Chapter 20: the mission commences

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Neivhor is sitting on his throne thinking to himself,thinking on how he can become the best adversary the best antagonist.He sits on his throne in helheim and while Gladius walks up to him and asks"So what's our first move"Gladius says while kneeling as Neivhor smiles reaching an answer"Yes....YESSSS I got it I know what I must do....I'll destroy every realm in existence yes that'll make me the perfect antagonist."Neivhor looks at Gladius who is still kneeling"now let's return to earth,I have something to take care of there..heh"Neivhor then flicks his hand making a portal to earth"my powers are rising by the minute,no by the second heh that's good"Neivhor says while walking into the portal with the 4 generals.They arrive at earth where the end up in the abandoned building where Neivhors old servants were"LOOK THE MASTERS BACK" One of the servants say as they all clap in admiration while Neivhor looks at them with a smirk"I'm happy that you all have missed me but unfortunately your time has run out,for the sake of my role perish...."Neivhor signals the women general and she walks forward as Neivhor speaks"Malca makes sure you finish it with a BANG make it noticeable" Neivhor says to Malca as her long white hair starts to grow.Just then she plunges her hair into the ground then they sprout out as multiple spikes stabbing each and every follower of Neivhor killing them instantly.Malcas sighs " that flashy enough"she says while looking at her hair that reaches the clouds as Neivhor responds"yea it's enough,shit maybe a little too flashy..."he says as the building collapses around them"now we shouldn't be tha-"Just then a black streak crashes in front of them and when the dust clears it shows none other than Donte whose there with an unhinged smile"finally....some fun"Donte says as his tongue falls out his mouth.flashback a couple minutes and the group is still sitting in their temple"UGHH IM SO BORED"Donte moans while still on akas lap as she slaps him on the head"Shut it you,we can't do anything right now we have no information"Aka says while Donte starts to get walk towards Dominick"Dom you wanna spare or something I'm so bored"Donte says while walking towards Dominick who is sitting with Lana"Hell yeah let's spare I can finally beat your ass Let g-"Dominick is interrupted by meru"UM HELLO WHY ARE YOU GUYS ACTING SO CALM.WE NEED TO FOCUS AND BE PREPARED FOR ANY MO-"Just as meru is about to finish speaking they all hear a building collapse in the distance and without any hesitation Donte smiles and blasts off in that direction as Dominick yells at him"YOU IDIOT WAIT FOR ME,GRR LUCAS LETS GO.AKA,MERU,LANA YOUR BEHIND US"Dominick then runs out of the and jumps as he summons Hyoga landing on him with Lucas"OK HYOGA LETS GO"They then make haste as they follow Donte to the building.Back to the present,Neivhor is staring at Donte who is smiling and slightly shaking"why is he shaking is he nervous no that's not it he's....excited???"just as Neivhor finishes thinking to himself Donte rushes at him with his daggers but Gladius gets in the way of Dontes attack and tanks it then kicks him away in the sky but Donte flips and sprouts his wings gaining control again in the air as he comes to a stop.As soon as Donte regains control Malca appears behind him and stabs him in through the arm with her hair making him fall onto the ground.Donte stands and touches his arm where he discovers that a hole has been ran through his arm"hehe"Donte chuckles to himself as he looks at the blood"man how I've missed's pure ecstasy"Donte says as his eyes roll back.Donte then blasts off into the sky and kicks Malca into the clouds as Gladius hits Donte in his back with his hammer cracking Dontes spine a bit.Donte flies into the building and sits in the hole he just made in it"man I would love to fight all of you by myself but right now your gonna have to deal with him"Donte says while smiling as Dominick comes from the sky"FLASH FREEZE DEATH BEAM"Dominick yells as Hyoga release an ice beam,freezing everything in a 10 mile radius.Dominick lands next to Donte and hits him on the head"YOU DUMBASS DON'T RUN OFF LIKE THAT OR YOU'LL GET KILLED YOU IDIOTTTTTTTTT"Dominick yells as Donte snaps back"YOU CALL ME AN IDIOT BUT YOU JUST BLINDLY FROZE EVERYTHING FOR LIKE TEN MILES"Donte says angrily while Lucas jumps Down and stops them"can you guys calm down we have an enemy in front of us I say let's worry about that"Lucas says while starting to conjure his sword.Aka Lands in front of them and attempts to heal Dontes spine but gets interrupted by malca who rips out a couple of hair strands and hardens them before throwing them at the group"BLACKOUT"Donte says before the whole area gets enveloped in a shadowy mist.Dontes attempts are futile though because Gladius strikes strikes the ground and disperses the mist"Foolish attempt"Gladius says before striking Dominick who tries to block the attack with his scythe but it breaks due to the impact"shit he's stronger than my ice...that's not good"Dominick thinks to himself before getting struck with the hammer again on his side and being knocked into a building as it collapses around him with Dominick knocked out.Meru tries to help Dominick but she gets strangled by Malcas hair"A succubus huh...I haven't seen one of your kind since the slavery days"Malca says as she stabs Meru in the stomach with her hair rendering Meru unconscious.nearby Someone is sitting on a