Chapter 6: Patrol

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After Aka passes out madison took her to her white room and lays her down so she can rest and cool down.While Aka is sleeping Dominick and Donte are sparring in the training room they are exchanging blows when Dominick asks Donte"So when are you gonna ask her out champ?"Donte is surprised and skippers back, putting some space in between him and Dominick. "What are you talking about"As Donte says this he rushes at Dominick trying to slash him with his shadow daggers"I'm obviously talking about Aka you've had a crush on her for like forever i think you two would make a pretty good couple plus now she's apart of our team now you two can be like a power couple one light the other dark it's perfect plus i think she likes you"Dominick says as he's shooting ice shards at Donte.while Donte is dodging he says"I mean yea i would like to be in a relationship with her we could train together,fight together and enhance our abilities together which is the dream for me but like i don't really think she likes me all that much to the point she would date me"Dominick yells out"ARE YOU DUMB she almost turned completely red from that stunt you did to her..why did you do that anyway"Donte has a confused look on"I don't really know i didn't really think about it i just did it..i guess fighting against her turned me on or something"he says with a slight blush on his face Dominick has a weirded out face on"Bro you got some weird you got turned on by her fighting you"Donte lands a blow on Dominick kicking him into a wall"Ok that aside where is Madison and Lucas"Dominick kicks the rubble aside from the wall he got kicked into"Madison is on a date with Lilac and Lucas is in his room meditating i think he said something about becoming one with his sword probably just some training he likes to do maybe it makes him stronger".Donte checks the time on his phone"It looks like it's time to go patrolling ill call Madison and you get Lucas i doubt buddha will let Aka go since its her first day having powers"Donte says as he walking out the room Dominick agrees and leaves with Donte to go get Lucas.Once the group gathers in the temple and puts on their individual suits Donte puts on a black outfit with black jacket and hood then he puts on a purple and black mask,Lucas puts on a gold and blue suit of armor but it's not too bulky so he could move around he also has a helmet,Dominick wears a blue jacket that reveals his stomach and wears the bottom part of a mask that he makes out of matching pants.He also wears a the bottom half of a mask that he makes out of ice,Madison wears what a female vampire would normally wear black and red top with a black skirt and tights After getting dressed in their hero costumes they go out to patrol for devdatta's henchmen.The group is searching the city when Madison sees a couple of devadatta's henchmen trying to take the life force of people in an alleyway Madison was the closest to the area so she flies there as fast as she could.When Madison gets there she grabs one of the henchmen and throws him into the wall making him turn into sand then she got an idea she hypnotized the other henchmen to try to find out where devadatta is hiding but sadly it didn't work since the henchmen are made out of sand and have no brain in a sense they are just mindless zombies."Oh my what a smart girl you are"A women says to Madison"Sorry i'm taken how about you show yourself or are you scared"Madison snaps back at the women"Fine i'll show myself but if i do i'm gonna have to kill you"Just then a vortex of sand appears in front of madison,once the vortex vanishes a tall indian women appears she's wearing an indian two piece outfit with jewels on her face."Who are you and what do you want with me"madison shouts at the women"I am Abora servant to Devadatta and long story short i'm here to kill you on his orders"Madison smiles at this statement"If you're one of Devadattas followers that means i can drain you dry"Abora chuckles"Your quite confident little girl now lets see what you got"Abora rushes at Madison and tries to kick her but madison dodges it and counter attacks with a punch to the stomach but when she made contact with abora her stomach turned to sand and Madison's hand went right through Aboras body.Madison is surprised and she jumps back putting space in between them two Madison thinks to herself"Aw great more sand i guess she's the one that was making all those clones..wait i have to worry about how im gonna beat her how am i supposed to beat someone i cant hit i need more information"As madison is thinking Abora is running at Madison with claws of sand on her fingers.Abora is slashing at madison and manages to slash her on the forehead making blood trickle down her face"Dammit she nicked me.....ok let's analyze this from what she shown me so far she's able to control sand at will and able to change its properties by hardening it she's also made out of sand.......wait i have an idea"Madison thinks to herself while wiping the blood out of her eye"Are you done already little girl what happened to all that confidence you had before"Abora taunts Madison.Madison runs at Abora throwing continuous punches and kicks and Abora is just standing there"You don't get it do you I can't get hurt i'm completely invinci-AGH" Abora gets cut off by getting hit the chest by Madison and gets knocked back a few inches"So my theory was correct your not made of sand you turn your body into sand at the moment of impact but you can't make your