no effort"EASY"Neivhor says before grabbing his leg and spinning him before throwing him in the air as he conjures blue energy swords that go flying at Donte"energy swords??"Donte thinks to himself before slightly dodging the swords and ends up getting cut in his cheek.Donte wipes the blood off of his cheek and looks down at Neivhor who has a sinister smile on his face"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS"Donte yells at Neivhor before he laughs"ALL I'M DOING IS FULFILLING MY ROLE IN THIS STORY"Neivhor then dashes at Donte before clashing fist and holding each other in a standstill"you think your some destined villain?You think your made for this?"Donte speaks to Neivhors face but Neivhor just laughs at him"FOOLS WHO DON'T KNOW THEIR ROLE-THEIR PURPOSE DESERVES TO DIE.BUT ME NO NO NO I'M NOT SO NAIVE"Neivhor yells before head butting Donte and grabbing his arm.Neivhor then pops it out of socket and throws him into a nearby temple"AGH SHIT THAT HURT"Donte yells as he gets up while his arm is dangling due to it being out of socket"H-He's good...I can't hit him because of that damn ability of his"Donte says before Neivhor comes crashing into the building and palming Dontes face and slamming it on the temple floor"CMON PROTAGONIST BE THE HERO AND DEFEAT ME BE THE ONE WHO WILL SAVE THE DAY...AHHH"Neivhor then plasters a smile on his face"THAT'S RIGHT...I AM...."Neivhor smashes Dontes head on the ground once again"A TRUE..VILLAIN"Neivhor is about to smash Dontes head in but before he can Lucas and Hagane crashes through the buildings roof"your a half baked villain at best"Hagane says before wrapping metal chains around Neivhor and throwing him out the Temple and Lucas follows up with a sword slash to the chest"Yea your kind of childish if you ask me"Lucas says while they both land on a cloud near the temple.Neivhor slowly rises to his feet while staring at Lucas with pure hatred in his eyes"Tch...Side character.I mistook your role when i seen you on the beach with your friends.Your not a main character Lucas..Your a side character"Neivhor scoffs"And MAN DO I HATE SIDE CHARACTERS"Neivhor yells before dashing at Lucas with his hand emitting blue energy from his fist"Vortex emission"Neivhor says mundanely before Striking Lucas in the chest with blue energy that spirals through Lucas making him fly away"This would be SO much easier if I was fully healed but my bones aren't fully recovered from the last fight"Lucas grits his teeth"LOOKS LIKE ILL HAVE TO FIGHT THROUGH IT"Lucas says before conjuring a bow and shooting multiple arrows at Neivhor blocking his vision"Child's play"Neivhor mutters as he puts up a blue energy shield blocking all of the arrows.Suddenly Lucas Appears in front of Neivhor with a greatsword and actually manages to slash his arm with it"HA"Lucas laughs as Neivhor stumbles back in disbelief"You BUG"Neivhor yells at Lucas before grabbing his throat and hoisting him up in the air.Neivhor conjures a blue energy sword again and brings it to Lucas's throat"You disgust me" Neivhor is about to run the sword through Lucas's throat but Donte and Hagane shows up again before he can"GOOD JOB LUCAS"Donte yells Before grabbing the energy sword and breaking it with his bare hands"HAGANE CMON"Donte yells as Hagane makes claw like weapons out of his metal and slashes neivhors arm that was already damaged from Lucas earlier.Suddenly metal birds come flying around all of them and They all peck at Neivhor and fly into neivhors body damaging him over time"IT'S TIME FOR ME TO TEST MY METAL"Hagane yells.Flashback a couple minutes and Dominick is sitting in Helheim wonder what his next move is"I need to get back to the monk realm..but I can't realm travel"Dominick says in worry but Melinoe cuts him off"actually I can help with that"Melinoe chuckles"you see my power is different from the other gods when it comes to realm travel.By using the move phantom walk you can travel between realms instantly"upon hearing this Dominick smiles"So how do I do this move?"Dominick curiously says as he quickly stands up.Melinoe takes a deep breath"Now imagine yourself being intangible imagine yourself being a key to unlock anything that you want,no place is off limits for you...even realms"Melinoe says this and Dominick begins to float as a gray aura appears around him,His body goes transparent and he Suddenly disappears and ends up in the monk realm"No way that worked..That's actually so cool"Dominick says before shaking his head and shifting back to focus"Ok I need to focus up and get to my friends and help with the fight"Dominick then summons Hyoga and jumps on his back before blasting further into the monk realm.Back to the regular time,Lana is fighting phantom skeletons in a village with the other monk soldiers.She stabs a skeleton in the eyes and kicks it making it crumble into pieces but it gets back up with ease"WHAT THE FREAK"She yells as she backflips into the monks and stands on one of their shoulders"DONT LET UP THEIR RELENTLESS" Lana yells as she jumps into the crowd of skeletons and slashing them one by one but they keep getting up and the skeletons start to overwhelm her as well as the monk soldiers.Lana is huddled up under the the pile of skeletons attacking her and she starts getting flashbacks of her kidnapping before she starts to cry"P-please.. someone...HELP"She yells at the top of her lungs and Suddenly the skeletons starts to drop on the floor.Turns out it's Dominick taking the souls out of the skeletons and drops down making the bones fly everywhere"Don't worry Lana...I won't let you get hurt ever again"Dominick says before looking up at Neivhor,hagane,Donte and Lucas fighting"I'll go help them.."Dominick begins to summon Hyoga but he and Lana gets snatched up by wukong who takes them to a nearby building and stands on it"WHAT THE HELL?"Dominick looks around and sees meru and Aka before he yells at Wukong but Wukong just looks at the fight with Neivhor"I wanted to show you something...Just wait".Back to the fight with Neivhor,Donte and Hagane are throwing punches at Neivhor but he dodges them with his eyes closed and punches Hagane away.Lucas tries to Slash him with his sword but Hagane