Chapter 16: Information

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Danjal sits in his fire tornado as he's being teleported away from the battle as he speaks to himself"That kid is something else.Even though i obviously won the battle he put up a good fight
HAHA he'll be fun to battle once he gets stronger.But that thing he said about him being the calamity,it reminds me of what the other gods called my son once he was born"Danjal soon arrives to Devadattas base.He walks further to see Devadatta sitting on his throne arrogantly"You like our new base?"Devadatta asks Danjal"I'll call it the nightshade castle hmm yea i like that"Devadatta says while starting to stand and walk towards Danjal"Soooo demon god how did our mission go?i take it as it didn't go well since YOU DON'T HAVE THE GIRL"Devadatta says angrily.Danjal scoffs at Devadatta frustration"Calm down i let them go on purpose,one of them intrigues me"Danjal says while turning his back on Devadatta"The kid named Donte with the shadow powers,he excites me he reminds me of myself when i was younger,thirsty for battle and loses control when it starts to get fun"Danjal says while starting to walk away"I know you want to see one of the kids potential as well.....the Dominick kid with ice powers,You wanna see how strong he gets and see if he's a worthy adversary for you"Devadatta gets annoyed at Danjals correct accusations and walks back to his throne"never mind them lets just move on to the next phase of the plan and send those demons of yours to asgard.If we can take control of asgard our power would grow immensely due to the size of that kingdom and let's take our sights off of Aka for now and go for the vampire girl,her powers are extraordinary"Danjal nods and snaps his fingers making millions upon millions of demon spawn behind him"let's add the last two guards of chaos for good measure"Devadatta says before he calls out to the last of the guards"AMOK,KEN PRESENT YOURSELVES"just then a armored swordsmen and a tall guy with purple hair and a gas tattoo appears without haste"Yes master devadatta"Devadatta responds with a menacing glare"we are nearing the end of my plan to make a perfect world i just need you two to defeat anyone that comes in our way so go with the demons to take over asgard and if those kids come and try to stop you defeat them but dont kill them i need at least one more of their powers to enact my plan"Both guards nod"just give us the signal"Ken says as they both walk away"we'll invade asgard in a week,i hope you mortals are ready HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA".We are now with Donte Aka and Wukong who are still in the battle ground where Donte fought the demon god.Donte is getting healed from the wounds he suffered from Aka and wukong is asking Donte questions"how strong was he Donte and why did he let us live and leave like that"Donte makes an annoyed face while getting healed"I don't know wukong i honestly don't.Can we please just leave so i can go rest and after ill see if i can tell you anything"Wukong get impatient but understands where Donte is coming from"Man these kids need serious training,From what i can tell Donte got destroyed while Danjal only had a scratch on his cheek"wukong says in his mind before calling his cloud and transporting Aka and Donte back to the rest of the group.As they are flying they see an unconscious Lucas and picks him up as well and keeps heading towards the group.They soon arrive to Madison and Dominick who is still watching Akuma in his prison of ice and blood spikes that continue to pierce his body even now.Dominick looks at Donte when you comes back still a little bruised and battered"so Donte did you win did you take down the demon god"Donte sighs"No i didnt he was too strong even for me"Dominick scoffs and turns in the other direction ready to leave"let's get going we have to determine our next move,i doubt Danjal and devadatta are just going to sit idly by after this"Dominick says before wukong makes a portal back to their base and they all sit in silence for a while until Donte just gets up quietly and goes into his room.The rest of the group dont think its anything wrong with him but Aka knows Donte and knows that something is up with him so she follows him into his room.When Aka enters the room she sees Donte just sitting there on his bed quiet"Hey i feel like something is bothering you you wanna talk about it?'Donte can't look Aka in the eye so he just responds with his head down"No everything is fine Aka"he says still looking down.Aka refuses to leave though and sits down on the bed with Donte and begins to hug him making Dontes eyes widen"I know you Donte i know how you feel just based on the way you look i know when your sad,depressed or happy so you can just tell me if anything is bothering you ok?"suddenly a tear starts to roll down Dontes face"I-I just don't know what to do anymore Aka I couldn't beat him i just couldn't.What if he didn't just leave like that he could have taken you or you could have died"Aka begins to hold Donte tighter"Its ok all that matters is that we're all safe its ok you'll get stronger to protect us all we all will get stronger but for now let's just rest"they begin to both lay their heads on Dontes bed as they both drift into slumber with Donte in Aka's arms. After sleeping for a couple of hours Donte wakes up"Man...i needed that nap"He looks over at Aka and holds her cheek"I'll get stronger i promise you Aka,You'll never be in trouble again"He walks out the room determined and starts to talk to the shadow god in his head"Macaque It's time for me to get stronger it's time for the next level"He says while walking to the training area as Macaque speaks to him"yea kid i hear ya.As much as i hate to admit it