Chapter 22: And so it begins

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Donte,Dominick and Aka appear in the sky of jotunheim and begin to fall from it.Dominick quickly places his hand under him and summons Hyoga while Donte and Aka sprout their wings"So...he didn't tell us how to find this fragment did he?"Donte says while looking at Dominick and Aka who both shake their heads.Donte sighs and they begin to slowly descend onto the ground of jotunheim"it's kinda cold here"Aka says while rubbing her arms which leads Donte to go hug her"Is this helping?"Donte says while Dominick sticks his tongue out"Bleh get a room.But seriously lock in we need to get the fragment so we can save hagane and his people so stop fooling AROUND!"Dominick says as he jumps in the air kicking donte in his face.Rubs his face and gets up"OK THATS IT"Donte starts walking towards Dominick but he gets interrupted by shaking in the distance"WOAH WHAT'S THAT?"Aka asks before Flying up in the sky in which Donte and Dominick follow.They go in the direction of the shaking and they eventually see giants fighting little skeleton warriors.Dominick scoffs"Weak...How are they even struggling against skeletons"Dominick says before Donte talks in worry"We gotta help them....LETS GO LETS GO"Donte then rushes off in the direction of the conflict and suddenly macaque speaks to him"Hey kid..Those skeletons aren't from this realm.their from helheim but why are they here?Something bad is happening"Macaque says as Donte And Dominick drop Down at the same time In the middle of the battle with ice and Shadow particles Falling around them while Aka stays in the air"...Boys and their dramatic entrances"She says as she face palms.Donte and Dominick begin to Cut through the Skeletons like butter while aka is still in the air"BLESSING"Aka yells as she generates a light ball that heals everyone that is bathed by its light.While Aka is busy healing,Donte and Dominick are still fighting the skeletons"HOW MANY ARE YOU AT DOM?"Donte yells at Dominick who rips the skeletons head off with his bare hands"IM AT 22"Dominick says before cutting through more Skeletons with his scythe"IM AT 22 AS WELL"Donte shouts before throwing a kunai into the last skeleton head.They both starts to walk towards each other to recoup but that is cut short by a skeleton that's a size of a skyscraper attempting to attack the two boys.Dominick scoffs While Donte plasters a deranged smiles on his face.The two boys look at eachother and nod before dodging the slam attack that the skeleton has just thrown and jumps in the air.Dominick gets blasted with an energy blast from the skeleton while Donte gets grabbed by sharp bones from the skeleton in hopes to impale him.The skeleton Stops the energy blast to see Dominick still in the air unscathed"Tch..weak"Dominick says shortly before Donte bursts out of the skeletons grip With his hand over his face only revealing one eye"c'mon...TRY HARDER HAHA"Donte says before flying up and conjuring his two katanas"BLACK SLASHING BULLET"Donte says before slicing the skeleton into hundreds of pieces before Dominick summons Hyoga in the air"FLASH FREEZE DEATH BEAM"Dominick says as he releases an ice beam that completely disintegrates the rest of the remains.The two boys fall land and look at each other and smiles before they fist bump.Once the two boys are finished fighting the skeleton they both turn around and walk to Aka who is busy taking care of the giants that were hurt.She is tending to a wound on the giant while Donte and Dominick walk towards her and is asking questions to the giants"So..what happened here?"Donte asks the giants before they shortly respond"Some Guy with a hammer came and said that he was taking over the realm for a short time.We obviously didn't like that idea so we tried to retaliate but when we of our strongest fighters was taken and he left.He sent the army of skeletons here to teach us a lesson and as much as I hate to say it we were losing so thank you truly"the giant explains what happened and Donte asks one more question"Who was this fighter this guy has taken?"Donte beckons"the strongest fighter in our realm...her name is laufey.I beg you please help us save her"the giant bows as they say this.Donte places his hand on the giants head"We'll help but you guys can stay here..we got this"Donte has a serious look on his face as he says this.He then spreads his wings and flys off in the air as Aka and Dominick follow behind him"WOAH slow down bro"Dominick says as he follows Donte on hyogas back.Aka Looks at Dontes eyes and sees they've gone full black like an endless abyss of pure darkness.When Aka sees this she starts to remember what Buddha said