Chapter 24: Evening the odds

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After getting Dominick,Meru and Lucas,Donte and the rest of the team head to the tree where hagane is waiting for them even though he's still a little angry from before.Hagane looks at Donte takes a deep breath and begins to explain what they have to do"I'm gonna make this quick.Since the last mission failed we need to be faster with collecting the fragments therefore I'll send groups of two to collect the fragments.Donte and Aka you two will go to Niflheim.Dominick and Meru you two will to go Valhalla.I would send Lucas to jotunheim but he doesn't have anyone to go with"Hagane says all this and turns to the tree.Lucas taps Hagane on the shoulder"Don't worry about me I'll be fine alone"Lucas says with a smile on his face.Hagane Hesitates to speak after seeing the spark in Lucas's eyes and he lets him go alone.Just as everyone is about to leave Lana comes in and sees Dominick about to leave"HEY I WANNA COME WITH"Lana says while pouting and stomping her feet on the ground.Dominick walks over to her and smiles"I'm sorry but you know I can't do that.I can't risk you getting hurt I swore to myself id never let that happen ever again."Dominick puts out his pinkie for Lana"I'll come back to you Lana I promise ok"Dominick smiles as Lana locks pinkies with him.Dominick turns around to meru and nods"Ok let's get going" Dominick Says as he looks at Donte"Don't got beserk again or else I'll have to kick your ass heh"He says to Donte as they both share a laugh"Good luck"Donte says before they all jump into their portals.Dominick and Meru land in Valhalla where the sky is blue and the clouds are extra puffy.The realm gives off vibes of peace"This place feels...good"Meru says while taking in the air of the realm.She looks around but sees no one though"hey..where is everyone?"Meru goes and walks away with Dominick behind her.They search the realm for a while until they hear a whip crack in the distance"is that..A whip?"Dominick says confused and begins to run towards the sound.Dominick begins to run off but Meru stays back for some reason and she begins to shake and tear up in fear.Dominick looks back at this and runs towards her and supports her as she falls down"Woah woah woah breath breath"Dominick says calmly as meru calms down and begins to breath slowly. Dominick looks into merus eyes still struck with fear"Ok.. I think we need to talk about what's going on with you.First your crying in your sleep and now this..What's going on?Talk to me it's ok"Dominick says in a calming soothing voice so she can calm down.Meru looks at Dominick's face and becomes at ease by it,She takes a deep breath and begins to explain"Dominick..I don't think you know this but succubi are a very weak race.We don't have that much combat strength so instead we were used as slaves.We were sold and used for labor some succubi were even sex slaves but when it came to me well I was born different from the rest of the succubi.I was a born with higher combat power higher potential than my race but that gift was turned into a curse when Loki found that out.I was used as a spy against my will,he brainwashed me and I was taken away from my family.I don't even know if they're alive but I always remembered what my mother said to me.She told me no matter what find love and then I can be the most free I've ever been.I was told stories on how love effects succubi on how some of their physical properties change when you find the right person.But that's the one of the only memories I have of my mother.I was taken away at a young age so my memory is all fuzzy but I still remember those words.Sometimes I get PTSD from different experiences like as you just seen from the whip".Meru finishes explaining to Dominick and he sits there appalled at her words.Dominick thinks for a while and comes to a conclusion on what to say"Meru I'm so sorry that happened to you.I wish you told me sooner or I would've tried to let you stay in the monk realm"Dominick gets up and hugs meru"You should have never gone through that you should be with your family and friends"Dominick breaks the hug and Conjures his scythe"I'll take care of this myself Don't worry.But y'know if it makes you feel any better at least we can relate on one thing.I don't really remember my mom either she was never in my life.Looks like we're motherless together huh"Dominick has a warm smile on his face and attempts to drop down to the whipping noise but Meru grabs him"No..Whatever this is i wanna face it with you and be by your side"Meru says while still holding on to Dominick's hand.Dominick looks back at this and smiles"Ok..Let's go"He says before pulling down making them both go down the hill.They slide down the hill with Dominick holding meru bridal style.they get to the bottom of the hill and begin running towards the whipping noise.They get to the source of the noise and sees the pale white ghost Malca Whipping the residents of Valhalla with her hair..Dominick sees this