Chapter 8:Recouping

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Donte is walking back to the temple area while Kage is carrying an unconscious Shinku with a solidified shadow plate that he made since Donte couldn't carry shinku due to the effects of the battle"I hope nothing happened to the team while I was fighting Shink-AGH my body feels like it's on fire"Donte drops to his knees but gets up shortly after,fighting through the pain limping his way there.Donte eventually makes it to the temple area and sees the team waiting there and looking worried Donte is relieved that they are all safe and walks towards them"Hey gu-" before he can greet them he passes out from exhaustion but before he can fall on the ground Aka runs and catches him"that was close oh my god I'm so glad you are ok" Aka says while holding Donte.Buddha smiles"Well looks like he had it in him he really took down one of the five guards
of chaos I'm curious on how though I'll have to ask him later"After the group recuperates Bhudda teleports them back to the living realm and he locks up Shinku in a golden cage of light.Aka goes to Dontes room and puts him in bed after healing him"Ok since I've healed him he should wake up in about 30 minutes or so"After putting Donte down Aka walks back into the common area meeting up with the team to interrogate Shinku.Shinku is sitting down in the cage when the team shows up to ask him questions"Looky here isn't it Buhhda and his little servants the red haired girl the ice guy I haven't met you two yet and.....wait where's the kid that beat me"Aka gets annoyed"We will be asking questions the question here or have you forgotten that you are the prisoner here"Shinku snickers"ooh feisty but I would watch my words girl I'm still stronger than you"Buhdda interrupts them"Ok let's cut to the chase what's devadattas plan why is he so hell bent on killing these kids"Shinku smiles"it's because he wants your life forces obviously I remember him saying something about your life forces have more value because your strong which would benefit him might be wondering why I'm telling you this so easily it's because you won't be able to stop him as the way you are now you all will die hahahahaha all hail devadatta hahahaha"Dominick gets annoyed at this"Can we shut him up or something he's really getting on my nerves"He turns his back towards Shinku"Wow look who's acting all tuff last time i checked you couldn't do anything to defeat me heh"Dominick lashes out"ID ADVISE YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE YOU REGRET IT"Dominick conjures an ice sickle and starts walking towards the cage but Lucas stops him in his tracks"Wow man calm down remember we can't kill him control yourself"Dominick shrugs Lucas's hand off his shoulder"Whatever"Dominick says before he walks off into the training room.The team continues to ask shinku questions while Donte is still unconscious.Donte is having some sort of dream he's walking in a pitch black area"where am I"Donte says while walking around looking confused"We're in your mindscape don't be afraid you're safe here...well your conscious is"Donte looks behind him and sees a dark shadow outlining a person"Who are you and why are you in MY mind?"The shadow figure puts his hand up"You'll find that out later your not quite ready to know who I am but nevermind that AWAKE"The shadowy figure snaps his fingers and Donte wakes up in bed with a cold sweat breathing heavily"HA..ha..ha ok that was freaky who was that figure and how in the hell did they get in my mind....I'll worry about that later I have enough on my plate with devadatta and his five guards chaos"He rests his head down on his bed"Wait who put me here the last thing I remember is walking towards the group and Aka running towards me..I'm guessing she healed me and put me here to rest I'm gonna have to thank her later but for now I'll rest some more"Donte goes back to sleep.A couple hours pass and Buddha is talking with Aka after sending Shinku to a prison realm since the team didn't know where else to put him"Aka you know that thing I wanted to talk to you about...well the time has come"Aka sits down across from Buddha in the common room"Ok hit me with what you got"Aka says to Buddha"Ok well Aka there are two reasons you are on this team one you have to take down devadatta and two is to stop Donte from succumbing to the power of his darkness you see Aka the reason I gave you the power of light is because you are the opposite of Donte your the light in his dark Dontes power is incredible yes but if he fails to harness it correctly his mind can be shattered turning into the heartless beast killing anyone in his path like....a demon but you aka can stop that you can stop him if this ever happens I could have chosen anyone but I chose you because you are very close to Donte in a romantic sense"Aka blushes"W-What d-do you mean romantic sense"Buddha laughs"Cmon it's obvious you like him but enough of that I have one more thing to ask you...will you be my successor you see I don't have much time left I can feel Devadatta getting stronger and while he's growing I'm shrinking I'm afraid so I need a successor and I choose you I will teach you everything I know about light powers since I have the same powers as you but my light is golden while yours is white"Aka pauses and takes this all in before coming to a decision"if I want to protect my friends and the one I love I will