Chapter 5: New recruit

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Lets time skip two months later. The friend group and buddha learns that devadatta is making henchmen out of sand with a power he has so the friend group has to patrol the city everyday stopping the henchmen from taking people to steal peoples life force for devadatta.The friend group has gotten really use to their powers they basically are experts at using them now anyway while the friend group is training/sparring in the training room buddha interrupts them and explains that the time has come for our fifth member to join the team and they get teleported to the same building they were teleported to when they first got their powers.lucas says"Wow what a blast from the past this is"Donte adds on with"Yea it feels like just yesterday we were here"Buddha responds"yea i've watched all of you grow so much but sadly my time with you is coming to an end"he says while looking away Dominick is confused and asks"what do you mean by that"buddha responds to this"Later young Dominick for now it's time to welcome our new recruit"The groups decides its best to put this off later.Just then an earthquake happens and a beam of light lands on the top of the building and a person appears in it which is none other than Aka the whole group is jaw dropped except Donte he on the the other is hand smiling very hard and his eyes look like they are sparkling.Buhhda then explains that Aka is now ready for this life,since that day in the school she always wanted to help fight these bad people in any way she can so buddha thinks she's the perfect person for the job.Aka looks confused and turns around to see Donte,madison,Dominick and lucas standing there"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE"Aka shouts Donte says calm down and he explains that she's been chosen to aid us in battle against devadatta"So you were the people that saved the school"Donte responds"yes it was,you said that you would do anything to help out now you have your chance will you join us Aka"Donte puts out his hand so she can grab it"Yes i will"Aka replies."So how will i help you"Aka asks"Well you'll get powers like us and help us fight devadatta and his subordinates"Donte replies"Wait you guys have powers??"Aka says with a surprised look on her face.The group all activate their powers at once and Aka skippers pack surprised,she looks at Dontes wings and her eyes sparkle"OMG YOUR BLACK WINGS LOOKS SO COOL"Donte blushes and replies"Thanks hopefully you'll get wings too"he says"So do i have powers now i feel completely normal"Aka asks"well not yet you'll have to do one more thing"Donte says while taking her to the front edge of the building"you'll have to jump off the building and once you get to the half point your powers will activate.....wait what are your powers"Donte says buddha replies to this"Well i was going to get to that but you two was in your own world"Donte and Aka blush to this statement"Her power is the power of light you will be able to Bend light and/or shift light particles,Light energy manipulation,healing capabilities,you'll also be able to make light weapons."Huh the opposite of me huh this ought to be interesting"Donte thinks to himself,Aka on the other hand looks excited and she looks like she's ready to jump off of the building and buddha just looks proud that she has not hesitation.Then not even 10 seconds later Aka jumped off the building free falling and smiling just like Donte was,when Aka got to the half point she got enveloped in white feathers and when she gets teleported back up her eyes are glowing white with white wings on her back and a smile on her face"This is so awesome"Donte replies"Yes it is it'll feel weird at first but you'll get used to it"Donte tells Aka"now let's get back to the temple so we can train!!!"Aka agrees and slowly flies behind Donte on the way back to the temple.While they fly to the temple buddha,madison,Dominick and lucas all think at the same time"Did they forget we were here".They quickly follow behind Aka and Donte to the temple where they would all train to fight another day.After Donte is done Coaching/training Aka she got a good handle on her abilities like her flight and she is also able to make weapons out of light like Donte does with darkness Donte then has the idea to spar with Aka to let her experience combat,Aka is flying in the air when Donte yells"HEY AKA LETS SPAR"she flys down and says"sure i don't mind but i don't wanna hurt you badly"Donte laughs at her statement"Wow your confident for someone who just got their powers ok lets go"Madison yells at Aka"BE CAREFUL HIS PERSONALITY CHANGES WHEN HE FIGHTS"she nods her head signifying that she understands.Donte and Aka stands on opposite sides of the training grounds,Donte conjures up his shadow daggers ad Aka makes a light spear with her powers.Aka runs at Donte trying to stab him with her spear but Donte is dodging them quite easily while he is dodging he thinks to himself"she's fast for a beginner not faster than me though"As he thinks this he gets out of her barrage and flies back and says "how will you deal with ranged attacks"As he says this me makes shadow kunai and throws multiple at Aka.She dodges them all and says"Is that the best you got,Remember i take karate so i'm a little used to fighting" Donte smiles at this then he teleports in front of her grabbing her waist and pulling her face real close and says"You are such a gem"Aka blushes so hard that her face turns red and passes out at this from overheating.Madison rushes over to her and checks her to see if shes ok"IDIOT THAT WAS TO MUCH"she snaps at Donte"whoops my bad i got too carried away".

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