and looks at meru who is still shaking"Are you sure you want to go into battle?"Dominick says before meru Nods her head with a shaky smile"Y-Yea as long as I have you with me then I'm good"Dominick smiles at her courage and Blasts out of the hiding spot with his scythe in hand.He attempts to end the fight early with a critical slash to the chest but Malca dodges is easily and with finesse"You kids are so easy to lure out"She says as she takes her hair and wraps it around Dominick.She is about to impale Dominick in the Stomach but Meru comes in and delivers a punch to the gut to Malca.Malca gets sent away and Dominick decides to follow up the attack.Dominick is in the air above malca and coats his fist in a blue aura"Shattering IMPACT"Dominick tries to land a blow but malca dodges is mid air and kick Dominick in the air.She tries to follow this attack up by throwing hair needles at Dominick but he quickly switches to his ice sickles and uses them to block the needle's coming his way.Dominick makes an ice fist appear out of the ground and it makes contact with Malca sending her into a mountain nearby.Dominick follows her and lands on the same mountain where meru shortly joins them.Malca laughs at the two"You kids actually have a little fight in you"Malca then pulls out a glowing white solid piece of light"but your gonna have to try harder if you want this"Malca laughs before charging at Meru with her hair snapping like a whip.Malca tries to Whip meru but Dominick blocks the attack making the hair wrap around his arm.Dominick uses this and pulls Malca in up close and kicks her in the air before Meru jumps above Malca and shoots Heart darts at her sending Malca inside the mountain.Malca looks around her and sees green,purple,red and blue crystals around her.the duo drops down into the mountain with Malca and when the smoke clears Dominick is shocked at what he sees"I did All that for not even a scratch?"Dominick thinks to himself.Before Dominick can let another thought loose malca plunges her hair into the ground and it sprouts where Dominick is standing stabbing holes through his feet"ARGH WHAT THE F#CK" Dominick yells in pain then gets kicked into a wall by Malca.Meru throws a punch at Malca but she catches it easily"WEAK!"She yells before she judo throws Meru into the wall next to Dominick.Dominick puts his hand out and sends ice shards at Malca but using her hair she makes a shield which easily rendered his attack useless.The ice shards then Form Multiple moon crescents which binds malcas feet to the mountain floor"NOW MERU"Dominick yells signaling meru to blast out of the wall and kick Malca in the stomach.Malca seen this coming though and traps merus foot in her stomach making her unable to move.Without missing a second beat Malca Stabs meru in her shoulder before she falls to the ground injured.Malca tries to finish Meru off by stabbing her again be Meru rolls out of the way giving Dominick an opening for a Scythe slash which actually works this time cutting Malcas skin making her bleed in the arm a bit.Malca looks at the blood angrily""malca yells as the crystals around her break as her hair spikes out.She then uses her hair to grab a crystal and throws it at Dominick who couldn't react in time.Dominick gets hit straight on with the crystal hitting his rib cage.Before he can regain his composure Malca comes and Wraps her hair around his body and makes it sharp making his body get penetrated with holes.Dominick gets thrown aside struggling to move while malca Walks over to Meru"I'll break your spirit before I'll kill you"Malca says before she turns her hair into spikes and lunges all of them at meru.Before any of them make contact Dominick quickly runs to merus side"ICE DOME"He yells as they both get protected by the ice dome.Malca doesn't let up though and keeps attack the dome over and over and over again.Dominick's bloody body is over Meru as they both look into each other's eyes"Meru I need you to R-Run"Dominick says before throwing up blood.Meru shakes her head with tears in her eyes"NO I WON'T LEAVE YOU"Meru yells back.Dominick tries to reason with her"THE DOME IS GOING TO BREAK SOON PLEASE RUN"Meru takes a deep breath"If I die then there's no one I rather die with other than you"Meru then places her lips on Dominick's and they both share a kiss before the ice dome breaks. Before the ice dome broke Dominick quickly took out his scythe and slashed Malca across the chest.Dominick stood there bloody but still he had that damn smirk on his face"I guess I can't lose now...can I"Meanwhile in Niflheim Donte and Aka are searching for the enemy when Aka asks a question"Do you think Dominick will be ok?"Aka asks as Donte laughs at the question"Of Course he will fine.You see Aka no matter how hard you push Dom..."Donte cracks an insane smile"He'll always push back ten times harder".Dominick then switches his scythe for dual sickles and slashes through the hair defenses from malca.Malca looks at Dominick before she gets slashed over and over by his