Chapter 17: The battle for Asgard

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A couple of days have passed since the students have started their training and they improved a lot.Lucas found out that the god he is linked to is Chiyou the god of weapons,his new ability allows him to change his sword into any weapon and be a master of the said weapon without any practice.Madison and Dominick got quicker with their attacks to the point where the Wukong clone has to take them a little seriously and Donte has improved with the staff that macaque gave him and is able to fight with it for about 15 minutes a day.Aka was able to get more complex with her light constructs as well as boosting her healing capabilities but she can only heal wounds like stabbings or slashing wounds to the body but nothing serious like a missing arm or a fatal wound.The team is training for the day when Wukong tells the team to go relax for a while in the common area.The team is recuperating i the common area as Luas speaks"I wonder why Devadatta hasn't made a move yet..what is he waiting for"he says worryingly as Donte cuts him off"Heyy lucas don't be such a worry wart,it's gonna be fine ok"Donte says as he lays down on Akas lap"if they do make a move we'll be ready and it'll be fun to fight again since im ready this time"Donte says smiling crazily on Akas lap"Cut that out we don't need you acting crazy right now"Aka says while laughing at Donte.Suddenly Wukong runs into the room looking worried"KIDS COME ON WE NEED TO GO NOW,DEVADATTA IS ATTACKING ASGARD RIGHT NOW"wukong shouts as the kids and Dominick quickly gets up"how do you even know that,are you messing with us?"Wukong quickly throws their fighting clothes at them"No i'm not messing with you.I just got a message from odin and he says they are demons and two guards of chaos attacking asgard in hopes of ruling it and he has requested our help so let's get going NOW"after the team gets dressed Wukong opens a porta"ok guys get ready and be careful when fighting,we'll have to fight a army of demons plus two guards of chaos.This may be the biggest fight we'll have yet"Wukong says with a serious face before they go into the portal.The team goes through the portal after Wukong and is greeted with fire everywhere,buildings and villages burned down and demons attacking everything in sight"what the..hell"Donte says while looking off the mountain they teleported on.Donte begins to take his daggers out in hopes to fight but Wukong stops him"Don't get hasty now Donte,lets go to the castle and see if anyone is ok.if we see any survivors then we save them and bring them with us now lets go"Wukong then jumps in the air and summons the cloud somersault and blasts off in front of them while the rest of the team follows.Dominick and Lucas are riding on Hyoga when Dominick sees someone running from the demons and jumps down from the sky to help them.As soon as he lands he slams his scythe down on the ground and yells"WORLD OF ICE"suddenly multiple ice spikes come out from the ground and stabs multiple demons incapacitating them leaving them unable to move.Dominick looks behind him and to his surprise its a girl that has black hair"Hey are you ok"he kneels down and extends his hand for her to grab in which she does"I-Im ok and thank you for saving me"Dominick helps the girl stand"im Meru and you are?"Meru smiles at Dominick in a friendly way"Im Dominick,it's nice to meet ya"Dominick glances at the girls eyes and that they are heart shaped"You have nice eyes.."Dominick says as he notices her tail which has a heart on the end of it.Meru quickly notices this and blushes due to him staring hard"T-thank you no one ever complimented my eyes before so it's nice hearing that"Meru says smiling.They get interrupted by Donte who flies down above them"yo Dom lets get goin-oh and who is this huh hehehe"Donte teases Dominick"Did i interrupt something,should i leave?"Donte continues to tease but Dominick stops him"shut up idiot,cmon lets get going"Donte makes a confused face"Shouldn't she come with us so we can take her to the castle to safety"Dominick sighs"yea your right,come on Meru"Dominick calls for Hyoga down to them and they both climb on the dragon"Woah you have a dragon that's so cool"Meru says while petting Hyoga in the air"Yeah hes cool and all but i wanted to ask what's with the tail"Dominick asks curiously"Oh i'm a succubus so that explains the tail and the eyes hehe"Dominick thinks to himself"Arent succubi known for using men for life force,i'm gonna have to be careful around her.Shes cute though...".the team along with Meru soon arrive to the asgardian castle which is surrounded by armed guards fending off the hordes of demons coming at them"should i help them Wukong?"Donte asks wukong as he nods signifying his approval"Dominick go with him just in case"Wukong orders Dominick to join Donte.Both