Chapter 31: Dark reality

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The injured teens smile at the shadow user in the air and Donte takes a step and appears in front of them¨he's a fast one¨Iboror thinks to himself while Donte talks to his friends¨yo! Laufey told me everything¨Donte grabs Akas waist and makes her upright¨There you go honey. I think you guys should get going. This might get a little crazy¨Donte smiles but his ice user friend declines¨why do you always insist on fighting alone. Im stayin-¨Dominick gets cut off by Donte punching him lightly on the chest, making him fall over¨bro, you can barely even take a punch from me, Yknow, the fast one.¨Donte says and Dominick rolls his eyes in submission. Meru grabs Dominick by the arm and Aka makes a light portal behind the shadow user¨Be careful,Donte¨Aka says strictly and Donte looks back and sticks his tongue out¨Yes ma'am¨Donte says as Wukong and Lucas appear from a shadowy haze¨oh, you can't forget about these two. Now go, I doubt this guy will wait any longer¨Donte points to Iboro and Aka nods before floating through the portal. Donte focuses his attention on Iboro and the glitching villain grits his teeth¨I couldn't even see him move. I'm in Tengoku and I couldn't even see this inferior being move!?! What is he?¨Iboro panics to himself while Donte stretches his arms¨say iboro,wasn't the first thing you said to us was that you wanted to cause chaos and see the world burn?¨Donte smiles and appears in front of Iboro with an insane grin¨Allow me to give you some chaos then!!¨Donte kicks iboro into the Abyss before he can react. Iboro flips backward into the abyss and tries to set his gaze on the boy, but he can't because Donte appears behind him with his daggers and slashes his back in an X formation. Iboro widens his eyes in pain but quickly focuses himself¨I can't let myself be overwhelmed by this kid. His speed is great, but he doesn't have as much of an impact like that ice kid. Im guessing that strength isn't his strong suit but he heavily makes it up with speed¨Iboro regains his composure and the glitches on his body starts to expand. They suddenly become compressed and tame as they suit around him like a suit of armor¨He shouldn't be able to break through this, i win!¨Iboro smiles as Donte speeds towards him with his daggers and strikes him. Dontes daggers bounces off of Iboro and Iboro grabs him by the arm and strikes him in the chest with his fist. Donte spits up alot of blood and Iboro sweeps him off the leg and strikes him in the face. Donte blocks it, but the impact sends him back a bit¨Oh, I see. You figured out my weakness and adapted. Pretty nice, pretty nice¨Donte then hits his own chest and coughs out more blood¨That's better¨Donte then sighs¨I hate to use this on people because to be frank, it scares me that i can just do this to people. But you leave me no choice¨Donte shrugs his shoulders as a black aura leaks from his body. Iboro looks around him, expecting a big attack¨What's he doing? I better put up my Gua-¨Iboros vision becomes soaked with red as his eyes fill with blood. Iboro drops to his knees while images flood his head¨What is this! I'm losing my mind!¨Iboro panics as Donte slowly takes steps in front of him¨Remember the boy you killed?¨Donte says and Iboro looks up¨He just found his life purpose and you just ripped it away from him!¨The shadow user kneels down¨I should let you suffer here, but that's not my style. I can kill you right here, but when I see strong people like you, I can't help but want to fight them to the death. I can't let our final battle be boring¨Donte smiles an insane grin as he takes down the effects of his aura. Iboro stands¨You let me live...¨Iboro smiles¨You utter fool!¨Iboro lunges at Donte and punches him. Iboro then slams him below and follows that up with a flurry of punches that Donte takes head on. Donte catches the last punch with a bloody face and Smiles at Iboro¨Man,i'm disappointed!¨Donte tilts his head with an insane expression and Iboro backs up¨What's with this kid!¨Iboro thinks to himself as Donte raises his arm across his chest diagonally while lowering the other arm diagonally past his waist and making claw signs with his hands. Iboro sees this and his eyes widen in shock¨How does he know that stance!?¨Iboro says to himself but can't think further because his armor suddenly falls off. Iboro tries to speak but his throat gets jabbed at, making him unable to make a sound. A flash of black sparks in his eyes and his body suddenly turns mangled and limp. Donte then appears in front of him and slashes his body with daggers, making blood sputter out¨I knew it. That stance is....