to her way back to when she first joined the team"Aka there are two reasons you are on this team one you have to take down devadatta and two is to stop Donte from succumbing to the power of his darkness you see Aka the reason I gave you the power of light is because you are the opposite of Donte your the light in his dark Dontes power is incredible yes but if he fails to harness it correctly his mind can be shattered turning into the heartless beast"Aka starts to sweat from the realization and looks at Dominick"Yea...I noticed it too.His little alter ego is getting out of control lately.I noticed it when he looked at me with that deranged look wasn't a normal deranged look like regular it was like he wasn't in control no it was like a savage beast"Dominick makes a serious face and looks at Aka in the eyes"Aka if he does go berserk and you can't stop him on your own then....leave him to me.I'll be able to subdue him"Dominick says before flying up to Donte who is floating in the air"Kage"Donte calls his shadow wolf"I need you to search this place for A woman with a giants scent ok?"Donte says before Kage barks and dives into a shadow portal.shortly after Donte sends Kage out to look for laufey,Dominick Decides to go search for anymore skeleton soldiers and leaves for a bit.Dominick is riding on hyoga and is searching for more enemies when tengliu speaks to him"So what are we going to do about your friend?It's only a matter of time before he goes berserk"Tengliu says to Dominick.Dominick thinks for a moment and comes to a simple conclusion"Well the answer is simple really.I'll just have to beat it out of him"Dominick says with a cocky smirk on his face before tengliu interrupts him"And how exactly are you going to do that.He's a bit stronger than you so it'll be hard to subdue him"Tengliu says as Dominick scoffs at her response"Tengliu...I've been training for this ever since I heard Donte had an alter ego so Trust me I got this"Dominick states with a head of sweat traveling down his face.Donte and Aka are sitting on a mountain waiting for a response from Kage and Aka is staring at Donte who is sitting quietly"Donte..are you ok?"Aka asks Donte who justs responds with"I'm fine"As he walks to the other side of the mountain before Macaque speaks to him"Your doing good kid just focus on not letting it rise but I fear that it's inevitable.The best we can do is rescue laufey before you lash out".Donte looks at his hand and suddenly his nails turn black and his hands become veiny.Donte gets startled by this and jumps back in fear while rubbing his eyes before his hand quickly turns back to normal"W-What the hell is happening to me"Donte says while breathing heavily.Suddenly Kage pops up from the ground and jumps on Donte"Looks like he found our prisoner"Donte says as Kage starts to walk away leading Donte and Aka to laufey.Donte uses his telepathy to notify Dominick about laufeys Location"Ok I'm on my way"Dominick says before heading towards the location.While the three teens are going to rescue laufey,Wukong is in the prison realm thinking to himself while walking"Those kids have gotten really strong...perhaps their ready to learn tengoku but I'll worry about that later."Wukong arrives in front of a cell and opens it"Right now I'll have to worry about you...."Upon opening the cell Wukong sees Danjal chained up and with magic chains making it impossible for him to escape.Danjal raises his head in wukongs presence"What do you want from me...Monkey king"Danjal says in spite As wukong enters the cell and sits in front of him with a serious expression on his face"Let me cut straight to the chase.Tell me what you know about Donte's demon side.What should I expect from him?"Wukong asks Danjal before Danjal starts to laugh at wukongs knowledge of demons"Well for one you got the whole demon SIDE thing wrong.You see when a demon has a child with another race the offspring comes out to be fully demon,That's how strong demon blood is. the fact that my son linked with a god of darkness makes it even worse for him.Since he's a demon his power of darkness will feed off of his demon blood as a sort of a power booster.You see its not the fact that he's a demon that's troubling...It's the fact that his power is the power of darkness thats the real threat.That boy will be consumed by its power and destroy everything around him like the demon that he is HAHAHAHAHAHA''Danjal laughs at Wukong as walks out the cell and slams the door shut.while Wukong is walking away he ponders to himself on what he's going to do"I could go over there and stop him from lashing out or I can leave it to the other kids to stop him...Best case scenario would be if Aka and