Chapter 28: Iboros tower

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As soon as the children of Buddha are Done fighting their battles,Iboro senses this and smirks while floating in his realm of the Milky Way"Good....GOOD"Iboro hollers before looking back at wukong who is still tied up.Wukong begins to laugh as he too still senses his students auras"ha I told ya they'll pull through.Now what's your plan?"Wukong says with a smirk before Iboro blitzes in front of his face with an evil smile"the plans already in motion wukong.Soon you're students will be dead and I'll be free to finally find a way to kill you"Iboro then runs his fist through wukong's heart"Your immortality is quite the nuance if you ask me"Iboro says as he retracts his hand out from wukongs body.Wukong spits out blood but still has a playful smirk on his face"You say you want to watch the world burn,You say you want total chaos and havoc but you can't do that with me around can you?"Wukong then laughs into the black space of the realm"You know good and damn well that if I were to break out of these bonds and go at you with full power...I'll win.You only won back then because I was trying to protect the kids back there because if we were to fight again....we'd risk breaking reality itself.kind of ironic considering your ability huh"Wukokg laughs as Iboro clenches his teeth in frustration but quickly calms down"Nice try but you'll never break out of those bonds.I made those specifically for the all mighty monkey king...Now how about you shut up and watch the current events unfold while I go take care of some business"Iboro says as he makes a big screen tv appear out of thin air.The tv then turns on and shows the Iboro clone making some type of blue tower along with creatures to live in every floor of it.Iboro then teleports away to a random realm where he sees a village"This'll calm me down a bit"Iboro says as he raises his hand and makes a moon before launching it down onto the village.The village gets crushed and almost everyone dies instantly except for a little group of maybe ten or fifteen children that somehow survived.Iboro sees this and floats down to them and kneels"Hey..Don't worry I'm here to save you"Iboro says with a smile"Come with me and I'll protect you from this horror"Iboro says as he gets up and makes a portal.One of the kids eyes widen with tears mixed with sorrow and a little joy"Really mister?"The kid says before Iboro nods his head.All the kids walk through the portal and sees the Milky Way and Wukong who's still tied up"Who is that monkey?"The kids asks before Iboro walks up behind them and grabs one of their heads"Don't worry about him...He'll be joining you soon"Iboro suddenly crushes the kids head"IBORO NO STOP"wukong yells while struggling to get free from his bonds''HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"Iboro laughs evilly as he instantly grabs another kid and slowly rips her limbs off while forcing the other kids to watch"LOOK AT THEIR FACES ITS BEAUTIFUL LOOK AT THE TOTAL DESPAIR"Iboro roars before killing the rest of the traumatized kids.Iboro then takes the bodies and throws them in the air before making them explode"Ahhhh" Iboro Moans as the blood rains in his face"Nothing like killing some kids to take your mind off of things"Iboro says before sitting down"Now then let's see how your kids are going to handle this last clone of me"Iboro laughs as wukong is shaking in horror.Back with the children of Bhudda in jotunheim,Donte walks to Dominick who is by merus Side while Aka is healing her wounds"So how'd your fight go Dom? also where's Lucas at?"Donte says as Lucas suddenly limps out of a golden portal"How long was I out?"Lucas says as he rubs his head and sits next to Meru signifying that he's next to get healed.Donte looks surprised and laughs a bit"HAHA your timing is amazing I just was wondering where you were"Donte says as Laufey shows up out of nowhere.Laufey looks at everyone and looks shocked to see them alive"So you did it huh?Looks like you beat Iboros children''Laufey smiles before giants come out of nowhere and picks the team up"You guys should stay here for a while"Laufey says with a thumbs up"we wouldn't want mortals to die in your realm if something happens"Laufey then starts to walk towards her village as Donte starts to speak"Yea that's a good idea-"Dontes phone then starts to ring"I have cell service here?"Donte then takes the phone out his pocket and sees that the person calling is his mother"Oh shit"Dominick says when he sees the phone.Donte answers the phone and immediately breaks a sweat"I figured out everything..."Dontes mother says before taking a deep breath"You deserve