whole body sand at the same time so you change the part on your body to sand wherever i'm gonna hit you but your fast at it so that just means i have to be faster than you and i have just the thing for that"Madison says while baring her fangs at Abora.Madison then runs at Abora but instead of hitting her she jumps over her and jumps on the wall then she jumps to the other wall of the alleyway and the keeps going back and forth at high speeds but at the same she's slashing at Abora with her nails that she made sharp by using her transformation power."Shes too fast i can't predict where shes gonna hit me and i can't turn my whole body into sand to counter her....shit this is bad"Madison keeps slashing at her at high speeds when abora starts laughing"HAHAHAH oh my god im so dumb sometimes"When she says this a sphere of hardened sand surrounds her and madison gets knocked back"well now i have a counter to your counter little girl"Abora says while smiling in confidence.Abora puts down the sand sphere"how about we finish this"madison smirks"I couldn't agree more"they then rush at each other with the intent to kill but just as they got to striking range they both freeze in their place."well looks like your having fun madison"Dominick says while walking towards them Madison sighs"Dom what are you doing here i had this"but Dominick ignores her and walks towards abora"I can't believe you would side with someone like devadatta now matter the reason he is evil and evil shall be punished that means you shall be face the judgment by my ice"after he's finished talking he creates an ice sickle and slices her head off with no remorse"your judgment has been served by my ice"he unfreezes Madison and walks away without looking back.Donte is flying in the air while searching for any henchmen that he can take down he sees two henchmen searching for people to drain and swoops down at them while taking his weapons out of his shadow but as soon as he got there the henchmen started screaming in pain and disintegrates into sand"what the hell i didn't even attack them but they turned into sand that's weird I should report this to the team"he taps the earpiece that he has on"Madison,Dom,Lucas come in i found something weird so i found some henchmen so i was getting ready to attack but before i made any contact with them they disintegrated into sand"Madison cuts Donte off"i need to tell you guys something when I was patrolling I got ambushed by some women named abora we fought but Dom came and KILLED her.the women's power was you think she was the one making the clones for devadatta and now that she's dead she can't make anymore so what n-"Donte starts to yell cutting madison off"DOM YOU IDIOT WHY WOULD YOU KILL HER WE COULD HAVE USED HER FOR INFORMATION"Dominick snaps back"She was evil she had it coming to her plus how are you certain she was gonna tell us anything she could have put us in more danger it was easier just to kill her"Donte responds"It would have been all of us there how was she gonna put us in more danger she can't take all of us at the same time..Jesus Christ what are we going to tell Buddha are we even allowed to kill people"Madison interrupts them"BOYS calm down let's just return to base for now ok and see what's gonna happen"Donte agrees but Dominick stays silent but goes back to base anyway.When they arrive to base they tell Buddha what happened and what Dominick did to abora.Buddha sighs"Dominick I know you think killing them is good and all but it really isn't we are supposed to be the heroes of this battle if you sink into the habit of killing people then you will never be the same ok?"Dominick replies to this"Yes sir"after Dominick and buddha are done talking he walks in the training room to see Donte and Aka training together he quickly walks back out and hides behind the door to eavesdrop."Good good your doing great considering you got your only a couple of hours ago"Donte says to Aka while dodging her spear attacks"Say why did you pick a spear for your weapon just curious"He says after grabbing her spear out of her hands and making it disappear using his power to negate light"Wow looks who's curious about me..ok I'll tell you but you have to answer a question of mine ok"Donte smiles"Ok we have a deal"Aka and Donte sits down"I chose my weapon as a spear because it's the weapons of Valkyries fierce warriors that guided lost souls to Valhalla they also represent female power..SORRY I'm rambling on you must think I'm a nerd now hehe"Donte smiles"no I actually think it's kinda cute keep going"he says with a smirk on his face.Aka blushes and covers her face"Alright you can stop teasing me now,now you have to answer my question ok." "Ok ask away"Donte says while laughing"Ok so this has been on my mind for a while now why does your personality change so much when your fighting or using your powers you go from chill,friendly and light to extreme Clever very excited and it looks like you enjoy battle"Donte looks at her very seriously"I don't actually know why I change that much all I know it that when I start to fight I feel like something is engulfing me like a darkness but it doesn't feel bad it actually feels good and it makes me feel confident and very excited I don't think it's anything bad though I just think of it as my alter ego"While Donte is explaining Aka looks confused but she eventually gets it and accepts it.meanwhile.Dominick is still eavesdropping on their conversation"An alter ego that's freaky I'll look into that later".

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