do anything it takes for me to get stronger so yes Buddha I accept being your successor"Aka puts her hand forward and Buddha shakes it making it official"Ok Aka it's late so you should get to bed our training starts tomorrow and just to warn you it won't be easy ok"Aka nods and walks towards her room to get ready for bed.Meanwhile Donte wakes up again thirsty and walks into the common room looking for something to drink and sees Buddha"Oh your up from your nap are you feeling ok"Buddha says to Donte as Dontes takes a water bottle from the fridge"Yea I'm ok Thanks to Aka healing me-oh yea I need to thank her where is she now Buddha"Buddha smiles"Oh she is in her room but she might be in the middle of- you know what nevermind you can go ahead and thank her"Donte gives Buddha a confused face as Buhhda walks out the common room.Donte walks towards Aka's white room and stands in front of the door"ok here goes nothing"Donte opens the door and sees Aka in her bra and underwear getting ready for bed.He stands there frozen unable to move as Aka yells"AHHHH Donte GET OUT OF MY ROOM YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOCKED"Donte slams the door and apologizes"Aka I am so sorry I didn't mean to I swear please don't be mad if it makes you feel any better you look gre- nevermind I'll shut up now"Donte gets up and awkwardly walks towards his room and buries his head in his pillow"that was too stimulating"he says as his nose begins to bleed a little.He wipes the blood off of his nose and walks to the training area where he sees Dominick training with Hyoga"Hyoga we need to get stronger we can't let anyone surpass us not even Donte"Dominick says after sitting down in front of Hyoga.Donte stands there not being noticed by Dominick listening to him"Well if you're striving to get stronger guess I'll have to do the same....huh well would you look at that it's like we're rivals heh that kind of its excites me for some reason"Donte says under his breath as he walks away towards his room.The next morning the team assembles in the common area trying to determine their next move.Donte walks in the room and looks at Aka who immediately looks away with a blush on her face.Donte sits down"Ok guys what's our next move now that we know that the five guards of chaos are after us and wants to take our life force"Buddha sighs"I honestly don't know young one"Dominick stands up"I'm sick of hiding like cowards we should be out there bringing the fight to them"Buddha tries to reason with Dominick"We can't do that and you guys are strong yes but not as strong as them yet we don't even know how Donte defeated Shinku"Donte cuts Buddha off"I'll tell you how I did it".The group turns to Donte in curiosity"Ok well when I saw Aka get attacked by Shinku I remember me getting mad and shadow particles was starting to emit off of me and suddenly I was faster,stronger than I was before and next thing I knew I was in front of Aka blocking the attack Shinku tried to hit Aka with"Buddhas eyes widen when Donte says this"Donte you said that you got stronger correct"Donte nods"Donte I think you somehow converted your shadow energy and dispersed it throughout your body increasing your physical capabilities by A LOT.C'mon we need to train the little trick of yours and see what you can do with it".Buddha and the team walks in the training room where Buddha tells Donte to stand in the middle of the room while Buddha constructs guns made of light at the other end of the room."Ok Donte activate your shadow technique now and once you do I will fire the guns and you will have to dodge it testing your reaction speed..and oh just to be clear these bullets travel at light speed".Donte closes his eyes and thinks of Aka getting hurt and starts to get mad channeling his anger he activates the shadow mode and gets in position.Just as quickly Donte got in position the bullets fired towards him he successfully manages to dodge one of the bullets but is scrapes his arm and he falls on the ground.Aka runs towards him"Jesus Christ Donte are you ok that looked like it hurt a lot"Aka says while healing Donte"Don't worry I'm fine I managed to not take the brunt of the force though"Donte says while smiling."Good work Donte if you keep this up your stamina as well as your reaction time will increase dramatically.My assignment for you is to keep this up for the rest of the day ok.Dominick you stay here with Donte I want you to work on being more creative with your ice structures make them more complex it might prove helpful in battle everyone else come with me".Everyone else follows Buddha out of the training room while Donte and Dominick train.Lucas is meditating in his room while Madison is punching her punching bag in her room that she had Buhdda install for training purposes.Buddha takes Aka to the roof of the temple"Aka here is where you begin your training you will sit on top of this roof and focus on the light that is shining on you.Doing this will enable you to absorb the light energy and store it inside you making your body able to handle large amounts of light energy while also making your light attacks more effective against enemies.We will need everything we can get if we're going to fight Devadatta and the five guards of chaos".Aka nods"Ok Buddha let's get to it"She sits down with her legs crossed and begins to try and absorb the light energy around her.

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