Chapter 1-4: The Most Fun Possible

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Still at the campsite, all the students of the clubs are setting up their tents.

One of the mine ghosts calls out, "30 minutes to go!"

Track Club

Deuce is reading the instructions, "Hmm... 'Ensure the rain fly is right side out, then pull it over the inner tent.' I'll have to be careful when I'm actually setting this thing up. All these steps are kinda confusing."

Setting up the tent, Jack is frustrated, "Every time I pitch this tent, it ends up tilted 10 degrees to the right. I can't stand that it's not even. Sure isn't easy doing this by yourself. I've always had my family's help before."

Soon, one of the track members walked over, "Hey, Deuce. Jack. I know you two wanna set up the tents just right... But make sure to keep an eye on the time, okay?"

Yeah, you're right..." Jack and Deuce reply.

Deuce turns to Jack and asks, "So, Jack... Wanna work together? Make it a team effort?"

"Yeah, you took the words right outta my mouth," Jack says.

Meanwhile with the Spelldrive Club...

Ruggie asks, "So, Leona, what's the verdict on the tent Epel and I set up? Is it comfy enough for you?"

"I'd still prefer the campus greenhouse, but this is tolerable, I guess," Leona says.

"Great!" Epel happily says.

Ruggie snickers, "Shyeheehee. Good thing you have a pair of underclassmen who look out for their elders, hm? Speaking of—I gotta say, Epel, you're pretty good at this. Thanks for chipping in. Now let's get our own tents set up."

"Okay!" Epel says.

Watching the events, Briar and Grim watch the Spelldrive Club and Jasper watches over the Track Club

"Well, color me surprised. The Track Club and Spelldrive Club ain't havin' any trouble," Grim says.

"Yeah. they're doing great," Jasper says.

Meanwhile, with the Equestrian Club...

"All right, now we just have to tighten the ropes at the four corners and adjust the tent's balance," Riddle says to the group. He then turns to Sebek, "Sebek, could you tighten the corner opposite of mine?"

"Certainly," Sebek answers and pulls the rope, "...HNGH!"

Riddle cries out, "Hey! Don't pull so hard!"

"Couldn't you give it more oomph, Riddle?" Sebek says.

"I'm giving plenty of oomph, thank you very much! Talk about brute strength..." Riddle shouts.

Seeing this, Grim laughs, "Myahahah! Riddle looks like he's playin' tug o' war—AND LOSIN'! This is way different than him callin' the shots at Heartslabyul.

"Grim, don't be mean to him. And shouldn't you be helping Briar watch over the Spelldrive Club," Sereia says.

Soon, they hear a ghost call out, "15 minutes to go!"

At the Basketball Club's location...

Floyd is struggling to set up the tent, "Hmm... Nah, this yellow tent's not doin' it for me. I'mma go grab a red one," and begins to reset the tent.

Jamil calls out, "Hold on, Floyd! Are you seriously about to redo your entire tent?!"

"Uh, yeah?" Floyd says, "If I'm campin', I wanna have the most fun possible. You could stand to pick a brighter tent yourself, Sea Snake. Beige is so vanilla. Am I right or what, Crabby?"

"Nope, don't drag me into any of this!" Ace says.

Jamil sighs, "I question whether the Basketball Club can last the whole three days out here."

Tanzanite is watching over and Grim is standing next to him.

Grim frowns, "Jamil's always gettin' run through the wringer by his dorm, and his club ain't lookin' much different... Some of these clubs are doin' a real shabby job with their tents. Are they gonna be okay?"

"I'm not sure. It's only the first day so we have to wait," Tanzanite says.

Just then, they hear Vargas shouts, "Aaand, TIME!"

That's when everyone stops and has their tents set up.

Vargas then observes the tents from the different students, "A few tents look a little lumpy, but aside from that, you've all managed to set them up. All clubs pass. Barely."

Sebek scoffs, "Hmph. The Equestrian Club's pass is well deserved, but I wonder if Coach Vargas isn't going too easy on the others."

"So far so good for the Spelldrive Club... I think," Epel says.

Deuce is relieved, "Phew... The Track Club managed to assemble all our tents in time."

Jamil is exhausted, "The Basketball Club made it... right at the buzzer..."

Then Vargas announces, "Now that you're all warmed up, it's time to go over what you'll be doing at this camp. So listen up and listen good!"

That's when everyone turns to Coach Vargas' attention and wonders what he has to announce.

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