Chapter 2: Awakening

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The four friends wake up on a very tall building they all wake up at the same time when they wake up lucas says"man where are we i feel awful"dominick replies"last thing i remember was we went under the lunch table to protect ourselves from that earthquake"Donte adds on with"then some crazy light beam teleported us to this place....wait WHAT THE HELL WHY ARE WE SO HIGH"madison says"Donte what are you talking abo-WHAT THE FUCK"then out of nowhere someone speaks"you all have been called here for a greater purpose"Donte replies with who said that this is weird"the stranger replied with"im sorry allow me to show myself"then a golden light appeared in front of the friend group then the light materialized into a golden buddha this buddha then says"hello young ones you see i have chosen you four to protect your city my greatest enemy devadatta has realized he couldn't beat me so he is trying to get stronger by taking the life force of humans and adding their strength to his owns and i am growing weaker by the day its going to get to the point where he will be able to beat me quite easily so i need your help i beg you young ones please"the whole friend group was in shock it took them a little while to process this after thinking about it they decide to help him but Donte says"im all for helping you but how in the hell are we going to help you fight a being that has super human powers what are we going to do"the group agrees,then the buddha replies with"i will grant you powers in fact you should have been feeling the effects of your powers earlier allow me to explain lucas you know that strength and energy youve been feeling all day"lucas replies with "yes i have it feels weird"the buddha explains"the power i have granted you is that you can use that energy to make a sword that you can control with your mind plus you have increased strength, now dominic you know that feeling you have in your body like a cold liquid coarsing throught your veins"dominic replies with"yea i have"the buddha then says"the cold liquid is now your blood your body has evolved to be able to conjure ice from you body so basically you have cryokinesis"dom replies with "cool"Madison starts
freaking out she then starts to say"OMG I'M GOING TO TURN INTO AN ANIMAL THINK ABOUT IT I WANTED TO BITE SOMETHING HARD ALL DAY I'M AN ANIMAL"then the buddha cuts her off"no nonsense you won't turn into an animal i won't ruin a ladies face your teeth was just transforming i kinda made you a vampire i thought that would suit you know since you always wear black and leather. so you basically have the powers to Create other vampires,Flight,Misting,super Strength,Hypnosis,Change in size or dimensions,Control of animals,Scale walls,Transformation and to Drain life force.all of these abilities get stronger the more blood you consume BUT i will only allow you to take blood from devadatta's army or his followers now for you Donte your power is the power of darkness that's why you were feeling dark earlier.....well darker than you usually are your powers are to Absorbing/Negating light,teleportation through moving of shadow,controlling other people through shadows,telepathy,the ability to make a dark mist,immunity to illusion,your also able to make weapons out of shadows and know what never mind you'll find that out later."after he explains their powers the buddha says"i know you must be happy that you have powers but they are not activated yet to activate them you need to jump off of this building to test your courage and once you meet halfway down the building they will activate if you refuse to jump then your powers will fade before you even get to use them now whose fir-"he gets cut off by Donte who yells"WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO" while jumping off of the building they all look down to see him free falling with a smile on his face while laughing,he's enjoying this he likes doing reckless things,anyway as Donte is falling down he is thinking about his life his once boring life is about to vanish and his new life is about to blossom anew and just before he hits halfway to the ground he whispers to himself "Sayonara taikutsuna jinsei"just as he says that he's enveloped in darkness teleporting him back to the top of the building but when he gets teleported back he comes back with black transparent wings his pupils blackish gray his body surging with power even though his power was raging his appearance was calm,focused then he just says "im back" the other three friends are amazed and the buddha is smiling and says"who's next"dom volunteers to go next, he jumps and goes through the same process as Donte does but he gets enveloped in ice and comes back with icy blue eyes and white hair.the next one is madison she gets enveloped in bats and comes back with sharp fangs bat wings and crimson red eyes but then she realized that she doesnt need her glasses somehow gaining her powers cured her eyesight the next one was lucas he was hesitant but he jumped he didn't get enveloped in anything in fact he landed on the ground but it didn't hurt at all and he jumped back on the building his eyes were beautiful they resemble satoru gojos from "jujutsu kaisen" but they were gold,when they all have gained their powers the buddha says"now that most of you are awakened lets begin shall we?".

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