an explanation...Come home NOW"Dontes mom roars at him before he looks at the rest of the team horrified"Guys we need to go...NOW"Donte says in a shaky voice.Donte,Dominick and Lucas are shaking in horror but Aka and Meru are just standing in the giants hand in confusion"Why are you guys shaking like you've just seen a ghost?"Aka says as she tilts her head to the side in confusion"D-Dontes mom is..Scary"Dominick says while still shaking.Aka puts her hand to her chin and thinks out loud"Dontes mom...Dontes mom....OMG I GET TO MEET MY BOYFRIENDS MOM"Aka says with sparkles in her eyes while grabbing Dontes arm and shaking it in excitement"LETS GO LETS GOOO"Aka says while the boys are shedding tears"It's over for us"Dominick says as Donte makes a portal back to the mortal realm"Laufey we'll be back just give us a couple of hours"Donte says as all of them walk through the portal.Once the kids leave laufey expression changes from calm and collected to a bit sinister and desperate"Shit...we need him"Laufey says before walking away into her village.The teens arrive in the mortal realm and is greeted by a black and white house.Donte sighs and walks to the door before looking at everyone seriously"Ok guys....This is gonna be rough so brace yourselves"Donte says before knocking on the door.Suddenly the door swings open and A black woman with jet black hair and black eyes grabs Dontes and throws him into the house"MOM PLEASE"Donte yelps as he flies onto his living room couch"Oh hi Lucas and Dominick how have you guys been?"Dontes mom says as Dominick and Lucas are shaking"H-hi ms brown we've been ok"Dominick says while shaking"Oh don't be so formal boys you can call me kurai"She says before looking at Aka and Meru"And who might you pretty girls be?"Kurai says as she leads them all inside her home"Hi my name is Aka and i'm your son's girlfriend.It's so nice to meet you"Aka says with a smile before Kurai looks at Donte with a smile as a vein pops on her head"You got a girlfriend....AND DIDN'T TELL MEEEEE"Kurai says as she grabs Dontes arms and puts him into a full Nelson position"YOU.LITTLE.BRAT"Kurai continues to squeeze And Donte yelps for help"MOM IM SORRY PLEASE STOP I'M SORRY "Donte yelps as Dominick watches the whole thing and laughs a bit and Kurai hears this"Oh....YOUR LAUGHING?"Kurai says as she runs at Dominick and R.K.OS him into the ground"MOM YOU WANTED TO EXPLAIN THINGS RIGHT?"Donte says before his mom suddenly calms down and sits on her couch"Ok first things first,You can activate all your powers you don't have to hide them from me I already know"Kurai says before all the teens activate their powers.Donte sighs and sits on the floor"Ok mom i have questions"Donte says as Kurai nods in understanding"Why? No rather how..How did you fall in love with a demon?"Donte says with worry and confusion in his voice.kurai sighs and begins explaining"Growing up I felt lost and alone.I felt like no one truly understood me due to my violent nature and my unusual enjoyment out of conflict.The world was so dark and gray until..until I met him"Kurai takes a deep breath and continues"He told me he was fascinated by humans and how'd they lived.That's why he was in the mortal realm for a while and that's how he met me,when I seen him sitting on a rooftop,his red skin,wings and tail captivated me but that was just the start of it.When I got to know him better and found out he was a demon he took me to other realms where I seen him fight and before I knew it..I was in love with a demon.After some years of dating and being happy we my son.You see the other gods Did NOT like Danjal one bit so when you were born they took one glance at you and were all disgusted by your potential to destroy and named you.."Kurai then gets cut off by Donte"The calamity"Donte cuts His mother off while looking into her shocked eyes"Yes I'm familiar with that name,I've realized my true nature A WHILE ago"Donte says as kurai continues talking about her past"So when the gods seen you they were afraid of your potential and since you were a demon they were also afraid of you nature but they couldn't be more wrong.You being a demon makes you powerful but it doesn't make you a heartless beast that goes berserk.Anyways once they seen you they banished me,you and Danjal from heaven but ever since then Danjal never came to see me and you and I never knew why"Kurai sheds a tear before Donte walks to her and wipes it off"Don't cry over him..he's not worth your tears he's not worth ANYTHING"Donte says as a little aura spills out of him"Mom do you remember madison?"Donte asks his mom and she nods"Well....She's dead...Danjal killed her"Donte says before his mother covers