sickles"This boys determination is INHUMAN"She says as she gets knocked back.She tries to attack back but then she gets a cold shiver down her spine as Dominick appears behind her"Your scared...Aren't you"Dominick says as he conjures his scythe and slashes her upwards out of the mountain.Dominick then looks at meru whose eyes turn Crystal blue like his"I'm different from the rest of the succubi"those words echo in merus mind as her body gets engulfed in a pinkish blue aura"LUST OUTPUT 25%"Meru then blitzes her way out of the mountain and appears above Malca"LOVE BURST"Meru then sticks her hand out and heart shard's rapidly pierce Malcas back until she falls back down into the mountain and before she hits the mountain ground she sees a dragon head"FLASH FREEZE DEATH BEAM"Dominick yells as Malca gets blasted face first by his final move.Dominick drops to the ground as Malca lays there with her body charred but she's still alive somehow.Meru flies down to Dominick as he sits down still riddled with holes"hey we did it.."Dominick says as meru kneels down and kisses him on the lips.Dominick then gets engulfed by pinkish blue aura which heals his wounds"woah I didn't know you could do that"Dominick says in shock"me neither"Meru says slightly laughing.Dominick looks at Merus eyes and see they have gone crystal blue"h-hey you've got the same eyes as me"Dominick says before meru runs to a crystal to see her reflection"this must be the physical changes my mother told me about...yknow about how when you fall in love a succubus body changes"She says while blushing.Dominick hears this and blushes too before he walks over to meru and kisses her again.Starstruck meru is surprised"does this mean we're-"Dominick cuts her off"yea we are"Dominick says with a smile.They both stop staring into each other's eyes and Dominick walks over and picks the fragment up"Ok that's one down.Let's hope everyone else did what they had to do"Dominick says as him and meru leave the cave.Meanwhile in Jotunheim Lucas is walking into a mountain and range as he thinks to what Dominick said to him before they left"Hey Lucas...You might find Gladius where the mountains are.That's where we found him before so it's worth a shot"Lucas snaps out of thought when he feels shaking on the ground"Woah what the hell is feels like some sort of earthquake"Lucas then starts to run towards the shaking"Be careful young one"Chiyou warns Lucas from inside his head"Yea I'll be fine"Lucas confidently says before meeting the source which is none other than Gladius causally destroying mountains in frustration"I SHOULD HAVE KILLED THE BUT THEY'VE SLIPPED FROM MY GRASP"Gladius angrily says before sensing Lucas and Turning around to see him standing there watching him destroy mountains"So...You want some alone time cause I can just leave"Lucas says before summoning his sword"Well...I'll need the fragment before I go"Lucas gets in a fighting stance and Chiyou speaks to him"you don't want to summon jinsei?"Chiyou asks the boy"I want to test my strength without the help of anyone.So I'll just try to manage for the time being"Lucas has a kind smile on his face and Suddenly Gladius bursts from his position and clashes with Lucas"I WON'T LET ANY OF YOU KIDS ESCAPE ANYMORE"Gladius let's put a big burst of green energy that knocks Lucas back"Maybe this'll be a bit more challenging than I thought"Lucas backflips while airborne and launches himself off of a piece of debris that was created when Gladius exploded with energy.Lucas clashes with Gladius once again and Gladius starts to get forced back a bit"This kids physical strength is different from the others..."Gladius thinks to himself before putting more effort into The clash and knocks Lucas into the air then shortly follows up by punching an air shockwave at Lucas.Lucas Dodges the air shockwave just barely and gets a scratch on his cheek.Lucas throws his sword in the air and uses it as a launching point and sends himself at Gladius once again"HOW ABOUT THIS"Lucas throws a high speed punch at Gladius making the floor beneath them erupt.Gladius blocks the punch but Lucas's fist breaks his Guard and the punch lands on his face and he gets laid out on the ground as he thinks to himself"W-What the hell.This boy is different from the rest of the kids I fought"Gladius explodes with green energy again then conjures war hammer before pointing it at the young man"What's your deal?"Gladius says in confusion before Lucas answers with heavy breathing"whatever do you mean?"Lucas plays Dumb and this gets Gladius mad"IM TALKING ABOUT YOUR PHYSICAL STRENGTH.YOUR DIFFERENT FROM THE REST AREN'T YOU"Gladius bitterly spits out before Lucas confirms his accusations"You see everyone you fought so far uses mostly element based attacks and special powers"Lucas conjures his sword again"But me?My powers are simple and nothing flashy.I just am able to master any weapon I conjure and I have a stat boost."Lucas cuts the chit chat and stomps his feet on the ground making a boulder rise up before