Chapter 7:Companions

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After Aka and Donte are done talking they head out of the training since they have trained enough for the day they head into the main area where they find buddha and the rest of the team waiting for them."Umm why are all of you just sitting here and it looks like you guys are excited like very excited"Donte says with a confused look on his face"well young one they are excited because I decided to give you guys a kick in your power i'm going to take you into the realm of all buddhas to give you guys sacred animals kinda like familiars you will each have one familiar to aid you in battle but remember to be kind to them or they will lose loyalty to you and end up attacking you ok" The team all agree and then buddha snaps his fingers teleporting them to a place where there are golden temples everywhere and a big forest where the trees are huge with different regions like a dark area,a ice area,a real creepy area and a......castle which is really out of place but the group just decides to brush it off"woah this place looks amazing almost majestic"Lucas says to the group"So my young ones you will go into the region which fits your power and that's where you will find your animal friend oh and please try not to die it can be very dangerous in those areas".When bhudda is done talking he snaps his fingers and they all get changed into their hero suits then they all disperse but Aka remains"uh Bhudda I don't see anywhere that correlates to my power"Buhdda smiles"Don't worry you'll come with me to that temple"He points to the biggest temple in the realm and they start walking.Donte is running towards the dark area in the forest"hmm I wonder what my familiar is going to be like I Hope its strong"as he says this the sky turns black and the trees turn purple"huh I guess I made it now to start looking around"Donte walks around the area and sees a variety of shadow like creatures but none of them seem to call out to him but then he sees a shadow wolf like creature that's emanating a light shadowy mist from its body.Donte tries to get close to it but when he does it runs away"Tch its running away but I'm not giving up that easily" Donte sprouts his wings and flies after the wolf trying to catch it but it's fast like really fast so Donte has a hard time catching it.The wolf runs up a mountain and Donte flies after it upon getting to the top of the mountain the wolf is sitting there but when Donte gets close a huge golem appears from the ground and attacks Donte.Donte manages to dodge"for a big guy your pretty fast heh" Donte pulls out two shadow daggers from his shadow"Lets see how you handle THIS" Donte rushes at the golem slashing at its legs denting at its rocky exterior,the golem then punches Donte in the air when Donte is in the air the golem jumps up and slams him back down into the ground"AGH....damn he's fast and strong my daggers don't do anything to him maybe I'll have to bust out that new thing I've been trying"while Donte is thinking to himself the golem slams down trying to hit Donte but he backflips out of the way.Donte then rushes at the golem"DARKNESS FRENZY"Donte takes his twin daggers swinging them at high speeds coded with his shadow powers to make them do more damage but the golem is just standing there unfazed.The golem punches Donte to the side making him lay flat on the floor"Oh well looks like I'm gonna have to do my new thing at least no one will be able to see it I wanna keep it a surprise"Donte thinks to himself as he's on the floor he then stands up"well golem looks like our battle here is about to end it was fun"Donte says while dropping his daggers back in his shadow.Donte dips his hands in his shadow then pulls out two shadow katanas"these katanas are way more powerful and faster than my daggers but exert a lot of energy so I'm going to have to end this quick now BLACK SLASHING BULLET"Donte disappears in a blink of an eye then appears behind the golem as he puts away his katanas the golem breaks apart and falls to the ground"Hmph looks like you couldn't handle where is that wolf oh your right there"Donte says looking at the wolf who was there the whole time.Donte slowly walks up to the wolf thinking that it's gonna run again but surprisingly it didn't it was just there wagging its tail in happiness Donte goes up to the dog and pets it"so what do ya say bud wanna be my Familiar"after hearing this the wolf jumps on Donte licking him in the face"OK OK stop your tickling me so I guess that makes us partners then ummm wait what do I call you"the wolf tilts its head"I guess I have to come up with a name for you hmmm OH OH OH how about kage"the wolf smiles and barks at Donte"Well kage it is then"Donte says to kage.Donte goes to pet kage but when he does a tattoo of a purple flame appears on kages forehead completing the familiar pact"well I guess we should head back huh kage"Donte says to kage as they start to head back towards the location of the temples.Now we are with Dominick who is walking around in the ice area yet to find a familiar he likes"oh my goodness where are the strong animals I've seen polar bears,penguins,ice wolves but none of them fit my desire for power plus I need a strong familiar if I'm going to beat Donte I'm not going to let him surpass me."Dominick keeps walking until he gets to a misty frozen lake he stops and looks around"it doesn't look like anything's here but then again I can't see anything because of this damn fog"Dominick turns to leave the area but then hears a loud roar he is curious so he runs in the direction of the the sound.He runs further into the lake to see a huge dragon with ice scales on it"YES THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I