Dominick were to battle him.The worse case scenario would be If he got to the Monk realm and destroyed it like back then.Hmmmm I'll leave it up to chance Hehe"Wukong Begins to make a portal into the Monk realm but he stops after hearing a glitching sound behind him.Upon hearing this sound he looks behind him to see a sort of distortion in the air.Wukong walks towards the multi color glitches in the air and touches it making his hand get blasted back by the glitches"This..Power it's like reality itself is distorting...What the hell?"Wukong back up from the distortion"I have a bad feeling about this"Wukong says as he makes a portal behind him and enters the monk realm and heads to his little shack in the sky next to a tree"I'm sure those kids could calm him down.If they don't then I'll just have to go and clean up the mess"Wukong lays down on the cloud and looks to the sky"Good luck hehe".Back with Donte,Dominick and Aka as they are following Kage to a mountain range.Dominick looks around in confusion"Where is this guy?For such a powerful opponent you'd think we'd see him by now"Dominick says while still looking around until he hears a voice in the distance"If you kids can't even sense aura yet then this'll be easier than I thought"Gladius says before jumping down caring laufey by her neck"P-Please save me"Laufey cries before Gladius knocks her out with his hammer and throws her aside"First I'll kill all of you..Then I'll go find that fragment for Neihvor"Gladius says before starting to get into a fighting stance but before he can get ready Donte blasts off in his direction with his daggers and clashes with Gladius wasting no time"Your an eager one aren't you"Gladius says before pushing Donte off of his hammer and launching him into the sky.Donte flips backwards while airborne and yells"DOMINICK GO GET HIM"Donte says as Dominick launched himself towards Gladius"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO"Dominick rushes into Gladius and attempts to slash him in the chest but Gladius catches his scythe and breaks it with ease"He broke my scythe AGAIN!?"Dominick thinks to himself in worry as he kicks off of Gladius and equips his ice sickles"These will have to do for now"Dominick jumps in the air and slashes the air multiple times send ice shards towards Gladius who tanks them head on and hits Dominick in the chest with his Hammer"AGGGHH"Dominick yelps as he falls to the ground.Donte hurries next to Dominick"You ok?"Donte asks Dominick who gets up"I think I'll be fine"Dominick gets up and looks at Donte whose eyes are getting blacker by the second.Donte looks over at Dominick"Let's trap him in a phantom prison"Donte says to Dominick who nods.Donte yells"BLACKOUT"as Dominick Summons and hops on Hyoga before shackling Gladius in ice chains.Before Gladius can react,Aka makes white feathers fall all around Gladius which then starts to turn into light before hitting Gladius all around his body"DONTE,DOMINICK NOW"Just before the feathers stop hitting Gladius Donte dawns his twin black katanas and activates his shadow mode"BLACK SLASHING BULLET"Donte shouts before dashing into Gladius hitting him with a barrage of slashing attacks.As soon as Donte finishes his attack Dominick follows it up"shattering impact"he says as he dashes into Gladius with a cold blue fist before striking him in the chest sending Gladius flying across the mountain range.As Gladius flies across the mountain range,Donte drops to his knees and breathes heavily as reality around him fades from black to white.Aka runs towards Donte and kneels with him"Hey...Hey are you ok?Speak to me"Aka says in worry while Dominick stands from a distance"I-I'll be fine Aka don't worry"Donte says while struggling to get up.Just as Donte is about to get on his feet,Gladius comes launching from the other side of the mountain range and attempts to strike Donte but Aka parries his attack and Counters his blow with her light spear.Just as this happens Donte falls on the floor in pain,the air gets thicker as he falls to the ground,Shadows start to expand and twist in a frenzy"AGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH"Donte yelps in pain as his mind is going blank and all he can see is black as he rises from the ground after shortly losing consciousness.Shortly after he rises from the ground he looks around him and lays his eyes on Gladius,deeming him a worthy opponent and utterly BLITZES Gladius knocking him out and making a rabid animal like smile as he notices Aka and Dominick looking upon him.Aka and Dominick shrink back in fear as they bear witness to the bane of destruction,the calamity and his god like power.

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