her mouth in horror"How could he"Kurai says in horror and Donte stands up"He wanted to bring out my demon power so he can have a good fight.Sadly it worked"Donte then Shows his mother his shadow demon form"I unlocked this as an effect of his efforts"Donte then sits down with tears streaming down his face"I...can't hate him though because at the end of the day he's my father...And for nine whole months he has trained me to get stronger.I should hate him but I JUST CAN'T AND I HATE MYSELF FOR IT"Donte says as Aka Goes to him and hugs him to try and comfort him.kurai wipes her sons face"Hey let's not dwell on Danjal for now but maybe later you'll find it in your heart to forgive him for what he's done"Kurai then laughs through the sadness"So how about you tell me what powers you have because I don't think your flames are supposed to be black"Kurai and her son begins to laugh through both of their tears.A couple hours later,Donte and kurai catch up.Kurai learns about Donte's shadow powers along with everyone else's while also teaching Aka a few things considering the fact that she's Dontes girlfriend"Aka have you considered wearing more black Yk that's my son's favorite color hehe"Kurai teases and Donte yells at her"MOM PLEASE NO"Donte says as both Kurai and Aka smirk at the thought of Donte being flustered.While this is happening,Dominick and meru talk for a bit while they stare at a photo of Kurai and A white haired lady that looks the same age as her"Soo when am I going to meet your dad"Meru asks curiously before Dominick laughs"Well he's a busy man so it'll be hard to get in touch with him but I'll find a way"Dominick smiles before Kurai comes out of nowhere and sees Dominick looking at the picture of her and the white haired lady"When I was in heaven I made a friend,Her name was Ragna.Apparently she was a big deal before she disappeared heh we were like fire and ice.We were always fighting but we truly loved each other and it pains me to say that I don't have a clue to where she is right now"Kurai says as Dominick's eyes widen"Ragna you say?"Dominick asks for confirmation and Kurai nods"Yea you actually kind of remind me of her"Kurai says as Dominick remembers what Hagane said about Ragna"She was able to make a link with multiple gods"Dominick remembers those words and sweats a bit"So I'm just like her huh"Dominick thinks to himself.A couple more hours past and before anyone knew it,it was nighttime"Oh dear you kids should stay here for the night.It'll be easier then going to another realm"Kurai says as she grabs towels and pajamas for everyone"Donte and Aka you two can go bathe first.Aka you can where some of Dontes old clothes to sleep in"Kurai hands the items over to everyone before Donte and Aka go bathe"Your mom is so nice...And intense"Aka says with a smile and Donte laughs"Yea you two are the exact same"Donte says before Aka lifts her hand in front of her"Oh so your saying I'm intense"Aka says as she charges up a light blast in her hand"I DIDN'T MEAN IT AS A BAD THING I SWEAR"Donte says and Aka stops charging up her attack and kisses him"Don't worry I was just messing with you plus"Aka then goes and whispers into Dontes ear"I know it turns you on when I'm intense and Dominant hehe"Aka teases Donte whose face is now reddish.Donte sits in the tub shortly after and thinks to himself before asking Aka a question"Hey...Do you think it's the right thing to forgive Danjal after what he did?"Donte asks his Girlfriend before she takes a deep breath"Honestly I don't like it when you hold on to such hatred so I would say yes you should forgive him.I'm sure madison would want that too"Aka says before she sits next to Donte in the tub"Ok I'll think about it"Donte comes to a conclusion.Some time passes and they finish their bath and goes into Dontes old bedroom to sleep.Kurai comes in and sees them getting ready for bed"Don't make too much noise you two..We don't want anyone hearing you two go at it"Kurai teases before Donte throws a pillow at her"STOP IT"Donte yells as she runs away.Aka starts to laugh and Donte gets in the bed"We have work to do tomorrow so let's get some rest"Donte says as Aka cuddles up next to him"I love you"Aka says while drifting off to sleep"I love you too"Donte says while his head rests on hers.The next day arrives and after his mother wishes him good luck on his mission,They all arrive back into jotunheim and is greeted by a frustrated laufey"You said a couple of HOURS NOT A FULL DAY"Laufey says angry as Donte backs away from the angry goddess"Sorry sorry things just got a little bit drawn out it's not that big of a deal"Donte says trying to make the situation