NEED"The dragon roars causing a shockwave to hit Dominick knocking him down to the floor"Looks like ill have to beat you in battle to tame you ugh this is gonna be exhausting"Dominick conjures up two ice sickles and charges at the dragon slashing at the ankles of the dragon.The dragon then takes flight and starts to shoot Dominick with its ice breath"ICED SHELL"Dominick raises his hands and an iced sphere forms around him protecting him from the ice breath but the iced shell starts to crack so he lowers it"that ice breath is no joke now I have to tame you"Dominick makes an ice pillar underneath him propelling himself in the air making him able to reach the dragon.Dominick climbs on top of the dragon"alright now for this"he makes an ice chain around the dragon's neck steering him into the ground crashing him into the lake but before they land Dominick jumps off of the dragon"Why are you so angry let's chill out look I'm not here to hurt you I only did because you forced me to but I won't fight anymore"He walks towards the dragon laying on the floor and rubs its head"will you join me in our journey to save well humanity"the dragon starts to stand but can't because of its injured ankles"here I'll help you"Dominick goes the dragons ankles and ices up the cuts"there now you should be able to walk"The dragon gets up and slowly walks toward Dominick and lays its head down showing trust"well looks like we came to an understanding"the dragon gets up and shrinks down to the size of a large dog"wow I didn't know dragons could shrink in size ok let's head back to the temple area....wait what do I call you hmmmmm you look like a Billy"the dragon starts to growl"ok calm down I'm joking it has to be something fierce something intimidating hmm OK I GOT IT how about Hyoga"the dragon jumps on top of Dominick"ok I guess that name will do"Dominick says while laughing ok let's head back to the others now.We are now with aka and buddha who is walking towards a temple"aka what I'm about to tell you is important the reason why I gave you the power of light"Buddha tells aka as their walking"I thought you just chose me at random and the fact that I was willing to help people was just a bonus to be honest"buddha laughs"Hahahah no nonsense I chose you for a reason if you weren't on this team it would fall apart but I'll tell you the rest when we get to the temple"just then the ground starts shaking and the sky turns red then a red crack appears in the sky and it sets ablaze"UHH BUDDHA WHAT'S GOING ON WHY IS THE SKY RED WITH BURNING CRACKS IN IT"Aka yells at buddha out of fear"I don't know Aka just stay close"buddha calmly tells aka.Someone then falls out of the sky he has red crimson hair with a red outfit on he lands in front of buddha and aka"hmm this place is smaller then I imagined it to be looks like I did a number on the place though my apologies buddha"the red hair stranger says to buddha "who are you and why are you here in this realm matter of fact how did you get here"the red hair stranger smiles"allow me to introduce myself I am Shinku one of the five guards of chaos that serves devdatta he sent me here to kill you both and take your power for his"Aka gets mad and walks out of behind Buddha summoning her light spear"looks like that talk is going to have to wait buhdda"Buddha has a worried expression on his face"Aka I don't think you can take him he's...very powerful one of the five guards of chaos they are the top henchmen that serve devadatta and the most powerful said to have no remorse for their actions"Shinku smirks"looks like someone did their homework I'm flattered you know so much about us but I'm the only one that's here today but enough with the chitchat NOW DIE"Shinku takes a step and appears infront of Aka with a crimson fire sword that he conjured up he's about to hit her when Donte appears infront of Aka blocking his attack with his daggers"I don't know who you are or what's your deal but if you lay a finger on her ILL KILL YOU"Donte says while blocking his attack"DOM NOW"just then Dominick appears in the air riding his ice dragon"TAKE THIS HYOGAS ROARR"Hyoga shoots his ice breath towards Shinku freezing his body in place"Ok aka and buhdda get out of here me and Dominick will handle this guy Madison and Lucas are waiting for you at the place we teleported at when we first came so hurry NOW"Donte tells Aka and Buddha"wait Donte we can't leave you here with him he's to strong"Aka says to Donte worried but Donte smiles"Don't worry I'll come back to you ok"Dominick cuts him short"Donte let's end the goodbyes it looks like he's breaking out of the ice so get ready"The ice starts to break filling up with red cracks that starts to burn"ok Aka buhdda GO"Donte tells them two and they both start running off.Shinku then breaks out the ice"hmph that was a cheap trick frosty you'll pay for that with your life"Shinku says while wiping ice off of him"I'm getting a bad feeling about this guy Donte this might be our toughest battle yet"Donte nods"what Dom you scared this is what we signed up for"Dominick chuckles"nah I'm just making sure your good well let's do this"Donte yells out"KAGE"Dominick does the same thing"HYOGA" they both yell out at the same time summoning their familiars to their sides as Shinku laughs"what your gonna fight me with a mutt and a dragon HA"Donte snaps back"Don't I underestimate us trust me this'll be fun HAAAAAA"Donte and Kage rushes at Shinku slashing his daggers and Kage trying to bite and scratch him with his claws bathed in shadow essence but Shinku is clashing with Donte with his crimson fire sword"DARKNESS FRENZY"Donte unleashes a barrage with lighting quick dagger strikes not hitting Shinku but knocking him back"NOW DOM"Donte yells out as