kicking it at Gladius.Gladius blocks because he can't dodge in time then instantly after the boulder makes contact with him,Another one comes then another then another.The last boulder is coming at Gladius but he slaps it away instead of blocking with his hammer.Just as Gladius slaps the boulder away,Lucas appears in front of him using the boulder as a distraction and slices Gladius's chest making a slight wound appear. Gladius stands there in shock and Lucas hops back to make distance"perhaps I underestimated you boy"Gladius says before cracking his neck.Gladius then lifted his hammer and strikes the ground with a mighty blow"SHIT"Lucas yells as Gladius quickly appears in front of him and strikes his arm with his hammer"AAAGGGGHHH"Lucas yells in pain while being sent into the side of the mountain.Lucas holds his arm in pain"I think he broke it..."Lucas says while struggling to stand"Huff...Huff"Lucas is breathing heavily while looking at Gladius who points at his head"Don't forget about that"Gladius says as blood starts to trickle down Lucas's head"What the...HOW"Lucas says in disbelief before Gladius explains"well To simply put it.Your body was too weak to handle my energy you see when I hit someone with this hammer,The overwhelming energy in my body transfers to the hammer then it enters a your body and if your body is too weak get damaged"Gladius stares Lucas down and suddenly takes out the fragment and throws it aside"How about a deal"Gladius says confidently"A deal?"Lucas replies confused.Gladius drops his hammer next to the fragment"You and me punch each other until one of us passes out and whoever wins will claim the fragment piece.I doubt you'll be able to win with the broken arm so I'll only use one hand...Deal?" Gladius laughs to himself While Lucas ponders about his decision"If I do this I'll surely lose-NO DONT THINK LIKE THAT"Lucas then punches himself in the face before regaining his composure"Fine I'll do it."Lucas confidently says while walking forward"But you don't need to handicap yourself"Lucas then conjured two brass knuckles"I'll still be using my broken arm".Lucas walks up to Gladius and stares him down in his eyes almost like it's a UFC match.They both stay like that for a while before both of them just start punching each other over and over and over again.they start punching back and forth back and forth back and forth and Lucas starts to bleed his bones are shattering"I can't feel the pain right now...I CANT FEEL ANYTHING RIGHT NOW BUT I CAN'T STOP NOW!!"Lucas starts to punch even harder and Gladius is starting to feel Lucas's determination"his bones are broken but BUT HIS STRENGTH IS STILL EXTRAORDINARY"Gladius feels blood touch all over his body and he starts to panic"OH NO OH NO OH NO I MIGHT ACTUALLY LOSE.I NEED TO GET OUT OF HER-"Gladius then gets knocked out cold by a bruised and broken Lucas" falls on the ground covered in blood and his whole body broken.He makes his way to the fragment by crawling but his vision starts to fade"N-No I can't pass out now...I need to get...back"Lucas then sees someone ruining towards him yelling"I FOUND SOMEONE"But before he can see who it was His vision fades and he falls unconscious.Lucas falls unconscious in Jotunheim while Donte and Aka are in Nifelheim searching for the enemy"Supposedly our opponent is supposed to be some kind of bandit of some sort"Donte says while looking around confused.Aka walks ahead of Donte while speaking"Well it would make sense for him not to be detectable with him being a bandit and all"She says as they arrive to a gate with two elf statues on each side of it.Donte walks forward and tries to pry the gate open with his bare strength"NGHHH"Donte yells as he struggles to open the door.Aka grabs him by his jacket and pulls him back"Ok let's stop that"She says before she lets him go and walks to the gate to inspect it"It's shut really tight...Good thing we have someone who can control shadows with us"She says while looking at Donte smiling.Donte nods and grabs her hand before making a shadow and jumping into it.The couple then slips through the gate and arrives on the other side where they millions of elves. Donte Quickly makes another shadow and jumps in it with aka before Going onto a high platform where no one can see them."I think it's best not to let anyone see us so it won't cause any trouble"Donte then Conjures a purple and black mask"I'll put this on just in case...The last time I used this was when we first got our powers so it's nice to use it again"Donte puts the mask while Aka nods and makes her own white kitsune mask out of light"Ok let's start looking"Aka says before they both silently fly off the platform in search for this bandit.The search for Roughly 20 minutes but they don't see anything suspicious"this guy is good"Donte says to Aka as they both lay their eyes on a blue power source in the middle of the elven area"ooo what's that"Donte says before Aka plucks him on the head"Focus please.But it looks like some sort of power source in the