building watching them as they fight"Man they have gotten stronger but I may have to help them get out of this.awww man I wanted to hide my secret a little while matter"This mysterious person sits on the rooftop waiting for an opportunity as the teens keep fighting.Neivhor sits back and watches them fight as he talks to the other two generals"you guys want a little action or do you just plan on waiting"Neivhor says while the other two generals just stand there deeming the situation unworthy of their strength.Lana attempts to fight but Donte quickly stops her"no Lana you stand no chance just stay back"Donte says as he dashes towards Gladius but malca catches him mid dash and restrains him as Gladius strikes the ground again causing earth spikes to stab Donte leaving him out for the battle.Lucas strikes Gladius and it actually knocks him back a bit"between me and him our physical strength difference isn't a lot"Lucas says to himself as he goes for another attack but before he can land it Malca shoots hair shards in his back parallelizing him for a short time but it was just enough time for Gladius to knock him out with a hammer strike to the head.Lastly there's Aka who tries to shoot light beams at them but Gladius just jumps through the light beam taking the damage and strikes her with his war hammer,sending her into the ground causing her to break her ankle and knocking her out for the fight"it looks like i overestimated your group's strength,now I can just kill you"Gladius says as his hammer begins to glow green.He raises his hammer into the air and is about to thrust it on to the ground"Alright IT'S GO TIME"Just as Gladius is about to strike the earth a golden flicker dashes through them as if it was a blinding light that they couldn't see and this flicker of light strikes Gladuis and send him into a nearby building.The golden aura fades and the person is revealed to be none other than sun wukong"PRAISE UP TO THE LIGHT OF THE SUN FOR I THE MONKEY KING HAS ARRIVED"Wukong yells to the sky as Malca approaches him trying to stab him with her hair but wukong points his finger at her"Freeze"he says as Malca becomes unable to move a muscle while Wukong follows this spell up with a blow from his staff.Wukng knocks malca away and and looks towards neivhor and the other two generals with his eyes glowing the same color as the sun"now..who wants to battle the strongest"wukong says as Neivhor starts to sweat a little from the pressure.Neivhor wipes the sweat off of his head and quickly dashes to grab both of his generals"Make a portal to the monk realm"Neivhor says to one of his generals while he Carries two of the generals.Before walking into the portal Neivhor looks back at Wukong and smiles"I'll be sure to deal with you next time we fight"Neivhor quickly says before walking into the portal.The enemies are gone and the heroes have been left utterly destroyed.Wukong runs to Aka first and helps her walk"Aka are you ok? Can you heal yourself?"Wukong says in worry as aka responds"Yea I'll be fine just give me a sec to heal this ankle"Aka says while engulfing herself in warm white light.This light soon fades before she runs off to Dominicks direction and heals him.As soon as Dominick regains consciousness he springs up in a worried panic"MERU,LANA ARE THEY OK?"Dominick says,looking into Akas eyes with an expression that can only be described as a pure concern.Aka then tries to calm Dominick down"I haven't healed Meru yet but rest assured that Lana is safe and my healing powers should be enough to save meru"Aka says with a smile on her face but Dominick has no patience"AKA PLEASE HURRY AND HEAL HER DAMN IT YOU SHOULD HAVE HEALED HER FIRST GO GO"Dominick says as Aka takes flight and hurries to meru who still has a hole in her stomach.While meru is unconscious she begins to dream about herself standing in a dark space where she looks around and sees nothing"HELLO....IS ANYONE THERE"Meru calls out but no one answers her.Just as meru is about to walk she stops because something is restraining her movements"AGH" meru says as she falls and looks back to see her leg is chained down to the floor.Upon seeing this merus clothes suddenly gets turned raggedy and dirty as Loki comes out the shadows of her mind"Don't be afraid little one..i'll make it all better"Loki says with a sinister smile on his face as he begins to slowly walk towards meru preparing to grab her"NO NO YOU WONT.STAY AWAY FROM ME PLEASE!"Meru yells at the top of her lungs but it does nothing as Loki still is walking.Loki is about to grab Meru she suddenly wakes up to see herself in the temple with everyone else sitting around her in worry"huh..where am i?"Meru says while Dominick quickly hugs her before anyone can say a word"Don't scare me like that.."Dominick says as everyone looks at him confused.He realized what he has just done and quickly breaks the hug between him and Meru"I MEAN i'm just glad your ok"Dominick says before walking to the couch blushing a little bit but it wasn't noticeable to anyone else.Aka walks over to Meru and takes her hand" ok?you were crying in your sleep"Aka says as Meru quickly shakes her head and smiles"OH i'm fine,just a bad dream""Meru says,putting up the peace sign with a smile.Dominick sees this and makes an confused face as his thought gets interrupted"Yea she's not fine.I should know,i'm a girl myself"Dominick gets cut off by his god talking in his head"Tengliu,i thought i told you to stop randomly speaking in my head like this...its creepy"Dominick says as Tengliu bickers