boys drop down to the ground in front of the guards"wassup guys mind if we join in?"Donte says as he conjures his Daggers as Dominick summons his scythe"THIS IS GONNA BE FUN"Donte says with an insane smile on his face.The two boys rushes at the horde of demons but before they can do anything an explosion of lighting combusts in the middle of the demon horde burning them to a crisp.As the sparks of lighting dissipate it reveals a tall man with blonde hair,armor and a hammer still charged with blue lighting.He then walks to Donte and Dominick who is standing there"hey kids are you guys ok?"the two boys nod yes"I am th-"Donte cuts him off in excitement"THOR THE GOD OF THUNDER"he says with glimmers in his eyes"I know all about you and your power of lightning your like in my top ten favorite gods"Thor chuckles"well its always nice to meet a fan.Now then i must be off"Just then wukong jumps down"Wait a minute Thor we're here to help"Wukong says as the rest of the team as well as gale drops down"We were sent here by your father odin to help you with the demon takeover"Wukong says to thor while walking up to him"let's discuss this further with odin"They all walk into the castle and reach the throne room where they see a bald old man with rings and a blue formal robe on"Wukong i'm glad that you made it,it's such an honor to have the monkey king here in our realm to help us"Wukong smiles at odin's statement"Ok ok lets stop with the flattering.tell us what we need to do so we can hurry and save you guys"Wukong says with impatients"of course of course all i need you guys to do is to take down the two guards of chaos that are helping the demons invade our realm"Thor is surprised at his fathers statements"Father you cannot be serious we cannot put the fate of asgard in the hands of mere children"Donte looks offended"Well ill have you know that these mere children took down the last three guards of chaos HMPH"Donte pouts the Aka goes to kiss him on the cheek to calm him down"Calm down its not that serious"Donte stops pouting"Fine...."But thor goes on"I wish to battle one of these kids to make sure they are up to the task father"Thor beckones his father.Odin isn't satisfied with his sons demands"surely that isn't necessary tho-"Wukong interrupts Odin"fine you can fight one of them,Donte i choose you to fight him"Donte nods and walks to the opposite side of the throne room from thor and gets into his fighting stance"I hope your ready RAGHHHHGHHH"Donte dashes at Thor with his daggers in hopes to cut him but thor quickly blocks his attack with his hammer and strikes Dontes body knocking him back a little"is that all you've got boy?"Thor says before throwing his hammer at Donte who quickly dodges it and runs at thor and quickly kicks him in the chest knocking him down on the ground"Man for a god of thunder your kinda easy to knock down huh"Donte says as he picks up thor from the arm and throws him into the ceiling before binding him with shadow tendrils"Now do you give up or do i actually have to start trying"Donte says as thor struggles on the ceiling in hopes to get down"I refuse"thor's eyes start to glow with lighting as he slams down with a lighting aura in hopes to crash with Dontes body.Donte starts to get excited and smiles with insanity"yes yes yes COME ON COME ON COME ON LETS PLAY"Donte says as he conjures up his shadow daggers again but this time with the intent to seriously harm.Donte dashes at Thor ready to slice him"NOOO STOP"just as Donte is about to hurt thor real badly he is stopped by odin who binded Donte to the ground with a spell"T-that face that smile it looked just like his...just what are you?"Odin says with fear as Wukong answers his question with another question"what did you mean when you said it looked like his smile"Wukong asks with curiosity as odin explains"Back in my young days i used to be friends with someone,someone evil his name was Danjal or as you know him now the demon god.He made the same exact face when he fought it was like he always wanted to fight and thought it was fun,luckily our ties ended and we went our separate ways when he had a son.Danjal said he would have his son grow stronger in hopes to give him a good battle some day, a battle that would end with him using his full power.The gods feared his son though they thought that his son will be the end of us all.They called him....the calamity,doomed to destroy us all due to his extraordinary power and you Donte was it? You looked just like him when you smiled"Hearing this Donte thinks about what Hagane told him as well as what he said during his fight with Danjal"T-Thats two people who say i'm a monster but i can't be..can i?"Suddenly there's a crash in the castle as multiple demons come running in attack everyone"MERU"Dominick yells as he runs to meru and grabs her taking her to a room and locking it"You'll be safe in there ok"Meru nods