better"NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL??IBOROS CLONE IS STILL OUT THERE DOING GOD KNOWS WHAT"Laufey says still yelling at Donte before calming down a bit"Y'know what...I'm sorry for yelling let's just move past this because I need your help"Laufey then leads the group to a part of the village that's destroyed with a strange looking mineral covering the majority of the place"This mineral can't be broken with brute force but it could be melted with flames so all I need you to do is melt them with those black flames of yours"Laufey says as Lucas quickly runs up"No need for Donte to use his flames.Me and jinsei can melt these with no problem-"Lucas then gets cut off by Laufey"NO it has to be Dontes flames"Laufey says in panic and Dominick notices this and tilts his head.Dominick keeps it to himself for now and Donte shoots a burst of black flames onto the mineral"There that should be enough right?"Donte asks Laufey seeking confirmation"Yea that should be good,thank you.You all can go back to the main village while I'll stay and help with the repairs"Laufey insists while other giants surround the area and begins to move and break objects for repairs.The team agrees and leaves to go back to the main village but once their gone Laufey kneels next to the black flames and takes out a jar"Aluck bashlar"She chants before some of the flames flow into the jar.Laufey sighs and looks to the sky"I'm really sorry but I have to do this to protect my people.."Laufey exhales before helping with the rest of the repairs.The team is walking throughout the village and begins to converse with each other"So what do we do now?"Lucas confusingly asks the team"I Can't sense the last Iboro clone...He must be suppressing his aura"Dominick says in disappointment"I guess we just wait until he shows himself"Dominick shrugs his shoulders before Donte jumps in excitement"OOO NOW'S THE TIME TO TELL THEM AKA"Donte says while grinning happily.Dominick,Meru and Lucas all look at Aka"Tell us what?"Meru says in confusion while Aka plasters a happy smile on her face"Well I'm kinda sorta maybe probably a goddess now hehehe"Aka says before everyone except Donte shouts at her"YOUR A WHAT?"The team yells before Aka starts to explain"When bhudda died he transferred all his power into me transforming me into a goddess...More specifically a Goddess of light"Aka then reveals some white highlights in her hair"It didn't change me all that much physically although some of my red hair has gone to white but I don't mind"Aka smiles and Meru stands there in shock along with Lucas and Dominick.Dominick is the first one to speak"Wow that's....A lot to take in wait so how powerful are you now?"Dominick asks trying to get a gauge on her power"I would say I'm on yours and Dontes level but I don't think I'm at my limit so you better watch out"Aka teases.Dominick is about to respond but suddenly reality starts to distort"A goddess huh?Looks like this will be more interesting than I thought"A person says while reality is distorting.Suddenly a projection of Iboro appears and Donte along with Dominick waste no time and attempts to attack it but they both go through it"What the-"Donte confusingly says before landing on the ground next to Dominick"No need for violence im just here to give you an invite"Iboro laughs as he turns around to reveal the number six on his head"This is a clone? So this one has sentience"Dominick thinks to himself as Donte shouts at the clone"AN INVITE TO WHAT?"Donte says and Iboro laughs"To my tower Of course,I made a tower to spice things up a little.You'll be entering this tower and your goal will be to try and traverse to the top floor where I'll be waiting for you and then we'll fight to the death...Sounds fun right?"Iboro explains before Donte licks his lips and smiles"actually it kind of does...So when will this tower event begin"Donte asks in curiosity and Iboro responds to his question"it's already prepared and taken care of so I can start right now"Iboro then makes a portal"All you have to do is enter this portal"Iboro says before Donte gathers everyone up"Can we really trust this guy?"Aka asks in worry and Donte shakes his head"We can't but we have no choice but to comply"Donte then looks at Lucas"Lucas you stay behind and guard this realm just in case anything happens when we're gone and the remaining four of us will go do that tower thing"Donte tells Lucas and Lucas nods his head in agreement.After the planning is done the four teens gets ready to enter the portal but Laufey interrupts them"WHAT'S GOING ON!"Laufey yells before Donte explains to her"This Iboro clone is challenging us so we're going to go take him down.Don't worry though because Lucas