form of a blue crystal-"Just as Aka finishes speaking the lights cut off and everything goes to a stop.Donte immediately grabs Aka and blasts out of the elven sanctum"I FOUND HIM"Donte yells before landing next to a nearby lake.Donte sets Aka down while staring at the person crouching in front of him"Looks like I found our adversary Aka"Donte says as he stares at the bandit that has a black hood and silver mask on.The bandit lets out a little chuckle"How did you know I was there"The bandit asks before Donte answer with a smile"When you stole the power source from the sanctum it got Dark and unluckily for you I control the Darkness so I was able to feel your fast movements within it.I have to give it to you though...your really fast It only took you 0.2 seconds to grab the crystal and leave with it"Donte takes off his mask revealing his Black eyes and excited grin"May i ask you your name?"Donte asks before the bandit stands up and reveals a katar on his hand"The names Tobu..Tobu the black bandit"Shortly after revealing his name,Tobu Flickers behind Aka and attempts to stab her in the spine"I'LL TAKE CARE OF HER FIRST"Tobu yells as he attempts to plunge his katar in her back.Donte grins as a light beam shoots out the ground behind Aka but Tobu jumps back thanks to his instincts"I wouldn't take her so lightly...She isn't weak y'know"Donte Says before Aka takes off her mask and conjures her light spear.Aka speeds at Tobu and Strikes with her spear but Tobu leans back to evade the attack"Such flexibility"Aka thinks before Tobu tries to counter attack but before it can land Donte Blocks the attack with his Dagger"KAGE"Donte yells as his shadow wolf appears and Bites Tobu's leg.Tobu grits his teeth and kicks Kage away along with Donte and Aka"He's good"Donte says to Aka as they fall on the lake.Before the two can regain their composure Tobu uses his immense speed to kick up the water and uses it as a distraction"GOTCHA"Tobu says before slicing Donte in his side.Donte then takes to the sky where he looks at his wound"It's not deep so I should be fine.The real problem is this guys speed he fights the same way I do.heh I might have some fun with this"Donte then calls Kage again"Kage use your shadow clones to overwhelm him..I want to see what he does"Donte sends Kage down to fight.Kage unleashes hundreds of shadow clones At Tobu but Tobu again uses his speed to blitz all of the clones almost instantly.Donte flies down to Aka while analyzing the battle"Let's see how he handles us now Aka"Donte and Aka blasts at Tobu and kicks him at the same time in perfect sync knocking him away.Tobu is airborne when he thinks to himself"Right now this is a three on one.If I want to win this battle well I'll have to make it a one on one situation.Hmph I'll start with the wolf"Tobu thinks to himself before using his speed to flicker out the air and appear in front of Kage before slicing him down the stomach"KAGE NO"Donte yells as Kage leaks blood from his body.Donte again rushes at Tobu and makes a shadow where he makes Kage sinks into to make him safe for now.While Donte and Tobu are clashing with each other Aka soars in the air"FEATHERS OF PURITY"She yells as some white feathers from her wings fall out and turn into white light projectiles that hit Tobu in his back.upon getting hit by Aka Tobu backflips and makes a little distance between the couple"I might have to take this fight a little serious"Tobu says as he holds out his katar while Purple molecules enter it.His katar goes all black with a purple outline"This is where you DIE"Not even a sound goes by and suddenly Tobu slashes Donte in his chest"I DIDN'T EVEN SEE HIM MOVE"Donte thinks to himself as Aka tries to Attack Tobu but she ends up getting cut in her leg.Tobu then seemingly teleports away from them And laughs"HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU KIDS ARE DONE FOR NOW"Tobu laughs but he stops due to the silence.He then looks at Donte who is shaking"W-What's with him?"Tobu says as Donte starts letting out a chuckle and a wide maniacal grin on his face.Aka looks at this and smiles"Looks like you flipped his switch..Heh"Aka starts to laugh as well"your in for it now"Aka says as Donte starts to laugh crazily"HONESTLY,HONESTLY,HONESTLY YOU GREAT YOUR SO GREAT.COME ON COME ON COME ON LETS FIGHT LETS FIGHT LETS FIGHTTTT"Dontes body starts to be enveloped in shadowy mist"SHADOW MODE" Donte says Before blasting his way to Tobu"His speed is significantly faster now"Tobu says as Donte swipes at him with his daggers but Tobu teleports to the side of Donte"BUT I'M FASTER"Tobu says before kicking Donte in the air and teleports above him before stabbing him in the back.Donte spits out blood but still smiling like a madman while Aka speeds at Tobu with her spear with an insane smile on as well"SHE'S CRAZY TOO?"Tobu says before teleporting right in her face before punching her down to the ground next to Donte.Donte stands up and is still laughing before he starts to speak"OH SO THAT'S YOUR GAME..THAT'S HOW IT