then Dominick runs to Dontes side"You ready?"Donte slowly and quietly nods before both of them conjuring their weapons and blitzing through all the demons as the others watch them work.They continue to cut past the demons when the room is suddenly enveloped in purple smoke and everyone suddenly passes out.Amuck and ken walks in after putting everyone to sleep"Damn i didn't even use my lethal poison,i guess they were weak huh ken"Amuck says to ken while smirking"actually i don think you got everyone cause look"Ken points to the iced dome Dominick made at the last second to protect him and Donte"Thanks Dom if it wasn't for you then we would have been sleep"Donte says while he makes a shadow that envelops him,Dominick and the two guards of chaos to another area to fight them"Now i'm kinda in a depressing mood so maybe a little fun would take me out of this funk"Donte says while stretching.Dominick steps up and conjures his ice scythe"Man Donte i don't know how you consider fighting fun but hey i'm not against it" Dominick summons hyoga to help him fight"Now which one do you want?"Donte smirks and looks at Ken and Amuck"since the guy with the purple hair said something about poison before and you countered him then I guess I'll take the guy with the armor and the sword"Dominick becomes worried"Are you sure?Technique isn't really your thing"Donte smirks at his comment"Have you even seen my training,dont worry ill be fine"Donte finishes stretches and summons Kage"ok LET'S DO THIS"Donte rushes a ken and kicks him away from Amuck separating them from each other"Man that was a devastating kick"ken says as he regains his composure"There's wayyy more where that came from"Donte says before dashing in his direction with his daggers and slashes him but ken blocks it quite easily.ken then makes walks slowly towards him making multiple after images"Lets see how you deal with this"One of the after images runs at Donte and Donte attempts to attack it to no prevail"ah i get your game"Donte says as another after image runs at him but this time Donte stays still but this time he actually gets sliced by kens Sword in the arm"W-What the hell"Donte skippers back to safety"I thought that one was fake"ken starts to laugh at him"YOU IDIOT,THATS THE OLDEST TRICK IN THE BOOK"Ken then rushes at Donte again but this time his stance changed"Iron stance"Ken then lands a blow on Dontes arm but this time it didn't cut rather it had more explosive impact than a slashing one"This guy is full of tricks...I'm Starting to get excited"Donte rushes at Ken and they start to clash.Dominick and Amuck are fighting with Dominick trying to dodge Amucks attacks rather than trying to attack him"his hands are covered in purple smoke and his specialty is poison so i better not let him touch me"Dominick then back flips on top of hyoga then flies up in the air where Amuck can't reach him"NOW HYOGAS ROAR"hyoga Then breaths of mist of ice towards Amuck but he dodges it easily"C'MON GIVE ME SOMETHING HARDER"Amuck yells at Dominick before he jumps up to hyoga and kicks him in the face knocking him and Dominick to the ground.Amuck then blows purple poisonous mist at them at the ground but Dominick is ready"ICE DOME"an ice dome surrounds both Dominick and hyoga protecting him from the poison.Dominick sits and thinks to himself while waiting for the poison to disperse"if i want to beat this guy i need to be fast i need to quickly beat him before his poison can make contact with me so i'll use my ice sickles for this fight"just then the poison evaporates and Dominick puts his ice dome Down and without a second thought he rushes at Amuck with his ice sickles.Donte and ken are still clashing but ken still has the upper hand and suddenly he changes stances"air stance"Ken begins to dodge Dontes strikes effortlessly while gracefully cutting him down little by little"With this stance i am as swift and elegant as the air around me"Ken says as he begins to cut Dontes arms and legs.Donte is kneeling on the floor and Ken starts speaking"i thought you were looks like i heavily overestimated you"ken raises his sword and is about to deliver the final blow"goodbye"just as he is about to cut Dontes head off Kage and wolf shadow clones he made starts to simultaneously attack ken who is still effortlessly dodging them and destroying the shadow wolf clones but thats when Donte starts to stand and calls kage to his side before he starts to pet him"good boy you did such a great job but ill take it from here ok?"Kage then leaves the battle by entering a show portal he made as Donte starts to pull out a certain weapon"your techniques are strong"he then pulls out macaques staff and spins it all over his body before assembling a battle stance"But let's see how it fares against this"and then Donte rushes at ken.Dominick is slashing at Amuck but Amuck is evading all his attacks"He's fast.Hes really