is going to stay in case any threats comes to this realm.He's more than enough to protect you guys"Donte reassures Laufey and turns around to walk into the portal but suddenly laufey slaps Donte on his back"GOOD LUCK"Laufey shouts at Donte before he gives a thumbs to her.Dominick quickly runs over to Lucas and whispers in his ear before walking back in front of the portal"Ok let's go guys"Donte says before they all jump through the portal and is met by a black sky with stars and a dying gray terrain.All this is meaningless though because a giant blue tower sits in front of them"This must be Iboros tower"Dominick says before they all enter and arrives into a blue crystal room and a sign rests on one of the walls.Meru runs over and reads this sign"this place has 60 floors"Meru tells the rest of the team"should be easy to climb 60 floors right"Donte says and suddenly the ground begins to shake and Frost giants begin to fill the room"Oh OF COURSE there's enemies here"Dominick says while equipping his scythe.Dontes tongue falls out his mouth and he pulls his daggers out"let's have some fun"Donte says before looking at Aka and meru who are ready for battle.Donte dashes at the giants and stabs one in the leg before Dominick slices it's arm making it bleed very dramatically.Dominick then takes his sickles out and throws it in the giants head killing it instantly"One down"Dominick says as he looks at Donte who is attacking one of the giants with a flurry of dagger attacks"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"Donte yells as the blood splatters on his face.Donte stops once the giant is dead and he stands over the body"...boring"Donte pouts as he puts his daggers away and walks over to Aka who just finished her fight"Aka i'm boreddd"Donte drapes himself over Aka"Well I doubt your boredom will last long"Aka says before Donte stops groaning and smiles in excitement.Dominick pulls his sickle out of the Giants head and walks over to meru" let's make haste and climb this tower so we can get to the take down this clone"Dominick sighs as he walks to the steps.The team walks up the staircase and reaches level two where the room looks exactly the same as the first level"Well...this is weird"Meru comments while looking around"This looks exactly like the first level...Talk about lack of creativity"Meru scoffs as Dominick chuckles at her rude remark.Suddenly a burst of water goes flying at meru but she just barely dodges it before it can make contact"WATER?"Meru yells before a giant blue snake makes its presence known.The snake wastes no time and tries to bite meru and it actually is successful with meru getting caught in the snakes mouth"MERU!"Dominick yells in worry.Dominick conjures his scythe and lunges at the snake but suddenly the snakes mouth begins to open slowly"Don',I got this"Meru says while forcing the snakes mouth to open,drool is falling on her"EW UGH"Meru yells before successfully opening the mouth of the snake and jumping out of it.Dominick sighs in relief before dashing at the snake and cutting its tail off"Die you disgusting creature"Dominick then freezes the floor and meru jumps in the air before bringing her fist down on the snake bashing it's brains in.Meru then takes a deep breath and wipes some drool off of her arms"So disgusting"Meru groans as Dominick goes to help her"Where did these beasts even come from"Aka puts her finger on her head"Doesn't matter does it? all I know is that we have to kill them so we can take down this damn clone"Donte says before stairs suddenly appear in front of them"I guess we pass"Donte chuckles while walking to the stairs with his hands behind his head.While the team is traversing the tower,Iboro and Wukong watch from Iboros realm"Honestly I didn't expect them to last this long"Iboro smiles while looking at Wukong"What's the matter monkey king? You look...Worried"Iboro then conjures a star which then turns into a spear in which Iboro throws at him.Wukong moves his head a dodges it"It's none of your business"Wukong snaps at Iboro before he thinks to himself"Donte isn't...Fighting like he normally does.He seems to be moving slower and his breathing seems heavier which doesn't make sense since he just started fighting a little while ago"Wukong starts to sweat and struggle while trying to move his bonds"If I can just break these then I can wipe that smirk off of his face but he's made these bonds specifically for my power"Wukong eyes widen as he comes to a realization"That's right...MY POWER"Wukong then smirks as Iboro stand and makes a portal"Pardon me but I have some business to take care of...I'll be back soon"Iboro says before walking through the portal and Wukong