WORKS"Donte grins at Tobu"You have no idea what your talking about"Tobu says to Donte who is still laughing"OH BUT I DO.YOU SEE YOUR POWER ISN'T JUST BEING FAST YOUR POWER IS TO TAKE THE PROPERTIES OF A BLACK HOLE AND APPLY THEM TO YOURSELF"Donte starts to tap his head rapidly"WHEN YOU MADE YOUR KATAR THAT COLOR YOU ACTUALLY MADE IT A TINY BLACK HOLE.YOU WERENT TELEPORTING YOU WERE SIMPLY SUCKING IN THE SPACE THAT DIVIDED US MAKING IT LOOK LIKE YOU WERE TELEPORTING"Tobu laughs at donte"So you were able to figure it what"Tobu says confidently while Donte Laughs insanely"HAHAHA WHEN I'M IN MY SHADOW MODE I'M ROUGHLY THE SPEED OF LIGHT"Donte starts to enter his shadow demon form"AND THIS FORM HERE TAKES MY STATS AND MULTIPLIES IT BY 20"donte bares his teeth at Tobu"SO HOW FAST DO YOU THINK ILL BE NOW?OH AND FOR GOOD MEASURE"Donte then puts his daggers away and summons Macaques staff"WHY NOT ADD A LITTLE BOOST IN TECHNIQUE AS WELL"Donte says while spinning the staff"CMON TOBU GIVE IT YOUR ALL OR ELSE OR ELSE"Aka starts to rise from the ground like a limp zombie and lets out an insane giggle "OR ELSE WE'LL KILL YOU"The couple says insanely in unison.Donte rushes at Tobu to strike him but Tobu dodges again with his power and tries to counter attack"NOT THIS TIME"Donte says before he dodged the counter attack and strikes him in the arm with the shadow staff.Tobus arm busts on impact with blood"HIS STRENGTH AND SPEED HAS RISEN TO GREAT HEIGHTS.HE'S FASTER THAN MY BLACK HOLE"Tobu panically thinks before getting struck in the chin with the staff.Donte then grabs Tobu by the face and slams him in the ground and throws him to Aka.Aka Then conjures her spear and runs it through Tobus shoulder and watches the blood trickle down her weapon"That's pretty...HAH"She yells as she rips her spear out and attempts to stab him again but Tobu was ready this time and dodges"ILL AT LEAST TAKE CARE OF YOU"Tobu yells but before he can Land his attack,Donte Flashes infront of him with a dark trail of shadow and hits him with the staff again sending him into the lake.Donte and Aka then fly up and shoots a mixture of light energy and black fire at him"I WILL NOT BE DEFEATEDDDD"Tobu yells as he expands his black hole to try and absorb their attack
.However it is useless because the mixture of light and dark is too strong for the black hole and it gets destroyed and Tobu takes the brunt of the beam and falls unconscious.Donte and Aka fall down from the air beat from exhaustion as well"WE DID IT"They both yell as they look at each other"Hey...Looks like I'm rubbing off on you"Donte says to aka referring to her insane energy during the fight"Well they do say couples resemble each other once they date for a long period of time"Aka says before laying her head on the floor.Donte then exhales and quickly flips off of the ground before running to an unconscious Tobu.Donte looks to the side of the body to sees a blue crystal and the fragment they needed"AKA I FOUND THE FRAGMENT"Donte yells and Aka responds with a tired thumbs up while still lying down.Donte grabs both of these items"Now what should i do with him...HMMM I GOT IT"Donte says before making a deep shadow and trapping Tobu inside of it.He walks over to Aka who is getting up from the ground"ok let's return this and then we can get going"Donte says to Aka and she nods in agreement.They quickly fly over to the Elven sanctum and place the power source back before slipping through the gate again with the help of Dontes shadow abilities.They get back to their starting point where they see a portal waiting for them that leads back to the Monk realm"Man I'm in desperate need for a bath"Aka says before They jump through it and they arrive back to the tree where Hagane is waiting for them impatiently"WERE YOU GUYS SUCCESSFUL?"Hagane desperately asks them before Donte pulls out the fragment"Yea we were"Donte says as he looks over Hagane and sees Dominick and Meru together but closer than usual"Hey Aka..Lookie there"Donte playfully points at the two teenagers.Aka smiles"I'll interrogate her later hehe"She giggles before Donte cuts her off"wait...WHERE'S LUCAS?"Donte says in worry as Someone comes out from one of the portals on the tree.This person is laufey and she looks like she is Carrying a horribly injured Lucas"Is he one of yours?"Laufey says before laying Lucas down"I wanted to return the favor of you guys saving me but I couldn't heal him..i'm sorry"Laufey says sadly before Aka goes and grabs her hand"Hey it's ok..I'll take care of the rest"She says as she engulfs Lucas with light energy"Oh and he also looked like he was trying to grab this"Laufey then pulls out one of the fragments.Hagane runs over and grabs and Donte kneels down to Lucas"I knew you had it in you man"Donte says while plastering a wide warm smile on his face.Hagane then picks Lucas up"I'll take him to his room to rest.You guys can go relax in the hot springs we have here"Hagane is about to leave when he looks back at the teens seriously"only one more to go.."He says