keeping me on my toes he-AGH"Dominick ends up landing a blow on Amucks forehead"stop thinking to yourself and focus on the battle in front of you"Dominick says before rushes at him and slashes his arms and legs"W-WHAT THE HELL,I WAS ABLE TO DODGE YOUR ATTACKS FROM BEFORE WHAT HAPPENED"Dominick chuckles at his frustration"The answer is simple really.Your poison gave me an idea of my own..You're probably feeling cold right now and you finding it hard to move.The answer to this is.."Dominick looks at Amuck with a cocky expression"Im freezing your blood as we speak.It happened when i landed that blow on your forehead and those slashes on your arms and legs only furthered the process"Dominick begins to dawn his dragonic ice armor and his scythe"now your poison won't affect me even if you did land a blow.Now i should finish this now come at me"Dominick and Amuck rush at each other.Donte and Ken are clashing yet again but Donte is progressively getting better and acquiring more finesse with his attacks.It gets to the point where Ken starts to get on the defensive but it doesn't help him for long and soon receives a blow to the face by Donte"MAN THIS STAFF FEELS GREAT"Donte starts to spin it all over his body again and starts to think to himself"Ok i've only got about 2 minutes left...its time i finish this"Donte then activates his shadow mode and rushes at ken hitting him with devastating combos and eventually leaving him battered and bruised all over his body and then Donte and Dominick starts to speak to themselves simultaneously"I'll finish this before you will.Your strive for to catch up to me/The way you make me try and catch up to you it's amazing and that's why...."Donte delivers a blow to Kens head as Dominick delivers a devastating slash across Amucks chest ending there battles as they both say at the same time out loud"THATS WHY IM PROUD TO CALL YOU MY RIVAL"Meanwhile back at the Asgard castle Aka wakes up Before everyone else"Good thing i casted some immunity to that poison gas at the last second,I was able to wake up before everyone else because of it"Aka walks to Madison and Lucas to shake them in order for them to wake up.Madison wakes up first"H-Huh Aka?What happened?"Madison asks as Lucas slowly wakes besides her"why were we sleeping?"Lucas asks confusingly as Aka answers"Two guards of chaos interrupted us and attacked us with poison that made us sleep.Im guessing that Dom and Donte Took care of them Already since they aren't here right now"Aka goes to wake Thor,Odin and Wukong as she continues to speak"After i wake these three up we can go help Donte and Dom if they haven't beaten the two guards yet"Madison and Lucas nods as the three gods wake up.Upon awakening Aka informs them about the situation and what happened to them"I'll go help the two boys with the guards of chaos"Thor says as he charges his hammer in hopes to fly out the castle.As thor is about to Fly out the Castle a bursts of green energy knocks him back down to the ground"SON ARE YOU OK?"Odin runs to help his son up but Thor is enraged when he realizes who blasts him"I know that energy...why is HE here"Just then a person with green and black armor,a gold helmet and a gold scepter starts to float down from the hole in the ceiling""The mysterious man says to Thor as Thor starts to stand up"LOKI WHY ARE YOU HERE"Loki laughs at Thor"Mann you should see your face right now its hilarious really.Well since your under attack right now i thought it would be the perfect opportunity to take the throne for myself"Odin interrupts loki in order to ask a question"How did you know we were under attack Loki?"Loki smirks at Odin"Well i received some intel from my little spy"Loki says as Meru comes out of the room Dominick put her in.She then flies to Loki's side with a sad and blank expression on her face,Aka notices this but decides to stay quiet for now"Her original mission was to take you all down from the inside but since the kingdom is under attack i had to come and show my beautiful face"Loki says with a mischievous smirk on his face"Now i take it you won't just let me take the kingdom so are we gonna fight or what?"suddenly Thor hammer starts to charge with lightning and is about to attack Loki when Hundreds of demons start to invade the castle again.Wukong summons his staff and enlarges it as he swings the massive staff knocking most of the demons back as he gives orders"MADISON AND LUCAS YOU TWO GO KEEP THE HORDES OF DEMONS BUSY WHILE THE REST OF US TAKES CARE OF THESE TWO"Madison and Lucas runs out the castle and Begins to battle the hundreds of demons trying to invade the castle as Wukong,Aka,Thor and odin begins to battle with Loki and Meru.Thor Flies into Loki at Great Speeds knocking him into the ground with a bursts of Lighting but Loki suddenly turns into smoke and soon Thor realizes"IT'S AN ILLUSION"but before he can do Anything Loki