back"well what am supposed to do just knock on your head and say oh i'm gonna speak now?"Tengliu says as Dominick stands and responds"...fair point"Dominick says while walking towards Lana who is sitting with Lucas"Well Lana what are we doing now?"Dominick asks as Lana makes an annoyed face"I don't know.maybe we should ask him"Lana points at Wukong who is laid back on his cloud and eating a banana.Wukong then throws the banana peel in the garbage and jumps off of his cloud"Well why don't we catch a bit it's been a entire year cmonnnn"Wukong says as everyone looks at him with a confused look on their faces"....Fine I guess we can save that for later then.Anyways I heard him say Something about the monk realm when I beat them so....LET'S GO".Wukong then opens a portal before enlarging his cloud so everyone can ride on it"Ok so it might take us a while to get there due to the monk realm having impeccable defenses ever since...the demon incident that hagane told us about"Wukong says as everyone gets on his cloud before it blasts off in the golden portal.The group is traveling to the monk realm in silence when Dominick addresses the elephant in the room"So are we not gonna question how he just beat those villains with ease because last time I checked he couldn't even save a realm from being destroyed while Donte could soooo yea that doesn't add up"Dominick asks before wukong begins to laugh"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Well yea I wanted to tell you guys that I might have been holding back severely during that whole Devadatta situation.I could have easily beaten him on our first encounter I could have beat him with light breaking a sweat HA"Wukongs says as Lucas stands up in a fit of rage"So you're telling me that....YOU COULD HAVE SAVED US ALL THAT TIME AND EFFORT INTO BEATING DEVADATTA"Lucas begins to walk towards wukong but Donte stops him in his tracks"Lucas stop I'm sure he has a good reason for not beating him so soon"Donte says as wukong begins to explain himself"The reason on why I didn't use my full power is pretty simple really just wasn't my fight.This is your guys fight and it's gonna stay that way I'll just be here to help you if your lives are truly in danger"Wukong says before he gives them a reassuring smile.Lucas sits down and turns his back to wukong as Donte starts to speak"Ok i respect that but just promise me to let no one die"Donte says as he sits down next to Aka and asks another question"So how long would it take us to get to the monk realm and why would Neivhor even want to get there"Donte says as Wukong smiles and responds"Well the monk realm has great defenses but I am the almighty monkey king so it shouldn't take as long to get there as everyone else.We should be arriving in 3....2....1"Just as wukongs finishes his countdown the group is met with blue skys and temples sitting on the clouds with water streaming down from them"WOAH how big is this place"Lana asks with her eyes sparkling as she sits on Dominick's shoulders"Think of a realm as an infinite space but just filled with things.He who made the realm can add anything to it and has full control over it a realm has no beginning or end.nevertheless WELCOME TO THE REALM THAT LEADS TO MANY REALMS"Wukong says as Aka makes an confused face"What do you mean Realm that leads to many realms?"Aka asks wukong as he answers"You see the monk realm is different from other realms.The monk realm has direct access to other realms it's the place holder for the tree that holds them".Wukong says as they descend onto a cloud in the middle of the realm"so um are we gonna question the fact that we're standing on A LITERAL CLOUD"Dominick says as he stomps on the cloud testing its density"These clouds are created from the magical energy of the one who made this realm So they're bound to me sturdy"Wukong says as he begins to walk away"Let's go meet the head of the monk realm to tell them why we're here"Wukong says as he continues to walk away.The group begins to walk deeper into the monk realm when Donte begins to speak while jumping from cloud to cloud"I'm pretty let down I was expecting to see like millions of monks but right now it seems bori-"Just before Donte finishes speaking a group of monks come racing towards the group on little clouds"DEMON,ATTACK"One of the monks yells while charging at the group.Donte and Dominick dawn their weapons"I DONT KNOW WHATS HAPPENING BUT ATLEAST IM NOT BORED"Donte says before Dominick responds to him"LETS DO THIS"Dominick says before they both blast off in the direction of the monks.The two boys start hacking and slashing at the monks until they eventually get overwhelmed and they both get held down by the monks"the one with the white hair is safe but the one with the black wings is the demon...kill him"One of the monks say as they pick up Dominick and pushes him into the rest of the group."What now are you gonna kill me or are you just gonna stand there"Donte says with a smile as the monk responds"Your lucky your getting a quick death.A demon like you doesn't deserve that treatment so consider This mercy"The monk says before he raises his hand as it begins to glow gold.The monk is about land the blow and kill Donte when he is interrupted"STAND DOWN MY SERVANTS"Someone says as Donte looks up in the sky to see Someone riding a metal bird.This person drops down infront of Donte and kneels down to his face"Did you miss damned demon"The person says as Donte smiles"HAGANE HOW YA BEEN"

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