Dominick drops from the air with his ice sycthe"WORLD OF ICE"Dominick slams his sycthe on the ground making multiple ice spikes come from the ground in attempt to hit Shinku with them but he manages to dodge all of them"Hmph you two aren't half bad I underestimated you but it won't be enough now die crimson spider"Shinku makes crimson flames come out of his finger tips stabbing both Donte and Dominick in the leg."ACK"Donte and Dominick yell out as they get punctured in the leg by the crimson fire"Damn he got us it was to fast to dodge Donte what do we do"Donte starts to think and analyze Shinku"Ok from what I gathered he's fast judging from when he tried to attack Aka i managed to block him before the sword made contact with her but I don't know how I did it I remember feeling mad and I just sprinted there".Flashback to when Donte met Dominick and they started to walk back to the temple area"So Dom how did you find a dragon that's so cool"Dominick snickers"I'm just so powerful that the dragon was drawn to me"he says while smiling confidently"O...k let's just hurry back to the temple area I want kage to meet everyone"Donte says to Dominick as their walking to the temple area.They are about to get there when the sky turns red and has cracks in it upon seeing this Donte and Dominick runs to the area where the cracks are"Donte what the hell is going on it looks like the sky is falling apart"Dominick says to Donte while running"I don't know what's going on but we should hurry quick I don't want anything to happen to aka,madison and Lucas"Donte says with a worried look on his face as he's flying towards the area with the crack in the sky when they get there they see shinku,aka and buddha. Donte is about to rush at Shinku but Dominick stops him"Wait Donte don't be reckless let's wait a bit before anything happens and see if we can see what his powers are so we can have the upper hand" Donte gets mad but agrees"Fine but if anything happens I'm going out there"Donte says while seething with anger but something strange happens shadowy mist starts to emanate off of Dontes body and when Shinku rushed at aka he seemingly teleports in front of aka blocking shinkus attack.Flashforward to the battle Donte has an idea"Dominick I have an idea you just have to buy me some time and kage you help him ok"Dominick nods"ok I'll try but make it quick this guy is no joke"Dominick kage and Hyoga rushes at Shinku attacking simultaneously while Donte stays at the back with his eyes closed focusing"ok Donte you got this focus your shadow energy let it engulf your body"While Donte is trying to focus Dominick and Shinku are trading blows"AHAHA WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU TWO I'LL GO KILL THAT RED HAIRED GIRL NEXT"Shinku screams while he's clashing with Dominick.Donte Hears this and gets mad"What did you say YOU KNOW WHAT TO HELL WITH THIS I'M GONNA KILL YOU"As Donte is saying this his body starts to emanate shadowy mist again and he blitzes towards Shinku punching him in the chest knocking him a few meters away"NGH That was a pretty good shot kid looks like you have more than meets the eye ok playtime's over time to get serious"Dontes eyes glow black"I couldn't agree more"Donte says as he takes two shadow katanas out his shadow"Dominick get going at this point your only going to get in my way"Dominick refuses"Hell no your not gonna take this away from me your not having all the action"Donte sighs as he takes control of Dominick's shadow then throws him far away to the temple area"You sure you wanna do that kid taking your friend out of the fight wasn't a good idea no matter your still going to die then I'll just go after him and your little friends"Donte gets mad at this statement"shut up the only one who's dying here is you"Shinku smiles at this"MAN YOUR GREAT I'M ITCHING TO KILL YOU"Shinku rushed at Donte attempting to hit him but Donte clashes with him they start to continuously attack each other clashing at lightning speeds but Donte ends up slashing Shinku in the stomach"AGH what the hell is up with this kid he wasn't this fast or strong before"shinku says with a pained expression on his face"Ok kid looks like I'm gonna have to take it up a notch HAAAAA"Shinku starts to power up having crimson fire surround his body when he's done his eyes have red fire in them making his attack power and speed increase dramatically. he rushes at Donte who wasn't ready for this attack and slashes him in the legs making him drop to his knees"Well kid looks like your luck has run out I don't know what you did to make yourself faster and stronger than before but it really doesn't matter now does it"Shinku has his sword to Dontes head getting ready to deliver the final blow but as he's about to end it Donte yells"KAGE NOW"As he yells this Kage comes from his shadow and bites shinkus arm making him bleed ALOT"ARGH you damn mutt get off of me"he throws Kage to the side as Donte gets up and flies in the air"THIS ATTACK WILL END IT NOW TOTAL BLACKOUT"The area starts to fill up in black mist rendering Shinku blind"NOW DARKNESS FRENZY SKY FORM"Shinku starts to get slashed from all directions losing a lot of blood and he falls to the ground knocked out from blood loss.Donte puts down the mist and walks over to Shinku"look at you your all used I can end you"Donte lifts his katana getting ready to kill Shinku but stops himself but he's struggling to do so"stop...don't let the darkness take over....nghhhh" he manages to stop himself from killing shinku then he drops on his knees"ha....ha that fight took a lot out of me I've never fought this hard before I need to get back to the others and come up with a plan about what to do about this guy.

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