appears behind Odin and restrains him on the wall with a strong binding spell"S-SHIT"Odin yelps as Loki restrains his mouth"Shut it old man i don't need you to interrupt my fight with my brother and....a monkey?"Wukong smirks"This monkey is way more powerful than you think RAGH"Wukong jumps in the air and kicks loki aside with a spin kick to the chest knocking him into a wall then thor follows up Wukongs attack by calling down lighting to hit loki with.As soon as the lighting makes contact with Loki He starts to absorb it into his staff and redirects it into Wukong straight into his chest causing Wukong to fall on his knees in pain"YOUR GONNA HAVE TO DO MORE THAN THAT TO DEFEAT ME"Loki says as he rushes towards Thor and wukong.Meanwhile Aka is attacking Meru with her light spear"Meru why are we doing this,we saved you!"Meru dodges Akas attacks and Kicks her in the gut making her fall to her knees"I could have dealt with those demons myself,i let you guys think i was helpless so i can get close"Meru walks towards Aka and puts her hands on Akas head surrounding it with pink mist and Aka falls on the floor"I just enveloped your body with extreme pleasure to the point where its unbearable.Aka is on the floor with her cheeks crimson red as she feels the most pleasure she has had in her life to the point where she cant even move,Meru stands over Akas body and is about to deliver the final blow"I don't want to have to do sorry"But before she can deliver the final blow Aka suddenly gets ups and attacks meru with her spear and barely scratches Meru on her cheek"H-how can you even move your body should be overloaded with pleasure right now"Meru says in disbelief"I've been through way worse than overloaded pleasure"Aka says as her body gets engulfed in light as she absorbs the light energy around her,healing herself at the same time"Damn thats for you"Aka spreads her wings and crashes into Meru pinning her against the wall"MERU i saw the look in your eyes before i know you don't want to do this"Meru starts to cry and yells at her"I HAVE TO I HAVE TO DO WHAT HE SAYS"Aka calmly responds back while she still is pinning Meru on the wall"You can Meru you can be your own person"Meru kicks Aka away from her and dashes at her punching her over and over again until Aka blocks one of her attacks and with her light energy and she senses something within Meru and thinks to herself"What i sense this is..hypnosis.Thats why she doesnt have free will"Aka then emits a light explosion from her body knocking Meru back"This time ill save you"Aka says while she coats her hands in light energy then she dashes at Meru.Thor and wukong is still fighting Loki,All of them are clashing with each other but Thor is able to get a hit and causes Loki to bleed a little"blood...?YOU BASTARD YOU MADE ME BLEED"Loki shouts at the two Causing a shock wave knocking thor and Wukong to fall down as Loki charges up a devastating energy blast towards the two gods"YOU WILL PAY FOR MAKING ME BLEED,BYE BYE MY DEAREST BROTHER"Just as the energy blast goes off and is about to hit Thor and Wukong Whor gets up and blocks the blast by spinning his hammer in front of him rapidly and redirects it into the air"OK its do or die time"Thor then activates his lightning and flies at Loki with incredible speeds and takes him into the sky.Thor hits loki further in the air and flies above him"I won't kill you brother but i will defeat you HAHHHHH"just then thor calls down purple lighting that hits loki head on absolutely burning him to a crisp and causing him to crash on the ground.Just as Loki is getting hit with this lighting Aka and Meru are still fighting in the castle where Aka is trying to make contact with Meru,she flies around Meru at high speeds so she cant hit her with any attacks.Meru is freaking out at Akas high speeds to the point where she gets so overwhelmed that she just falls on her knees and looks down and repeats herself over and over"i have to listen i have to follow orders i have to i have to"Aka then walks towards Meru and places her finger on her head"Enlighten"Just then a blinding flash of light engulfs the castle.just As the light is dissipating Meru starts to stand up as her eyes turn pink while they were previously red""Meru says before she passes out but luckily Aka catches her before he falls.Thor shortly comes in after,Holding Loki who is unconscious"Loki is finished"Thor Then throws Loki onto the ground then Aka makes a light cage for him"That settles that now...I wonder where Donte and Dom are"Aka says curiously.Meanwhile Donte and Dominick are riding on Hyogas back"You sure it was the safe thing to trap those two in a shadow"Dominick asks Donte"yea it was safe they cant move feel or even think in the shadows"Donte says to Dominick.As Dominick is about to say Something to Donte the air starts to get heavy so heavy in fact that Hyoga falls to the