before he takes off on a metal bird.Donte quickly runs over to Dominick and buts his arm around his shoulder"Now what we all need is a nice soak after all of that fighting we've done RIGHT? OK me and Dominick will ride on Hyoga while you two fly there ok?"Donte says before jumping out the Tree area with Dominick.They all shortly arrive to the hot springs and Dominick and Donte are in the men's side while Aka and Meru are in the women's side ready for a relaxing bath"Soooo you and meru seem more...Close"Donte teases Dominick as he takes his shirt off"If I didn't know any better I would go as far and say you two are in loveeee"Donte teases again and Dominick blushes in embarrassment"S-Shut up you don't know what your talking about"Dominick spits out before jumping into the hot spring"Oh come onnnn it's so obvious something happened on that mission Hehehehe"Donte gets close to Dominick's face and closer and closer until Dominick breaks"OK OK FINE WE KISSED...multiple times Tch WHAT'S IT TO YOU"Dominick kicks water at Donte.Donte dodges the water playfully"I KNEW ITTTT.."suddenly Donte goes serious and smiles"Seriously though I'm happy for you..looks like someone finally got to that cold heart of yours"Donte says before playfully punching Dominick in the arm"Yea I guess it was only a matter of time huh"Dominck says as they fist bump in agreement.Donte smiles again and changes the topics"ANYWAYS how's your progress have you been getting stronger in any way?"Donte asks Dominick while getting a bucket to fill with water"Well there is this one thing"Dominick says as Donte tilts his head"It actually happened when I was fighting you.When you were about to attack me I heard this voice this voice told me where you were appearing but it wasn't tengliu speaking to me.It sent a cold shiver down my spine..And that says a lot considering I'm the ice guy"Dominick says looking at the sky" and Donte plops next to him getting Dominick's white hair all wet"Well what do you think it could have been?"Donte asks Dominick"I have no idea"Dominick stands up and grabs a towel"Well what about you?"Dominick is curious about Dontes progress"Well after I went all out of control I'm trying to calm down on using so much shadow techniques just in case"Donte let's out a wisp of shadow from his hand"This power is so...Confusing and it doesn't help that I'm a demon-wait where are you going?"Donte says to Dominick who is now leaving"Don't worry I'm just going to get some milk real quick"Dominick says before Donte eagerly jumps out of the hot spring"OO I WANNA COME"Donte quickly grabs a towel and wraps it around himself"Hey..shouldn't we get robes instead of walking around just in towels?"Dominick says to Donte as he Donte shakes his head"Nah we'll be quick"Donte says as he walks away with his dreads still wet from the bath.Meru and Aka are walking from the hot spring in robes also looking for a refresher while Aka is still teasing Meru for kissing Dominick"So is he a good kisser? Is his lips cold?"Aka harassing Meru while they walk"stop with the questions please"Meru says while blushing from embarrassment.Aka and meru Both bump into Donte and Dominick infront of a vending machine and is frozen to what they have seen.Merus gaze is stuck on Dominick's 6'0 body,White hair and slightly muscular arms and quickly passes out while Aka looks at Dontes 5'10 body with developing abs and sharp yet attractive teeth before she passes out swiftly while squealing"Umm I think we broke them"Donte says before looking at Dominick with a sweat going down his face"I told you we should have put on robes...IDIOT"Dominick punches Dontes head before they lay both of the girls on the couch.Both boys decide to cut the bath short and just go to the temple to relax before their next mission.The two teens put on their clothes and carry Aka and meru back with them"So Dom after we drop them off you wanna look around this place?"Donte asks Dominick while flying in the air"I mean sure I have nothing better to do"Dominick says on Hyoga.The two boys arrive to the temple and they set both Aka and meru in their beds before meeting up with each other on the roof"Ok I'm done so let's get going"Dominick says to Donte before jumping on hyogas back.The two boys are flying in the air until they come across a village in the clouds that they decide to land on.The two boys look around to see residents of the monk realm in which they run away at the sight of Donte"umm why are they running?"Donte turns to Dominick in confusion to see him making devil horns with his fingers mockingly"it's cause you're a demonnn ooooo"Dominick laughs at Donte but it is cut short with donte punching him in the arm"they really are scared of me...huh"Donte looks down with a sad expression.Dominick sees this and tries to cheer him up"Hey they don't know a thing about you don't worry about it ok"Dominick wraps his arm around Donte and they begin to walk further into the village where they hear a familiar voice"MOVE YOUR BUTTS COME ON YOU DONT EXPECT TO PROTECT