suddenly shifts his attention to his bonds as they begin to slowly break.In jotunheim Lucas is stalking laufey and thinks about what Dominick has told him before he left"Keep an eye on laufey...I have a bad feeling about her I can't put my finger on it but something's up with her"Lucas thinks as he follows laufey into her royal building and sees her place a jar of Dontes black fire on a desk"Is that...Dontes flames?Why does she have those"Lucas thinks to himself before Laufey leaves the room taking the jar with her and Lucas quickly goes to investigate the area.He sees a giant book and flips through it hoping to find any clues or answers.He flips through pages and arrives to a page where he sees a Demonic symbol and it's titled"Demonic flames"Lucas reads as he goes down the page in curiosity"Demonic flames the strongest heat source throughout all the realms....The flames burn anything they come in contact with no matter what physical or mental properties the target has on them can even negate..."Lucas's heart sinks and his eyes widen"Immortality".The team is still in the tower and is currently on floor 36 and just finished fighting rock golems them being more fearsome than the rest of the creatures that they have previously fought.Dominick crushes a golem and turns around to see Donte Breathing heavily and sweating so much that his face is glistening"hah...Hah..."Donte pants before he rushes to the next golem and slices it apart.The three teens walk over to Donte and Dominick makes a cocky face"Hey I think you should sit out...You look like tired no you look exhausted even though we've only been fighting monsters"Dominick says as Donte laughs while struggling to stand"Nah I ....can still fight"Donte pants while smiling"This makes the battle even...More...ex....hil...arating"Donte Suddenly passes out in Akas arms and she quickly sits and places his head on her lap"What's going on with him"Aka says as a brown glow comes brown Dontes back.Aka sees this and turns him over and sees a magical brown symbol"Is that..."Aka takes a closer look and comes to a conclusion" that's a Giant magical symbol"Aka says While still examining it.Dominick makes an confused face"Are you sure Aka?"Dominick says looking with her and Aka nods her head"Yea...During the nine month departure macaque taught me about magical symbols and I remember every bit of it so yea I'm sure"Aka touches the symbol and it damages her hand"Shit.."She says in disappointment before she heals her hand"Can't you heal it Aka?"Meru says in curiosity and Aka shakes her head"No you need a specific type of healing magic to break these types of spells...I haven't gotten the chance to learn it"Aka then covers her mouth in realization"I know who did this...It was...It was"Aka says while trembling a bit.Lucas is still reading until he hears footsteps coming towards the room"Shit I need to hide"Lucas says before closing the book and running into a room and closing the door.Laufey puts the jar down and Suddenly a portal opens and Iboro walks out of it with a sinister smile"Do you have what I asked for?"Iboro sticks his hand out before Laufey puts the jar of flames in it.Lucas sees all of this and grits his teeth"It looks like..."Lucas says before Aka finishes his sentence in the tower"We've been betrayed"Aka then looks at everyone seriously"Laufey betrayed us but I can't figure out why...she must of placed this spell on Donte when she patted him on the back before we left"Aka then gently places Dontes head on the floor and stands"We need to focus on our priorities here.Donte will be fine his stamina Is just behind drained slowly so his life isn't in immense danger.We need to hurry and defeat this clone then get back to jotunheim to figure out why Laufey betrayed us"Aka starts to walk towards the the stairs and Dominick looks a little confused"she's just gonna leave him like that?"Dominick says while gritting his teeth and is about to grab Aka to stop her but Meru stops him in his tracks"No stop and look at her"Meru points at Aka who's body is shaking"This is hurting her more than any of us combined but she's pushing through.Let's follow her lead and trust her instincts"Meru says before walking behind Aka to complete this tower.Lucas in jotunheim is listening to Iboro and laufeys conversation"With these flames I can finally kill sun wukong and be free to wreak chaos upon this world"Iboro laughs as Laufey cuts him off"Now will you keep your end of the bargain?You'll spare my realm from your wrath?"Laufey asks with desperation leaking out her voice.Iboro laughs"Sure I'll hold my end of the deal but...On one more condition"Iboro then grabs her chin and points to the room where Lucas