ground"T-this air pressure we've felt this before its him.."Donte says nervously and angrily"Dom...Lets go"Donte sprouts his wings and Dominick hops back on Hyoga and they fly towards the source of the heavy air pressure.They soon arrive to the source and jump down to confront them.Donte drops on the floor with a nervous but insane smile with Dominick beside him"You...."Donte says to none other than Devadatta who is standing there with his arm Folded"what You didn't feel like giving your henchmen all the fun?"Donte says jokingly to Devadatt"Well yes and no i just thought they were taking to long and thought i could speed things up"Dominick walks forward and summons his scythe"Yea like we'll let you"Donte is about to join Dominick when he gets struck with a bad feeling"Dom...I need to go back to the castle"Dominick is confused by Dontes statement"why do you need to go all of a sudden"Dominick asks confusingly"trust me i would never run from a strong opponent but i have a horrible feeling about this so i'll need you to hold him off for a while if you can"Donte says as he sprouts his wings and jumps in the air"Dominick be careful...please"Dominick nods as Donte activates his shadow mode And Bursts off in the other direction.Dominick prepares himself for battle and looks over to Hyoga whose face has gone purple"Hyoga..what's wrong why is your face Purp-"Dominick then realizes what happened"That last fight with Amuck,when he kicked you he must have poisoned you from the contact..Shit"Dominick then sends Hyoga Away for his safety"If Hyogas not here then that means no dragonic ice armor dammit i'll just work with what i got then"Dominick says as Devadatta walks towards him.With each step devadatta takes,massive shockwaves and craters are formed under him as he speaks to Dominick"y'know ever since you killed Abora i gave you a little nickname i called you...The ice cold reaper of like it?"Devadatta says as he pulls out his massive sword from his back"let's see what you're made of Dominick"Devadatta Rushes at Dominick and swings his sword at him but Dominick dodges at the last second.The powerful swing caused multiple mountains to disintegrate in front of him"ahhh you dodged that..impressive"Devadatta says impressed by Dominick's skills.Dominick Then regains his composure and swings his scythe at Devadatta but he dodges it easily and knocks Dominick back with a slap to the face"I'm going to scold you boy"Devadatta says as he binds Dominick in a ring of light"T-This is buddhas power nghhh"Dominick thinks to himself as Devadatta Swings his sword successfully hitting Dominick Knocking him out"Dang kid your tough i was aiming to slice you in two with that blow.....well no matter i'll just kill you now"Devadatta then is ready to deliver the final blow but is interrupted by Danjal who is talks to Devadatta through telepathy"Devadatta lets go the job is almost done and you might miss your chance to steal the girls powers so you best leave now i am not waiting for you"Danjal says to devadatta as he stands there as devadattas speaks to himself"Tch ill kill you another time Ice reaper"Devadatta says as he walks away to the castle".While devadatta was fighting Dominick Donte is making his way to the castle"I hope everyones ok"Donte gets to the front of the castle and sees that all the demons are gone and walks in to the entrance to see everyone battered and bruised and bloody on the floor as Danjal Walks over their bodies.Danjal sees Donte as Donte Quickly summons his daggers and Flies to him hoping to stop him but Danjal stops him mid air with a fire binding move"hmmm that face HAHAHAHAHA yes there's no doubt about it you are my son"Danjal says as he looks at Dontes Face which has an insane grin on it"I doubt you'll be grinning soon though"Devadatta then makes fire to go lift Madison up and float towards him"I said i wanted to bring out your true power and this'll be sure to do it"he then lifts his hand as Donte pleads for him to stop"NO DANJAL STOP PLEASE ILL DO WHATEVER YOU WA-"but Dontes efforts and pleads were not enough.Danjal THRUSTS his hand into Madison Chest and Pulls her heart out crushing it until its nothing but a bloody piece of filth.Devadatta then shows up beside Danjal"Ill be taking her now"Devadatta says as he starts to absorb madisons power"YES...YESSSSSSSSS"Devadatta then sprouts bat wings signifying that Madisons former powers are now his"I've won..."Devadatta then raises his hand And Charges a blast but before it can go off and kill them all,Wukong suddenly wakes up and transports every ally in the room plus Dominick back to their realm for safety.Donte Falls to his knees and Looks at Wukong in disbelief"We.....failed"Donte says as tears begins to flow out of his eyes"And"Donte then falls on his back crying nonstop as the reality sets in....The heroes have lost.

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