Wukong is your best bet to get stronger at a time like this"Macaque sighs"i swear he really is annoying...OH i also wanted to ask you,what did you mean when you called yourself the calamity during your fight with Danjal"Macaque says curiously"I don't kinda just came out at the time"Donte says with thinking hard"oh well nevermind then"Macaque says before leaving him to train.Donte walks into the training area where Wukong is sitting there waiting for him with the other team members"OK NOW THAT DONTE IS HERE LET'S GET TO TRAINING"wukong says with lots of enthusiasm.Wukong then begins to explain how their training is going to go from now on"Ok first let's start with Lucas.When i picked you up on our way back i sensed something within you like your power has is that true"Wukong says to Lucas as he smiles at Wukongs statement"I think i did grow a little stronger from that battle but something strange happened when i was fighting.I went unconscious and when i opened my eyes i saw a old man an old man who touched my chest and said he gave me a reward for seeing him"Lucas says while looking at his hands an balling them up.Upon hearing this Wukong almost instantly knew what it was"That was your god that you are linked up to,he must have deemed you worthy enough to finally meet him.OK so your training will be to learn more about your god and any newfound abilities you may have ok"Lucas nods at this statement and goes to meditate to see if he can come in contact with his god again.Wukong walks over to Dominick and Madison"You too need to work on your speed ok?going by what i saw from the battle with Akuma you guys need to work on your attack speed,you guys should've been able to defeat Akuma if you were faster while doing your piercing attacks"Wukong takes a strand of hair off of his body and makes it transform into a clone of him"You'll be fighting a clone of me to practice,if your able to defeat it then your training is over k?"Madison and Dominick nods and follows the wukong clone to the other side of the training grounds to fight it while the real wukong walks to Donte"now about you"He intensely stares and Donte"the main problem with you is that you have no technique when you fight it's just hack and slash with you,we gotta change that before you get yourself and everyone here killed"Donte looks down at his feet when Wukong says this but he knows its true he knows that if he doesn't get stronger everyone he knows will die just like buddha.Wukong then claps his hands on Dontes face"Now don't look discouraged and let me tell you what to do ok?"Donte nods and focuses on wukongs directions"Now i want you to do is go into your mindscape and tell Macaque to give you his staff.Thatll be a weapon that you will use for a while"Donte begins to get worried"I CANT TAKE HIS STAFF LIKE THAT"he yells nervously"and besides wouldn't my daggers work fine"Wukong shakes his head at Dontes complaints"you see if you use the weapon that your god used in battle then it'll help you get in tune with your powers and abilities as well as your fighting skill all together.Im not saying to swap yout daggers out completely since it does take a lot of energy to actually use the weapon your god used but it would be good to have that ace in your sleeve if you ever find yourself in a bad situation,now go ask him"Donte sighs"fine i guess i'll try".Donte closes his eyes and returns into his mindscape to see macaque sitting there thinking hard"Don't even say anything i heard it all and i am choosing to give it to you"Donte is surprised at this"You're really letting me keep your staff for battle are you sure?"Macaque smiles"Yeah i'm sure now here"Macaque then kneels down and dips his hand into a shadow and pulls out a black staff that resembles wukongs but has spikes on both ends.Macaque begins to spin it around his whole body dramatically before handing it to Donte who is still in awe"here kid take good care of it,I'll send you back now ok?"Donte nods and closes his eyes then opens them again to see Wukong standing in front of him"Well did he give it to you?"Donte nods and creates a shadow before dipping his hand in and taking out macaques staff"Man he was always a copycat huh"wukong teases before he jumps back and gets in a fighting position before summoning his staff"From now on your fighting me to hone your skills with that staff ok.just so you know i won't be holding back all that much NOW COME AT ME"Wukong dashes and Donte and strikes him in the stomach with his staff knocking Donte into a wall"N-NO FAIR"Donte says while coughing"there's nothing fair in a real battle"Wukong then runs at Donte who is still trying to recover from the last blow and tries to throw him onto the ground but Donte uses his staff and makes wukong loss balance causing him to drop Donte But wukong isnt gonna let up that easily and backflips in the air to regain composure and grabs Donte again and throws him into the wall yet again.Wukong is relentless though and continues to run at him striking him with his staff until Donte eventually blocks it and jumps back"ok now i have some breathing room so ill rush him and attack him now"Donte begins to dash at Wukong but before he can make contact his staff disappears and Donte falls over breathing heavily while wukong stands above him"and that's 5 minutes" wukong helps Donte up"5 minutes is all you can manage right now eh i guess that's a start.Now rest for a little while and we'll get back to sparring,i'll go check on the others"Wukong walks off i the other direction while Donte thinks to himself"I have to give this training my all i have to get stronger by any means necessary,Dont worry guys i'll protect all of you"Donte stands up and is ready for training again.

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