grabs it and throws him aside to a building"Side..Characters"Neivhor says as he jumps in the air on a giant book he conjures and Suddenly the four generals appear besides him.Wukong speeds and Grabs Hagane and Lucas before returning to his spot to join the others"Almost there.."Wukong says while smiling and looking at Donte.Neivhor conjures a book and begins to read from it"Asluck...Nan....Shan"he says before the general start to disintegrate and turn into millions of soldier with glowing armor and weapons"unlike the generals these soldier are actually alive...But they can't be knocked out and they will just keep getting back up...unless killed which you can't do"Neivhor says while a smile before Wukong starts to monologue"Do you guys know why you can't kill?"wukong says with a smile as Dominick responds"Isn't it because it's the wrong thing to do and all of that?"Dominick says as wukong smirks"Actually Buhdda wasn't against killing in the slightest.He actually thought that it was the right thing to do in which I agree with"wukong chuckles and Dominick stands up"so why can't we kill?"Dominick asks as wukong Eagerly looks at the battle"the simple answer is...To keep Donte in check.Right now Donte isn't at his full potential,he's a demon so killing suits him more than just knocking people out.If Donte were to be able to kill then...He'll be unstoppable But buhdda was scared of this so he put this rule in order"Wukong then takes a deep breath"DONTE FROM NOW ON...YOU ARE ABLE TO KILL"He shouts and Dontes hears it and his eyes widen"I-I can't kill anyone right?"He says to himself a before Macaque speaks to him"Your scared of going berserk again aren't you"Macaque says before donte gulps"If I go berserk again then there's no telling what would happen"Donte says as macaque takes a deep breath"Your not using any of your shadow abilities because your scared.Remember your shadow and Demon sides feed off each other,strengthening eachother but it also keeps each other in check...So all you have to do is balance it out so Donte...Go have some FUN"Macaque yells to Donte as before Donte smiles and conjures his daggers"Yea let's...LETS HAVE SOME FUN"Donte plasters an Insane smile and Blitzes into the millions of soldiers using his daggers to stab them in the head killing each one quickly activates shadow mode and he becomes even faster....two....Donte slices throats and cuts off limbs until none of the soldiers are left...three.It took three seconds for one million soldiers to be cleared out by Donte"YES...YES THERE IT IS THERE IT IS..THIS IS THE TRUE NATURE OF THE BANE OF DESTRUCTION...THE CALAMITY"Wukong yells to the skies while Donte stands there with the dead bodies around him and his hair soaked with blood.Neivhor sees this and steps back in disbelief"e-even i didn't see this coming"Neivhor says as he makes a portal behind him and prepares for a retreat"oh well looks like i'll have to back off for now."Neivhor then looks in Haganes eyes before taking out the power fragment" can have this i have no use for it now"Neivhor then throws the fragment on the ground before walking through the portal"NOO"Donte yells as he dashes for the portal but he's too late for it closes before he can make it"DAMN IT"Donte yells as he falls to his knees and everyone goes to him"Hey its alright we'll get em next time"Aka tells him while she puts her hand on his back in consolement.Hagane hurries and grabs the fragment and walks to the others with it in his hand"this is the last fragment i need to save my realm"Hagane says in delight before wukong shows up and offers Donte a hand"you did good..Donte ''Wukong puts his hand out but Donte slaps it away"Good?..GOOD? WE COULD HAVE STOPPED HIM IF YOU DIDN'T TAKE THEM OUT THE FIGHT''Donte yells at Wukong"WHY DID YOU EVEN DO THAT?"Donte continues to yell at Wukong but he just sighs"i needed you to realize that you can kill i needed you to see how easy it is for you"Wukong explains but Donte just makes a mad and a confused face.Donte extends his arms and looks at everyone around him"hey have we ever wondered WHY he's training us.He doesn't have an obligation to so why in the hell are you our mentor.What is your goal?"Donte looks back at Wukong who has a sad face"i need you to become strong as possible so you can...kill me"wukong says under his breath and no one hears him so he changes his sentence"I just want the demigods of today to be as strong as possible is that so bad?"Wukong smiles before he turns around"NEVERMIND THAT,GOOD LUCK TEAM I'LL SPEAK WITH ALL OF YOU LATER"Wukong then jumps off of the cloud that they are on and flies away on his cloud somersault.Wukong is in the air heading towards his place in the monk realm and his sees the reality distortion again"Tch...i seen the same distortion when i was in the prison realm..i hope it isn't what i think it is..they aren't ready for him"Wukong then blasts away.A couple hours pass and the team and Hagane are in their temple"I need all of you to get out here"
Hagane tells everyone before they all walk out of their rooms"I just wanted to thank you all for getting all of the fragments for my realm...especially you,Donte"Hagane bows to Donte"Your still a demon therefore my people will still hate you but me...ill be a bit more considerate when it comes to you"Hagane says truthfully while Donte laughs"NO need to be formal Hagane HAHA."Donte sticks out his hand"let's be friends ok?"Donte says as Hagane takes his hand and shakes it"yea..friends"Hagane then takes out the fragment and absorbs it.Hagane walks out the temple and surges energy out his body and fixes the cracks within his realm"my people are now safe"Hagane smiles warmly and turns around to the team"If you guys need anything and i mean ANYTHING you can count on me"Hagane says while the team gets ready to leave the temple"See you later..Hagane"Donte sprouts his wings and takes off with the others to a cloud where Wukong is waiting with a portal"let's get going my students...we need to think of a plan to make against Neivhor"Wukong says before the group walks through the portal and they arrive in their temple in the mortal realm.

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