¨Donte cuts Iboro off¨...The Killing demon stance. My father taught it to me since I'm a demon and blah blah blah. I was supposed to destroy your vocal cords but I guess I need more practice with this killing technique¨Donte scratches his head and Looks at Iboro¨Why the long face? You scared or something?¨Donte looks at Iboro who sweats in realization¨ That's why he's so strong! He's a demon!!¨Iboro starts to shake as Donte frowns¨I thought you were like me. You said you wanted chaos but when faced with death, you start to shake in fear¨Donte sighs and Iboro clasps his hands. Donte then gets trapped in between space¨You must have gone crazy, i'm not scared!¨Iboro attempts to crush Donte but the space gets sliced away by Dontes dagger coated with shadow. Donte then dashes at Iboro and kicks him into the air before grabbing his leg and stabbing it with his dagger¨Ahahahahahahaha!!¨Donte laughs as he drags the dagger through Iboros body. Iboro snatches his leg and grits his teeth before clashing his fist with Dontes' dagger. Donte then grabs his fist and pulls him closer before jumping off of him and free falling into the abyss. Donte makes a shadow below him and falls into it and Appears above Iboro and drops onto him with his daggers, which Iboro blocks. The two stare at each other and Donte sticks out his tongue¨Corruption!¨Donte yells as Shadow lines appear on Iboros body. Iboros body glitches and the shadow lines disappear¨So that's what your Tengoku does! The glitches on your body make it so you don't take permanent damage. Reality warping is pretty scary¨Donte laughs and creates distance between the two. Donte looks at Iboros leg and notices that the wounds are gone. Donte smiles and taps on his head rapidly¨I see,i,see,i see,i see!!! If that's the case,then ill just have to kill you before your Tengoku's effects activate! I'm starting to have fun!¨Donte then speeds around Iboro while slashing him with his dagger. Iboro continues to warp his injuries away while Donte slashes his body at high speeds. Iboro the makes tendrils surround his body in hopes to stop Donte but they break on impact. Iboro's eyes widen in shock, and quickly raises his hand and a planet appears above him¨CRUMBLE!¨Iboro yells as the planet crumbles into pieces that fly in Dontes direction. Donte smiles and raises his hand forward¨SHADOW FLAMES!!¨Donte yells as black flames shoot from his arms and engulfs the planet's debris. Donte then flies into the wreckage and grabs a flaming piece before throwing it at Iboros' head. Iboros' head starts to bleed but his Tengoku effects aren't working¨It must be the flames. This boy's nullifying effects are fearful indeed.¨Iboro wipes the blood off of him and starts to breathe heavily at the sight. Iboro then uses his powers and makes the blood turn into red crystallized tendrils. Iboros' eyes turn cracked with madness and Donte bares his sharp teeth in an inhumane fashion¨you look like the kraken. You wannabe, BLEGH¨Donte sticks out his long tongue as his eyes widen in different sizes. Donte then closes his eyes and looks to the black sky of the realm¨How did that saying go again? Oh right, If you gaze long into the abyss, The abyss will gaze back into you¨ Donte then smiles and puts his hand over his face, only revealing his eyes through his fingers¨I've always wondered though, what happens if one combines with the abyss? What will happen then?¨Donte then starts to giggle insanely¨ Luckily, I myself have combined with the abyss! The darkness that comes with it and the insanity that it holds! Now iboro, Lets have some fun in this dark reality of ours!!¨Dontes body then starts to get enveloped with shadow¨HAHAHAHAHA!!! Tengoku:Calamities shadow!!¨ Donte shouts as he transforms into his ultimate form. Iboro has a drool leaking out of his mouth as his mind has been overcome with desperation and madness. Iboro shoots his tendrils at Donte, But the shadow user grabs them and snaps them before appearing in front of Iboro. Donte throws a shadowy punch, but iboro clashes with him with his own fist. The two throw punch after punch, and the realm starts to peel like before. They continue until they are surrounded by a white space that the two float in¨Now this is Making my cells go wild!!¨Donte laughs as he drops a kick onto iboros head which makes him stumble down with blurry vision. Donte then grabs him by the arm and rips it off of his body before kicking him in the chest. Donte throws the arm aside and smiles at the sight of Iboros' leaking arm. Donte smiles, but suddenly, Dontes vision starts to turn black¨...I better hurry this up before I lose control again¨Donte stares at Iboro. Donte dashes at Iboro to attack but Iboro grabs his arm and throws him into the air¨I won't let myself be defeated by someone like you!!!