THE REALM LIKE THIS DO YOU?"A stern voice echoes from inside the village.The two boys run to see who is making all this noise and they arrive to see Lana forcing the troops of the monk realm to run laps"YEA THAT'S MORE LIKE IT"Lana yells before turning around to see Dominick and Donte standing there with nervous smiles"HI DOMMY"Lana yells before quickly hopping on Dominick's shoulders"Hey what you got over here?"Dominick asks Lana as she's bouncing playfully on Dominick's shoulders"Oh so I was just in the village until I found these troops.I decided to fight them and they were pathetic so pathetic that I had to train them a little bit"She says innocently but scary.Lana's eyes widen as she comes up with an idea"OO I KNOW.How about you two fight them to whip em into shape"Lana suggests before hopping off Dominick's shoulders.Donte and Dominick look at eachother and shrugs"Well I guess it wouldn't hurt"Donte says before sprouting his wings"yea it'll help pass the time I guess"Dominick says in agreement while making his sickles"As if I'll train with a demon"One of the soldiers says in spite but Lana hears this"train with him or I'll give you something so much worse that you'll wanna kill yourself hehe"Lana says with an innocent smile on her face"Y-Yes ma'am"the troop says while sweating bullets.Meanwhile Neivhor is still traveling to the monk realm and is sleeping an dreaming about his upbringing.Flashback to when he was a kid and he is sitting in his little hut of a house and his parents are dancing infront of him in love"Y'know kiddo I like to think that everyone in this world has a role to play"His dad says while dancing with his mother"Think of it like a story or a book there are background characters,main characters and side characters.I like to think that we're the protagonists of this story and this is our backstory on how we become great"His dad says to him before sitting down in front of Neihvor"Yea righr as if we'd be protagonists"Neivhor says as he walks to the door"I'm going to find some food for us since I'm the only one who sees the reality of the situation"Neivhor walks out the house and goes to rummage through garbage cans to find anything good.while he's searching he suddenly gets interrupted by a group of teenagers"Look what we have here..A poor homeless kid looking for some food"One of the teens say while taking a pocket knife out.Neivhor looks at this and sighs"I'm really not up for this today"Neivhor says while getting into a fighting stance.They teens and Neivhor begin to fight and Neivhor unexpectedly gets overwhelmed and is being stabbed and stomped out by the teens.Neivhors vision is blurring and he is losing feeling in his body"Am I..Going to die here?"Neivhor asks himself and suddenly his fathers words appear in his head"everyone has a role..To play"Those words echo in his head"My life up to this point was trash..If I was the protagonist then shouldn't my life be better..Hell it was the complete opposite of a protagonist's life.Wait what's the opposite of protagonist again..oh yeah that's right it's called the antagonist"Suddenly neivhors eyes widen"w-what if I wasn't meant to be the protagonist of this story Maybe...MAYBE I MEANT TO BE THE ANTAGONIST..THATS RIGHT AND THE ONLY WAY TO BECOME THE ANTAGONIST IS TO BECOME EVIL RIGHT...RIGHT?"Neivhor then grabs the pocket knife swiftly and shoved it in one of the teens throats.He looks at the blood gushing out of the teen before looking at the rest of them"Dont run...I need you to fulfill my role.."He says before jumping on one of the teens and bites out his jugular before rapidly stabbing the other one killing then both.Neivhor then walks out the alley covered in blood and reaches home with the pocket knife in hand.He stands in the doorway creepily"I'm home..." Neivhor says before his mother grabs him"WHY ARE YOU COVERED IN BLOOD WHAT HAPPENED"she says in horror as Neivhor takes a deep breath"A revelation mother.."Neivhor then throws the pocket knife into the mothers head killing her instantly.Neivhor then turns around and sees his father on the floor in horror before slowly walking towards him"Father I would like to thank you for enlightening me on my role in life...Don't be sad that your about to die. Be happy knowing that your helping me fulfill my role in this wretched world"Neivhor swiftly grabs his fathers throat and stabs him in both of the eyes killing him without his father even letting out a single word"Now...I must become the best antagonist there is..I mean that is my role..Right?"he says as he walks out the door in search for his new object into becoming the best antagonist.Neivhor suddenly wakes up to the sound of chemicals being mixed by the scientists and the fragment beside him"I have retrieved the material you wanted Neivhor"The scientist says before throwing it to Neivhor"very good..We should be arriving to the monk realm in about 20 minutes..Hehe it's finally time"Neivhor says before plopping down waiting.

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