is hiding"Kill him and your realm will be spared"Iboro laughs before sticking his hand out and makes Lucas's surroundings disappear making him fully visible"NOW LAUFEY KILL HIM"Iboro shouts as Laufey dashes at Lucas with all her might and punches his arm"I'm sorry BUT I HAVE TO PROTECT MY PEOPLE"Laufey shouts as her and Lucas are at a standstill.Laufey then stomps on the ground making a shockwave erupt which makes Lucas trip up a bit before sweeping his leg and drop kicking him out of the village.Lucas lands in a grassy area with a mountain behind him¨Ok now that i let her hit me out of the village i can start giving it my all¨Lucas says to himself as Laufey suddenly comes bursting from the village and strikes lucas.Lucas was ready though and he blocks the attack that laufey delivered¨JUST GIVE UP...PLEASE¨Laufey shouts with concern but Lucas smiles¨I cant allow myself to lose to you¨Lucas then kicks laufey in the sky before jumping in the air in front of her¨NOW COME JINSEI¨Lucas shouts as his gold fiery phoenix emerges from out of him and quickly fires a ball of gold flames at her.Laufey gets hit head on and falls to the ground with a little burn marks on her body¨We can find another way to resolve this..we just can't keep fighting¨Lucas calmly says as he descends from the air.Lucas then swipes the air with his finger a couple times before swords stab laufey's clothing in a way so she cant move a muscle¨I-I..CANT¨Laufey shouts and suddenly the swords shatters from laufey's efforts.Lucas is shocked but can't say anything because laufey punches es him in the stomach with brown energy¨GAH¨Lucas spits out blood before grabbing laufey's arm and slamming her into the ground.Lucas then tries to slam her in further but laufey kicks him in the chin and sweeps him off the legs again¨DON'T UNDERESTIMATE...¨Laufey grabs Lucas's face and lifts him up¨THE GIANTS¨Laufey yells before punching him which makes him go airborne.Lucas is in the air flying from Laufey's previous blow¨I need to stop trying to reason with her or else i wont survive.Im fighting laufey the gargantuan warrior who once destroyed meteors when they rained upon her village.Her determination to protect those who she cares about is admirable¨Lucas then gets interrupted by Laufey who appears above him with her eyes glowing light brown with power.Laufey then brings her hands together and slams Lucas back down into the ground¨COME ON KNIGHT BOY¨Laufey taunts as she crashes down with power¨Looks like...this is where i go all out¨Lucas says as he sits on his knees in a formal passion¨TENGOKU:SHOGUNATE¨Lucas yells as he enters his Tengoku form.Laufey sees this and laughs loudly¨FINE THEN¨Laufey then brings her fist together¨TENGOKU:GODDESS OF STRENGTH¨Laufey yells as he muscles grow bigger and her hair gets longer and more brown.Laufey looks like a beast whose now looked upon her pray¨COME¨lucas shouts as laufey sprints to him with the ground almost breaking beneath her feet.Lucas punches her but it does nothing and Laufey kicks lucas like a little football into the air¨SHES RELENTLESS¨Lucas yells laufey grabs lucas's leg and punches him in the chest over and over and over¨GRRR BREAK¨Lucas shouts and suddenly laufey's fingers break but she fights through it and does not release her grip.Lucas then forces his leg out her grasp and shouts at her¨SLEEP¨Lucas says while still in the air and laufey's eyes start to get heavy but she shakes her head and sends lucas in the ground with an axe kick.Lucas gets up with a bloody face¨she's fighting like a barbarian.this is a classic technique vs no technique battle¨Lucas the conjures his sword¨i'll have to force her into submission¨lucas says as he stares at Laufey who stares at him from across the grassy plain.Laufey wastes no time and runs at him and Lucas runs back with sword in hand¨I'M SORRY FOR THIS¨Lucas then swift's past her and she suddenly goes limp on the ground¨It's pointless...i had to damage your nerves for you to be motionless¨Lucas then goes over and strikes her neck to knock her out¨ i need to-¨Lucas then gets interrupted by a strike to the back that knocks him out¨Im not letting you do that now¨Iboro says as lucas drops to the floor.Iboro then picks lucas up and flies to the sky¨truth is i was never going to spare your realm....heh¨Iboro then rains meteors on the realm as he makes a portal to his realm.Iboro returns to his realm and places lucas on the ground before smiling¨now how the hell did you break free...Wukong¨Iboro says as he turns around with a smile to see Wukong sitting down with his head resting on his fist¨lets have that rematch....shall we?¨

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