¨Iboro yells and Donte smiles while looking down on his opponent. Donte lights his hands on fire and dives down at Iboro before grabbing him by the neck. Iboro kicks and punches Donte but they all go through his body as if he wasn't even there¨Let go!!¨Iboro struggles and Donte continues to smile like the mad man he is. Donte slowly lifts Iboro up while a black ring of fire slowly forms itself around the two¨Atomic....FLAMES!¨Donte shouts as an eruption of flames arises from the two. Iboro starts to burn and decay¨YOU IMPUDENT PIECE OF GARBAGE!¨Iboro yells as he withers away from the destruction. The flames starts to spread and the realm starts to break down¨HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AMAZING!¨Donte revels in the destruction of the realm. Donte then de transforms and looks around at the realm while breathing heavily¨If that fight would have gone on, I would have gone berserk again¨Donte smiles as sweat runs down his face.Donte takes a look around the burning realm in black flames and opens a portal while sighing¨This realm is now no more. It'll disappear just like your legacy, Iboro¨Donte slowly walks through the portal and enters into jotunheim. He flies in the skies until he spots his friends sitting in a bundle of rubble while getting healed by his goddess girlfriend. Donte lands in the middle of them to everyone's surprise¨Did you?¨Aka asks in anticipation and Donte looks to the sky and nods¨yes i did it alright¨he smiles as Aka hugs him in relief and bliss. Dominick folds his arms and stares off into the distance¨tch,Took you long enough¨Dominick scoffs and Donte playfully punches him in the arm¨hey,he was pretty tough do cut me some slack!¨Donte laughs until he focuses his attention towards Wukong who is sitting on top of a destroyed building, alone¨He's been like that ever since he was able to move¨Lucas says while standing next to Donte. The demon spreads his wings and looks back towards everyone¨I'm gonna go talk to him. You guys just stay here for a while¨Donte says before he takes to the skies and makes his way towards his mentor. He lands next to Wukong and sits right beside him¨is he ... .dead?¨Wukong hesitantly asks and Donte sighs¨yea, hes gone for good. You know you have some explaining to do right?¨The dagger user looks as wukong before he sighs¨Yea,i know¨wukong smiles. Donte looks to the side and shrugs¨well! We can save that for later. How about maybe we have a party or something when we get back.¨Donte laughs but it soon goes quiet¨Actually, one more thing. I might not be that smart but I do have common sense. I heard you that day in the monk realm when you whispered to yourself that the only reason you wanted to unlock my full potential was to kill you.¨Donte says and Wukong's eyes widen as Donte continues¨I understand that you and Iboro had some sort of past together, and i'm guessing that it went horribly wrong. You thought it was your fault so you wanted to repent, so you tried and tried and tried but nothing felt as if it was good enough. So you came to one conclusion, Your life. But that was impossible because you're immortal, but then you somehow found out about me and that was your opportunity to finally repent, am i right?¨Donte explains and Wukong sighs¨yea, you the nail right on the coffin. I thought taking my life would be a nice way to repent, but things changed when he showed up again. So I had to stop him, but as we know, that didn't end well now did it¨Wukong chuckles as he and his student watch the sunset¨but now what do i do? I'm lost¨Wukong says as Donte flies into the air in front of the view of th sun¨Well that's simple. Your purpose right now, is to keep training us. Maybe that is a way to repent for your sin. Helping us stop evil in the god world. That sounds nice, dontcha think?¨Donte smiles and wukong does the same¨Yea ... .I'll hold you to that¨Wukong brings out his fist and Donte bumps it, signifying them coming to a conclusion. The team all end up going back home and holding a little party for their efforts. Lots of food and drinks are displayed, music blasting throughout the temple and them conversing with one another. Donte yells to Dominick in the kitchen cooking¨Dominick!! Come fill up the cooler with some ice, We're out!¨Lucas yells as Dominick cuts the stove off and makes his way to the cooler. Donte laughs at the sight¨You're like a portable ice dispenser HAHA¨Donte laughs and Dominick. The ice user's head shows a vein¨I'll kill you!!¨Dominick yells as he chases his friend around the temple. While getting chased, Donte starts to speak to himself¨All around here are my friends who trust me, care for me, and have my back no matter what. I think, just maybe, This is my true purpose in life, No matter if i'm a demon or human. Life is a silly thing, isn't it?

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